Shifter’s Surrender (6 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Dellerman

BOOK: Shifter’s Surrender
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Kaylie peered around the room, waving goodbye to three patrons exiting the cafe. Now the cafe was empty, save Kaylie and Tess. Perfect.

Kaylie lowered her voice, aiming for a husky, yet audible tone. “So. Since we don’t know for sure how long the mating heat lasts, let me ask you something else. Was the sex better because you craved it all the time? Or is sex with a shifter the way to go?”

Thankfully, Tess had finished her salad and had nothing to choke on. “What?” She squeaked out.

“And the orgasms? I mean mine have been out of this world the last couple of days.”

Slack-jawed, Tess only stared at Kaylie who continued on as if she was chatting about the weather. “Seriously. I’m curious as if my substitute pales in comparison.”

Suddenly out of the kitchen came a roar that was followed by a harsh and loud
as something hard met something immovable. Tess jumped up just as Dolen was heard to bellow out, “What the hell is going on?”

Unable to hold back a smirk of female satisfaction, Kaylie grabbed Tess’s arm before her sister could run to the rescue. “Relax, Tess. It’s nothing for you to worry about.”

“Dammit, Kinigos, what the hell burrowed up your ass?” Dolen’s voice faded and a door slammed shut.

Tess turned accusing eyes to Kaylie. “Did you know Dean was back there?” At Kaylie’s too innocent look, Tess shook her head. “You have no idea what you’re playing with.”

Kaylie quirked a brow. “Fire?”

Settled back in her seat, Tess glared at her sister. “More like you just pulled the pin out of a live grenade. Dean is already one shifter teetering on the edge of sanity, and heaven only knows how much more he can take before falling into that abyss. You messing with his emotions like this will only push him faster.”

“Well if I don’t push, I’ll be dead before he starts anything between us. I know he’s interested but he’s extremely resistant.”

Sighing, Tess bowed her head. “Maybe there’s a reason for that.”

Kaylie narrowed her eyes. “What do you mean?”

“Maybe,” Tess’s voice was so low that Kaylie had to lean over the table again. “Just maybe, he doesn’t feel worthy of you.”

“What male really is?” Kaylie tried to joke, but her pulse hammered at what her sister was trying to say.

Tess tilted her head up, and glared. “Dammit, Kaylie, I’m being serious. Dean’s got a past, a past that’s made him hard. When I first met him I thought ‘this man is a killer’ and I didn’t want my baby sister anywhere near him. But over the months, working with him at the lumber company and seeing him with his pack and as the town mayor, I’ve come to understand that his hardness is a shell. A very thick shell to be sure, but I’m betting that it’s there to protect him from being hurt, or from accidentally hurting others. He’s tough and unforgiving when he needs to be, and he’s taken on some seriously dangerous responsibilities that I would never desire. He really does give a damn for this town, and we all need him. But between the haunts from his past and the current pressure he’s under from his pack, this town, and now you, he’s on the edge. Please don’t push him over.”

Well, that was unexpected. Properly put down, and feeling an eensy bit sorry for her childish behavior—but only a little damn,
, it—Kaylie kicked at the table leg. “I don’t want to push him over. I just want him.”

Tess reached across the table and took Kaylie’s hand in her own. “I know. But you need to take it slow and careful. Which,” she added before Kaylie could speak up, “I know goes against your very nature. But in the end, maybe you can bring him back from the brink, and maybe,” now Tess’ eyes twinkled, “just maybe, he can tame you.”

“I don’t need to be tamed,” Kaylie grumbled.

Tess gave a very unladylike snort, turning the seriousness of the conversation into a more comfortable sibling badgering. “Please. You’re brash, impulsive, a daredevil, and you take way to many chances.” She squeezed Kaylie’s hand when she tried to tug it away. “But never think I’m not proud of you. You’re so smart and caring and brave. But it’s the impulsiveness and risks you take that worry me, and Mom.”

“Oh, don’t even pull the mom card.” Kaylie glared at her sister.

“I’ll do what any big sister needs to to make sure you stay alive.”

Kaylie managed to get her hand away and dug through her purse. “I need to get back to work.” She glanced up and noted Tess’s eyes lingering on the menu board above the cafe’s counter. “You’re not seriously still hungry, are you?”

A flush crept up her sister’s face and she bit her lip.

“What?” Kaylie asked. “What’s wrong?”

Tess looked around the empty dining room. “I … Don’t say anything to anyone, but I … I think I might be pregnant.”

Kaylie’s jaw dropped. “Seriously? That’s fantastic! And really quick. Holy cow. If so, you’ll need to move up the wedding. Have you taken a pregnancy test? Are you ill in the morning?”

Tess blinked at the rapid questioning. “You are such a freak. No, I haven’t taken a pregnancy test because I don’t know if they will work on shifters and no, I haven’t had any morning sickness.”

Kaylie set out money and a fat tip for her half of the bill. “You’re right. A human urine test may not work, but a blood test will.” She paused in putting her wallet away, noting belatedly the deliberate silence from Tess. “You should see Dr. Chavez. Jacklyn? She works mainly with the shifter populace, and any lab work is done in-house.”

Tess glanced briefly away before returning her eyes to Kaylie’s with a hint of desperation. “I don’t really know her.”

“All you need to know is that she’s a good doctor. Confidentiality and all that.”

Tess didn’t so much as move a muscle, just sat there staring at Kaylie. Knowing what her sister wanted, Kaylie made a point of scratching her chin in resignation. “You want me to do it?”

Tess bit her lip in concern. “Could you? I mean, is that even ethical?”

“Well,” Kaylie stood up slowly and slid her purse strap over her shoulder. “Considering you are actually part dog, I think it will be okay.” Laughing as Tess sputtered and threw a spoon at her, Kaylie bounded for the door. “Come by my clinic after you get off work and we’ll go from there.”

Feeling her positive mood restored after the sibling jab, Kaylie stepped out into the sun and headed back to work.

Chapter Seven

On Thursday, Kaylie decided not to head home or to Dolen’s for her lunch hour as was her usual routine. Instead she drove to the Woodcliff Lumber Company. She could tell herself that this visit was necessary to inform Tess she wasn’t pregnant, but that could have been done over the phone. No, her main goal for the personal call was to apologize to Dean for acting like a bitch, and she dreaded it. Not for saying she was sorry. That wasn’t a new concept to her. She was afraid once she saw him she’d forget everything else and just pounce. She
wanted to pounce. Just wrap her legs around his waist and hold on tight. Even though she’d taken care of herself last night, her body was so aroused, so sensitive to every touch, she actually hurt. Her tummy felt tight, her breasts ached, and she was so swollen and wet between her thighs her panties were damp. The sensations were not happy ones, considering she knew relief wouldn’t be coming any time soon. No pun intended. Even if Dean was overcome with lust, she doubted he would be able to help in this regard. No man had ever given her that kind of pleasure before. She’d always had to take care of it herself, when she was alone.

She pulled into the nearly empty parking lot of the lumberyard and just sat a moment, staring at the huge red brick building.

What felt like a million butterflies danced frantically in her belly as she exited her car and made her way to Tess’s office. At the door she peered in to see her sister standing at a bank of filing cabinets, flushed with love and admiration, Kaylie grinned. Here was the international model, adored and slathered over by millions of men, now wearing comfortable jeans and a pretty blue and green print blouse, filing paperwork like a normal human being.

“Hey, sis.”

Tess never even glanced up, no doubt hearing Kaylie or, Lord help her, smelling her coming from a mile away. “What’s up? And don’t even think of trying to get out of helping Mom make the pies for this weekend’s fair. You already wiggled out of booth duty for Saturday so you can go play in a dank, dark cave.”

Kaylie leaned against the doorframe with a smirk. “Just the morning. Besides, I’ve been helping Mom for years. It’s time you pulled your weight.”

Tess shut a metal drawer and opened another, throwing her sister a piercing glance over her shoulder. “Bite me. I can’t believe she roped me into this. One minute I’m emphatically saying no way, and before I know it I’m anxious to help out. I never even saw it happen.”

“It’s some kind of mom thing.” What a perfect segue. “Uhm, speaking of moms …”

Tess stiffened for a split second before she spun around to face Kaylie, her hazel eyes wide in shock? Fear?

Kaylie didn’t have the heart to drag out the moment and simply shook her head.

“Oh.” Tess’s shoulders slumped and she leaned back against a closed file cabinet. “Well, I guess that’s a good thing. I’m not married yet, and I’m just not ready to have kids. Or pups, or whatever. Really, I’m not.”

Kaylie blew out a breath. Tess was attempting to hide her disappointment but it was too evident. Walking over the carpeted floor, Kaylie wrapped her arms around her sister’s tense body. “I think you’re closer than you’ve ever been.” She pulled back slightly and smiled. “And there’s absolutely nothing better than trying again and again. And again.”

That earned Kaylie a half smile. “After Caleb and I are married.”

Kaylie stepped back and gaped in mock shock. “No sex until you’re married?”

Now Tess laughed. “Good God, no. I meant no condom after we’re married. Maybe. I don’t know. I just …” She shrugged and looked away. “I can’t understand why I’m so bummed about not being pregnant. That’s nuts, isn’t it?”

“No.” Kaylie shook her head. “It’s not nuts. You’ve met your mate who also happens to be the love of your life. Now you want to start a life with him, which usually includes the house, the dog, and the two point one kids. It’s normal. You’re normal.”

Tess turned away, shut the last drawer, and said, more to herself, “Finally normal.” Then, with graceful ease, she went back to her desk and typed something on her computer. “I’m meeting Caleb for lunch and I don’t want to be late.” A flush crept up her face and Kaylie knew what “lunch” entailed. “Did you just come by just to tell me the no news, or did you have something,” she cocked her head at a closed door and gave Kaylie a glare, “else to do here?”

Kaylie rolled her eyes. “Yes, woman. I have something else to do here. Is he in?”

“He is. And he’s a bit testy today, which is why his door is shut. I wonder why that is.” Another glare as Tess retrieved her purse and stood up.

“I’m going, all right?” Kaylie hissed as Tess came around the desk and body butted her towards Dean’s office at the far end of Tess’ spacious one.

“Let him know I left for lunch and will be back in an hour or so.”

“Fine,” Kaylie said as Tess sailed out the door, closing it behind her. Crap. Now Kaylie really had to talk with Dean.

Straightening her shoulders she walked over to Dean’s door and tapped quickly, before she lost her nerve.

There was a pause before she heard Dean say, “Enter.”

Swallowing hard, and clenching her thighs at her body’s immediate and throbbing reaction to his voice, Kaylie turned the knob and pushed the door open. The smile she’d plastered on nearly faltered at Dean’s stone cold face. Only the heat blazing in his green eyes gave away whatever emotion he was feeling.

Kaylie cleared her throat. “Uhm, Tess left for lunch and she asked that I tell you she’ll be back in an hour or so.”

Dean stared at her moment, his amazing eyes flickering once and then closing off. “Thank you. Is that all?”

“Ah,” Kaylie shifted uncomfortably. Her body screaming at her to do what she feared. Pounce. “Nooo. I’ve ah …” Ah hell.
. Just do it. “I’ve come to apologize.”

He blinked, eyebrows drawing ever so slightly up in surprise. “Apologize? For what?”

Kaylie looked over her shoulder at the empty outer office, considering. While it was lunchtime, anyone could pop in, and Kaylie didn’t want any interruptions, or anyone to overhear such a private conversation. She shut Dean’s office door and then leaned back against it, for support. “I knew you were in the kitchen at Dolen’s yesterday.”

A muscle bunched in Dean’s jaw and Kaylie now noticed the death grip he had on the plastic ruler he held in his hands. “Your point.”

Once again she cleared her throat. “I said what I did to try and get a reaction out of you.” There. Done and over.

The ruler snapped in half. “Which part, Kaylie? The better orgasms or the ‘substitute’?”

Kaylie looked away, scratching a nonexistent itch over her lip. “Both actually.”

The sound of his chair hitting a wall forced her eyes back to Dean. He stood still behind his desk, his chest rising and lowering with every deep breath. Heat tingled through her veins. God how she wanted to run her hands over those muscles. To press her lips against his bare skin and taste his flesh. All her girl parts answered with a resounding “yes!”. She would have taken a step away, to gain some distance from the force of her attraction, but her back was already against the door.

“So now that I’ve apologized. And as I know I’m a mate you don’t want,” boy did that admission hurt, “I’ll leave you alone.”

Despite the protests of her body, she turned away. Before she could open the door, hands pressed into the wood on either side of her shoulders. “I don’t think so.”

Though Dean wasn’t touching her, he was so close that she could feel the heat radiating from his body. The urge to lean back against his length was so acute her body actually shuddered as she forced herself to remain still. “What?” Her voice trembled with excitement, and not a little apprehension.

His lips were at her ear, his voice low and husky. Each breath, whispered over her sensitive flesh, raised goose bumps. “Yes, you are my mate, but you’re wrong that I don’t want you.” He closed the distance between their bodies, and she could feel the hard ridge of his cock pressing insistently on her ass. His heartbeat pounded at her back, so hard she could feel it as if it were her own. More heat flared within her until she felt scorched.

“I want you so much I ache. I want to touch you everywhere.” His tongue was a warm, wet seduction at the fluttering pulse on her throat. “To take you over and over again until we’re both so used up we can’t move.”

Sounded good to Kaylie. Really good. Where did she sign up?

“But I can’t claim you as my own, Kaylie.”

Her eyes flew open. When had she closed them? “I don’t understand.” She turned her head to see his face. His own eyes were closed, his features sharp, as if he were in exquisite pain. She twisted around to get a better look.

The strong lines of his throat moved as he swallowed. Then he slowly opened his eyes, desire and agony apparent in their glittering depths. “I can give you what you need, but I can’t give you what you want.”

“And just what is that?”

His face hardened. “I can give you release but I can’t give you my affection.”

When Kaylie comprehended what Dean meant, she narrowed her eyes in fury. “Are you trying to tell me that I’m good enough to fuck but not good enough to date?”

When he didn’t deny her words she ducked under his arm, her movements jerky and uncontrolled. “That’s a horrible thing to say.”

“Nevertheless, it’s true. I don’t have what it takes to be a proper mate.” Something clawed long and slow into wood, possibly to drown out his muttered, “And if you truly knew me, you wouldn’t want me even if I did.”

Some of her anger dimmed as she caught his words. Arms crossed over her heaving chest, she wracked her brains. So, Dean was confident enough in his sexual abilities but not in his emotional ones. It brought back her sister’s words from yesterday; Tess’s theory that Dean had a past that was the source of his regrets. Regrets that were enough to purposely shove aside any chance for a happy future? Did he feel unworthy to that level?

We’ll just see about that
, she thought with determination as a plan formed. He didn’t have the right to take this away from her without even trying. Damned, stubborn wolf.

“Really,” she drew the word out in derision. “But you think you can bring yourself to ease me through the mating heat?”

She heard him suck in a breath behind her. “Yes,” he said so quickly she nearly smiled. Typical male. But she was a typical woman. She didn’t orgasm easily.

Kaylie cast a sly look over her shoulder. “Then I have a proposition for you.”

“And that would be?”

“Well.” After scanning him from head to toe and back again, she flicked her eyes away as if dismissing him. An action he clearly didn’t approve of if the low rumble she heard was any indication. “A bet actually.”

She never heard him move but suddenly she felt him at her back again. “A bet?” He paused as if thinking it over. “And what exactly does this bet entail?”

Nerves mixed with excitement, making it hard to stand still. “As much as this pains me to say, I will need a man to take care of my, hmm, needs lets say, until this initial heat passes. You think you can provide it.”

“I don’t think,” he growled out. “I know it.”

Kaylie made an unbelieving sound in her throat, thankful he wasn’t facing her to read the mischievous glee in her eyes. “So here’s the deal. If you can make me come before you do, then I’m basically your bouncing buddy for the next week or so. There’ll be no public interaction between us that would give away what we’re doing behind closed doors, no entangled emotions, and no ties to keep us together once the heat has run its course.”

Dean slipped into her line of vision, making her gasp with surprise at his silent move. “I’m assuming that’s my side of the bet. What is yours?”

Her voice dropped to a whisper. “If you come before I do, then you not only take care of my physical needs, you act like a proper and caring mate for the duration. That includes dates, public interaction as a couple and an affectionate attitude.”

Dean swung away for a moment and when he turned back his face was unreadable. His piercing eyes focused on hers for so long that she felt stripped to the bone. His nostrils flared, as if drawing in her scent to remember for all time. Then a decidedly wicked smile curved his lush lips, sending alarm bells to shriek in her head. Slowly, he began to circle her smaller frame, inch by purposeful inch, coming close but never touching. The green of his eyes began to burn to amber, a sign of heightened awareness, or that of his wolf slithering to the forefront. His movements could only be construed as feral, possessive, knowing. His every step made it clear to Kaylie that he knew he could take her at any time he so desired.

His voice altered, becoming quiet, low and seductive. The sound of it seemed to crawl under her skin and take erotic root. “Sweetheart, you’re so close to the edge you won’t last three minutes once I’m inside your delectable body. Are you sure you want to make this bet?”

She drew in a ragged gasp and cast her eyes downward. “If you’re so confident of yourself, why bother trying to talk me out of it?”

Once again he was at her back, and Kaylie couldn’t see Dean’s features, but she did sense a new tenseness in him as he tilted his head down and brought his mouth close to her left temple. “I am always in control sweet Kaylie. I can last for hours while I make you come until your body simply gives out. You’ll be limp, exhausted, and so sated you won’t care what wicked act I do next. I’ll take you in positions you’ve never heard of, and in ways no substitute could ever manage. I’ll take my time between your creamy thighs, kissing and sucking and licking every delectable, juicy inch. Then maybe, just maybe, I’ll ease your ache by slowly slipping my finger into your clenching body. And you’ll come for me, Kaylie. You’ll come all over my hand. And once you’re good and slick,” the wicked words paused as he shifted his lips to her other side, keeping her off balance, “I’ll rub my cock through your cream, spreading your arousal. Then I will penetrate that tender opening, stretching the swollen folds of your pussy until you’re begging for all of me.”

Kaylie nearly begged for all of him right then. She’d underestimated him. Licking her lips she realized, belatedly, that Dean did know what he was doing, using explicit words to trigger her brain into imagining him doing all those things he’d said to her. Raising her arousal to a fever pitch without even touching her. Her body was shaking now, and she thought—with the tiny part of her that could still think—he might be right. She might not last three minutes once he buried himself to the hilt. But right now, who the hell cared?

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