Shifting Magic (Shifted) (14 page)

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Faith asked looking a little green.

Willow. She saw what we were doing.”

She is good.”

don’t call her the Oracle for nothing.”

Will seethed in his hiding spot
behind a van parked close to the vehicle the women had arrived in. There they were chatting about the Oracle. A human and some nothing she-wolf from the clinic. Howland had one thing right. The Cheveyo pack was diluting the blood of his ancestors while risking the pack by allowing Humans to know of their existence.

Circle around. We have them trapped. This is almost too easy,” Will laughed as he gave the command through a head set. His team was rough. They were a motley crew, quick to anger. He just hoped this went down smoothly. He would hate to have to explain any accidents. Then again, Howland had said to bring them in. He hadn’t said to bring them alive.

ina?” Faith muttered, feeling the presence of several wolves in the remote corner of the parking garage.

Four,” Nina answered. “When we get to the car, lock yourself in.”

not leaving you.” Faith didn’t know how much help she’d be, but she was sure splitting up was a bad idea.

Isn’t that touching? The little wolf protecting the human,” a voice echoed in the large space. Both girls whirled around to see a man they didn’t recognize. He stood at least six foot with dark hair. His face was hidden in shadow.

, the car,” Nina commanded pulling her service revolver from the waist band of her jeans.

Now now, that is not necessary. I just want to talk,” the man cooed as if speaking to a child.

Then talk,” Nina answered as she stepped in front of Faith.

o brave little human. I can see why the alpha family would keep you as a pet.”

no one’s pet, wolf.”

“That’s not the way I see it.  I think it’s time to take a little trip. There is someone I’d like you to meet.”

“ Howland?”

y my, you are well informed aren’t you?”

is he doesn’t like humans so give me one good reason that I shouldn’t shoot you right here and be on my way.”

give you four reasons. Boys,” Will said as three grey wolves came out of the shadows.

he Cheveyo’s will kill you. You know that, don’t you?”

one human? I doubt it. Besides, they won’t know will they. You’ll just disappear.”

“I don’t
plan on disappearing.” Nina knew full well she had the ability to do just that. Disappearing now would leave Faith unprotected. She would wait until they led her to the rest of the pack and Howland for that little trick. “Faith, get in the car.”

Faith. That’s right. I almost forgot you were here hiding behind a human. What would Ranger think of that? The Alpha’s girl cowering behind a human. This is rich.”

growing tired of your banter… um… what did you say your name was?”

I didn’t,”

Fine then. I’ll just call you Howland’s lackey.”

no one’s lackey, human.”

Keep telling yourself that,” she taunted him while still backing toward the car.

take them! If she shoots, rip her throat out.”

The wolves closed in
on Nina as they shoved Faith toward the car. She needed to get Faith out of the way so the wolves would take only her. Sending her energy out, she manipulated the exit door to the mall so it would seem as if someone was coming. Will turned toward the sound. The diversion had the desired effect. His heart rate increased as did the heart rate of the wolves.

Nina allowed herself to be driven back toward a van. “Alright
, alright.” She stepped inside, shoving Faith one final time toward the vehicle. She had warded the car so that once the she wolf was inside, she would be safe. Three wolves snapped at her. She was sure the coven members her father had called were near. She just hoped they would wait for her to get to her next destination. So far so good.

Nina heard Faith scream. Damn
. She hadn’t gotten to the car. The screaming had the wolves even more on edge as Faith was tossed in beside her followed by three huge wolves who vibrated with rage.

I’m sorry,” Faith cried looking at Nina with wide eyes. Guilt filled her mind. She had been so focused on getting Howland that she hadn’t considered Faith in all this. She was sure they would let her go if only to report to the Alpha how they had taken the human.

Shit,” Nina muttered. She had been too focused on ending this charade and getting on with living as a mated wolf. Now she had put Faith in danger. “Some enforcer I’d make.”

Three naked men replaced the wolves in the small confines of the van. They looked even more menaci
ng than they had in wolf form. One of the wolves had red rimmed eyes. Nina knew what that meant. Ryder had the same red tinting around the edges of his blue eyes. A reminder of what happened if you deny your mate.

crew you got here,” Nina called to the man she assumed was Will. He fit the description June had given Faith.

her up,” he growled as the van sped through the underground and out into the late afternoon.

Nina saw the blow coming
. She knew if she stopped it, it would give away her abilities. Faith was quiet. They probably wouldn’t bother with her. It was the mouthy human that had them all hot and bothered. The feral wolf’s fist hit her hard. She blacked out. Her last thought was of Faith and how she should have listened to Willow’s warning.














“They what!!!” Knight exploded. He had allowed his mate to continue the charade for now. It took all his will power to allow her to leave with Ranger. She hadn’t denied the bond.

Willow thinks they are trying to force Howland’s hand.” Royal shook his head. He felt helpless and his brother’s rage wasn’t helping.

“Why would they do that?”

“My guess is that they wanted this over with. Mated females can be a force to be reckoned with. You’ll learn there is no stopping them when they put their mind to something.”

think Faith did this because of me?” Knight roared.

“The why doesn’t matter? All that matters is getting the women back. I’m calling Malcolm. We’ll head out as soon as we know something.”

head out now, brother. I can’t just wait around and hope. My mate is out there and I’m going to get her,” Knight stormed out of the house. Royal knew there was no stopping him. If it was Gemma out there, he would do the same.

Ranger paced the area around
Nina’s car. The damn doors wouldn’t open, so he couldn’t even check inside. There was no sign of the women. The smell of Faith’s fear permeated the area.  His cell phone rang and woke him from the red haze he was wading through at the moment.

” he growled not bothering to check the caller I.D.

. Ranger, the coven tailed them. They are out past the airport on Route Five. White van, Florida plates.”

You knew about this?” Ranger raged.

When Nina sets her mind to something, there is no stopping her. You have a lifetime to figure that out. I will meet you there.” Malcolm hung up abruptly. Consoling the werewolf that was now his son-in-law was not going to help.


“Faith?” Nina was still groggy as the stark bulb above the bed she was in pierced the darkness.

Here,” Faith whimpered. Nina turned to see. Faith chained to the wall across the room. Lifting her wrists she noted that she was chained as well.

you hurt?”

“I’m okay.” T
he words didn’t sound convincing.

isten, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for you to get caught in this.”

volunteered remember? Don’t blame yourself.”

Nina pushed her awareness out until she felt the presence of shifters. “Any idea where we are?”

far. You’ve only been out for about an hour.” Faith sounded tired and scared.

Can you shift?”

. My arms are chained above my head and they collared me.”


Yeah. If I shift, it will choke me, and my arms will most likely break.”

“Nina twisted her head
. The pain was sharp, but there was no evidence of a collar. The room had one small bed that had seen better days they had Nina stretched out on. Faith was chained to the light fixture protruding from the wall. Nina allowed her awareness to stretch. She was trying to sense how many others were in the house.

“I feel about
Forty shifters in the house. Some are asleep. Did you see any of the others?”

, just the four that took us. I heard them say they were waiting for someone. Do you think it’s Howland?”

sure hope so. Listen, Faith, I’m going to disappear for a second. When I do, they might notice. I have to let down my shield to do it.”


. Only for a second. I won’t leave you.”

be careful.”

Nina didn’t respond
. She knew Faith didn’t really understand what she was doing. Her chains were tight, but she could dematerialize and then rematerialize back away from the bed they had her strapped to. At least she hoped she could. She hadn’t tried that little trick since turning. The energy she emitted would be felt by the wolves. Hopefully, the coven members had been able to follow. Her original plan, to blast the wolves to kingdom come and poof to safety, had been assuming Faith was safely in the car. Now she had to rethink her approach to protect her friend.

on her very essence, she faded into mist. Rearranging her very structure across the room. Faith gasped. “Wow, that was something.”

Now, let’s get you out of that collar.” Nina made quick work of the collar and restraints that bound Faiths arms. She saw a bruise starting on the woman’s cheek. “Faith?” She saw that the woman had more than one bruise.

I’m fine, but I can tell you, one wolf is singing in a higher register. It was worth it.”

don’t want you taking any risks. Knight just might kill me if anything happened to his mate,” Nina smiled. It was ironic that this woman was destined to be family. She was developing a health respect for Faith and her dedication to the pack.

will be fine no matter what. He may be my mate, but we haven’t sealed the bond. If anything happens to me …”

! Nothing is going to happen. Now listen, before someone comes down here. I can manage the door. You need to stay behind me. As soon as we make it outside, I need you to shift and run like hell.”

not going to just leave you,” Faith insisted.

you are. I can handle this. Plus, the coven might not be able to tell you’re not one of them if all hell breaks loose.”

, I...”

, I need you to do this.” Nina’s voice was commanding.

. Be careful.”

will. Now let’s go.”


“Stay here. We’ll be back,” Hank and Sam told the women gathered at the Alpha house. The others had gone on ahead. Royal had asked the two enforcers to secure the women on the off chance this was a diversion. Howland had to know he wouldn’t tolerate the women being taken even if he thought Faith was only dating Ranger.

goes, I go,” Emory said. She was still furious at the two for treating her like a child. She had trained with them. They knew she was an asset. Now, when the going got tough, they expected her to stay home? Not likely.

, listen to me. You have to stay,” Willow insisted.

Why? Did you see something? Do I get hurt or die?” Her words were harsh, but she was mad as hell.

, you don’t. Because you don’t go.”

“Want to bet?

you just have to stay, okay. The reason will be clear soon enough.”

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