Shock Advised (Kilgore Fire #1) (16 page)

BOOK: Shock Advised (Kilgore Fire #1)
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“Sounds good. Let’s do it,” Jack said. “I’ve been waiting for cookies all day.”

I grinned.

Jack was such a domesticated fool.

I couldn’t wait to be just like him.

Chapter 14

I didn’t choose the thick-thigh life; the thick-thigh life chose me.

-Workout Shirt


“Where are you taking me?” I asked worriedly.

Tai had been full of surprises tonight, starting with the flowers that’d been waiting for me at my mom’s place.

A huge bundle of roses and lilies.

“To dinner and a movie…you get to pick which one we do first,” he said.

I thought about that.

“A movie,” I said. “Dinner last.”

I had a reason for that.

I had what one would call a picky stomach.

I’d had my gall bladder removed about two weeks after I’d had Colt, and my dining experiences hadn’t been the same since.

Meaning my dinners usually went right through me.


I had to be careful what I ate, too.

I couldn’t have lots of sugar or my stomach started to fight with the rest of my digestive system, and I’d already downed a shitload of cookie dough.

So yeah, it was better to have dinner after the movie so I wouldn’t be interrupting it with my inevitable …

Problems that were embarrassing as fuck to begin with and humiliating to talk about – with anyone –let alone with the man I’d been sleeping with.

So there I was, halfway through the movie, and thirsty as hell.

I eyed the drink that Tai had bought for the two of us.

I looked at it so long that Tai took notice.

“Just drink it,” Tai said laughingly.

He wouldn’t be laughing later.

But I couldn’t resist.
I was thirsty!

I must have been dehydrated from all the crying I’d been doing over the last two days.

It was like I was going through it all over again. The memories were assaulting me from all directions.

And before I knew it, I’d drank nearly half the damn coke.


I put the cup down, thankful that we got free refills seeing as I had no control, and turned my head back to the movie.

It was a little unbelievable.

Then again, it was a movie about aliens…so, there was that.

Tai’s hand grabbed mine, and we held hands throughout the fifteen-minute car chase scene where the cops chased the badass alien around in his muscle car.

Tai’s hands were so big and capable, such a huge difference from mine. But what was amazing was that, despite the differences in our hands, we both used them in support of life – him saving lives and me helping to bring life into the world.

My hands had held many babies over the last two years, and I absolutely loved it.

I traced his fingers with my hand, running the pad of my thumb up and over the back of his hand absently.

It wasn’t until I’d been doing it for a while that I realized he was watching me.

“What?” I whispered, leaning closer.

He didn’t voice his answer, he just leaned over and kissed me soundly.

I smiled once he let me up for air.

“What?” I asked again.

He kissed me again.

I got the point then.

He didn’t want anything…just wanted to look at me.

So I let him, turning my head back to the screen.

But I leaned my head against his large, muscled arm, and enjoyed the hell out of the rest of the movie.

Except the sex scene.

, I didn’t enjoy.

Mostly because I was horny as hell and watching a man that supposedly had two alien cocks get it on wasn’t helping matters

Something that Tai caught on to when the alien and the heroine started getting it on.

Double penetration was never discussed, but it sure as heck was implied. I mean, he had two hard cocks…
how else was he going to satisfy both of them?

I felt Tai’s grip on my hand tighten when he noticed how much I was squirming and realized that I hadn’t been moving in my seat to readjust my position, but because the friction of my thighs pressing together felt so good.

“What are you thinking about?” He whispered down to me.

I didn’t dare lift my head.

If I did, I knew he’d see everything right there on my face, plain as day.

His hand moved slowly from its positon on the top of my knee, skimming up the inside of my thigh until he got to the tops of my thighs, where my pussy sat covered by my panties.

I was suddenly very thankful that I’d worn a dress on today’s date.

I’d specifically kept it unpacked with my usual clothes just in case Tai wanted to go somewhere special.

And this was special…I hadn’t been to the movies since I was fourteen.

And I hadn’t been groped in public since I was eighteen and out to a date with Johnny Reid, my high school crush.

But Tai had more skills in this department than Johnny Reid. Tai was a very sexual man, without even trying to be. He had my pussy clenching with just his hand resting on my bare thigh.

Maybe it was because I knew what those hands could do.

Maybe it was because he knew my body almost better than I did, and I’d been housing myself in it for twenty-seven years.

Regardless, all he had to do was run his long, work roughened fingers teasingly up the middle of my thigh, and I was panting.

By the time he reached the soaked panties covering my pussy lips, I wasn’t just panting anymore.

I was coming.

And it was embarrassing.

“Holy shit,” I breathed, blushing so furiously that I knew he could see it, even in the darkness of the theater.

I looked all around us, everywhere but at him, to see if anyone had noticed my out-of-body experience.

Thankfully, nobody had.

The big man a few seats down the row from me was still shoving popcorn in his face, completely engrossed in the movie playing on the screen.

The young couple directly in front of us was still so into each other that they didn’t care what was going on just a few feet behind them.

Tai’s hand tightened on my thigh, and I finally gave him my eyes.

“You…that’s all it takes with you?” He whispered roughly.

I blushed profusely again and glared.

He grinned unrepentantly.

I crossed my legs, leaning away from him, putting my weight into the other side of my seat’s handle.

He didn’t care.

He put his hand back on my thigh, then slowly started to work back up to the very top of my thigh, then back down again.

Jesus, the man was lethal.

I’d just come, and here I was, ready to go again.

I stiffened when on his next pass, he went up further than he’d gone before.

He went even further and curled his fingers underneath my panties, then he was lightly petting my hot, wet flesh.

He stopped at the backs of my thighs where my pussy was exposed, and sensuously teased his fingers along my slit, coaxing my juices out to cover his fingers.

Meanwhile, I was dying.

Literally dying.

I couldn’t make myself make him stop.

Couldn’t make myself force him to remove his hand.

Instead, I stayed exactly where I was, letting him torment me and wondering just how far he’d go.

We were in the very last row at the back of the theater, so there was nobody behind us to see what he was doing, and I hadn’t seen the man at the end of the row look over at me once.

His fingers stopped their playing, and this time they slowly entered me.


I was thoroughly scandalized by the time we were walking outside.

My panties were soaked. My thoughts were scattered. My pulse was racing, and my mind was reeling. Not to mention I was trying really hard to put one foot in front of the other.

My high heels, however, were making it nearly impossible on the noodle legs that Tai had left me with.

He was at my side though, keeping his arm around my waist, and I would’ve sworn his chest was puffed up like a fucking peacock.

Or maybe just a cock in general.

A dick. Yes. He was a dick.

A big old

A very thorough dick, but a dick nonetheless.

How could he just start doing something like that in a freakin’ theater, of all places?

I couldn’t even really yell at him, mainly because it would’ve just brought attention to our compromising position.

And if I was being honest, I mean, it’s not like I tried to stop him or even wanted him to stop, either.

I was a slut.

A big, fat,

“What are you thinking about?” He asked, feeling the tension in my body.

We got to his truck, which was parked in the very back of the lot, and I stopped, waiting for him to open the door for me like he always did.

He didn’t open it this time, though.

Instead he pressed up behind me, caging me in with his arms, while he waited for me to tell him what was on my mind.

So I let him have it…with both barrels.

“I am not that kind of woman,” I said.

“What kind of woman?” He asked carefully.

“A slut. A slut does those kinds of things in public without caring that other people are around,” I explained just as carefully.

He pressed himself further into my back and brought his mouth close to my ear.

“Did you enjoy it?” He asked.

I stiffened impossibly more.

“That’s not what …” he held his hand up to cover my mouth.

“Who fucking cares what other people think? If you enjoyed it, and I enjoyed it, then who gives a fuck?” he asked. “You need to learn to live life, Mia, without caring so much about what everyone else thinks.”

I stiffened.

“I’m a respected citizen of this city,” I said. “People know me. I deliver their babies. I can’t be doing that.”

He laughed humorlessly.

“So what are you trying to say?” He challenged.

I caught the edge to the words that slipped out of his mouth, and I paused, contemplating his question.

He was an even more respected, a well known member of this community.

He was a firefighter and dealt with the public daily. So that argument wouldn’t work.

I sighed.

“I’m a slut!” I burst out.

His body locked tight.

“You’re anything
a slut,” he said. “And I like the fact that just my hands,” he said, running those skilled hands from the bottoms of my thighs to the tops of my hips, “can make you that hot.”

Those hands did more than make me hot.
They made me wild.

I pushed back into the saddle of his hips, feeling the unmistakable hardness running along his thigh in the leg of his jeans.

I hadn’t realized that dicks actually hung to a side, I thought that was just a funny saying, but Tai’s certainly did.

Sweet baby Jesus, did it.

The area of the parking lot we were in went eerily quiet as the last of the cars from the last wave of moviegoers finally filtered out, leaving us in relative silence.

Except for my panting, that was.

Tai didn’t seem the least bit affected though, as he pushed forward with his hips and flattened his hand on my belly to grind his cock into me.

I leaned forward, resting my head against the cool metal of the truck, trying, without much success, to get my breathing under control.

He shifted back, pulling me with him, and opened the door.

He then whipped me around, gently pushing me backwards until my ass hit the floorboard, and then moved forward, as he bullied his way in between my thighs.

He stopped once my crotch was pressed tightly against the hard column of his cock…and his face was only inches from mine.

“God,” he said, bringing his hand up to the side of my face, studying every inch of me. “You’re so beautiful.”

I smiled timidly at him.

“I never…I…thank you,” I whispered. “You have no idea how much it means to hear you say that.”

He curled my hair around my ear, sweeping the rest back with his hand and holding it loosely at the base of my neck.

He moved slowly forward, closing the small gap between us, closing the distance between us with the utmost care.

When our lips finally met, I was so ready for him that I pushed forward, smashing my breasts into his chest at the same time my mouth opened and his tongue dipped inside.

He growled, gripping my hair tighter and pressing firmly in to me until my back met the side of the seat.

Things deteriorated after that.

My inhibitions completely flew out the damn window, and I was letting him yank my panties off within a minute.

A moment after that it was me working his belt loose and unzipping his pants, trying to yank his cock out of the small opening that the zipper offered once it was down.

He pushed my hands away when I got a little rough with him, unbuttoning his jeans and easily slipping his cock out to line himself up with my entrance.

All of his earlier attentions meant that I was ready for him.

He got one long thrust in, filling me almost completely before he yanked back so quickly that I nearly fell out of the truck.

He steadied me, however, and roughly snatched his wallet out of his back pocket, quickly sheathing himself with a condom.

Normally, I would’ve been impressed by his skills, but my pussy was throbbing, and I wanted him back inside of me so badly that I practically offered myself on a silver platter by spreading my legs further apart and leaning back.

My hands latched onto the first two things that they could reach, the seatbelt and the dash, and I held on while Tai thrust himself deep inside of me.

This time was different.

He wasn’t sweet and slow.

He was hard, rough, and passionate, giving me all he had to give.

Filling me up so completely that I swore I could feel him in my belly.

He shoved my dress up further so he could watch himself moving in and out of me.

“God,” I breathed, looking down and watching. “You’re so big.”

He growled and started to move faster, pushing harder, bottoming out.

I felt vulnerable in this position, so open to him, but Tai wasn’t hurting me.

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