Shon (The Seeker Series Book 2) (9 page)

BOOK: Shon (The Seeker Series Book 2)
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Chapter Seventeen


Laura wiped at the tears drying on her cheeks and met her best friend’s gaze. “If something happens to either of my parents…”

“Nothing is going to happen to them, honey. Gina may be a lot of things, but she’s not stupid.”

“Speak for yourself,” Laura murmured. “I happen to think she’s the biggest idiot walking on two legs.”

Ember plopped down beside Laura on the foot of the bed. “You’re right. She is an idiot, but she won’t harm your parents. She needs them too much.”

“They need their medicine,” Laura bit out. “They won’t survive without it.”

Angel cautiously poked his head around the door. “May I come in?”

Laura smiled for the first time in days. The sight of Angel standing in the doorway with uncertainty shining in his normally alpha eyes was exactly what she needed. “Of course. It’s your bedroom.”

“Is everything okay?” He stepped farther into the room.

Laura stood. “Yes. I’m just worried about Mom and Dad.”

“We’ll get them back unharmed,” Angel assured her. “I promise.”

Laura wanted to believe him. “But how? She obviously wants Vlad’s heart. And Vlad thinks that she will send Shon to retrieve it. If she hasn’t killed the asshole already.”

“Sorry to disappoint you,” Shon rumbled, marching into the room. “But the asshole is still alive.”

Relief poured through Laura at the sight of an unharmed Shon. She quickly reined in her emotions. “So, she let you go, just like that?”

“Nothing quite so simple, sugar plum. But yes, she did let me go.”

Laura’s heart pounded loud enough she was sure the vampires surrounding her could hear it. “What now?”

“Now we get some rest. Tomorrow night, we call a meeting with the elders.”

Angel’s eyebrows shot up. “All of them?”

“Every last one of their ancient asses,” Shon confirmed with a nod. “So, I suggest we all feed up and rest up.”

Angel glanced at Ember before meeting Shon’s gaze once again. “I’d rather Laura not be here for that. Nita, either.”

Laura threw up her hands. “Why the hell not?”

“Because,” Angel explained in a soft voice, “some of them are without a conscience. They lack morals and have no tolerance for shifters.”

“But I’m not a shifter.”

“No. You’re a meal,” Shon piped in, reaching for her hand.

Laura moved back out of reach, her stomach in knots. “Is that what you think I am? A meal?”

The corner of Shon’s mouth lifted. “Depends on what type of meal you’re referring to.”

Angel quickly intervened. “The elders cannot be trusted, Laura. Not all of them, at any rate.”

“But Vlad’s an elder, isn’t he? And he was a perfect gentleman to me.”

Angel shook his head. “At one time, Vlad was our king. He ruled for centuries, leading our people with an iron fist and a level head. Until he grew tired of the political bullshit that came with handling a bunch of ruthless vampires.”

“What happened?” It was Ember who asked the softly spoken question.

“He walked away from it. The elders eventually rallied together to rule as one, and they have been doing so ever since.”

“So, Vlad has no pull with the elders?” Laura had a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach.

Angel casually leaned against the dresser. “I didn’t say that. He will probably always have some form of power over them. Or he could if he exerted it.”

“And I’m sure they just love that,” Shon drawled, reaching for Laura’s hand once again.

With a sigh of resignation, Laura accepted his palm. The feel of his warm skin against hers sent tingles throughout her body. “Yeah, what Shon said. I’ll bet they resent his power over them.”

Angel shrugged. “Probably. But there’s nothing they can do about it.”

Shon tugged Laura forward. “I’m going to take Miss Clairol next door for a hot bath and a nap. And not necessarily in that order.”

Laura tried to disengage her hand from his hold, but he only held on tighter. “My hair is natural, thank you very much.”

“Sure it is,” he teased, pulling her toward the door.

Laura gave Ember a quick hug before following Mr. Sarcastic down the hall and out onto the deck. “Where’s Vlad?”

Shon stiffened but didn’t turn around. Laura could feel the tension coming from him. “He’s gone to feed.”

“I thought he didn’t need to feed that often.”

Opening Angel’s condo door, Shon stepped back to allow Laura entrance. “He’s about to face over a dozen elders. I’m sure he’ll want to be at his strongest. Why are you worried about Vlad?”

Laura pulled her hand free of his and watched as he engaged the locks on the door. “I’m not worried. I’m only curious. How soon do you think they’ll arrive?”

“I don’t know. I’ll speak with Vlad about it when he returns from his feeding.”

“Do you know how disgusting that sounds?”

Shon was suddenly in her face, his lips hovering inches above hers. His warm breath tickled her skin as he whispered, “It’s really quite erotic. A hot mouth on your skin. The stroke of a tongue preparing your vein for a swift, powerful penetration.”

Laura’s knees felt weak. She couldn’t move, couldn’t think as she stared at his intoxicating mouth slowly moving ever closer toward hers.

He bypassed her lips, instead nuzzling her cheek with his nose, all the while speaking in that deep, rumbling voice. “Would you like for me to tell you how it feels?”

Her eyes slid shut, and she gripped his massive forearms to steady her suddenly weakened legs.

“Imagine heat sliding through your veins. Your heart beating in time with mine, your body craving me inside you. Moving. Thrusting. Stroking.”

A soft moan slipped from her parted lips. She could no more stop her craving for this man than she could stop him from teasing her, taunting her…seducing her.

His hand slid down her stomach, stopping short of where she wanted him most.

“Let me,” he growled, coasting his palm down to cup her through her pants.

Laura pulled back enough to see into his eyes. Eyes full of passion and need. A need that matched her own.

She’d wanted to be taken by him for as long as she could remember. It didn’t mean she had to spend her life with him, or date him for that matter. He was a vampire, she, a human. But she’d be damned if she would go the rest of her life without knowing what it felt like to spend a night in his arms. “Yes.”

Chapter Eighteen


Shon had never wanted anyone as much as he did Laura Donovan. Damn her for being his strongest weakness.

That one word slipping from her lips was a balm to his soul. What was it about her that drove him to the point of insanity? He didn’t know, but hopefully a taste of her would calm his obsessive fixation.

He bent and scooped her up into his arms. “If you want to stop, tell me now. There will be no turning back once I have you beneath me.”

Laura stared into his eyes for long moments. “I don’t want to stop.”

That was all Shon needed to hear. He blurred his way down the hall to the room designated for Laura.

Placing her in the middle of the king-size bed, he straightened and pulled his shirt over his head, tossing it to the floor somewhere behind him.

Laura watched him from beneath her lashes, her eyes burning with a longing that matched his own. His cock throbbed behind his jeans.

She reached for the hem of her shirt.

“No,” Shon growled, popping the button on his jeans. “Let me do that.”

He noticed her hands shook as they fell away. “Don’t be afraid, beautiful. I won’t hurt you, nor will I bite you. Unless you ask me to.”

Her eyes grew wide, but she didn’t resist. “Would a bite turn me?”

The softly spoken question caught him off guard. He paused with his hand on the zipper of his jeans. “No. There’s a lot more involved in turning someone, than a bite. You’re safe with me, Laura. I would never do that to you.”

She lay there, watching him as he unzipped his jeans and slid them down his hips. He held back a groan as his cock sprang free of its restraint.

He toed off his boots and kicked the jeans free of his legs before removing Laura’s shoes.

Shon could feel her gaze on his erection. It pulsed in response.

Freeing the button on her pants, he dragged them down her hips, slowing as her small, bare mound was revealed. “You’re not wearing panties,” he growled, fighting the urge to bury his face between her thighs.

He felt, more than saw, her head shake. “I— No, I rarely ever do.”

Shon could hear the hesitation in her voice, the nervous uncertainty. He looked up and met her gaze. “You’re beautiful, Laura. Exactly as I had always imagined you would be.”

She stared back at him with passion-filled eyes. “You’ve thought about what I would look like?”

“A thousand times,” he freely admitted, sliding her pants down her legs and off her feet.

He gripped the hem of her shirt next, pausing long enough to pull it over her head. “More like a million times.”

“I never knew,” she whispered, gasping as he slid a thumb across her bra-covered nipple.

Her breasts sat high on her chest, perfect globes hidden beneath the lacy material of her bra.

Gripping the thin material along the bottom, Shon quickly snapped the elastic, baring her to his gaze.

“As perfect as I knew they would be.” He dipped his head and took one of the straining nipples into his mouth, glorying in the moan that slipped past her lips.

Her hands flew to his hair, holding his head tightly against her. Another soft, sexy sound escaped her.

Shon reached up and took hold of her hands. He forced them over her head and settled himself between her parted thighs.

The feel of his painfully throbbing cock resting against her hot, wet pussy was nearly his undoing. She wanted him. The evidence of her desire soaked the head of his erection.

He wanted to thrust forward, to bury himself inside her until she begged him to fuck her. But he refrained. No, he would make their first time together good for her, if it killed him.

Shon released her hardened nipple and slid down her body without letting go of her hands. He felt the second she stopped breathing as he hovered over her tiny, pink clit.

Fuck me, he thought, staring down at her beautiful pussy. The scent of her arousal drifted up his nose, threatening his control. Lust slammed into him hard enough that his fangs began to descend. Heat burned behind his eyes, and his cock grew hard enough it became painful.

He lifted his head and met her gaze. “I need you to hold completely still for me.”

Laura only nodded, seeming to understand his dilemma. She released his hands and dropped her head back against the pillow in complete surrender.

Shon lowered his gaze once again to her sweet, smooth pussy. His hands came up to wrap around her thighs, holding her open for the first swipe of his tongue.

She sucked in a breath and wrapped her legs around his back. That was all the invitation he needed.

He coasted his tongue through her slit and swirled it around her sensitive bundle of nerves before repeating the process.

Her legs tightened around him, and her hands returned to his hair. “Shon…”

Shon had never felt more powerful than he did in that moment.

Releasing one of her thighs, he brought his hand around and slipped a finger inside her wet heat before covering her clit with his mouth. He sucked deep.

Laura’s back bowed off the bed with enough force she nearly broke the suction he had on her.

He slipped a hand across her abdomen to hold her still and pressed another finger inside her. Curling the two digits inward, he massaged her G-spot in time with the swirl of his tongue on her clit.

Laura’s legs began to shake, her hands gripped his hair, and a hoarse cry wrenched from her throat. He backed off her oversensitive clit, but continued the onslaught of his fingers until her orgasm subsided.

“Oh, my God,” Laura gasped, pushing at the damp strands of hair now framing her face. “That was incredible.”

“That was only the beginning,” Shon rumbled, taking her hands and jerking them above her head once again.

Lowering his body over hers, he covered her mouth with his and pressed the head of his cock against her opening.

Muscles strained as he attempted to push his length inside her. Her vaginal walls gripped him, cradling him with their slick warmth.

He lifted his mouth from hers. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

Her passion-filled eyes glittered in the moonlight spilling through the window. “Don’t hold back with me, Shon. I’ve never been this turned on before. I want to be taken by you. All of you, with everything inside you.”

His fangs tingled along with his cock. “Be careful what you ask for.”

Chapter Nineteen


Laura stared up at Shon in a lust-filled haze. Her entire body felt on fire for this man, this vampire she’d known most of her life.

She wanted to be taken by him, in every way possible. To give up control and allow him to dominate her, show her what it felt like to be mastered, to surrender herself wholly to him.

“I don’t want to think tonight, Shon. I want to
. Make me feel alive.”

He suddenly flipped her over and pressed her hands to the bars of the headboard. “Don’t move.”

Laura’s breathing kicked up a notch as the sounds of material ripped behind her.

With vampiric speed, Shon tied the cloth around her wrists, securing them to the wrought iron bars of the headboard.

Laura’s body ached with a need so strong she had to bite the inside of her lip to keep from begging.

The feel of his warm tongue coasting down her back had to be one of the most erotic sensations imaginable, but nothing prepared her for what he did next.

His hands slipped beneath her hips, lifting her to his hungry mouth once again. His tongue felt as if it was everywhere. On her clit, in her ass, her pussy, sliding, licking, sucking. And then he eased a fingertip inside the entrance of her ass.

Laura stilled.

“Breathe,” Shon coaxed, pressing slightly deeper.

He brought his mouth up to her ear, but kept up his manipulation of her most private place. “Do you want me to stop?”

Did she? She didn’t think so. She’d never had anal play before, had never wanted it…until now. Here. With Shon. “No. Don’t stop.”

Inching his fingertip back out, he dipped his thumb into her pussy before easing it inside her ass.

His mouth grazed her ear as he spoke in a deep, rumbling voice. “I want you to close your eyes. Feel me, Laura. Nothing but me. Don’t think, just relax and breathe. Trust that I won’t hurt you. I would never hurt you.”

Laura’s eyes slid shut. The feel of her restrained arms stretched above her head, Shon’s body, lying against hers, his fingers in places no one had ever been before felt amazing.

And that voice. That deep, hypnotic voice, swirling through her mind in an intoxicating vibration, seducing her senses and melting her resistance.

She lifted her hips.

“Yes,” he growled, repeating the process of lubricating his thumb and returning it to the tight ring of her ass.

Laura brought her knee up to give him better access.

“I’m going to take you to a place you’ve never been.” He pressed the thick digit in deeper. “A place that’s thought to be a myth.” Pulling back slightly, he inserted it completely. “It’s no myth.”

Laura could feel her vaginal muscles tightening along with her ass, throbbing, aching, craving something just out of reach. Something that only Shon could give. “Please.”

“Please what?”

“Don’t tease me,” she gasped, raising her hips to meet the downward stroke of his thumb.

“I’m not teasing you, gorgeous. I’m preparing you.”

She felt him move to kneel between her legs, never stopping the movement of his thumb.

His knees rested against the insides of hers, holding her open as he slipped two fingers into her pussy on the next downward stroke of his thumb.

Laura couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t move. Nerves came alive everywhere at once. He suddenly squeezed his fingers inside her, as if to touch them to the thumb in her ass. Laura screamed with the force of the orgasm racing up her spine. The snug ring of muscles surrounding his thumb contracted along with the muscles inside her pussy to create an earth-shattering release that robbed her of thought.

Tears slipped from her eyes as she continued to convulse around him. “Oh, God…”

Easing his fingers from her body, Laura felt him guide his erection to her pussy. “Tell me you want me,” he demanded, sliding the head of his cock along her clit and back to her entrance.

“I-I do.”

He pressed forward an inch. “Say it.”

“I want you,” she breathed, arching up against him.

Shon thrust. Deep. Seating himself as far as her body would allow.

Laura gripped the bars of the headboard as Shon slammed into her again and again. The sheer power of his downward strokes brought her near to orgasm once again.

Her body was on fire, crying out for something she no longer understood. “Shon?”

He slowed his movements and returned his thumb to her ass, bringing her back to the climatic frenzy she’d felt before. “Do you like that baby?”

She did. It felt amazing. “Y-Yes. More.”

A deep rumble rose up in his chest. He pulled his cock from her body and slipped his thumb free. “Don’t tense up. You’re going to feel a lot of pressure, but just breathe through it. Can you do that for me?”

Laura could only moan in response. She didn’t trust her voice in that moment. Every nerve in her body was poised on the verge of exploding.

“Lie flat on your stomach and relax. I need your complete trust, Laura. If you tense up, it will hurt.”

The feel of his thick shaft sliding back inside her pussy wrung another moan from her lips. Nothing could compare to being filled by Shon Wells.

He pulled out and gently pressed the head of his cock against the tight muscles of her ass. “Deep breaths.”

His big body came down over hers, his mouth resting next to her ear. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

Laura relaxed her muscles, marveling at the trust she felt for him in this moment.

His hand snaked down her body to slip beneath her pussy, his fingers spreading open either side of her swollen clit. He inched slowly forward.

Laura couldn’t hold her hips still. Shon’s fingers teased her throbbing bundle of nerves until she thought she’d go mad with longing.

“Shon, please,” she pleaded, pushing back against him.

“Not yet,” he rasped, breaking through the tight seal of muscles to seat himself fully inside her ass. His fingers continue their torture.

Laura had never felt so much pressure or pleasure. How had she gone her entire life without experiencing this incredible bliss?

Shon began to pump his hips in time with his fingers. He continuously filled her, all the while teasing, pinching, and manipulating her overly sensitive clit.

Laura couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think. A strange sensation built inside her. As if she were on the cusp of an explosion.

“S-Shon,” she gasped as he nearly pulled out, fucking her with quick, short strokes, his fingers working her into a frenzy.

He bent closer to her ear. “Don’t be afraid of it, baby. Go with it. Now.”

A scream shattered the night, and she realized it came from her. Contractions seized her abdomen, expelling hot bursts of liquid from her body.

Laura rode it out, allowing the convulsive orgasm to control her, taking her to a place she never knew existed. All the while savoring the thrust of Shon’s thick shaft, the touch of his masterful fingers.

He pinched her clit once more and buried himself deep, splintering Laura’s hold on reality. She sailed over the edge into the abyss, vaguely aware of Shon’s hoarse shout next to her ear.

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