Siege of Pailtar (32 page)

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Authors: Robyn Wideman

Tags: #Children's Books, #Fairy Tales; Folk Tales & Myths, #Arthurian, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Coming of Age, #Epic, #Sword & Sorcery, #Teen & Young Adult, #Myths & Legends, #Children's eBooks, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: Siege of Pailtar
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Nathan, Sharon, and Quinton greeted Queen Avera as they arrived home. Rose ran up and hugged all three of them, grateful for their safe return.

As Rose chatted up a storm with Sharon and Quinton, Nathan briefed Queen Avera.

“We arrived just as the troops from Meron were overtaking the city. The people of Pailtar had already fled, only a few of the Guild and some City Guards remained. Your friend, Lilliana and her daughter Kiana were among them. As was Duke Evollan, or Everet as he is now called. Everet saved Sharon during the battle.”

“I see,” said Queen Avera. “Is he still alive?”

“Sharon and I have both decided not to seek revenge. Everet has helped Balta tremendously and we are still going to need more allies to defeat King Ganus.”

“Good answer, Nathan, I’m proud of you. Quinton, gather my advisors. Nathan, gather Lilliana and whoever else you think it wise to bring. We need to have a meeting about what to do next with the people of Pailtar.”

Queen Avera gathered Rose up and headed back to the castle. Nathan and Sharon returned to the docks and found Lilliana, Colby, and Everet. They would be the ones to join in the queen’s meeting.

While her mother spoke to Nathan, Kiana watched the ships unloading the people of Pailtar. She looked to see if any of her friends were there. Finally, Kiana recognized one of the passengers getting of the ships. It was Ethan!

Kiana ran over to him, “Ethan, you made it.”

“Kiana, which ship were you on? Did you stay and defend Pailtar? What happened? We only heard rumors when we were picked up by the Baltan merchant ship.”

“I’ll tell you later. What about our friends, did they make it?” asked Kiana.

“Not all of them, some died in the attacks on the Guild school. But Aspen and Osmond are here, same with old Aldwin.”

“Good. I’m so glad you all made it. I was worried.”

“You were worried? You and a dozen people stayed to fight the thousands of soldiers from Meron and you were worried about us? You’re a strange girl.”

Kiana laughed. Ethan had a funny way of looking at things sometimes.


In the war room, Queen Avera listened to Colby report on the Meron attacks.

“Once we realized that Pailtar was going to fall no matter what we did, we evacuated. A small number of us stayed behind and put up a token defense to buy time for the others. We also burned down the warehouses and poisoned the wells. We were trying to flee when your people arrived. They saved us just in time.”

“Thank you, Colby. You chose wisely, without water Pailtar is not the prize King Ganus wanted. He can still use it, but he cannot keep armies there. And if my discussion with Lilliana is correct, it is likely that his army will perish from lack of water. Your choice to poison the wells and sacrifice your homes may save us all. King Ganus has many armies, but that was his closest one. Without them, the attack on Balta will not come anytime soon. You and your people have bought us time to build our defenses.” Queen Avera paused, “It is difficult to lose one’s home, and when we defeat King Ganus, we hope you can return to Pailtar. However, my understanding is it will be at least a year before the wells can be revived. In the meantime, we will find housing for the people of Pailtar. No one will starve or suffer while in Balta.”

“Thank you, Queen Avera, your generosity is most appreciated, on behalf of all Pailtar I thank you. What can we do in exchange for your generosity.”

“Train. We are at war, the people of Pailtar must become the army of Pailtar. All your men and woman of an appropriate age should learn to become warriors so they can retake their homes. We will train you and provide you with weapons. Your army will be your own, you choose your leaders and do not answer to Balta.”

“That is an offer Pailtar cannot refuse. Once again, I thank you on behalf of all Pailtar,” said Colby.

With the war meeting over everyone left the room except Nathan, Queen Avera, and Lilliana Clairmont.

Queen Avera looked at Nathan, she could see something was bothering her nephew. “What is troubling you, Nathan?”

“Aunt Avera, do you remember when I said it felt like Ava was gone not dead?”

“Of course I do, Nathan. Have you learned something new?”

“Yes, Mrs. Clairmont knew Balthazar before he came to Balta. She says it’s likely that Balthazar did save Ava by using a teleportation spell.”

Avera turned to Lilliana, “Is this true, Lilly, Ava might be alive?”

“Yes, Balthazar and I come from the same order. He knew a transportation spell, and from what Nathan described, I believe that was his last act on earth, to save Ava.”

“Do you know where she is?” asked Avera.

“No, Balthazar left the Isle I was on for Northern Solotine to learn from one of our mages there. I don’t know where they stayed. That would be a question for Nathan’s grandfather.”

Avera nodded. It made sense. Lilliana was wrong about one thing, Balthazar was not originally from her Isle. He moved there long ago from Balta. That Balthazar studied with her order made sense. Balthazar had traveled all over the world to learn. His library had been filled with tomes and spell books from all over the world. It was very likely that Balthazar still had a hideaway in Northern Solotine. “Nathan, take Quinton and Sharon with you. I’d send more with you, but we must prepare for war with Morthon.”

Nathan was relieved, he had worried that Avera might not let him go. That she was allowing Quinton and Sharon to accompany him was a relief.

“Thank you, Aunt Avera.”

“Don’t thank me. Thank our new friends from Pailtar. If they had not poisoned the wells and caused the deaths of King Ganus’s army, I would have no choice but to ask you to stay. Now that we have some time to prepare, we can afford to lose the three of you while you find Ava.”

Nathan nodded. They had been lucky. King Ganus’s failed attempts to gain Pailtar had set him back greatly. Balta and the people of Pailtar now had time to prepare for the war, and new allies to assist in the battle. People like Colby and Everet, who wanted to defeat King Ganus as much as they did. Nathan would be able to look for Ava without feeling guilty. He had done his part in rescuing the people of Pailtar and now he could focus his attentions on Ava. 
I’m coming Ava
, thought Nathan

No matter what dangers the north had in store for him, he would search for her until he knew what happened.
I’m coming back to Solotine….

Author’s notes



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Author’s notes

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