Silent Cry

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Authors: Dorothy J. Newton

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BOOK: Silent Cry
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Here are the words I would use to describe my dear friend Dorothy Newton: courageous,
strong, beautiful, and Christ-honoring. She bravely tells her story of abuse to encourage
others that even in the midst of heartbreak and pain, God is faithful. You can survive
brokenness, and the key is knowing the One who was broken and bruised for all mankind—Jesus.

Joni Lamb,
vice president and cofounder of Daystar Television Network

We applaud Dorothy for bearing her soul in this book. It is a moving and emotional
account of a difficult journey and her unyielding devotion to God and family.

Kelvin and Lynn Martin,
former wide receiver for the Dallas Cowboys

We've been friends with Dorothy Newton for years and have long admired her strength
and courage. She's a devoted mother who after her divorce brought that family together
and held them so tightly that nothing could have ever torn them apart. It was incredibly
touching and inspiring to watch. She is also one of the most spiritual people we've
ever met, something she leaned on for strength during the trials of her marriage.
She has a lifetime of wisdom to impart, and the simple, straightforward way she does
so here makes every page an inspiration. It's a book filled with love, perseverance,
and proof that in America, second acts aren't only for men; women have some pretty
remarkable ones as well.

Emmitt Smith,
NFL Hall of Famer
Pat Smith
, founder/CEO of Treasure You

It is a privilege to call Dorothy Newton friend. Her life is an inspiring example
of a courageous woman of God who values faith, family, and friends as our ultimate
early treasures. She shares her past and present experiences with others in the hope
that they too can celebrate life in abundance now and forever.

Pat and Cheri Summerall,
now-deceased legendary television sportscaster

My friend Dorothy Newton will become your friend as she graciously takes you into
her world—into the celebrity lifestyle and the shadowy recesses where abuse dominated
and destroyed her dream world. She shares mistakes and victories. She contrasts the
voice of abuse, which shouts fear and shame, with the sweet song of freedom and healing.
Silent Cry
, you will be encouraged to not let your pain define you or your future.
I have no doubt that getting to know Dorothy Newton will enrich and encourage you.

Debbie Morris,
executive pastor, Pink (Gateway Women) at
Gateway Church and author
The Blessed Woman

Though the book's title reads
Silent Cry
, this is a story about triumph and grace—the
triumph of Dorothy, of her sons Tré and King, and ultimately of Nate Newton as well.
Both the good and the bad we read in this story occur beneath the covering of God's
grace, which is the bedrock of Dorothy's strength. In fact, this book is more than
a story; it is a witness and full evidence of human capability. Every man should
read this biography.”

Monte Ford,
former senior vice president at American Airlines
Ingrid Ford
, owner
of Peace of Life Massage

Powerful. Straightforward. Honest. Brave. These are words I use to describe Dorothy
Newton. When I first met her, I knew immediately there was a spiritual strength about
her that was uncommon. However, it wasn't until she dared to share the story of
with me that I fully understood how her ability to overcome personal pain had
been shaped by her passion for Jesus. Dorothy chose in the midst of isolation and
relational deprivation to turn her tears into floods of victory. She shares the truth
of her personal story in a way that reveals hope for anyone dealing with difficult
circumstances, unhealthy relationships, or even devastating loss. It is rare to find
such honesty and hope in the same place. If you've ever wondered how you are going
to make it, this book is for you.

Jan Greenwood,
pastor, Pink (Gateway Women) at
Gateway Church and author of
at War

Beauty, honesty, and guts describe this overcomer named Dorothy Newton. Because of
Dorothy's courage to tell her story, all of us will better understand the horrible
reality of domestic violence in our own backyard. We'll discover that all of us are
responsible to learn about it, fight it, and give others a way out when they need
it. Most of all, this true story will help victims know without a doubt that with
God, they can escape domestic abuse and rise above it.

Lisa Rose,
founder and board president of The Gatehouse,
a ministry for women and
children in crisis

Truth brings liberty to the captive, gives beauty for ashes, great joy in place of
grieving, and high praise to God instead of despair. Dorothy is a living testimony
of this. She shares this story courageously so that the reader can experience God
in their own set of circumstances. She found her tears and her freedom. Come, dear
reader, and find yours too.

Rebecca Wilson,
LCSW, LMFT, pastor, Marriage and
Family Ministries at Gateway Church


Silent Cry

Copyright © 2015 by Dorothy J. Newton

Silent Cry
is written in collaboration with Wendy K. Walters.

Requests for information should be addressed to:

3900 Sparks Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49546

ePub Edition © August 2015: ISBN 978-0-310-34548-0

All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the King James
Version of the Bible.

Scripture quotations marked NKJV are taken from the New King James Version
. Copyright
© 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from
The Holy Bible, New International
. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.
Used by permission.
All rights reserved worldwide.

Scripture quotations marked NCV are taken from the Holy Bible, New Century Version
Copyright © 2005 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Any Internet addresses (websites, blogs, etc.) and telephone numbers in this book
are offered as a resource. They are not intended in any way to be or imply an endorsement
by Zondervan, nor does Zondervan vouch for the content of these sites and numbers
for the life of this book.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted in any form or by any means — electronic, mechanical, photocopy,
recording, or any other — except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without
the prior permission of the publisher.

Cover design: Curt Diepenhorst

Cover photography: Dan Davis

Interior design: Kait Lamphere

First Printing July 2015

To all who have suffered betrayal and abuse.
To all who need deliverance and freedom.
To all who hope . . .


by Sheila Walsh



Part 1: Childhood

1. The Storm

2. Keeby's Kids

3. Evil Drink

4. Freedom

5. Back to Buras

Part 2: College and Young Adulthood

6. College

7. Home away from Home

8. Gunshot and Grace

9. Nothing Is Wasted

10. New Beginnings

Part 3: Love and Warning Signs

11. Finding Love

12. Nate Newton's Girl

13. Love Is a Wonderful Thing

14. Shattered Dreams

15. Ultimatum

16. Ups and Downs

17. Settling

Part 4: A Troubled Marriage

18. I Do . . .

19. The Good Life

20. A New Day

21. The Last Straw

22. Humiliation

23. My Shield

24. Divorce

Part 5: Moving On

25. Working Things Out

26. Standing Strong

27. Familiar Tune

28. Give and Receive

29. Perfect Love

30. New

31. WILD


Meet Nate Newton

Meet Tré and King Newton

Appendix 1: Why Won't She Leave?

Appendix 2: How Do I Help Her?

Appendix 3: I Am Being Abused. What Should I Do?

Appendix 4: Why Do Abusers Abuse?

I have been crucified with Christ;
it is no longer I who live,
but Christ lives in me;
and the life which I now live in the flesh
I live by faith in the Son of God,
who loved me
and gave Himself for me.

Galatians 2:20 NKJV


You can tell a lot about someone by looking into his or her eyes. Some eyes sparkle
with life, some seem far away and distracted, while others are deep pools of sadness.
Eyes can tell a story that the heart would find difficult to put into words.

I remember the first time I looked into Dorothy's eyes. She was a guest at a Christmas
production I was hosting, and I was introduced to her at the meet and greet at the
end of the evening. Her elegant beauty and lovely smile were what struck me initially — but
it was the depth of what I saw in her eyes that stayed with me. As I drove home that
night, I prayed for her. I knew nothing of her story, but I saw something I recognized.
I saw the familiar weight of one who has walked a long, hard road and gathered the
rare fruit of profound empathy that only such a path can produce. Grace rested in
her eyes.

When this manuscript came across my desk, I was excited to read her story. It's a
hard story to read. Dorothy's life has been marked by pain and abuse since she was
a child. If that sounds warning bells deep inside you, don't pull back; there is
so much more here that you need to know.

She is honest and transparent about a time when it was almost impossible for a woman
to be heard and taken seriously,
particularly if she was married to a powerful man.
We live in a culture that worships and elevates our sports stars but doesn't love
them enough to help them when they are clearly in trouble. When we attempt to contain
and manage the rage that rests inside some of our heroes, we do them a disservice,
and we abandon those who need us most — their wives and children. I pray that Dorothy's
courage in telling her story will be a catalyst for change.

More than anything, this is a story of redemption and hope. No matter how deep the
pit you find yourself in might be, the love of God is deeper still. No matter how
many poor choices you might have made, His mercies are new every morning.

If you are a woman living in a desperate situation, you will find help in these pages.
You are not alone. If you know of someone who is being abused, this book will give
you very practical steps to know how to help. If you are the abuser, there is hope
and healing for you as well. It's never too late to throw yourself on the grace and
mercy of God and begin the slow but sure process of learning to live differently.

I highly recommend this book. It's heartbreaking to think that Dorothy had to endure
so much for so long, and yet what shines through her story is a spiritual truth of
which I am convinced: It's amazing what God can do with a broken life if you give
Him all the pieces.

Sheila Walsh


In an online article published December 4, 2012, at, journalist Justin
Peters candidly revealed some amazing statistics about the NFL teams active in the
2012 season. Twenty-one of the thirty-two football teams had at least one player
with a domestic violence or sexual assault charge on his record. Further sources
at the time cited evidence that professional athletes, as a whole, were not being
punished as harshly as the general public — by almost half. News reports in 2014
showed that abuse by members of the NFL was getting more coverage, and courts seemed
to be taking the issue more seriously. For that, I am grateful.

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