Silent Weapon

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Authors: Debra Webb

Tags: #Suspense

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Praise for Debra Webb

“…a fast-moving, sensual blend of mystery and suspense, with multiple story lines, an unusual hero and heroine, and an ending that escapes the trap of being too pat. I thoroughly enjoyed it.”

New York Times
bestselling author Linda Howard on
Striking Distance

“Debra Webb delivers page-turning, gripping suspense, and edgy, dark characters to keep readers hanging on.”

Romantic Times
Her Hidden Truth

“…more daring than some authors would risk.”

All About Romance
Striking Distance

“Debra Webb’s fast-paced thriller will make you shiver in passion and fear.”

Romantic Times
Personal Protector

“…a hot hand with action, suspense, and last—but not least—a steamy relationship.”

New York Times
bestselling author Linda Howard on
Safe By His Side

Dear Reader,

You’re about to read a Silhouette Bombshell novel and enter a world full of excitement, suspense and women who stand strong in the face of danger and do what it takes to triumph over the toughest adversaries. And don’t forget a touch of thrilling romance to sweeten the deal. Our bombshells always get their men, good

Debra Webb kicks off the month with
Silent Weapon,
the innovative story of Merri Walters, a deaf woman who goes undercover in a ruthless criminal’s mansion and reads his chilling plans right off his lips!

Hold on to your hats for
by Harper Allen, the latest in the Athena Force continuity. Assassin Dawn O’Shaughnessy is out to take down the secret lab that created her and then betrayed her—but she’s got to complete one last mission for them, or her superhealing genes will self-destruct before she gets payback….

Step into the lush and dangerous world of
The Orchid Hunter,
by Sandra K. Moore. Think “botanist” and “excitement” don’t match? Think again, as this fearless heroine’s search for a rare orchid turns into a dangerous battle of wills in the steamy rain forest.

And don’t miss the twist and turns as a gutsy genius races to break a deadly code, trap a slippery terrorist and steal back the trust of her former CIA mentor, in
Calculated Risk,
by Stephanie Doyle!

Strong, sexy, suspenseful…that’s Silhouette Bombshell! Please send your comments to me, c/o Silhouette Books, 233 Broadway Suite 1001, New York, NY 10279.


Natashya Wilson
Associate Senior Editor, Silhouette Bombshell



Books by Debra Webb

Silhouette Bombshell
Silent Weapon
Harlequin Books
Striking Distance
Dying To Play
Code Red
Double Impact
“No Way Back”
Mysteries of Lost Angel Inn
“Shadows of the Past
Whispers in the Night
“Protective Instinct”
Harlequin Intrigue
Safe by His Side
The Bodyguard’s Baby
Protective Custody
Special Assignment: Baby
Solitary Soldier
Personal Protector
Physical Evidence
Contract Bride

Undercover Wife

Her Hidden Truth

Guardian of the Night
Her Secret Alibi
Keeping Baby Safe
Cries in the Night
Agent Cowboy

Situation: Out of Control

Priority: Full Exposure
John Doe on Her Doorstep
Executive Bodyguard
Man of Her Dreams


was born in Scottsboro, Alabama, to parents who taught her that anything is possible if you want it bad enough. She began writing at age nine. Eventually, she met and married the man of her dreams and tried some other occupations, including selling vacuum cleaners, working in a factory, a day-care center, a hospital and a department store. When her husband joined the military, they moved to Berlin, Germany, and Debra became a secretary in the commanding general’s office. By 1985 they were back in the States, and finally moved to Tennessee, to a small town where everyone knows everyone else. With the support of her husband and two beautiful daughters, Debra took up writing again, looking to mystery and movies for inspiration. In 1998, her dream of writing for Harlequin came true. You can write to Debra with your comments at P.O. Box 64, Huntland, Tennessee 37345 or visit her Web site at to find out exciting news about her next book.

This book is dedicated to a very special lady who has struggled hard to overcome her own physical impairments. Not once in her life has she allowed being physically challenged to prevent her from reaching for her goals. With all my love, respect and admiration, this one goes to Erica Nicole Webb Jeffrey, my oldest daughter. Never stop dreaming and keep reaching for those goals.

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