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Authors: Caitlin R. Kiernan

BOOK: Silk
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Praise for
Winner of the International Horror Guild Award
for Best First Novel
Finalist for the Bram Stoker Award for Best First Novel
Nominated for the British Fantasy Award

“Caitlín R. Kiernan draws her strength from the most honorable of sources, a passion for the act of writing…. A wonderful book.”

—Peter Straub

“Caitlín Kiernan is the poet and bard of the wasted and the lost.”

—Neil Gaiman

“Caitlín R. Kiernan is an original.”

—Clive Barker

“Caitlín R. Kiernan writes like a Gothic cathedral on fire…. If the title alone doesn’t make you want to read
, the first page will do the trick. Kiernan’s work is populated with the physically freaky, mentally unstable, sexually marginalized characters who have caused so much consternation in conventional circles—but Caitlín Kiernan is headed in an entirely different direction. Her unfolding of strange events evokes not horror, but a far larger sense of awe.”

—Poppy Z. Brite

“[Kiernan] has what it takes to excite me as a reader…. I just loved this book and can’t wait to see what she writes next.”

—Charles de Lint

“An observational coming-of-age novel that astutely and empathetically provides connection between characters and readers…an incremental triumph of texture and layering, harkening back to an earlier tradition of supernatural fiction, an era when storytelling took as much time as it needed to accrue the maximum effect…. Hers is a dark and mellifluous voice to which we should listen.”


“Kiernan’s writing is meaty, atmospheric, and evocative; her prose is well crafted and terrifically engaging….
is a strong first showing, and Kiernan should have a bright future ahead of her.”


“A novel with an uncommonly rich texture…should establish [Kiernan] as an important writer of the future. This novel transcends the goth genre.”


“Spun as beautifully as the many webs within…. You absolutely must read it.”

Carpe Noctem

“A masterful story by an extraordinary new voice in literature…on her way to becoming an incredibly well-known—and well-respected—talent.
is simply the extraordinary beginning of an incredible journey, both for Kiernan and her readers.”

Alabama Forum

“Kiernan is uniquely herself, but even if you miss the endorsement by Neil Gaiman, you cannot fail to see the kindred spirit that flows through their writing. I feel no risk in voicing the opinion that if you enjoy one, you will relish the other.”

—SF Site

“Kiernan’s writings seem to be a successful blending of…Poppy Z. Brite and Dean Koontz…. Will appeal to audiences of both authors.”


Winner of the International Horror Guild Award
for Best Novel

is a bonfire proclaiming Caitlín R. Kiernan’s elevated position in the annals of contemporary literature. It is an exceptional novel you mustn’t miss. Highly recommended.”

Cemetery Dance

“A distinctively modern tale that invokes cosmic terrors redolent of past masters H. P. Lovecraft and Algernon Blackwood…. A finale that veers unexpectedly from a seemingly inevitable display of supernatural fireworks to a subtly disarming denouement only underscores the intelligence behind this carefully crafted tale of awe-inspired nightmare.”

Publishers Weekly

“[Caitlín R. Kiernan is] the most singular voice to enter the genre since Neil Gaiman popped up in graphic novels and Stephen King made movies live inside books…. If you haven’t sampled her work yet, you haven’t really been reading the future of horror and dark fantasy, only its past.”

—Lisa DuMond, SF Site, ME Views

confirms Kiernan’s reputation as one of dark fiction’s premier stylists. Her poetic descriptions ring true and evoke a sense of cosmic dread to rival Lovecraft. Her writing envelopes the reader in a fog concealing barely glimpsed horrors that frighten all the more for being just out of sight.”

Gauntlet Magazine

Low Red Moon

“Kiernan only grows in versatility, and readers should continue to expect great things from her.”


“The familiar caveat ‘not for the faint of heart’ is appropriate here—the novel is one of sustained dread punctuated by explosions of unmitigated terror.”

Irish Literary Review

“Effective evocations of the supernatural…a memorable expansion of the author’s unique fictional universe.”

Publishers Weekly

Murder of Angels

“[Kiernan’s] punk-rock prose, and the brutally realistic portrayal of addiction and mental illness, makes

Entertainment Weekly

“I love a book like this that happily blends genres, highlighting the best from each, but delivering them in new configurations….
In Murder of Angels,
the darkness is poetic, the fantasy is gritty, and the real-world sections are rooted in deep and true emotions.”

—Charles de Lint

“Kiernan can write like a banshee…. [She] paints her pages in feverish, chiaroscuro shades. A bridge to the beyond, built out of exquisite dread.”

Kirkus Reviews

Daughter of Hounds

“The plot springs abundant surprises…an effective mix of atmosphere and action.”

Publishers Weekly

“Kiernan’s storytelling is stellar, and the misunderstandings and lies of stories within the main story evoke a satisfying tension in the characters.”


“A thrilling page-turner that also features the depth, complexity, and unflinching willingness to contemplate the dark that we’ve come to expect from [Kiernan’s] books.”


“Caitlín R. Kiernan pays homage to Lovecraft in the very scary
Daughter of Hounds
. There is a sense of the foreboding gothic that creeps out the audience, and the antagonists who set much of the pace seem freaky and deadly. Reminiscent of Poppy Z. Brite’s darkest thrillers, Ms. Kiernan provides Goth horror fans with a suspense laden tale that keeps readers’ attention.”

—Alternate Worlds

Caitlín R. Kiernan


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Published by Roc, an imprint of New American Library, a division of Penguin Group (USA) Inc. Previously published in a Roc trade paperback edition.

ISBN: 978-1-1012-1239-4

Copyright © Caitlín R. Kiernan, 1998
All rights reserved



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For Elizabeth and Jada

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