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Tucker, Ephraim W. “Five Months in Labrador and Newfoundland during the Summer of 1838 (Concord, 1839),” 119-20. Excerpt in
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Whiteley, William H. “James Cook and British Policy in the Newfoundland Fisheries,”
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C. Newspapers and Magazines

, Grand Falls-Windsor, NL.

, Halifax, NS.

Daily News
, St. John's.

Decks Awash
, Botwood Historical Society Archives, NL.

Evening Telegram,
St. John's.

Free Press
, St. John's.

Newfoundland Ancestor
. St. John's: Quarterly Journal of the Newfoundland and Labrador Genealogical Society.

Newfoundland Journal of Commerce
, Reference Department, A. C. Hunter Public Library, St. John's

Newfoundland Quarterly
, St. John's.

, St. John's.

Public Ledger
, St. John's.

Royal Gazette
, St. John's.

Standard and Conception Bay Advertiser
, Harbour Grace, NL.

Times and General Commercial Gazette
, St. John's.

Twillingate Sun,
Twillingate, NL.

Western Star
, Corner Brook, NL.

D. Old Census Data for Newfoundland, by date

Sir John Berry Census, 1675.
The Names of the English Inhabitants with the number of their boats, men, wives and children (from Bonavista to Trepassy)
. Provincial Archives of Newfoundland and Labrador, St. John's. Sir John Berry did others in 1677, 1681, 1684, 1698 (heads of households only) and 1708. Only the 1675 and 1677 records were checked in this case.

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