Silver Bullets (14 page)

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Authors: Elmer Mendoza,Mark Fried

Tags: #FICTION / Mystery & Detective / International Mystery & Crime

BOOK: Silver Bullets
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The kid with the bike left home early for the job his brother-in-law had given him the night before. It was his first day, and he did not want to be late. What made a young man who had been a flake for all of his twenty-three years get a job? Radical change, he was even thinking of registering at Monterrey Tech as his father once had insisted: If you are going to study, do it at a school that's worth the effort, Tech or nothing. That was why he had called the detective. He would tell him his incredible story. Besides, he had decided to marry Beatriz Rodríguez, he was still in love with Paola, but there was no fixing that, Paola was dead and Beatriz was pregnant. Beatriz wanted to have an abortion and run away under the pretext of studying acting, but he was not about to allow that, he would support her, of course he would support her, no way he would behave like a skunk, he would treat her as if she were Paola, who had never stopped putting him down for his negligible schooling and his horrible taste. He did not care what Señor Rodríguez thought, and he hoped the mother would end up accepting him, well, wasn't that the story for most people? Including his sister and brother-in-law, who also ate their sandwiches before recess. He pedaled along happily; it was the
right decision, and maybe it was time for him to settle down: The Mandrake is dying to occupy my post in the gang, let the jerk get started, let him move up, it will take him time to become the biggest ballbuster. When a man loses the love of his life it is time to begin another story, stupid as it may be, and that was what he was doing; he was afraid of becoming obsessed with the dead woman, and he would do whatever was necessary to keep that from happening. The book he had inherited seemed to get thicker and more complicated every day, to the point where he almost agreed with the detective. He recalled how more than once he had thought about killing Bruno Canizales. Yet things were better the way they were, maybe sadness would have killed her even sooner and he would have ended up lost or in purgatory; for now, he would be satisfied with the sister, even if she was not as pretty, she was certainly appetizing. A woman who is not beautiful is nothing, he thought as he pedaled vigorously up a hill on Clouthier Boulevard.

He was breathing hard when an SUV with tinted windows pulled alongside him, the passenger window open. He recognized the driver, and he made a face that froze the instant he received the bullet in the head and fell to the pavement, softly because he had slowed down.

Empty street. Although Culiacán is a city of more than a million inhabitants, many women sweep the street in front of their houses every morning. This time they were not yet out.

The SUV vanished toward the coast highway.


Nine in the morning. Mendieta and Quiroz arrived at the same time at the scene of the crime. Anything to declare, my man Lefty? The victim lost his life because his head got smashed in by a meteor from Saturn, who we are now interrogating. One day I'm going to publish all the inanities you say. You must want to spend the rest of your life crossing days off the calendar and eating beans with bones on Sunday, would you dare? Try me, Lefty, confirm a rumor for me, is it true they shot up your house, I was on my way there when I heard about this. Who told you? Javier Valdés from
. Negative, that fucking fatass has always been a blowhard, he spends his life sitting in Los Portales watching the asses of the babes going by and setting the world straight; you should hear him talk about people from Guamúchil, his hometown. Don't forget that I owe you one, so ask and ye shall receive; listen, what's up with my girlfriend, I don't see her. It was true; Zelda Toledo was nowhere to be seen. What happened? Wouldn't they tell her like he asked? He called her cell phone. It was turned off.

The technicians had blocked off the area, which given the quantity of spectators seemed like a Tigres del Norte concert.
Who said I hate bands named for wild animals? At first glance he knew who it was. There is nothing impossible about this, he grumbled; he called Montaño, who was at a motel with a medical student who wanted to do her practicum with the police. One of his interns was taking notes for the time being, but the techies would not let him work. Later on they'll make a fucking stink. Mendieta observed the look on the kid's face and had a feeling there was a message there, what was he going to tell him that night? But he was incapable of deciphering it. Evidently, someone else knew he knew something. He took three photographs with his cell phone. Let's hope they don't turn out blurry.

At the door of the nearest house a woman was watching. How are you this morning? Surprised, listen, can't you stop all this violence? The politicians, the police, the soldiers, I hear them all making promises, but every day there are more gangsta-wraps, everybody runs off at the mouth about ending the violence and it's nothing but parakeet spit, where is all this going to lead? Look at what they did to that poor boy, what did he do wrong? Were you the one who called headquarters? I'm not that crazy, they give you the runaround and you end up without even the bus fare to go make a statement, in this country justice is in the hands of criminals and as long as you people from the government whistle and look the other way that's how it's going to remain. When did you see the body? About seven, the one who saw him first was Artemisa, that fat girl with the flowery blouse and the long hair, she yelled to me to come out; she was the one who called. Did you hear anything? A gunshot, but since that's so common it never occurred to me they did it right in front of my house, and to such a young man, his poor mother. Did anyone in your family see anything? No one, they all sleep soundly and my husband didn't come home to sleep. I wouldn't want to be in his shoes when he turns up. And who are you to say that? Look,
asshole, don't you start in on my husband, you can only dream about being as good as a hair on his chest, this is his home and he can come and go whenever and at whatever time he pleases, that's why he has his old lady waiting for him, do you hear me? Now get lost. Where was Zelda Toledo? He called again. Nothing. She would know how to deal with hysterical hags.

Señora Artemisa, were you the first to see the body? She was a young woman, slightly overweight but with a pretty face. I was heating up water for Nescafé when I heard the gunshot, a loud noise but sharp, I came out and saw the heap on the ground and red lights disappearing at the top of the street, more or less where that green house is. What kind of car? Well, it was more or less big, maybe a Ford or a Chevrolet, I don't know much about cars, I always wanted a Volkswagen, but you know they stopped making them, I went over and saw it was a boy on the ground with his bicycle; I know someone who works for the police, I looked for his number and kept calling until they answered. Who do you know? She smiled mischievously: Do I have to say? It's just that I'm bashful, you understand, right? The good thing is that you reported it. He wasn't the one who answered, I think he starts later. That's fine, you can tell me another time, did you see anyone go over to the body? On the contrary, they all gave it a wide berth, a man wanted to take the bicycle, but we screamed at him, me and Señora Emma, the one from across the street, have you spoken with her? She's boiling, poor woman, like water for chocolate, her husband is in heat and he didn't come home to sleep, it's been several nights already. Did anyone else approach you? No one, look, on this block every man and woman works nights, the only one who works the day shift is Don Leopoldo, Doña Emma's husband, and as I said he hasn't come home. What do you do? I'm a social worker at Social Security, will you look who is coming now. Dr. Montaño was getting out of his Honda.
Ah, Mendieta said with a knowing smile. Don't tell him anything, eh, it would really embarrass me. Don't worry.

Montaño ignored the recommendations of the technicians and the notes of his assistant. He quickly checked the body, moved an arm, took its temperature, noted the hole in the cheek, and stood up. Mendieta was already by his side. You bastard, I thought he was some big shot. You didn't warn me you would be busy, besides it wasn't me, she insisted I call you, she was dying to see you even at a distance. Montaño turned cautiously toward where Artemisa was standing: Holy Mary, that woman never grows old, we were together when I was doing my internship and you have no idea how much I owe her, she is a master teacher, a true enchantress of a woman; well, as far as the cadaver goes, he died three and a half hours ago from a gunshot wound to the head, it went in his cheek and came out his left ear, rigor mortis is just setting in. This youngster was one of Paola Rodríguez's lovers, and I'm certain his death has something to do with Canizales, I would like to know what kind of bullet killed him. Find that out from Ortega, now have some consideration, give me a chance to bounce a bit with this chick, would you look at that body, she's as tempting as ever and she wants more. The young woman was leaning on his car. At noon, okay? More than enough time.

Montaño went over to Artemisa and gave her a long hug.

Mendieta admired the joy in their faces and wished he had had a teacher like that. In truth he did have one, but he was not prepared to open any doors that involved Goga Fox. The testicle he was chewing on was bleeding blacker and blacker, but he was not about to seek her out even if it killed him.

The priest Bardominos passed briefly through his mind, and Dr. Parra's voice returned: Get going, Detective, use your brain to evoke constructive emotions, cover your old wounds with
new experiences so you can achieve some balance. A nutcase who once met Erich Fromm and now smoked and drank as if his life depended on it. Why do I refuse to go back to him? Maybe because I have to get rid of Bardominos on my own.

He called headquarters: Robles, is Agent Toledo around somewhere? Gee, I haven't seen her and you know how pleased my eyes are to find her. He transferred the call to the office. Chief Mendieta? Angelita had the news. She came in very early and took all her things, she left her badge and pistol on her desk. What's that about? Who knows, she looked absolutely crushed, so I didn't dare ask. Thank you, Angelita. Do you know what happened? Not a clue, do me a favor, get a patrol car to take you to her house and call me as soon as you learn something, give me Robles.

Robles, find me the phone number of Rodolfo Uzeta, Agent Toledo's boyfriend. Don't tell me she has a boyfriend, we already raffled her off here. Who won? Well, who else would it be but my poor bones. I feel for you, when you have something call me on the cell phone. He had to bring the news to the mother.

Beatriz was looking out of the window of Paola's old room, she must have had some premonition because she came over right away and understood instantly. The señora sat down for a moment, her eyes welling up. Beatriz put her arm around her and told her that he was an exemplary son and that God had reasons for everything He did. Beatriz's face was distorted, red, sweaty; she called the boy's father at his office and passed the señora the telephone.

Beatriz was too upset to cry. She's the one, looking at Mendieta as she spoke, not even dead will she leave him in peace, the wretch, not even dead will she stop hogging everything, she didn't love him even a little, she only slept with him to aggravate me; my father is right when he says that misfortune never turns
up alone, you know? The night before last I convinced him to let me be with him, he promised to go to work, to live a normal life; we talked a lot, he was drinking, but he was relaxed, he said he was going to take the most important step of his life. Where were you? In my room, even though it was practically midnight I couldn't sleep, you can understand that all of us in my family have our clocks out of whack. Did he tell you what sort of step it was? No, he only said that Troy was going to burn and that afterward I probably wouldn't love him as much as I said; the truth is now I love him even more and I feel proud that I am going to have his child. Did he mention we were going to meet today? No, sometimes he would get mysterious.

The señora listened to the father's instructions. He assured her that he would take care of everything and asked to speak with the detective. With whom do I have the pleasure? Soft, seductive voice, educated. Edgar Mendieta from the State Ministerial Police. Pleased to make your acquaintance, Detective, we have heard great things about you, this is Alonso Barraza, I suppose you know who I am. Of course, sir. He was deputy district attorney for the state. Well, I do not want this to get out, that woman has two of my children and my wish is that it remain unknown, I hope that is sufficient explanation, give her the body and from here on in whatever I can do for you, Mendieta, I repay favors well. What relationship did you have with your son? Horrible, he hated me, but even so I want everything to move smoothly, I don't know if you understand me. Absolutely, don't worry, he could tell Barraza knew nothing about his son, we'll do it just as you say.

Beatriz offered to go find the boy's sister and to identify the body. The detective made two calls: one by mistake to Montaño, who did not answer, and the other to Ortega to see if they had located the bullet, but he got no answer there either. Dante,
who was still working his Rubik's cube, offered to accompany Beatriz, who was incapable of taking the wheel, their mother was still unable to get out of bed, and Señor Rodríguez was at work. While Beatriz was getting ready, Mendieta chatted with Dante, the math student, twenty-one years old, thoughtful expression, red hair. How long does it take you to get each side the same color? Time me. He moved his hands quickly and eighteen seconds later displayed the result. Wow, you are quick, what's the secret? There is no secret, it's just common sense and a little practice. Mendieta looked at him: Let's see, in the situation on your street, there have been two deaths within a few square yards within a few days, and one of them someone very close to you, what does your common sense tell you? Dante looked at him: The two of them were lovers and given the conditions you point out their deaths must be connected in some way, the probability is discouraging, but on target. What leads you to that conclusion? The precision of mathematics and the existence of similar cases, Romeo and Juliet, for example, he kept turning the cube, they lived under threat in the same city at the same time; each case is a set, an equation, you have to define the specific fields and see where they coincide, Canizales could be one link, Beatriz is another, he said when he saw his sister approaching.

Cavalry charge. They gave him Rodo's number, and he called him immediately.

Have you tried her cell phone? Several times, Rodo my man, I don't understand what could have happened to her. What I know is that they sent her back to the Traffic Department, today she's launching a pedestrian orientation program she's going to run, it seems strange you don't know about it. Sometimes the left hand doesn't know what the right is doing. They ought to be in the DIF auditorium, the inaugural ceremony is at 11:30. Rodo
my man, I thank you and you can certainly expect a birthday present.

What was going on? They close the Canizales case when it is at its hottest and then they steal his assistant, a woman he had brought over one day after she gave him a ticket even though he was a policeman, everything as the law dictated, then she even pulled over a narco junior driving his Hummer as if he were on a racetrack, she managed to get him under control and deliver him to a couple of uniformed patrolmen. Bad luck? He was not about to take it lying down.

Once the body was identified, he headed over to the DIF, down Zapata Boulevard.

He got hold of Ortega: I want to know what sort of weapon killed Ezequiel Barraza, a twenty-three-year-old kid now in the morgue but about to get picked up. He's the son of Yoonohoo Barraza, right? Why do you say that? Here everyone knows it. Are they tapping my phone or what? Not yours but certainly his, for security. Okay, so do me that favor. Listen, what's up with the guy who sent you flowers, did you give in? He hung up; he was not in the mood for jokes.

Cavalry charge. Boss, it was Angelita, her mother says she is back in Traffic. He thanked her. Filing into the DIF auditorium were hundreds of children in school uniforms smelling sweet. He looked for the stage door and slipped in. Zelda Toledo in her traffic uniform was speaking with Chief Matías, a man of about sixty, fat, bald, his uniform impeccable. With them were other officials in civilian clothes and in uniform. Zelda remained silent; her face without makeup conveyed a certain angst, gaze unfocused, lips dry. Mendieta could not resist: Señorita Toledo, I am placing you under arrest, he showed his badge, you will have to come with me. He grabbed her by the arm and took a step toward the exit. Matías grabbed Zelda by the other arm: You
are not taking anyone anywhere, identify yourself or the party's over. The traffic cops present drew their guns; although Zelda had not recovered from the shock, her face relaxed, she even felt like smiling, she had not uttered a word, but she was enjoying the show. Put those pieces away or I'll piss on them, is this the sort of example you want to set for the children coming in? What do you know about examples, you're a scoundrel, a hooligan with a record as long as my arm, Chief Matías said, Agent Toledo will never return to the police force. She's not going to the police, I'm arresting her for dereliction of duty. Commander Briseño walked in accompanied by Deputy District Attorney Alonso Barraza, both were there to attend the inaugural ceremony. What's going on? They looked at each other for a moment. Put those guns away, the dep DA said. The detective went up to the two of them: Señor Deputy Barraza, I'm Edgar Mendieta, I don't know if you remember me. Of course I remember you, he smiled, and I am very grateful, he twigged, must I repay you so soon? It seems that way. Briseño did not understand, but he played along. Just two things: I want Agent Toledo on my team, he pointed at Zelda, and I'd like to finish the Canizales case, it is probably connected to the death of your son Ezequiel. Briseño was just talking about you, why are you so hard to get hold of? Well, besides the two murders, an attack years ago that I barely survived, and another last night that practically destroyed my house, I guess it's because I like living the rowdy life. The deputy district attorney smiled. We can talk after the ceremony, Briseño intervened, trying to shore up his authority, how does that sound, Attorney Barraza? Reincorporate the girl into the force immediately, Barraza said, and we'll take care of the other matter this afternoon, couldn't she stay for the ceremony? They were walking toward the presidium. I need her right now. Zelda had no idea what to do. Matías tried to pull her onto the stage,
but Mendieta blocked him, the dep DA signaled, and the chief let go. Mendieta took her by the arm and got her out of there. Why don't I get a say? How come no one wants to know what I think or where I want to be? Do I look like an idiot or what? Let's have breakfast at the Miró and I'll listen to you all you like. Answer at least one of my questions. Okay, I only wanted to find out why you left us, but as soon as I saw your face I knew it wasn't your choice. He smiled. A Black Forest sandwich is not a bad idea with some good strong coffee. An extra shot for the lady, please. Boss, this time I'm paying, what's with the limo? It's no big deal, Agent Toledo, you know change is my routine.

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