Sin Eaters: Devotion Book One (5 page)

BOOK: Sin Eaters: Devotion Book One
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The attack was fast. Objects lifted in the air, hauling toward Calvin as the Snatcher ran head on into him, swinging, his long nails protruding like thorns.
Ducking each advance, he leaned back as the Snatcher's long claws tried to stab into his heart. Using quick footwork, he had to dodge parked cars as he landed skin-searing blows to the Snatcher's body.
“Hey, homie, getcha hits right. Then I may be scared. Ya heard me?” Calvin slid over the hood of a nearby car. Producing a holy water-infused, electric nuke ball of light, he threw the spear at the venom-spitting vamp and watched the Snatcher leap away. A mantra of curses swarmed into his mind as he maneuvered himself around the car.
Lookie here. This bussa is fast.
Calvin landed into a running back stance, his massive frame hunkering low as he sprinted down the street to draw the Snatcher out into open space. He knew it was life or death when dealing with a Snatcher. His body was cut up good by the hard-hitting vamp, but he knew what he had to do to kill it.
As he ran, he saw a flying Dark Gargoyle hunting his movements. Glancing back, he noticed the Snatcher was still following. Tracking both targets that came his way, Calvin sprinted around a corner and found a brick. He pulled his hoodie on and lifted the brick. After tossing it between his large hands like a football, he hitched it as hard as he could and threw it at the Dark Gargoyle, sending an exploding prayer with it.
The wind was suddenly knocked from Calvin, making him feel as if an asthma attack was forming. The spells were weighing heavy on him, draining him, and affecting his breathing. He needed better recovery time. Being a partial Mystic was limiting and, frankly, sucked ass. With a sigh, he chewed on some Qua gum, aka spirit gum, to quickly give him some energy. Embers of dead Dark Gargoyle rained around him as he strolled, relaxing and brushing the ash off his body.
Quietly waiting, he closed his eyes and listened to the screeching approaching Snatcher, who was drawn by the exploding Dark Gargoyle, as he kept his back to the entity. His hands fisted at his sides as he heard the signature clicking vibration a Snatcher makes when producing its Cursed venom.
Generations of spells filled his mind, some he wasn't able to work but knew, others he used on a daily basis, and others he had created himself. He let the rhythms of each spell fill his spirit as he began to bob his head to the internal rhythm he was creating with each swirling spell. He could literally smell the Snatcher in his personal space, ready to attack. His eyes suddenly cascaded into white light, and Psalms and spells spilled from his lips in song. Each note carried in the air, making the Anarchy Snatcher back away in pain, the song swirling around the vampire.
Crooning to the melodies in his mind, body, and soul, Calvin rock-stepped back into a capoeira martial arts kick. The quick motion allowed him to divert his moves and stealthily bring down his scythe blades to slice the Snatcher in half. The vampire shred into miasmic pieces, due to the combination of Calvin's blades and spell.
Calvin smiled as he landed against the ground in a resting stance. His blades, the ground, and the block lit up like a lamp, a signal from his brother-in-arms. Calvin's soul calmed in satisfaction as his spell doubled back and worked the second part of its purpose.
Everything that was covered or touched by the Cursed enemy was suddenly washed in healing and cleansing white light that purified everything it touched.
Exhaling slowly, Calvin pounded a fist to his heart and pointed to the heavens with thanks.
Scoping his area, Khamun scanned the house and stopped. A sensational ting flowed over him. His body tightened in heightened desire as he mentally caressed her. She was tense, confused, angry, and hurt. He could taste her tears as she sat on her bed. She was exhausted at having to answer multiple questions. He wanted nothing more than to walk into her room, pick her up, and soothe her pain, but he couldn't. She wasn't his world. Well, she wasn't, until he saw her best friend turn into a Light Gargoyle, and he was currently occupied.
Quick like a cobra, he reached out in front of him. His prey hissed in his arms as the Reaper's wings exploded in the night air, encompassing the demon. The energy within the neighborhood sizzled and snapped, connecting with him as he channeled it. Khamun woke up the Light powers, and a white wall of energy lit every street, house, and car as holy land was reclaimed.
Grunting, the Reaper's arms bulged with the strain, twisting and turning. The little S.O.B. didn't know what hit it. Khamun was the Reaper, and the thing was his prey.
Khamun absorbed his victim's screams as it tried to leak acid from its teeth and tried to ineffectively gash at him.
Suppressing a laugh, the Reaper heard a crack. The Dark Gargoyle went limp in his arms as he absorbed the entity's essence, and the Light barrier fried the rest of the monster's dead husk, saturating the air with the metallic scent of Cursed demon flesh. Flames then ash decorated the skies as the Light finished off the Dark Gargoyle's approaching Master.
The sound of a still screaming Cursed Hunter stuck in the light barrier triggered the Reaper to pull out his blade and approach the hissing and suffering entity. With a quick flick of his wrist, he made the warrior think he was about to slice him in half as he whistled in amusement, holstering his blade.
“Your kind fucked up by coming into my territory.” The Reaper smiled even more while circling the writhing Hunter, toying with his prey. “Tell me what you were looking for, and I'll send you to your master right now. Or I'll watch you burn from the inside out some more. Your pick of the cards, cousin.”
The trapped and screaming Hunter twisted as he tried to get loose. Sudden fear for the first time in his long-lived life filled him as he gazed up. He couldn't understand any of this. He wasn't supposed to fear this Angel. He was ready to die for his Cursed family. But as he stared into the glowing amber eyes of the Guardian in front of him, fear ran down his stuck legs as he felt the Light eat him from the inside out. Last-minute thoughts flickered in his mind as if he was on death roll, and all he could think was, torture and pain was his kind's birthright. But who knew the Light could throw it back in righteous balance? Maybe he'd chosen wrong.
With a tilt of his head to the side, the Reaper looked deeply into the Hunter's terrified gaze, and he lowered his voice. “Maybe, you did.” Then, quick as a blade, he ripped through the Hunter's chest. He tore out his prey's still beating heart, wrapping his fingers around his spine and pulling both free at the same time.
Fear was frozen on the Hunter's face, and he sputtered, the life in him fading. “What are you?” faded in the air as the Hunter's body dissolved in the Light.
Dropping the dissolving remains, the Reaper walked away, brushing his shoulders off. With a shrug, he casually said, “I don't know,” and looked into the house, searching for his guide.
Listening and connecting instantly with her stressed mind, he saw her standing in the shower. Swirls of hot water glowing from the prayer protection spell that was released slid down her soft breasts, curved hips, and ample rear. He had to stop himself from phasing into the shower to kiss and slide her hardened nipples into his ready mouth.
Inwardly pissed at the rules that kept Guardians like himself from interacting with Guides one on one unless they were in danger, he couldn't do what he really wanted to, which was to sink deep into her hot, sweet, wet tightness.
Stepping back at the sound of Calvin's tan boots on pavement, Khamun turned and gave his bro a pound with his fist. Assessing his boy with an inward chuckle, he noticed the blood on his leather hoodie jacket, jeans, and hands. Calvin was a beast with his Mystic and fighting skills. Khamun knew whatever got in Calvin's way wasn't coming back alive.
“What it do, bro? She all right?” Calvin wearily asked, his eyes scanning in the dark.
Kicking a lone basketball out of his way, Khamun rolled his shoulder and pulled his spilling locks back up into a knot. He then ran his ash-covered hands over his pants. “Yeah, she's cool. Your spell kept everything invisible to the innocents.”
Calvin suddenly dropped to the ground squatting, his hand touching glowing grass as he quirked an eyebrow and scrunched up his face in amazement.
“Yo, what the fuck, man! Where this holy land come from?”
Turning, both men eyed Marco as he strolled in smoking and resting his gun against his shoulder. His eyes were flashing, silver disks circling his irises as he frowned. “
, the whole block is lit up. That's what's up.”
Lost in thought, Khamun remained silent as he stared at the house then walked away. Heading to his ride, he slid his hands behind his neck.
Both Calvin and Marco glanced at each other.
Marco lit another trinity, and Calvin adjusted his hood, sliding his earbuds in and cranking up his iPod as they trailed behind in silence, scanning the house on their way out. Both men were satisfied at the fight they'd had today. Everyone had gathered a little bit of info that they would need to present to the Lady Elderess, Khamun's mother Neffer. Until then, it was time to roll out.
Chapter 4
Knocked out, yet slowly waking up, Sanna sighed and sank deeper into her soft warm bed. It was comforting to be at her mom's, even though a part of her wanted to be at her own home.
Last night was fit for a soap opera. Her mother was angry when she saw her daughter and goddaughter surrounded by police and firefighters, and covered in soot. The moment they entered her home, she instantly put her foot down and demanded that her daughter stay.
“Sanna, get up!”
Chipped manicured nails peeked out from under the sheets. Snatching at the half falling pillow, her small hands quickly placed the pillow over the bump of a head under the sheets. Sanna didn't feel like dealing with the aftermath of losing her restaurant. Her body was tense and sore in every crevice. All she could think about was taking another hot shower and lying in bed all day. She was slowly thinking about both, until her whole peripheral vision began to shake behind her closed eyes.
She abruptly sat up with a jerk and looked through her blurred vision, and her mother hazily came into view. With a sulking huff, she pushed down her curly, frizzy hair. Her hair had earlier been styled into thick, fluffy natural curls that fell past her shoulders. She had been channeling Jill Scott, when she had it done, but now it was a fuzzy mess after having washed it. But she didn't care.
Right now she was wondering why her mom was shaking the hell out of her, and if it would be personal suicide to push her mother out of the bed and kick her one good time, before going back to sleep.
Grouchy, Sanna sighed. “Yes, ma'am?”
Tamar Steele was considered a small, calm woman with a temper when she was ready to release it, and last night, her spirit broke into a thousand pieces as she felt the same things that hunted her husband long ago had returned to hunt her baby girl. Eyeing her disheveled daughter, she could clearly see the bruises and strain on her child's body, and it put the anger of God in her, especially when she saw the same markings on, and fear in, her godchild. Both of her daughters looked as if they had stepped out of a war, and burning house.
The paralyzing fear from last night flashed in her mind again as she rubbed her temples and exhaled. She pushed the thoughts away in order to stay strong for her daughter and not panic over almost losing her. She was sure her children were more than she hoped they were.
“A representative from that architect, restoration realtor business is here. He needs to talk to you right now, baby.”
Sanna looked at her mother with hidden tears in her eyes, flinching from the soreness that filled her frame. “Ma, I'm not ready for that right now. Can we do this later?”
Tamar inwardly heaved a sigh, shaking her head. “Baby girl, get your ass out that bed now and come talk to this man. He said this can't be moved to another time. Kyo is out there with him right now. Both of you are strong, so go talk to him.”
Sanna grabbed her fluffy cotton robe and slid it on. As she slowly shuffled down the hall of her mom's house, sadness filled her. Her restaurant was in ruins. All her money and time had gone to hell, and now she had to relive it and listen to how much money it would take to try to rebuild what she and Kyo had just invested in. Tears threatened to fall as she walked down the hallway.
Rounding the corner, Sanna saw Kyo chuckling as she sat eating some French toast in her mother's kitchen. Ready to pop off a smart remark, she froze as a pair of startling icy blue eyes—no, grey—No, they were blue, but they stood out so strong, she wanted to blink but couldn't. Those eyes filled her with calm, healing relief. All she could do was stare at the owner.
“Hello, Ms. Steele. I'm Lenox . . . Lenox MacLeod. I'm here at the request of our firm to discuss the loss of your property. And it looks as if I'm also here to enjoy a wonderful breakfast.”
A reassuring smile came across Lenox's strong, five o'clock-shadowed, sexy jaw, and she felt the soreness and pain in her body disappear with a shake of his big hand. The man stood a towering six foot eight, she guessed, with jet-black curling hair that was pulled into a ponytail at the nape of his neck.
Sanna had to count her breaths as she watched the man pull out a chair for her. He moved smoothly, like a man who knew he was suave, but not in a conceited manner. Suddenly images of single friends she could hook this guy up with flashed in her head as she sat. The man was astounding. He had a soft light-bronze tone to him that suited his rugged, sophisticated Scottish and African American heritage. His light goatee that rested on his cut jawline accented his full, shaped lips, his defined muscles moving under his relaxed Armani suit. She couldn't lie, she was impressed, and really relaxed, which she couldn't understand, but since the pain in her body was now gone, she couldn't complain.
Taking a seat, she looked at the array of French toast and scrambled eggs on her plate. “We are willing to seek ways to work with getting Aset back up and running, but I hope this doesn't skyrocket our payments with you all. It was—things are not making sense. I'm sorry,” she said with a smile.
Sanna was taking small bites and talking. She abruptly put her fork down and rubbed her temple, as memories flooded her mind. She felt her body tense. Her hands began to shake, and her mind swirled. Welcoming the impending blackout, Lenox's voice sliced through it all, producing a sense of calmness within her, erasing the pain.
“Ms. Steele—Sanna, if I may, that is not why I am here. Well, it is, but please, listen. Protection Corps understands the unusual circumstances to the loss of Aset, and we have decided to turn this situation into a positive by currently relocating all of Aset into the building you had been looking at last week, the Nile building.”
Kyo, cupping her café mug to her lips, almost choked on her coffee as she and Sanna both mirrored the same shocked look.
“What?” escaped both women's lips in unison as they leaned toward each other.
Lenox smirked and took a bite of his French toast. It had been a long time since he'd had such a delicious batch of French toast. With all the work he and his fam did to guide and help in the city, breakfast wasn't something eaten all the time.
Studying both beautiful women, Lenox inhaled and snipped at each pain circuit running through Sanna's body. The woman had been lit up like a Christmas tree, pain flowing through her whole body. The same was going on with Kyo as well, but as he glanced at the pair, he noticed these ladies' energy lines were not like those of the typical human.
Softly laughing, Lenox took a sip of his café-worthy coffee. “Let me explain again. Your loan in Aset has been moved over to the new property without any increase or rate change due to the fire. Our investigation crew clearly saw that the fire was no fault of yours or anyone employed by you. Because of this, and the fact that we recognize that Aset is extremely important to the welfare of the Three Points of St. Louis, we've decided that this change is good.”
Sliding the new unsigned contract across the beautiful oak table, Lenox smiled. He was damn good at what he did. Law was his thing. Though he mainly worked with overseeing contractors and their negotiation within the company, this smoothly written document was his cardinal contract. It would bring nothing but double security and blessings upon the women in this household, even if they didn't know it. But glancing up at the matriarch of the house who had just walked in, he felt that maybe his perceptions might be off.
He watched the women huddle around each other and begin talking in hushed voices as he leaned back. As he slowly drank his refilled cup of coffee, he studied them and inwardly chuckled. The women were beautiful; he could clearly understand why Khamun always came back from his sentries tired, stressed, and angry. These women had auras around them that demanded any man with a right mind protect them, lay down law on anyone who came into their lives and tried to harm it.
Calmly soaking in Sanna's image, he absentmindedly nodded as the women asked him questions pertaining to the contract. Sanna was beautiful. The way the light soaked into her soft, thick wavy curls of hair, frizzy and pulled up into a free-form puff, brought a comforting feel to his heart. He could see her running around with many children while handling business with her restaurant. He could see her with her many hobbies, and he could clearly see the happy man standing by her side protecting her 'til the day she died, her husband Khamun.
Lenox abruptly sat up, raising an eyebrow at the vision. He wasn't a seer. The only time something like this happened was if something extremely important and dangerous was about to happen, and he was being called to go lose himself in the Society libraries, searching for needed information, all due to a Denotation vision.
Replaying the image in his mind, he shook his head. No, Khamun wasn't her husband.
He stood protective over Sanna watching, happy yet sad, pain in his expression. Dark feathers lay around the pair as he reached to take Sanna's hand and froze, unable to touch her. Sanna sat watching her children. Tears of blood he hadn't noticed before slid down her cheeks, as the children who had his amber eyes disappeared in the darkness that overshadowed the pair. He could hear Kyo's screams in the background. Sanna's skin suddenly glowed
With a quick look over the women of the house, he quickly stood and reached for his phone. “Excuse me, ladies. I must make a call.”
Hastily moving out of the kitchen, he walked outside and hit two numbers. “Eldress V'ance y A'lor, Society is in danger. I just was given a Denotation vision, which I must research.”
He knotted his brows in concern, listening to the comforting warm voice on the other side as he nodded. “Yes, Eldress, it is steaming from this. Okay, they are being protected as was requested . . . blessings upon thee.”
Closing his cell, reflex almost had him grabbing his wrist blade and slice across the delicate neck near his shoulder. Only grace and his training stopped him when he recognized the aura behind him before she could sense the attack.
A soft smile played at the corner of his lips as he looked down at the striking beauty in front of him and quirked an eyebrow. He appreciated that cutie moved like a stealth ninja.
“Hello, Kyo.”
Beaming, she glanced up. She didn't know why, but when he was near, she noticed that her pains went away. He was really comforting, and she felt like she could tell him everything. And the fact that he was oh so yummy didn't hurt at all.
Kyo walked up to him a little closer and decided to get to know him. “Are you okay, Mr. MacLeod?” She leaned against a porch beam and studied him out the corner of her eye. Playing it cool, she idly carved into the wood with her nails as she waited for his response.
Crossing his arms over his wide chest, he rocked back and forth, looking out into the sunlight as he listened to her soft voice. “I'm good. Just had to handle some business on your and Sanna's behalf, of course.”
Kyo began to rock back and forth, mimicking his movements. “Well, look, we talked it over. Sanna would have been standing here as well, but we went through it that night. She is still dealing with it, as am I, so . . . ” she said, observing the man out the corner of her eye.
She inhaled and looked up into the calming, understanding, and trusting eyes of the man before her. She had to stop herself from choking on her rising tears.
“We thank you, and we've combed through the papers and see we have no choice but to accept. Hell, we'd be fools not to, so thank you. We'd like to feed you and the execs when everything is finished.”
With a curt nod, Lenox replied, “Of course. I'm sure the execs won't object to that.” He inwardly cussed.
This joint watching of these women was not going to work in his personal opinion. These ladies were too loveable, too sensual, too open, too honest, too everything he and his bro's wanted in women that they couldn't find in Society. Yeah, he was really going to be kicking Khamun's ass shortly.
Heading back into the house, Lenox slid his hands over the back of his neck, cupping it and rubbing as he exhaled. Yeah, this was going to be interesting to handle.
Water dripped on Sanna's already frizzy curls as she pulled it back into a high ponytail. She sighed, walking around the building. It was raining outside, and for some reason, it seemed the dampness had followed her into the building. Placing her wet coat over an idle chair, she stopped, her mouth dropping.
This ain't right.
Over three months of working on the new restaurant, and the designs were coming out perfect. But this was something new that she was looking at. The walls to the soon-to-be Aset Reborn were covered with intricately drawn pictures and phrases written in kanji and hieroglyphs. It was so beautiful, all she could do was stare as she heard humming then singing swirling around her.
With a quirk of her eyebrow, she turned to look around as the singing grew stronger, making the hair on her body stand. Her libido began to go crazy with the caress of the deep sensual voice flooding her senses. Walking farther into what would be the dining area, she slid by the covered piano and stopped.

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