Sinful Rapture (The Rapture Series) (7 page)

BOOK: Sinful Rapture (The Rapture Series)
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Holly loved them.

She leaned closer, reading the small plaques at the bottom of the models.

“St. Louis. Biloxi.” Straightening, she sent Liam a startled glance. “You intend to expand Angeli’s?”

He shrugged, his expression oddly unreadable. “These wouldn’t be Angeli.”

“I don’t understand.”

“I want something we can build together,” he said, his voice soft but filled with determination. “Something that has no taint of Vigo.”

Her heart missed a beat.


He cupped her cheek in his hands, his gaze searing over her face as she struggled to accept his words.

“Full-fledged partners,” he swore.

Holly found it ridiculously difficult to think.

It wasn’t just the astoundingly generous offer. Or the knowledge that she could finally achieve her dreams.

It was his sheer belief in her ability to undertake such an enormous project.

Granted, her father had vaguely implied he might one day consider her worthy of taking his place, but it had never been about his confidence in her skill.

It’d been a power play to force Luc to return to his place as the rightful heir.

Vigo had never really bothered to see her as more than a weapon.

“I…” She had to halt and clear her throat. “I’m not sure what to say.”

His thumb brushed her cheek, sending sparks of intense pleasure through her body.

“Then let me speak.”

“Okay,” she breathed.

“I came to Vegas with nothing but twenty bucks in my pocket. At the time, I didn’t have any real goal beyond getting a roof over my head.” He shrugged, his gaze focused on her mouth as she unconsciously peeked out her tongue to dampen her lips. “Eventually I discovered I had a talent for gambling. And more shockingly, the ability to turn my winnings into a successful business.”

She resisted the urge to roll her eyes at his modesty. The man had gone from sleeping in his car to creating a dozen profitable restaurants, to owning the jewel in the crown of casinos.

And all before the age of thirty-five.

A hell of an accomplishment.

“Why Irish pubs?” she asked.

“I missed my ma’s cooking,” he said with a smile that could melt the Antarctic. Or her unexpectedly susceptible heart. “And I had nine brothers and sisters looking for employment. They became my first waitstaff, bartenders, and dishwashers.”

She heaved an unconsciously wistful sigh. “Your parents must be very proud.”

“They would have been just as proud if I’d stayed in Dublin and joined my father’s construction company,” he said without hesitation. “Their love has never been conditional.”

Unlike her own father’s, she silently acknowledged.

“When did you decide to buy Angeli’s?”

“It didn’t take long as a gambler to learn that the true money wasn’t made at the tables, but by owning the tables,” he explained. “And since Angeli’s is the finest chain of casinos, I decided I wouldn’t be satisfied until I owned them.”

She hesitated before asking the question that had been on her mind since she’d first learned that Liam had purchased her father’s business.

“Was I part of your climb to the top?”

His brows snapped together, almost as if he was outraged by the perfectly reasonable question.


Even if she was illegitimate, she’d spent her life being chased and flattered and flirted with because of her connection to Vigo Angeli.

Even Ted had hoped to use her as a means to convince Vigo to switch his massive wealth to Ted’s investment bank.

Why wouldn’t she have assumed that the hotshot immigrant gambler was looking for a way into Vegas society?

“No. You’re not a trophy to me, princess,” he rasped. “Hell, I’d have given anything if you hadn’t been a part of Angeli’s.”

She blinked at his harsh tones. “Thanks.”

He snorted, his fingers trailing over her cheeks, down the line of her jaw, his touch so gentle it made her knees weak.

“It has nothing to do with your abilities, princess,” he chided. “No matter how much I might want you, I would never keep you in such a vital position if I didn’t believe you are the most highly qualified person to do the job.” He grimaced. “But we both know that I became your enemy the moment your father sold the business to me.”

“I felt—”


She nodded. “Yes. And unworthy.” Her hands lifted to touch his broad chest, needing the feel of his solid form as the painful memories seared through her. “I fought so hard to earn his respect.”

Slowly he lowered his head, kissing her with a gentle care.

“I’m sorry.”

“For buying Angeli’s?”

“No,” he retorted with a blunt honesty. “If it hadn’t been me, your father would have sold to someone else.”

She winced. It was true.

As much as she’d wanted to blame Liam, deep inside she’d known she would never be a suitable replacement for Luc.

“Then what are you sorry for?”

His lips traced the line of her nose before sweeping over her brows, his touch offering an unexpected comfort even as a jolt of excitement clenched her stomach.

Astonishing, really.

She’d expected the heat. The passion. The breathtaking pleasure.

But never in a million years could she have suspected he could make her feel…cherished.

“That you were hurt when I took over the company and I have no way of making it better,” he said softly, his lips settling at the corner of her mouth.

“It’s not your fault.”

He stilled, slowly lifting his head as he absorbed the full implication of her confession.

“It’s not?”


Their gazes tangled, both of them sensing something profound had just altered between them.

Then, feeling oddly vulnerable, Holly forced a smile to her lips.

“Don’t gloat.”

His fingers smoothed the long strands of her hair over her shoulder before trailing down her arms to grasp her hands.

“Never,” he assured her.

Holly believed him. Liam might tease and even torment on occasion, but he was never one to wallow in his own accomplishments.

“Luc warned me,” she admitted.

“Warned you about what?”

“That my father was destined to disappoint me.” She shrugged. “He said that Vigo Angeli had no interest in anyone but Vigo Angeli, and he was right. Nothing I’ve done has impressed him because he truly doesn’t care.”

He lifted her hand to press his lips to her fingers. “What about your mother?”

Holly had to battle her instinct to retreat from the blunt question.

Tory Sullivan had been twenty-one when she’d caught Vigo’s roving eye and become his mistress. She’d done her best to try to be a mother, but the truth was she didn’t want to be domesticated.

She enjoyed the lure of the bright lights and handsome men. Reading bedtime stories to her daughter was nothing but a bore as far as she was concerned.

Holly lowered her lashes, hiding her inner emotions.

“She never wanted a child, but she was smart enough to know that Vigo would pay if she kept me. I was a convenient meal ticket,” she said, struggling to keep the bitterness from her voice. Her childhood hadn’t been perfect, but it sure as hell was better than many kids had to endure.

He swore beneath his breath, pressing his lips to her forehead.

“Neither of them deserved to have you as a daughter.”

She gave a sudden shake of her head. Dammit, she was done with self-pity.

Time to put on her big girl panties and move on.

“I’m done,” she sharply announced.

Liam lifted his head to observe her with a brooding gaze. “What does that mean?”

“I officially retire my obsessive need to earn my father’s approval.”

He studied her for a long time before he pressed another kiss to her knuckles.

“Who knows what the future holds?” he said. “Perhaps someday Vigo will realize what he’s missing.”

She rolled her eyes.

Yeah, and she’d probably win the lottery.

Both had about the same odds of coming true.

She gave a lift of her shoulder. “Maybe, but I truly don’t care.”

“Hmm.” He didn’t look entirely convinced, but clearly accepting she was finished with the subject, he stepped closer, wrapping his arms around her waist. “What would you like to do today?”

Her mouth went dry as desire rushed through her like a wildfire.

She knew exactly what she wanted.

A soft bed and this man naked.

It didn’t matter that they’d spent the entire night sating their need. Or that there was a voice in the back of her mind warning that her entire relationship with this man had fundamentally altered during the past twenty-four hours.

She wanted him.

End of story.

Heat flushed her cheeks as she cleared her throat.

“What do you mean?”

His brows arched, a teasing grin curving his lips.

“If you could choose to do anything, what would it be?”

He knew. The aggravating beast. He knew exactly what she was thinking, but he was going to make her say the words.

Instead, she deliberately glanced at the clock on the wall.

“Don’t you have to work?”




Liam allowed his hands to lower, cupping her ass so he could tug Holly against his hardening cock.

He’d sensed the second that Holly’s thoughts had turned to sex.

It’d been visible in the darkening of her cognac eyes and the faint flush on her cheeks.

And he was more than happy to indulge her simmering desire.

Hell, happy didn’t begin to express his eagerness.

But while he was all for a day spent indulging in their mutual need, he knew that he wanted more.

He had her body. Now he wanted her heart.

“I think the boss will give me the day off,” he teased.

Almost as if sensing the sudden intensity of his emotions, Holly began an instinctive retreat.

“Actually I should—”


“Excuse me?”

His gaze skimmed down to the curve of her breasts, lingering on the nipples that hardened beneath the feral heat of his inspection.

“I don’t want to know what you
do. I want to hear what you
to do,” he said, his voice thick.

She licked her lips. “You could tell me about your plans for expansion.”

He groaned, his gaze locked on her mouth.

He’d felt those soft lips stroking over his chest…pleasuring his nipples.

How would they feel locked around his cock?


He was forced to clear his throat. “
plans,” he corrected. “And we can discuss them when we’re at work. Today is for enjoyment.” He pressed her hard against his thick erection. “Tell me what you want.”

She bit her bottom lip, blatantly torn between desire and the fear of what he was truly demanding.

“I don’t know.”

He smiled. “Admit that you want to ravish me.”

She trembled, her eyes darkening to gold. “Did you really just say ravish?”

“Okay.” Without warning, he grasped the hem of her shirt and tugged it over her head. No bra. Perfect. “Admit that you want to make mad, passionate love to me.”

She quivered as his hands cupped the soft weight of her breasts in his hands, his thumbs teasing her nipples to hard nubs.

“Sex,” she breathed.

“No.” He held her wary gaze, refusing to let her diminish what was between them. “When we’re together, we make love,” he insisted, his voice fierce. “Love.”

Predictably, she paled at his blunt confession.

He smiled wryly. He’d made no effort to hide his obsession with her. Or his desire for a relationship.

Still, she’d been determined to disregard his interest as a shallow sexual attraction.

“Liam,” she finally managed to choke out. “You can’t be serious.”

“Of course I can.” He shrugged, deciding to go all in. He was a gambler, after all. “The men in my family are notorious for recognizing the women they intend to marry at first sight.”

Her breath rasped loudly through the air, her eyes wide.

“Oh…shit,” she rasped.

“I’m not trying to pressure you,” he assured her. “I just want you to know where I want this to go.”

“And if I’m not ready?” she husked, shuddering as his hands glided down her bare back.

He brazenly tugged down the shorts, a growl wrenching from his throat at the tiny thong that had a Playhouse emblem directly over her clit.


“Then I’ll wait until you are,” he said, his voice distracted as he gave a tug on her thong and watched it float to the floor. A smile curved his lips as she gasped in need. “I have no doubt you’ll eventually realize we’re destined to be together.”

She shivered, heat blazing through her eyes as she watched him unbutton his shirt and shrug it off.

“Arrogant,” she accused.

“Confident,” he countered. “I know when a woman wants me.”

He kicked off his shoes, swiftly ridding himself of the rest of his clothing.

Over the past twelve months he’d tortured himself with fantasies of making love to this woman in every room of his home.

He intended to start with this office.

Sensual anticipation flowed through his veins like warm honey as he grasped her around the waist and carried her to the nearby desk. Perching her on the edge, he tugged her legs apart, his body clenching as she instinctively arched her back in silent invitation.

“Fine, we’re sexually compatible,” she conceded.

He shook his head.

Was she kidding?

He craved her with an intensity that was terrifying.

And it didn’t matter how many times they made love. It would never ease his need for her.

“It’s not just compatible,” he growled, his hands exploring the inner skin of her thighs. “We set each other on fire.”

Holly studied him with an unconsciously vulnerable expression.

“Sex isn’t the same as love.”

Liam gave a low groan, pressing his lips to the pulse beating at the base of her throat.

“You think I don’t know the difference?” he rasped. “Trust me, I wouldn’t have spent the past year in hell if it’d just been sex.”

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