Sinfully (24 page)

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Authors: Leighton Riley

BOOK: Sinfully
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I had to admit, the food was excellent but I wasn’t sure who actually cooked it.  Chloe didn’t seem like the domesticated type and Grayson looked like he wouldn’t want to get his hands dirty.  My bet was on them picking it up at a restaurant and heating it up once they threw away the to-go boxes. 

“Ryder, I heard you’re a big time editor.  Read any good books lately?”  Chloe questioned me while biting down on a piece of asparagus. 

“Yes, actually.  I’ve had quite the luck recently with some amazing authors.  They were right under my nose and I nearly missed the chance, though.  In the end, they knew I’d be a good match for them so it worked out.”

“Chloe, Ryder’s been working like crazy the past few weeks.  Let’s give him a break from work.  Chloe, how was Lake Tahoe with Grayson last weekend?”

That effectively shut her up, although I wasn’t sure why.  Grayson ending up speaking for the couple as Chloe gave him a stern glare. 

“It was fun, until we got on the hill and Miss Priss pussed out.  She ended up sliding down the bunny hill on her ass because she was too scared to stand up once we got off the lift.  We practiced for nearly an hour at the bottom of the hill with an instructor and she seemed to be fine, gliding along and everything.  When we got back to the lodge, her butt was still numb because she got snow in her panties.”

“You forgot to mention how hot the instructor was.  He had these killer dimples and bright green eyes.  His hands were around my waist while I ‘glided’.  Who knew I would be scared shitless once I got on top of the huge hill?”

“Bunny hill.  It was the
bunny hill
, baby!  The kids learn on that one before heading to the bigger ones.  Next time, I guess we’ll go tubing with the lazy people.”  Grayson didn’t seem too affectionate with Chloe but enjoyed telling her story.  I wasn’t one to judge, but Chloe could do way better than that dickface.

“Maybe when you take her next time, Grayson, you’ll be there to support her more on top of the hill.  You could have held her waist and made her more at ease.  Chloe and I had been skiing when we were younger once and she did fine as long as you stayed close and coaxed her down.”  Payton had a way of putting him in his place that I thought was needed.  She somehow managed not to sound like a raging bitch while she said it, though.

“You should come with us next time.  The more the merrier.  Maybe we can work together to get her down on her feet then,” Grayson said with a slimy confidence.

“Sure, we’d love to join you and Chloe.  Ryder, have you ever skied before?”  Payton leaned in and pressed a savory kiss to my lips before looking up into my eyes, showing her affection through them. 
I rested my arm over her shoulder and gave a light squeeze. “I have, actually.  My best friend and, uhh, other friends would head to Beaver Creek every winter break.  I haven’t been in over a year, though.” 

That was close.  I knew I needed to tell Payton about my sister but we never had good timing.  I couldn’t break the news to her right after she told me about her parents but I knew it could possibly draw us closer with us both losing people we loved.  I wasn’t as obvious as her when it came to not letting people get close to me but we were one in the same, afraid of being hurt again.  Afraid of losing someone you love and can’t get back.

I could hear Grayson’s audible grumble as he excused himself from the table.  Whatever the hell his problem was, he needed to get it in check.  I hated seeing someone Payton cared about treated so poorly.  His whole demeanor during dinner was cold and callused.

Chloe looked mortified.  “I guess dinner’s officially over.  I’m glad you were able to come, Ryder.  We should set up a day at the beach or something soon.  Seems like a little stress relief would do us all some good.”  She kept glancing back in the direction Grayson stormed off in but didn’t make a move to go after him.  Her cheeks had a slight blush to them, more than likely a combination of embarrassment and anger if I had to guess.

“Go deal with that, girl.  I’ll lock the door on the way out.  Text me later?”  I could tell from Payton’s worried face that she wouldn’t be able to sleep until she heard from her best friend later.  Payton seemed confident in us leaving them to handle their own problems and that was fine with me.  I just hated seeing Payton distraught. 

As soon as we got in the car, Payton was talking non-stop.  I glanced over a few times while I drove us to her place and could see her processing everything without even processing what had just happened.

“What exactly happened in there, babe?  And how is Chloe with that douche?”

She looked at me with a storm brewing in her eyes.  I could see her anger mixed with confusion and a touch of helplessness.  I wanted nothing more than to pull her over the console and protect her from her thoughts.  She knew Chloe and Grayson which gave her more knowledge to what was going on.  I was left in the dark not knowing if Chloe was safe to be alone with him or if that was a normal dinner for them.  

She seemed miles away from me.  I grabbed her hand and rubbed my thumb over her knuckles before giving it a gentle squeeze.  I was going to be here with her through whatever was going on and I needed her to know it.

“Let’s get you home and we can talk more about it.  I can tell something’s bothering you.  I’m here if you want to talk but don’t feel like you need to right now.  You’re sure it was okay that we left them alone, right?” 

“Something’s wrong, but I don’t know what.  Chloe and Grayson have this weird relationship but he isn’t normally that indifferent to her.  He’s usually smothering her with affection to the point that I want to barf.  I’ll call Chloe when we get home and see if things have cooled off.  I don’t think he’d do anything irrational.  He loves her too much.”

“Thank you for letting me meet Chloe, baby.  It means a lot that you’re letting me into your world.  I want to do everyday things with you, including hanging out with your friends.”

“She’s my only permanent friend, Ryder.  I have other acquaintances but they’re mainly Chloe’s friends and they talk to me because I’m with her.  I don’t hang out with them without her.  I guess I’m pretty lame, huh?  Saying it out loud makes it sound worse than it feels.”

“I don’t think you’re lame.  I had friends from school and work but I’d only consider a handful of them close.  My closest friend actually lives down here and I don’t get to hang with him nearly as often as I wish.  Maybe we could catch up with him while we’re down here?”  Maybe that would get her attention off her friend and all the random and illogical scenarios that were probably running through her head.

We were on her street and I couldn’t wait to get her alone behind those walls.  I know I should be more comforting but the protectiveness I was feeling for her made me want her badly. 

“Sure thing.  I’d love that.  When we get back to my place I’m going to call Chloe and it’ll probably be an hour of girl talk.  I don’t want you to be bored, though.”  She was being considerate of my time.  I didn’t mind hanging out in a different room while she tended to her friend but got the hint that she didn’t prefer me to be close while she dealt with Chloe.

“How about I go get us some dessert?  I’ll drop you off and get some ice cream or something to bring back.  Any favorites?”

She bit her lip but had hope in her eyes and I knew instantly that she had something in mind for me to get her.  “There’s this bakery a few blocks away that I’m addicted to.  They’re open late and have the most delicious desserts that have an alcoholic twist to them.  It’s called Swizzlesticks and I love the Whiskey and Coke cupcakes and the Buttery Nipple truffles.  Get extras.  For later.  Please.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at her innocent expression.  She was serious about me running over there, and if that would make her happy, I had no problem buying some Buttery Nipple truffles. 

“Sounds like a plan.  I’ll be back in a few.”  With that, I gave her a kiss to show her how much I wanted her.  Her lips opened up for me with ease as my tongue slipped inside.  I grabbed her hand and pulled it over to the bulge in my pants.  “For later, baby.  This is what you do to me, all the time.  Take care of what you need to because I’ll be coming for you after I get back.  I can’t wait to strip you down and fuck you till you pass out, Payton.”  One more chaste kiss and I pulled away.

“Dick!  You can’t get me all horny and then leave me!  I can wait to call her if you come inside.”  I knew what she was hinting at and almost gave in.  She had no self control and I loved it.  I would take care of us later but she needed to be a good friend and I needed to show her I could be her support.

“Go, baby girl.  I’ll be back soon with treats.  Maybe I’ll pick up some extra icing or whipped cream for the bedroom.  Chloe could probably use a friend right now.” 

“Ugh, fine.  See you soon.  Hurry back, though.  I plan on collecting my prize as soon as your sexy ass walks in the door.”  She started to get out of my car and I gave a swat to her ass as a parting gift.






Just as I slid the key into the lock, I felt my phone buzz.  Ryder had just pulled away but I wouldn’t put it past him to send a text before leaving.  I walked inside and sat my purse down on the counter to dig through it and find my phone.  Damn big purses.  We had a love-hate relationship.  After scrounging for it at the bottom of everything that had been thrown in over the past two weeks, I pulled it out and found I had one new message from Chloe.


Hey!  Mind coming back over alone?  I need you <3



I had planned on just talking to her on the phone but didn’t mind heading back over there.  Maybe Grayson had left and we would really be able to talk.  I didn’t see them as a perfect couple, but Chloe seemed happy with him, so I let it be and supported her the best I could.  I needed to know what was going on, though. 

I decided to walk back over to Chloe’s since it was such a short distance and Ryder had my car.  I wanted to get back to Ryder quickly since he left me wanting him and I needed to change my panties.  I had no self control around that man.  The walk to Chloe’s was quick and I was on her street within five minutes of receiving her message.  Walking up the stairs, I wondered what I’d be walking into.  She hadn’t told me they were having problems and I couldn’t read her at dinner. 

I knocked on the door and waited patiently.  After a minute, I texted her to let her know I was there.  I had a key but wasn’t about to take a chance on me walking in on them
making up


I’m here. Open up bitch



I texted Ryder, letting him know I had headed over to Chloe’s and would be home soon and not to eat all of the truffles.  In less than a minute, I had a response from both of them.


Doors open.  In my room


I make no promises.  You’re a good friend to her Payton.  I may or may not be dressed when you get home.



The second message had me smiling and hoping that I would be able to figure out the situation with Chloe quickly.  I opened the door and didn’t hear any noise which was odd because there was always some type of music on in the background when she was home alone.  She didn’t do well with silence and had her iPod set on a deck in the kitchen that could be heard throughout her every room. 

I quietly walked back to her bedroom and stopped dead in my tracks when I saw Grayson lying on Chloe’s bed with no sight of Chloe anywhere.

“Wh-where’s Chloe?  She told me to come over?”  I could hear the nervousness in my voice.  He had his jeans on but had taken off his shirt since Ryder and I had left.  He had a decent body but it was nothing compared to Ryder’s chiseled chest and broad shoulders.

“She went out.  I was the one that needed you to come over.”  He sat up on the bed and placed his head in his hands.  “Why are you with that guy?  He’s not right for you.  I thought you were going to listen.”

I was thoroughly confused and frightened.  Grayson and I had never talked about the men in my life so I wasn’t sure where things were going.

“Who I am with is none of your damn business.  Where’s Chloe?” I demanded.  I didn’t want to be alone with him and hoped she would be coming back soon. 

“I.  Said.  She went out.  I gave you time, Payton.  I let you have your fun with those guys in Vegas.  I consider myself a patient man but I’m done with your slutty ways.  I tried to warn you but you are obviously too stupid to take the hint.”

I knew I needed to get away from him.  His voice was getting more agitated and he was pulling his hair.  He hadn’t looked me in the eye since he sat up, though, which I couldn’t figure out if it was a good thing or bad.  He wanted me there alone with him.  He knew about Vegas. 
I was fucked.

I had sat my purse down by the door when I walked in and my phone was stuck in there.  Ryder knew I was at Chloe’s house but there wasn’t a reason for him to drop by unannounced.  Who the fuck knew where Chloe was, I just hoped she was okay.  I needed to play things out right.  Grayson wasn’t a violent person; I could talk to him and figure out what he wanted.  I needed to stay calm.

“Did you send me those letters?” 
Damn it!
  I shouldn’t have asked that.   I’m supposed to be talking him down, not pissing him off more. 

“Ding ding ding, we have a winner!  Your prize will be coming shortly, sweetheart, don’t you worry.  I’m surprised it took you this long to figure it out.  I should have taken what I wanted while you were in Vegas.  You were all alone up there after your
left; I should have been there for you.  I knew he wasn’t right for you, baby, but it’ll all be okay now.  I’ll take care of everything.” 
This is very, very bad.
  Grayson was delusional and I was what he wanted.  He was looking up at me with crazed eyes that made me want to back away.  I couldn’t let him know I was frightened.

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