Sins of the Father (14 page)

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Authors: Fyn Alexander

Tags: #LGBT Contemporary, #General Fiction

BOOK: Sins of the Father
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“Are you having a hard time, boy?” Daddy stood in front of him, his hands on Angel’s shoulders.

“It’s watching you assemble your equipment that does it, Sir. I get hard just thinking about it sometimes when I’m bored in class.”

The look on his face must have been as pained as he felt, because Daddy said gently, “Would you like Daddy to put you out of your misery?”

“Yes please, Sir.” He expected Daddy to fetch a cock ring to help him control himself, but instead he took Angel’s cock in his palm, squeezed hard, and pulled, one jerk, two, and Angel’s sperm shot onto the floor as his orgasm ripped through his body. Crying out, he fell against Daddy’s chest, breathing hard.

“There’s a good boy. Feel better?”

“Oh, Sir,” he panted. “You are the best master in the universe. I was expecting a cock ring, Sir.”

“I’m a good master?” Daddy teased.

“The best, Sir,” Angel said fervently. “The very best.”

For the next while, the dungeon was silent but for Angel’s labored breath.

Taking ankle cuffs and a twelve-inch spreader bar, Daddy cuffed and spread Angel’s ankles. Twelve inches was a comfortable distance and didn’t affect his balance in any way, so he stood perfectly still. Angel didn’t look round when Daddy went behind him, but remained looking straight ahead, accepting, trying not to anticipate or predict anything. He was completely in the moment.

“Put your hands behind your back.” Angel obeyed at once. “Now grasp your elbows with your opposite hands as if you are crossing your arms behind.” Again Angel obeyed. With a long length of cotton rope, Daddy expertly bound Angel’s arms together from the wrists to the elbows until he could no longer move them. With his ankles secured and his arms bound, a sense of perfect serenity began to descend over him. Immobilized, Angel was utterly in Daddy’s power, subject to Daddy’s will and desires. It was his absolute sense of trust in the man he had gifted himself to that brought about his peace.

“You’re going to wear a hood,” Daddy said with no margin for discussion. “You may choose which one.” Angel always chose the same hood, the one that left the mouth and nose exposed and did not tie around the neck. As much as he loved to be bound and helpless, he still held reservations about being hooded. It wasn’t the lack of sight but the thought of his air being cut off that frightened him.

“The open one, please, Sir.”

“As you wish, boy.” Angel’s eyes never left Daddy as he fetched the hood, one of several Daddy owned, from the wooden heads on the shelf that kept the hoods in perfect shape. Angel always felt a moment of panic when the hood slid over his head, fitting closely and perfectly, clinging to his head and smoothing over his face. His breathing always slowed again when he knew his mouth and nose were free. “Good boy, Angel,” Daddy said gently. Daddy knew the hood was the one thing that set off Angel’s fear response. They had discussed it before.

Bound and sightless, his perfect hearing dulled slightly by the leather pressing over his ears, Angel waited, unable now even to guess what Daddy would do next. Aroused by his helplessness, Angel’s cock rose, stiff and blood-filled again. He waited for Daddy to put a cock ring on him, but Daddy didn’t.

A great cry of fear erupted from Angel’s throat against his will. His feet were off the ground, and he was being turned upside down. Everything in him rebelled against his sudden disequilibrium.

“Stay calm, boy.” Daddy’s voice filtered through the sound of blood rushing in his ears and the distraction of adrenaline coursing through his muscles.

Daddy was holding him upside down, with his body pressed close to Daddy’s chest. Then Daddy’s solid presence was gone and Angel was swinging gently. He knew the spreader bar was securely attached to the two hooks overhead. His head must be a couple of feet above the floor.

The strangest mixture of freedom and restriction engulfed him.

Daddy walked silently even in shoes. In bare feet, he walked like a ghost. Angel had no idea where Daddy was. Calming himself, he tried to focus his senses. Then a very subtle warmth shimmered behind him. Daddy was there. Angel could feel his body heat.

Two strong hands pried Angel buttocks apart, and he pondered for a moment the strange pleasure of being fucked upside down. Something cold and strange slid into Angel’s anus, aided only by its own slippery surface. It was small and annoying rather than big and warm, filling his ass the way he loved it to be filled. It felt as if it was notched in such a way that it stuck partway in and partway out. He almost said
Daddy, what is that
before quickly clamping his lips shut. Whatever it was, Daddy wanted it there, and that was all that mattered. With one hand, Daddy gently pushed Angel, and he began to swing, not high, just a foot or so and back again. The rhythm was gentle and comforting, back and forth.

A burning sensation began slowly in Angel’s anus. At first he thought it was the coldness of the tiny dildo or whatever it was. But it was no longer cold. It was hot and quickly becoming unbearable. Between his clamped lips, Angel began to moan. He didn’t want to disobey Daddy, but the sudden intense desire to get the object out of his anus made him push. It didn’t budge.

A deep, warm chuckle told him Daddy was close by and watching. The only way to keep from crying out was to pant. Daddy pushed him gently again to keep him swinging. The burning became a powerful irritation that made Angel squirm, wiggling his hips and pushing outward to try to rid himself of the object. This was no longer about pleasing Daddy. It was about relief.

Then it came, an agonizing pain, just one blow across his buttocks. Unable to control his reaction, Angel screamed. He had felt so peaceful, bound, hanging upside down like a bat, swinging lightly. He wanted to return to the tranquility of those first moments of utter peace. The hot, evil, burning irritation in his anus made it impossible to drift into subspace. It kept him present whether he wanted it or not. The pain stopped, but the burning in his anus was relentless.

“How much pain can you take without going into subspace?” It was the question Daddy had started their session with.

“I can’t go anywhere with my ass itching and burning like this. I feel like I’m on fire inside.” Silence greeted his words, and then he remembered his manners. “Sir,” he added quietly.

“Good boy.” The comforting feel of Daddy’s big hand on his thighs brought tears to his eyes.

“How do you feel, boy? And be truthful.”

“Horrible, Sir,” Angel said at once. “Irritable. Angry. I want this thing out of my ass, Sir!”

Oh my God. What am I doing
? All his best intentions had fled because Daddy had surprised him with something disagreeable.

“Accept. Be one with the discomfort. Stay present. What did I flog you with?”

“I don’t know, Sir. It wasn’t the paddle. And it was too hard for a strap.”

“It’s a cane. Now I’m going to flog you again, just a few strokes, but it’s going to hurt like hell. Canes do too much damage if they are used for too long. Are you present?”

Gathering all his resources, all his determination, Angel said, “Yes, Sir. Yes, Sir!”

“Good lad. So I know you are with me, you will count out loud. Ready?”

“Yes, Sir.” For five agonizing, mind-blowing strokes, Daddy flayed his buttocks while Angel counted out loud. The pain of the first stroke shot through his body, but still he managed to say, “One, Sir,” in a ragged voice. Two and three were slightly easier. The pain was the same, but he knew he was progressing. Two more strokes were coming, and the realization made him wonder if he could do it. He wanted the pain to end and the itching in his ass to be soothed. He wanted peace. Stroke number four came while his mind protested, and he could not utter the word.

“I’m waiting,” Daddy said.

For a split second, Angel had no idea what Daddy was waiting for.
Oh right
! He had to count. “Five, Sir.”

“That was number four, boy.”

Oh God
. There was another one coming. It would be more bearable if the itching, burning pain in his asshole would stop. “Four, Sir.”

The final blow ripped across his buttocks. Gasping, Angel cried out with intense relief, “Five, Sir.”

“How do you feel, boy?” Daddy’s voice filtered through the fog of pain like an anchor to hold on to.

Floggings usually gave him a hard-on, but the distraction of the thing in his ass took away his pleasure, and he felt nothing but the pain. “I love you, Sir. I love you, my Master.” In all his short life, Angel had never meant anything more than he meant those words.

“I’m proud of you,” Daddy said. “You can withstand pain that would have half my class at SIS on their knees begging me to stop. Leather subs are the bravest people I know.” As he spoke, Daddy’s big hands tenderly stroked Angel’s body, over his back and chest, up and down his thighs, and over his inflamed buttocks. For a while, Daddy stopped touching him, and Angel was aware that Daddy’s body warmth had disappeared. When he returned, he began smoothing comforting arnica into Angel’s buttocks. The familiar scent of the arnica cream filled his head. Angel associated it so strongly with the dungeon that when he’d smelled it in the Body Shop recently when he was out with Jack, he got an erection.

The burning in his anus had begun to dull even before Daddy slipped the thing out of him.

“I’m going to put some Vaseline in your arsehole to help it feel better,” Daddy said.

“Thank you, Sir.” Now that the pain and discomfort were over and he had borne it bravely, tears of relief began to flow, causing his nose to become stuffed up.

“I’m going to get you down,” Daddy said.

Finally allowing himself to drift, Angel felt himself floating as Daddy carried him to the leather-topped torture table and flipped him onto his belly. The stiffness in his arms made itself felt as soon as they were untied. Daddy rubbed each one in turn to get the blood flowing again. Then his feet were released from the ankle cuffs. When he was done, Daddy stood beside him massaging Angel’s back. “Brave boy. My wonderful brave boy. I love you so much.”

“That was tough, Daddy,” he said. Wanting only comfort now, he was Daddy’s boy again.

“I know, and you were really brave. Can you sit up?” Slowly Angel eased himself into a sitting position and got down from the table, stretching his arms and legs and flexing his muscles to loosen his body. “Good boy, good boy,” Daddy said. “Come on, sweetheart, let’s go to bed.”

In the bedroom, Daddy lay on his belly on top of the duvet and Angel saw for the first time the bruises blossoming on Daddy’s ass from the paddling he’d given him. “My bum hurts,” Daddy moaned.

Snuggling up beside him, Angel said, “Poor Daddy. Should I get you some paracetamol?”

“No, I want you to kiss it better.”

Getting up on his hands and knees, Angel nuzzled and kissed the back of Daddy’s neck. “Daddy, you big baby.” He giggled.

“My bum hurts. Kiss it better.” He used a whiny voice that made Angel laugh out loud.

Shoving Daddy’s legs wide apart, Angel settled himself between them. Tenderly at first, he kissed the smooth, muscular buttocks all over, rubbing his cheek against the hot, inflamed skin. Then starting at the very bottom of the crease, he licked up to the top.

Daddy moaned. “That’s good, boy.”

Again Angel began at the bottom of the crack, licking up to the top, but deeper this time. Again and again he laved the crack, going still deeper until his tongue came into contact with Daddy’s anus. It was dry and clean tasting. Pushing his face in deeper, he began a circular motion against Daddy’s asshole. Round and round his tongue worked, and all the while, Daddy’s moans grew deeper and louder. Briefly Angel glanced up when Daddy moved to grab a handful of tissues from the box and stuffed them under his cock.

The power Angel felt and the euphoria that filled his being just knowing the delicious pleasure he could give the man he loved overwhelmed him. Pushing his tongue between Daddy’s buttocks again, he licked fast and furious in a circle around the anus. Daddy rose up on his elbows, his head hanging, moaning loudly. At last he squeezed his buttocks tightly together, forcing Angel’s face away as his whole body tensed, jerking in spasms of pleasure.

Crawling up beside him, Angel lay down, rubbing Daddy’s back and kissing his shoulder. Still panting, Daddy rolled onto his side and pulled Angel into his arms. “I love you, sweetie. My beautiful boy.”

“Daddy, what did you stick up my ass?”

“A peeled gingerroot,” Daddy said. “The juices cause that burning and itching sensation. Was it unbearable?”

“It was, kind of, especially with the pain of the cane and you making me stay present. Did I please you, Daddy?” He already knew the answer, but like a child, he wanted to hear it again.

“You always please me in the dungeon. Let’s get under the duvet. We’re starting to shiver.”

Cuddling together in bed was a thing Angel loved as much as he loved the dungeon. He drifted into a peaceful sleep sucking quietly on Daddy’s nipple.

Chapter Eight

With immense satisfaction, Kael hit the Send button and watched as the last of Angel’s university applications disappeared into cyberspace. “All done.”

“Happy, Daddy?” Angel whispered in deference to the other boys who were studying.

“Yes, I’m happy.” Kael smiled at his lovely boy. He had totally forgiven Angel’s indiscretion with the drugs and the creepy dude. They sat in the school library, where Kael had met Angel during the lunch hour to work on his university applications. “We only sent in the other two to Durham and Glasgow because it’s expected. You’re going to Cambridge. I’m going to see Conran this afternoon to pick up the letter of reference he got for you.”

“Who wrote it, Daddy?”

“I don’t know yet. Someone in government.”

Angel spread his hands in a gesture of confusion. “If I’ve never even met the dude, how can he recommend me?”

“Don’t worry about it. It’s the way things work. Has the fat kid been bothering you?”

Angel shook his head. “It’s fine, Daddy. If he does, I’ll take care of it.”

“That’s my boy.” Kael pushed back his chair and stood up. “I’d better go, and you have to get to your afternoon classes.”

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