Sins of the Father (23 page)

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Authors: Fyn Alexander

Tags: #LGBT Contemporary, #General Fiction

BOOK: Sins of the Father
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I piatti vengono lavati, Papà
.” Angel stood before him with a smile on his face.

“Good boy. The dinner was good. But serve me some meat tomorrow. I’m a man, remember.” Kael laughed.

Hands behind his back, his posture perfect, Angel laughed. “

. Can we speak English now, Daddy?”

Kael swallowed a mouthful of whisky. He wanted to drink the whole bottle. “If you want.”

“What about the Latin love?” Angel giggled.

“I was coming to that. Strip.”

Standing in front of him, Angel undressed quickly, dropping his clothes on the floor until he stood naked. Once again he adopted the correct posture, hands behind his back, shoulders squared, chin slightly lowered. The boy was struggling to keep a grin from his face, but it kept getting away from him. For a moment, he would get control and look serious, and then his mouth would move and his chin would quiver again.

“What’s so funny, boy?” Kael asked.

“Nothing, Sir.”

“Smarten up then!”

Angel’s beautiful eyes opened wide, and his cheeks began to grow pink. He had taken Kael’s words as the reprimand they were. His demeanor sobered at once, but he was not upset. For a moment, Kael was reminded of the time he had made Angel stand in front of him naked and the boy had burst into tears. But Angel wasn’t that insecure boy anymore. He was confident in his skin and aware of his beauty and strength. When his cheeks grew pink, it was usually a combination of arousal and self-consciousness. But he wasn’t shy in front of his Daddy anymore.

“What are you thinking, boy?”

“Daddy, sometimes I’m just so happy when we’re home together in the evening. I love going out and doing stuff with you, but I love it when we’re home together. This is the first place I ever remember feeling at home. The foster homes were never my homes. I always knew it was temporary, even when I was little. Then at Sven’s house, he never wanted me around. He told me all the time just so I’d never forget it. But here I feel like I belong.”

“You do. You belong to me. You’re my boy. Go and get me a pair of latex gloves and a tube of K-Y.”

At the mention of gloves and K-Y, Angel’s cock stiffened and stuck out. Kael wanted to laugh at the instant arousal response, but he kept his face very serious, watching Angel’s luscious little bottom as he ran to obey orders.

Returning with the same long-legged, graceful run, Angel stopped in front of Kael and got down on his knees to present the gloves and K-Y. Kael took them and then indicated with a wave of his hand for Angel to take up his stance again. Stretching his legs out in front and putting his hands behind his head, Kael looked him up and down. Angel kept his eyes lowered. His cheeks were rosy pink on his usually pale face.

“Look at me and tell me how you feel right at this moment, boy.” Quite deliberately Kael scanned Angel’s body, looking him up and down appraisingly to see how he would react.

When Angel spoke, he sounded sure and unafraid. Not shy. “I feel beautiful when you look at me, Daddy. I feel like you see me as a boy who is worthy to be with you.”

That was exactly what Kael wanted to hear. “You are beautiful. You’re clever too. You warned me about Shawn, and you were right.”

A gentle, troubled look swept over the boy’s face. “I’m sorry I was right about that, Sir.”

“You don’t have to be. But enough about that. Do you love me?” He never asked Angel such things; he never had to. His boy declared his love constantly, but he wanted a spontaneous answer.

Biting his lip, Angel dropped to his knees and wrapped his arms around Kael’s feet, kissing them. At length he rested his cheek against the leather toes of Kael’s shoes. “Daddy, I adore you.”

“Come here.” Angel’s lashes were wet and his eyes brimming as he scrambled into Kael’s arms. “What are you crying for, sweetheart?”

“I don’t know, Daddy. I just love you so much.” Angel cuddled close and began mouthing Kael’s nipple through his shirt.

“Angel, what would you think if I told you that in my work, I don’t actually know if the people I am sent to take out are bad guys. I do what I’m told and kill them anyway. I’ve no idea if they’re deserving or not.”

With absolute assurance, Angel said, “Mr. Conran would never send you after anyone who was good.” This boy was never going to believe Kael capable of taking pleasure in his work simply for the artistry of the perfect kill. “If you’re worried about that, Daddy, don’t be.”

Worried about it? He didn’t give a shit, and that was what had started to concern him.

“I’ve killed bad guys,” Angel continued. “Sometimes I sit in class and look at the other boys, and I think they have no idea of all the things I’ve seen and done just since I met you. They don’t know who you are and the important job you do, keeping the country safe. I’m so lucky, Daddy, to have a man like you loving me and taking care of me. You’re so good.”

“What if I’m not good?” He had no idea why he said that. He knew he was not good in the way Angel thought he was. He was a cold-blooded killer just like Conran said. Just like Romodanovsky. He’d kill anyone who got in his way, and so would Kael.

“Daddy.” Angel smiled up at him, his lashes still shiny dark with tears. “You’re a superhero. You’re my superhero.”

“I am?” He did not expect an answer. “Right, come on.” Kael shifted himself until he was sitting in the middle seat of the couch. “Over my knee.”

Angel flipped over and stretched himself across Kael’s lap, resting comfortably with his legs stretched out until his feet draped over the arm of the couch and his cheek rested on his arms. Running his hands over Angel’s narrow back and hips, Kael loved the feel of his boy’s smooth, pale skin. When he rested his hand on Angel’s firm bottom, the boy squeezed his buttocks tight as if expecting a spanking, but Kael didn’t plan to spank him just then. With both his big hands, he began to massage the tension out of Angel’s buttocks.

“Give yourself to Daddy, Angel.” Angel sucked in a long breath and blew it out slowly through pursed lips, his body seeming to melt as he did so. “That’s my boy.”

The love he felt for his sweetheart surged within him, warming him and yet making him question his own authenticity, as he had done over the last couple of weeks. Angel had changed him in so many ways. He had begun to question himself as to why he killed so easily and without remorse. All his adult life, Kael had never wondered why he could stick a scalpel into a target’s jugular, watch as they exsanguinated, and then walk into a fine restaurant and enjoy a meal. Since Angel he had questioned his own humanity many times.

Angel’s crotch rested across Kael’s left thigh, and he pulled a latex glove onto his left hand, deliberately snapping it to make a loud
. Angel’s cock stiffened further, pushing into Kael’s leg.

With the tube of K-Y in his hand, Kael squeezed a small dollop onto his left forefinger and spread Angel’s buttocks with his right hand. For a moment, he looked at the gleaming, silvery lubricant and then pressed the tip of his finger against Angel’s anus.

A long, slow moan escaped the boy. “It’s coooold, Daddy.”

“It will soon warm up.”

With his fingertip pressed firmly against Angel’s anus, Kael began a circular massage, making Angel pant at once. “How does it feel, sweetheart?”

In a breathy voice, Angel said, “Like my butthole is on fire. Oh God, Daddy, it’s so good. Not like the ginger. That was hell. This is heaven.”

“Do not come without permission. Do you hear me, boy?”

“Yes, Sir.”

Continuing to massage until the muscle felt soft and pliable, Kael said, “You know how to control yourself now.”

“Yes, Sir.” Angel could barely speak, each word sounding more like a long breath.

Without warning Kael thrust two fingers deep inside Angel’s rectum, watching with pleasure as the boy’s slender back arched and his legs stretched out taut. The boy cried out, a long, thin sound. Angel’s arousal caused a corresponding response in Kael, and his cock thickened and stretched against his jeans. “That’s my good boy.”

With two fingers, Kael massaged Angel’s rectum in a circle motion, turning his wrist as far as he could and then rotating it back. With every panted breath, Angel cried out an inarticulate expression of his pleasure.

“Speak to me,” Kael said.

“I love you, Sir!” Angel was near to sobbing.

“I love you too, boy.” With those words, Kael began to thrust. With a steady motion, he rammed his two fingers hard, in and out, in and out until Angel rose up on his elbows, his back bowed, his legs tight, sinewy, stretched out long, his toes pointed. “You can come now, boy.” Kael gave permission, knowing it would be torture to hold him back any longer.

With several more hard thrusts, Angel let loose a piercing scream so loud Kael wished he had taken him into the soundproofed dungeon. How embarrassing if the neighbors called 999. Angel flopped down, panting. Kael did not move his fingers but kept them inside Angel’s rectum as he looked at his beautiful boy’s body, slowly releasing all its pent-up tension. Leaning forward, he swept the boy’s sweaty hair back from his face and kissed his hot cheek. Slowly Angel’s breathing became even and soft again.

“Are you happy, Angel?”

“You are the best daddy in the world.”

Sliding his fingers out, Kael said, “Sit up, sweetheart.”

Pink-cheeked, sweaty-haired, and pretty, Angel knelt beside Kael, looking at him for a moment before throwing his arms around Kael’s neck. Angel kissed him on the mouth long and softly, dipping his tongue between Kael’s lips. For several minutes, Angel’s mouth played over his and he allowed it, offering nothing back, letting himself be kissed. Angel’s tongue was warm in his mouth, but Kael was so aroused he needed to be inside his boy. Gently he pushed him away and unfastened his trousers and, standing up, he removed his shoes and socks and then his trousers. He threw the towel on the couch and sat on it.

“No bare asses on the couch,” Angel said, smiling. Kael had said that to him numerous times. He sat with his knees spread and his cock thick and red with blood, standing straight.

“Straddle me.”

Still kneeling on the couch, Angel slid one leg over until he was straddling Kael’s lap. “I don’t have a condom,” Kael said.

“Let’s bareback, Daddy,” Angel said.

Kael nodded. “Are you still wet enough, boy?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Sit on me.”

Angel planted his feet on either side of Kael’s hips, and with one hand on Kael’s shoulder to steady himself, he reached behind and gripped Kael’s cock, positioning the tip at his arsehole. With the remaining K-Y still making his arse slippery, Angel placed his other hand on Kael’s shoulder and slowly lowered himself. Kael sucked in a breath as Angel’s tight rectum enclosed his cock, squeezing it with a flaming, intense pressure.

“Christ, that’s good.” Placing both hands on Angel’s hips, Kael held him in place, pressed tight into his groin as he absorbed the pleasure and intimacy of the moment. “Ride me, boy.”

“Yes, Sir.” Kael watched Angel intently, aroused by his boy’s expression and body language. With his head tilted back and his mouth half open, Angel pressed down on Kael’s shoulders as he rose and sank down again and again.

The pressure and sensation in Kael’s cock rose and rose until he could no longer hold still, and he lifted his hips to meet Angel as he sank down. With the immense strength in his thighs and buttocks, he fucked Angel as the boy rode him.

“Daddy!” Angel cried out as milky white cum spilled from his cock. Kael looked at it and the rigid muscles of Angel’s belly and could hold back no longer. He allowed his orgasm to rocket through his cock and shoot down through his thighs and up through his belly. Pulling Angel onto his chest, he squeezed him tight as he panted and moaned. They clung to each other as their pleasure subsided.

Kael sat quietly while Angel rested his head on his shoulder, nuzzling into his neck. His boy’s soft, warm breath played over his skin. “Daddy, I’m sorry. You make me so hot I couldn’t hold back.”

“It’s all right, sweetheart. We don’t have to be perfect, do we?”

“Really?” Angel sat up straight and looked into Kael’s eyes. “I know you like me to have self-control.”

“You’ve learned a lot of self-control over the last year. You’re doing really well on that score. Up you get. I need to wash since we didn’t use a condom. Let’s get in the shower. Then I’m going out for a while. There’s something I want to do.”

Angel climbed off his lap and picked up Kael’s clothes from the floor. “What about me, Daddy?”

“You’re going to bed. An early night will do you good.”

* * * *

It was dark and damp as Kael walked the backstreets of Bermondsey, Southwark.

“You’re like me,”
Romodanovsky had said to him. The man was a rapist and definitely a killer. Was Kael really just like him? He felt alive when he hit a target. Working for SIS was more than simply a highly paid career; it kept him sane. But tonight the only target was of his choosing. Taking out Clement last year had been a public service, but what was this? A bloodlust, like Conran had said?

In a poorly lit alley at the back of a row of dirty shops, Kael pulled on a pair of latex gloves and palmed his scalpel. He had chosen a medium blade as the best option. The tension that had built up in his body since meeting Romodanovsky could not be unleashed by running, going to the gym, or sex.

Dressed in black and wearing the shoes he favored for work—soft black leather with black crepe soles—he strode confidently but silently through the alley. In a stinking, urine-soaked recess he waited, his acute sense of smell overpowered by the foul odor. But it would be impossible to find a doorway or alcove that had not been used as a urinal in an area like this.

A young girl accompanied by a man walked past. The girl, tottering on high heels, had to be a prostitute. The man was middle-aged and wearing an expensive suit. Anyone else would have a hard time making out their features, but Kael could see them both clearly. Away from the light coming from the open back door of a cheap Chinese restaurant, the girl leaned up against the wall and lifted her skirt. With subdued grunts, the man did his work and then fastened his trousers. Uninterested, Kael continued to scan the alley for a target.

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