Six Naughty Nights: Love in Reverse, Book 2 (44 page)

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It nearly broke his heart. “Oh, come here.”

He cupped her face with both hands, moved closer to her and kissed her.

, was his first thought as their lips touched and he tasted the lipbalm he’d seen her apply earlier.
, was his second, and for a moment he focussed on the heat in his palms, feeling her soak it up like a sponge.

He’d only meant to make it a quick kiss, a reason for him to touch her, a playful method of cheering her up when she was so obviously down. But she shivered and inhaled, her lips opening slightly beneath his, and all rational thoughts fled his mind as her body relaxed and melted against him, the tension flowing out of her.

He slid his hands into her hair, and it was as soft as he’d imagined, curling between his fingers like pale silk ribbons. It smelled of orange blossom, sweet and light, making him think of warm spring evenings in the sub-tropical Northland as a child, times when he was happy, before all the problems started.

Her lips were soft too, unbelievably so, parting automatically to receive his tongue as he brushed it into her mouth, wanting to savour her. She tasted of the sweet wine she’d been drinking, intoxicating and delicious, stirring his blood and making him deepen the kiss, even though a small part of his brain tried to remind him that this was only supposed to be a fleeting attempt at consolation.
Shut up
, he told himself. This was the best thing that had happened to him in a long time, and he was going to make the most of it while it lasted.

She stroked his tongue with her own, shy at first, growing bolder. When his teeth grazed her beautiful, plump bottom lip, she gave a little murmur of appreciation, low and sultry, erotic enough to flood him with heat.

He groaned, and in response she moved the hands she’d placed on his chest around his waist beneath the guitar hanging across his back, pulling him closer. He cupped her head with one hand, his fingers sliding into the cool hair at the nape of her neck, the other hand moving down between her shoulders to the small of her back.

Desire flowed through him, making him grow hard where he pressed himself against the flat of her stomach, and he wondered if she’d pull away, shocked. Instead, however, she reached up on tiptoe, moulding herself to him, making him sigh. She was soft against him, from her breasts pushing against his muscled chest to her butt yielding beneath the pressure of his fingertips as he slid his hand lower to hold it. She moved her hips slightly, rubbing against his erection, and an image jumped into his head of stripping off the thin cotton cut-offs, spreading her legs and sliding into her wet, swollen centre.

A white-hot heat kindled between them, perhaps born out of the sultry weather that made their skin damp with perspiration and the smell of roses rise from her to ensnare his senses. It made her rake her nails lightly down his back, and in response he plunged his tongue into her mouth, tightened his grip on her ass, and pushed her back against the wall. She met it with a bump sharp enough to make her gasp, jolting him to his senses.

He lifted his head, blinking. “Shit.” He took a step backward, running a hand through his hair. “I don’t know what made me do that. Sorry.”

Her pupils were so dilated her eyes looked an eclipsed sun, the unmatched irises showing as slender, shining coronas around the black centres. She pressed her lips together, tucking her hands underneath her butt against the wall. Looking up at him, her chest heaving, her lips curved. “Don’t apologise. Jeez. That’s the best kiss I’ve had in, like, ever.”

He met her gaze and started to smile. “Uncomplicated, though.”

“Oh God, yes, totally.” She raised an eyebrow at his jeans, eyes twinkling. “Didn’t affect either of us at all.”

He glanced at his obvious erection and tipped his head at her. “I said
, not

She laughed then. He was pleased to see the starlight had reappeared in her eyes. “That cheered me up,” she said. “Thank you.”

“You’re very welcome.”

She winked at him. “Now you can go back to the bar and make one of your fans a very happy lady indeed.”

“Yeah,” he said, although he wasn’t going to be interested in any other woman that evening. He wanted to retain the memory of Freya’s soft body pressed against his for a while longer and enjoy the taste of cherry and Sauvignon on his tongue.

She met his gaze and smiled. “Goodnight, Nate.”


She laughed and ran up the steps, inserted her key in the lock and let herself in, disappearing into the dark house.

Nate started walking away and, grabbing the neck of the guitar, lifted it over his shoulder so he could hold it in front of him. He strummed as he walked, filling the warm evening with an old Elvis love song. He’d meant to cheer Freya up, to fill her with the energy of the stars, and it had worked. But she’d done a damn good job of lifting his spirits, too.

Six Naughty Nights




Serenity Woods





Six nights to remember, six days to forgive…


Esther is grateful for the strong arms that saved her and her young son from an earthquake. But she wishes their rescuer was someone else.
other than the man who left her pregnant after a holiday fling.

Toby’s carpentry skills take him wherever there’s work, and right now that work is definitely cut out for him. He has to get over the shock that the little boy in his arms is his own son—and convince Esther that he’s always regretted walking away from her.

Esther can’t bring herself to deny Toby his right to get to know Charlie. Besides, with her own home flattened, she has nowhere to go but with him to his apartment…where she discovers a sexy role-playing card game tucked in his suitcase.

When Toby invites her to accompany him to the Northland to attend his best friend’s wedding, the opportunity to explore their still-simmering attraction is too tempting to resist. As the steamy scenarios heat up, they start to realize this is more than a game. But Esther’s hiding a secret that could cause as much devastation as the earthquake...


Warning:      Contains role-playing fun including Roman slave and master, sexy schoolgirl spanking, and interrogation of a spy. Silk scarves included.

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This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.


Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

11821 Mason Montgomery Road Suite 4B

Cincinnati OH 45249


Six Naughty Nights

Copyright © 2013 by Serenity Woods

ISBN: 978-1-61921-336-4

Edited by Imogen Howson

Cover by Kendra Egert


All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


Samhain Publishing, Ltd.
electronic publication: March 2013

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