Skin Walkers: Leto (8 page)

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Authors: Susan Bliler

BOOK: Skin Walkers: Leto
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“You see
Lilly there is no one willing,” Monroe grinned then displaying his perfect white teeth, “or
to vouch for her.”

“I vouch for her.”

Aries stopped struggling under Conn’s grip and all eyes turned to the door and Leto as he stood with his arms outstretched braced on either side of the doorway.

Chapter 11

Shy withdrew deeper into the room until she was partially hidden from Leto’s view, her hand instinctively going to her belly as she bowed her head to keep from seeing him.

“How long have you been listening?” Monroe challenged.

Leto’s outstretched arms shook as he made great efforts to keep himself erect.  “Long enough to hear that you’re attempting to release
prisoner under the guise of bullshit policy.”  Leto’s jaw was clamped tight as he sneered at the CEO.

Monroe stood and strode closer to the door, putting himself between Shy and Leto
to block the angry Walker from scowling at her.  “You don’t think Walkers will want her blood once they find out she’s worked with the Megalya?”

Leto’s eyes snapped to Shy and his lip curled back in derision, “S

Shy winced and turned her back on the room.

“No,” Aries countered, “she was an intern before they turned on her.”

“Bullshit!” Leto challenged.  A viscous growl sounded in the room before Shy heard Leto growl viciously, “
I want her blood!”

Shy too moaned a fearful, “No!”

Monroe crossed his arms over his broad chest.  “So you’ll vouch for her to keep her here, hoping she is Megalya
and will be put to death?”

“You just informed me that she

Monroe shook his head, “
We know she was in intern, we don’t know the extent of her role and neither do you.”

“I vouch for her,” Leto reasserted.  “Her true colors will show.”

“It’ll be your hide as well as hers if you’re right.”

Leto’s arms were shaking more visibly now, the effect of the drugs still too potent in his system.  “If I can e
nd the life of even one of them than it’s worth the sacrifice of my own.” 

Monroe uncrossed his
arms, “Fine.  You vouch for her.  She stays.  Clearly I don’t need to explain to you the repercussions if things…end badly.”  When Leto merely continued to scowl at the CEO, Monroe nodded to King, “Help him back to the infirmary.”

King was halfway to Leto when
Leto ground out, “I want her taken to a cell!”

Monroe smirked at the other Walker.  “That’s not how it works Leto.  You’ve vouched for her, which means she’s welcome as a guest here until she
to be disloyal.”

Leto shook his head trying to force down the
haziness that was quickly overtaking him.  “She’s already proven it!”

“She’s admitted working with the Megalya,” Lilly interjected, earning her a sour look from Leto, “that doesn’t necessarily deem her
as treacherous.  If anything she’s been open and honest.”

King, not liking the look Leto was giving his
angel, stepped in front of the Walker to block his view.  “Time to go.”

Leto growled his disapproval,
shaking off King’s hand as he turned and paced slowly down the hall using the wall for support.  “Put her in a cell Monroe,” he shouted from the hall, or I promise you, she’ll make you regret it.”

When Leto was finally gone, Monroe
closed the door and turned to find Shy being cradled in Lilly’s arms.  “It’s alright Shy.  His bark is worse than his bite.”

Shy looked up with wide pain-filled eyes and whispered, “He wants my blood.”

“Well, he won’t get it,” Monroe bit out tersely.

All eyes turned back to the door when it was shoved ope
n.  Terrified Leto had returned, Shy buried her face in Lilly’s shoulder.

“Is she alright?”

Instantly recognizing York’s voice, Shy looked up in relief.  The Walker was staring at her intently.

“She’s fine.”  Monroe frowned and looked from York to Shy then back.  “Commander.”  He nodded toward Conn and Conn
stalked to York’s side, gripped his arm and jerked the Walker behind him as both exited the room.

“Where’s he going?” Shy asked.
  She’d grown comfortable with the tall Walker and had hoped he’d stick around in case Leto returned.

“Uhhh,” Lilly’s confused gaze flicked from Shy to Monroe then to the closed door.  “They’ve got work to do.”

Shy could tell that her inquiry about York had Monroe, Aries, Lilly, and Jenny on edge.


“What in the hell do you think you’re doing?” Conn challenged as he forced York into the elevator, followed him in, and jabbed a button.

I was checking on her.”  York was angry.  He and his team had been stuck dealing with Leto while Conn, Aries, and Shy had preceded them back to StoneCrow.  The entire drive he couldn’t stop wondering how badly Shy had been injured.  After Marko, Bodi, and himself were finally able to pin Leto down, York had kicked in the bathroom door and had been slammed by the scent of Shy’s blood.  Enraged, he could barely keep himself from attacking Leto.  Shy was small and weak.  It made no sense that
man would attack her let alone her Walker mate. 

“Something’s not right,” York bit out.  “Why did he attack his angel?”

Conn rubbed a hand over the back of his neck.  “He’s confused.  He doesn’t claim her and she’s not wearing his halo.”  He cringed inwardly when he saw hope spark to life in his best friend’s eyes.

“She’s not mated?”

“She’s mated York.”  Conn put a hand on the other man’s shoulder and squeezed once before dropping his arm.  “Leto’s just confused right now.  We all know he was afflicted the second he saw her again.”  He lifted a hand to his halo and stared sadly up at his friend.  “The halo doesn’t lie.  She’s his.”

“If he doesn’t want her…” York began but Conn cut him off mid-sentence.

“She’s pregnant York.  It’s Leto’s child.  It’s done.  She
his angel.”  Conn could only watch in sympathy as York let his head fall back to stare up at the ceiling.  The large Walker’s shoulders slumped in dejection.  “You’ll find her York.  Give it time.  Your angel is out there somewhere.”

“I thought…I felt…” he didn’t finish.

“I know,” Conn offered.  “I know.”


” Monroe began angrily, “which one of you wants to explain to me how she is pregnant from a Walker who clearly despises her?”

Shy’s gaze snapped to Aries and she shook her head hoping Monroe wouldn’t notice the slight movement.

“Well uhhhh,” Aries’ eyes darted from Shy to Lilly who still stood with her arms around the trembling woman.

“Look,” Lilly began,  “s
he’s had a rough day, rough week,” she held Shy at arm’s length to rake her eyes over the shorter woman, “hell it looks like it’s been a rough year, plus she needs her wound looked at.  Can’t you grill us some other time?”

Monroe eased himself into a dark leather chair before propping his elbows on his dark mahogany desk and leaning forward in challenge.  “
No.  I have a Walker willing to lay down his life on the bet that she’s Megalya.  She’s pregnant with his child, clearly against his knowledge, and I want to know how she got that way!”

“The Megalya are attempting to create Walkers,” Shy blurted out in hopes the diversion would work.

Something flashed knowingly in Monroe’s eyes before he asked, “They want to create Walkers to find where our weakness exists?  Are they searching for a way that would make us easier to kill?”

Shy shook her head
, “You misunderstand.  Their goal is not to kill you.”

“Of course it is
,” King barked, “it’s all they’ve ever done.  What else could they possibly seek?”

Shy turned to frown at the Chief of Security before whispering, “They’re trying to
replicate the genes that create your…uhh, unique biological traits.”

“Wait,” Aries held up her hands, “I thought you said you didn’t know what they were doing.”

“I said I didn’t know it was real.  I saw the files Aries, they had me work on,” she held up the first two fingers of each hand and bent them down, “projects.”  She sighed, “They want to be you.”

“How close are they?” Monroe demanded.

“Not close.  Hell, I didn’t even think it was real.  They’d cycle animals through for some testing and it was laughable.  The other interns and I thought it was a joke.  But when they brought in Leto…”

Monroe stood, forcing his chair back.  “Did you
participate in the experimentation on him?”

“Me?”  Shy’s eyes shot up, “N
O!  I didn’t…I wanted no part of it.  As a matter of fact when they brought him in I demanded they release him!”

“And…” Monroe prompted.

Shy’s voice grew soft, “And they wouldn’t.”

Some of the anger left Monroe as he reclaimed his seat.  “Your right Lilly, it
been a long day.  Jenny, see to Shy’s wounds and then Aries can take our guest to her quarters.”

“Come on Shy,” Lilly hooked an arm around Shy’s waist and turned with her

“And Shy…”

She looked over her shoulder at Monroe.

“If you are Megalya and you’re here to hurt any of my
Walkers…,” he smiled and flashed elongated canines while his eyes transitioned to a lethal black, “you
regret it.”

Shy could only nod as she was led from the room.
  She didn’t pay much attention as Aries, Jenny, and Lilly crowded around her on the elevator.  All were silent and Shy kept her eyes down as she collected her thoughts. 

She knew for the sake of her baby that she couldn’t go home.  If the Megalya were hunting her she’d never stand a chance, especially in her condition.  With no other recourse, she’d have to stay with the Skin Walkers until her baby was born.  Afterward, she didn’t know what she planned on doing, but for now if they could keep Leto away from her it’d be enough.

“I can’t fucking wait until he’s afflicted,” Aries spat practically grinding her teeth.

Jenny smirked, “I pray to God I get to be there to see it happen!”

“Me too,” Lilly chimed in.

Lifting her eyes, Shy studied the three women in turn, “Who?”

“Monroe!” Aries ground out.  “Son of a bitch is so unsupportive of mated Walkers!”  She crossed her arms over her chest and drummed the short nails of one hand on her bicep.  “But one day, he’ll see what it’s like.”

“I hope it happens soon,” Lilly huffed before
drawing her brows together in concern, “poor woman.  Whoever she is, I feel sorry for her already.”

Jenny smiled mischievously, “I shouldn’t say this but…” she eyed the women before her grin broadened, “there’s evidence that suggests Monroe’s affliction will be wors
e than most because he’s the apex male.”

“Affliction,” Shy asked remembering hearing them say that Leto had been afflicted.

“Oh,” Jenny’s expression blanked, “never mind that right now.”

Shy wanted to ask more questions about this affliction, but the
elevator door dinged open and the group of women swept out.

“Okay,” Lilly pulled her arm from Shy’s waist.  “Aries you go secure her room.  I’m gonna go and get her something to eat while Jenny takes her to the infirmary and tends to her leg.”

Jenny nodded and Aries chimed sarcastically, “Got it boss!”  Aries wasn’t one for taking orders.

Lilly rolled her eyes before smiling at Shy then stalking quickly down the hall.

You got this?” Aries asked and when Jenny nodded Aries turned to Shy, “Jenny’ll bring you up when she’s finished.  Don’t worry, I’ll be upstairs waiting.”

Shy watched as Lilly turned and walked down the long corridor while Aries got back in the elevator and winked as the doors slid closed.

“Just me and you, come on.”  Jenny walked in the opposite direction Lilly had gone and without any other recourse Shy followed.

She was led through two swinging doors that led
down another long corridor.  Unlike the rest of the estate house, this section of the building had tile floor with cream-colored tile walls.  It felt sterile and when Shy saw a nurse coming toward them dressed in light yellow scrubs she froze.

No longer hearing Shy’s steps behind her, Jenny stopped and turned to find Shy simply standing with a terrified expression on her now pale face.  “Shy?  What is it?”

“Where are we?” Shy asked tremulously. 

“The infirmary.
”  Jenny answered all matter-of-fact. 

Shy’s eyes quickly scanned the hallway, “Leto was going to the infirmary.”

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