Skirt Lifted Vol. 1

Read Skirt Lifted Vol. 1 Online

Authors: Rodney C. Johnson

Tags: #bdsm, #spanking, #panties, #stockings, #spanking domestic, #caning, #knickers, #spanking anthologies, #girls in glasses, #skirts

BOOK: Skirt Lifted Vol. 1
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Skirt Lifted Vol. 1


By Rodney C. Johnson


Smashwords Edition


Copyright © November 2011
Rodney C. Johnson
. A Division Of
ThunderHawk Enterprises





Chapter 1. Hart

Chapter 2. House

Chapter 3. Caned Before

Chapter 4. Gigi's

5. Night Out

Chapter 6. The Bengali

Chapter 7.

Chapter 8. Caning A
British Bird

Chapter 9. A Proper

Chapter 10. Wake Up

About The


Chapter 1. Hart Secretarial...


Villetta Thorn hesitated outside the door,
felt her long stocking clad legs tremble as she looked down at the
blue card that read: “To be administered 12 of the best for
repeated truancy, and an additional 6 for sloppy longhand…”

“Oh well, no sense putting it off.” Villetta
said to herself and then turned the handle of the punishment
office’s solid oak door.

Hart Secretarial School was famous for its
assistants, well disciplined, efficient, not to mention the most
beautiful. They worked in all strata of the business world and a
few even were engaged privately for their many refined skills. Once
in awhile, former students would be sent back to Hart for refresher
courses in proper secretarial conduct. This almost always meant a
militaristic regime of discipline.

Villetta Thorn certainly filled the last (but
by no means less important) requirement of the school as she was a
beauty. Long legged Villetta had an exotic loveliness do in no
small part to her French-Spanish and of course English heritage.
Her pure black hair was complimented by a pair of striking blue
eyes. Perky full breasts threatened to pop out of her shirt.

As she entered the office Villetta smoothed
the side of her tight gray pencil skirt that curved and defined her
bottom. The nineteen year-old noticed the rigid black chair,
gulped. That chair was famous. It was designed just for its use, to
conform to the girls and their expected heel height.

“Ms. Thorn, good. I’m Tiffany Anders” she
wore her hair up in a perfect bun. “The administrator will be with
you soon until then, let’s have your blue slip please.”

Villetta handed the redhead the blue
punishment slip.

“Hmm,” Tiffany remarked, looked aghast, such
behavior was highly frowned on at Hart. “Repeated truancy, on top
of unacceptable longhand, this is a well deserved caning.” She told
the frightened girl and pulled the black chair into the center of
the room.

“Time to get ready, you don’t want to be
standing there like a doe in the headlights when The Administrator
comes in. He’ll expect that skirt up, and knickers at your ankles.”
Tiffany sighed. “Trust me if you’re not ready those eighteen
strokes aren’t gonna be the end of it.” She told Villetta from
experience, both her own and what she’d observed as The
Administrator’s personal assistant. “During your caning you will
not see him. You will remain hands on the chair, and your legs
shall at all times stay in the proper stance.” She listed. “Failure
to comply will result in extra strokes.”

Oh this sucked! Thought Villetta, it was
worse, since no doubt by now the call had been sent out to the
boarding house that she stayed at. Normally that wouldn’t have been
an issue, but this boarding house was special in that it catered to
this school (though more than Hart girls lived there) and
punishment at school assured punishment at home.

Villetta walked the few paces to the chair,
hiked up her skirt to reveal a lilac silk thong and black stocking
attached to a garter belt. She exhaled, bent over the chair.

Tiffany came up behind Villetta and eased the
thong down to the girl’s ankles.  “Very nice but you must
stand proper.” She said and with her own heel forced Villetta to
spread her legs as far as her thong would let them reach, rather
comfortably they rested against the chair legs.

Villetta now exposed olive-skinned butt
tensed, her hands on the grips fashioned into the special
punishment chair tightened their hold. A cool breeze from a fan
sent a chill through her body.

Tiffany wasn’t done; she unhooked Villetta’s
garter suspenders. “There its better for the cane.” and finallly
she adjusted the skirt, pushed it further up the girl’s

Behind Villetta a door opened, and closed
with a thud.

The Administrator and Tiffany conferred for a
few moments, and then Tiffany was instructed to “Go fetch the
number six.”

Tap, tap, tap. No doubt the number six
realized Villetta.

“OW!” Villetta cried.

It was difficult to stay in place, her mind
attempted to endure the thrashing she currently received while the
whole time Villetta worried of the inevitable trip to the stairway
back at the boarding house.

Swish, crack! The cane did its work and left
precise stripes across poor Villetta’s perfect little bottom. 
It seemed to last forever, the girl bawled, begged for mercy but
the Administrator was hardly inclined to be lenient where the good
name of Hart Secretarial College was involved.  Besides this
was his job, which he rather enjoyed at that.

Once the eighteen strokes were met Villetta
was told to stand, she did so wobbly.

“Sign this please Ms Thorn.” The
Administrator commanded.

Villetta felt the purplish welts across her
bottom, her whole ass stung, and blushed when she’d stood and was
met by the face of the rather young man who had just tore into her
butt with a thin whippy yellow cane.

She signed the blue punishment slip, handed
it back to him. “You may pull your underwear up, readjust your

This had been awful, painful and had greatly
humiliated her Villetta thought as she slowly lifted her lilac
thong and frowned when it came into contact with the fresh welts.
Her pretty face experienced a number of grimaces as she forced her
skirt back into place over her rump.


2. House Rules


“Ouch! Dammit!” Villetta Thorn hollered, and
wobbled where she held the lowest stair in the foyer of the house’s

Falon Drake jumped in her own spot while she
watched poor Villetta take the cane across her already well beaten
bottom, she was up next in the queue for a missed curfew the night

Slash the cane bit into the round bottom and
the exotic girl whimpered.

Arms folded over her ample chest, Falon
leaned on the wall. It was just after breakfast, she wasn’t yet out
of her sleepwear, a T-Shirt and skimpy cotton panties. The blonde
exhaled and watched Villetta (already ready to go to work) buck and
cry under the onslaught from Orin’s kaboo cane.

Orin Cliff the son of Cliffhall’s owners, who
also happened to be rather cute, continued the punishment. Most of
the girls at Cliffhall did their best to stay out of his way, he
was after all charged with dolling out punishment when it came time
to do so.


“Please, please Orin I can’t take anymore.”
Villetta begged after the next cut from the cane. “And I’ve got to
get to work soon.” This would become an inescapable cycle if she
were late for work, her employer where she served her internship
would send a call in to Hart and she’d be back over the black

“Get up Villetta.”

Grateful that it was done Villetta stood,
fixed her skirt. The ache in her hind end still throbbed, showed
little indication that it would stop anytime soon. She dreaded her
own desk chair and the constant discomfort she’d be in for the

Despite the stout thrashing that he’d just
dished out to her Villetta kissed Orin on the cheek, she thought he
was rather cute and ran out the door.

“Falon, I notice you had to be let in after
the door was locked.” Orin said firmness in his voice as he
expected each of the girls to obey the rules that had been put into
the residence contract.

Falon fretfully smiled, managed to explain:
“Yeah Orin I forgot the time, was out with a few friends from work

“No excuse, house rules are clear

The blonde shrugged, took Villetta’s place at
the stairs. She reached up and lowered her white panties to her
feet, toes placed square against the lowest stair. Falon ran a hand
in her blonde mane, and could hear the latch of the cupboard where
the various canes and straps were stored flip up as Orin replaced
the cane and took out a heavy piece of leather, not a strap
exactly, more of an unfinished shoe.

All punishments were conducted in the common
area of the house. The entryway and stairwell as it was angled to
the girl’s dismay wasn’t far from a large bay window.  Anyone
out on the street could see into the brownstone. On more than one
occasion a passerby would catch a glimpse of a girl’s bared
upturned butt as it endured the cane or tawse.

“A hard walloping will do you good.” Orin
told her.

Truthfully Falon agreed, it was her own
fault, she should have kept better track of time and she’d not have
missed curfew.

Orin lifted her T-Shirt, placed his hand on
the small of back and forced her further down, held her in an
immovable grip around her waist. He rested the sole on her

Falon further bent, felt her tits knock
together, no bra. The leather rubbed her butt and then the whack
landed and she let out a yelp that carried throughout the




It was very a hard, thorough spanking, Orin
didn’t let up until he’d changed her tan ass to a red that
glistened with color and felt of heat. Falon jumped and cried the
whole time he smacked the shoe down on one cheek and then the



Chapter 3. Caned Before Bed


Tanya Strutt closed the door to her room,
reached behind her and began to unfasten her tight beige
skirt.  She pulled the clinging sheath down nylon covered legs
and kicked it aside letting out a sigh.  How could she be so
stupid, over charging her father’s credit card for all those

For a moment she stood in her bedroom and
glanced around nervously looking at the pink wallpaper and Hello
Kitty motif in nothing but smoky-black stockings and white,
pink-striped shirt.

He’d be up here soon to punish her, Tanya was
sure it’d be at least six, she never got less then six and that
usually took a half hour and always on the bare.  This was
likely to take longer Tanya was sure she was going to get more than
six, it could even be twelve or if he thought it more effective her
daddy might apply twenty-four stinging strokes.

It was 9:00 PM on the dot.

The nineteen year-old went over, sat on her
bed unbuttoned top exposing her 34B-Cup breasts in a royal blue bra
with white frills purchased recently from Victoria’s Secret, the
same day in fact that she went and maxed out her daddy’s credit

Daddy loved her, but he could be strict, very
strict when she was naughty.  Almost always for her
infractions she either got spanked of caned.  Not even a good
pout could spare her a sound thrashing when she had been

Tanya threw her strappy shoes aside, crossed
her legs and waited for the dreadful sound of her daddy’s ascent up
the stairs to her open the door of her room.

Clomp, clomp, clomp came from outside her
room Mr. Strutt walked up the stairs, he reached the door opened

“Tanya” her daddy spoke sternly.  “I
gave you that charge card to purchase effects for University, not
waste on a night out with friends and certainly not for toys and
goodies.” He admonished went over and took down the straight Kooboo
cane from her dresser.  It was a dreadful whippy thing, not
much thicker than her pointer finger, nearly forty inches in length
it stung like hell.

“Now young lady you know what’s expected of
you.  Stand up, knickers down and touch your toes.” He ordered
tapping the rod in his hand.

Brushing her hand through her auburn hair
Tanya looked at her father with big pleading eyes, she begged:
“Please daddy I’ll pay you back, please don’t thrash me!”

“Tanya if you don’t bare you bum and touch
your toes I’ll add extra and maybe even apply a bit of the tawse.”
He took her by the arm and pulled her to the center of her

Tears glistened in the corner of her blue
eyes, Tanya sighed placed her thumps in the black waistband of her
panties and eased them down over her shapely tanned hips past her
garter straps to the back of her knees.

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