Slade (BBW Bear Shifter Moonshiner Romance) (120 Proof Honey Book 5) (164 page)

BOOK: Slade (BBW Bear Shifter Moonshiner Romance) (120 Proof Honey Book 5)
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“You are a meddling tramp!” Helga yelled at me.

“Enough!” Helmut’s uncle said. “You’ve got your wish, Helga. May the ancestors have mercy on you.”

“You’ll be the one begging for mercy before this is done, Ezekel,” she said, turning to stomp away. Her sons followed her.

“This was not the welcoming party we’d hoped for,” Helmut said.

I shrugged, trying to play it off. In truth I was riding the knife edge between fight and flight. I didn’t understand the Shifter society, but I could understand the stakes easily enough. Adrenaline was pumping through my veins and I was ready for anything.

“You did well,” Sven said, picking up his shirt. “Helga’s been cursed by jealousy her whole life. She thought this was her chance. She thought we’d show up without a Grace.”

“She didn’t count on you,” Helmut said to me. “Yes, you did well.”

Clarissa looked reassured. I could see her visibly relax, her shoulders releasing a certain tension. She was shaken, but she put on a brave face. That was such an important trait for a Grace.

Most everyone else dispersed, small groups chattering back and forth. I felt bad for them: they deserved solid leadership, someone they could follow without second thought. I’d slipped up more than once, but I’d be damned if the Pack fell into Helga’s hands.

I tried to get my own emotions under control. Sven was still on edge, ready to have the Challenge right here and now. But that was just his nature. He sensed a threat and wanted to end it. I didn’t deserve such a good man. “Let’s get ready for the feast.”

“Feast?” Clarissa said. “We’re going to have a feast? Now?”

“Of course,” Sven said. “Tradition says the whole village will have a feast in your honor tonight.”

“But what about the challenge?” she asked.

“That will be afterwards. No point dying on an empty stomach,” Sven said, grinning.

Clarissa looked horrified. “What? You could die?”

I shot Sven an angry look.

His grin vanished. “No worries, Clarissa,” he said, leaning down to kiss her forehead. “It’s just an expression.” His eyes met mine.

Clarissa relaxed. She wiped at her eyes and straightened her shirt. “A feast sounds lovely,” she said.

“It tastes even lovelier!” Sven said, smiling. He bent down and scooped up his luggage and Clarissa’s. “This way,” he said.

“I’ll be right behind you,” I said. I watched Sven and Clarissa head off toward our longhouse, the massive cabin that dominated the far end of the village.

I walked over to where my Uncle leaned against a tree.

“What a shit sandwich,” he said, sharpening a stick with a small pocket knife. “Didn’t help you bringing a human-born.” He shot me a look.

I met his gaze. “She’s our Grace. It isn’t like it’s the first time we’ve had a human-born in a leadership position.”

“None of us were alive the last time it happened,” he said, his knife sending another sliver of wood flying. “That family is dangerous. Helga is the real threat, but her sons are stupid enough to do whatever she asks.”

“You don’t need to tell me,” I said.

“And she still blames you for Luka,” he said, scratching his chin.

“Luka had to be put down,” I said, my voice unwavering. I’d never had anything against her husband, but regular violence turned some Shifters into berserk madmen. Luka had faithfully served my father, but all the violence and killing had turned him feral. Rabid. “I had no choice.”

“I know, boy,” he said, nodding. “Doesn’t mean much to her, though. She’s been waiting to pull this for years. She’ll go to great lengths to see her sons in power.”

“Her husband serves her more in death than he ever did in life. Remember how much she hated him?” I sighed. “I have a favor to ask.”

He stopped carving the stick and looked at me. “You think Sven could lose?”

“I have every faith in my Seneschal. I just can’t anticipate what Helga will do,” I said. “If things don’t go well, get Clarissa out of there. I’ll hold them off as long as I can.”

“It will be done.” My uncle looked off into the woods, his eyes heavy with sadness. “These are dark times.”

The sun was setting outside, casting an orangish glow throughout the wood cabin longhouse. The tall evergreens cast shadows through the floor to ceiling windows. Every surface was dark wood, including the forty foot table that ran down the length of the cabin. Behind the table a huge fireplace sat, small embers adding a nice warmth to the room.

I sat at the center of the long table, waiting. Sven and Helmut had given me a crash course in how the evening would proceed, and what was expected of me. A part of me wanted to be overwhelmed, to surrender to the panic that threatened to overcome me. Everything was so new and so strange!

“Are you ready?” Helmut called from the entrance.

“Look at her. She’s more calm than we are!” Sven replied, flashing me a wide grin.

“I’m ready. Just…just let me know if I make a mistake,” I said, wiping my hands in my lap. They were clammy. Sweaty. Not the best way to make a first impression.

“Don’t fear a life of mistakes,” Helmut said from across the room. “Fear a life where you didn’t try.” Then he opened the large double doors.

I could see a mob of people waiting outside. In a long line, running back through the village, they waited to be received. To honor me, their Grace. I fixed my eyes on the plate in front of me, admiring it’s grooves and scrollwork.

I still didn’t understand why I was chosen. The words from Helga earlier gnawed at me. Did Helmut and Sven choose me out of desperation? To avoid the shame of failing their mission?

“Clarissa?” Sven called from the door.

I looked up and gasped. A man and his wife knelt in front of the table in front of me. How long had they been there? Fuck!

“Umm…” I said, standing. “By the light of the moon, I see you. My gaze will never waiver. By the howls in the dark, I hear you. My ears will always listen.” I swallowed, growing more confident. “By the softly blowing wind, I smell you. I will never leave your side.”

“We are honored to have you, Grace,” the couple intoned, then stood. Their faces were composed and polite. But not warm. Their uneasiness was evident as they took their seats at the far end of the table.

Another family walked up to the table to kneel. This repeated itself dozens of times. Each face was the same: polite and cold. How you would react to a tourist. To an interloper.

I was in such a whirlwind of emotions I didn’t realize it when Klaus, Kraven and Helga knelt before me. I could smell their disdain. Helmut and Sven stood to either side of me, their closeness giving me strength. I looked up at Helmut.

His gorgeous eyes were hard, impenetrable. He nodded slightly.

“By the light of the moon, I see you. My gaze will never waiver,” I said, making my voice carry over the whole room. “By the howls in the dark, I hear you. My ears will always listen.”

Klaus shook his head slightly. It was a tiny flicker, something that would normally go unnoticed in human company. But this wasn’t normal human company.

Sven’s fingertips tapped against the tabletop. I looked over and could see his hand grow darker, a patch of fur sprouting up just on that part. His fingernails became dark, long. His eyes were impartial and cool, but he was on the verge of exploding across the table.

I reached over and intertwined my fingers with his. I felt him relax, massive tension released instantly. He rolled his shoulders and gave my hand a reaffirming squeeze.

I directed my attention back at the three in front of me. “By the softly blowing wind, I smell you. I will never leave your side.”

The two men muttered their responses. Helga made no pretense to. She smiled at me, but her eyes still burned with rage as she led her two boys to their spots at the table.

I watched Helga and her two sons take their seats. I was impressed by how Clarissa kept cool despite their disrespectful actions. No matter their challenge to our leadership, the feast was the feast. None could be turned away, not even your mortal enemy.

With everyone else seated, Clarissa, Sven and I took our seats at the center of the table.

I watched Clarissa clean her fingernails. They were spotless, but she fidgeted anyway.

“What’s wrong?” I said.

“Nothing,” she said without looking at me.

Women. Why was everything such a struggle? I caught Sven’s eyes over her head and he just gave a tiny shrug.

“You did very well,” I said.

“Would you tell me if I didn’t?” she said flatly.

I swallowed. “I don’t know. Probably not. You’re going through a lot right now, and you’re handling it very well.”

“I’m hungry. I haven’t eaten all day,” she said, making it clear she didn’t want to continue this conversation right now.

The village cook, Jorgen, began bringing dishes out to the table. Roasts of every kind of meat, everything from honey glazed ham to tandoor spiced chicken. Baskets of warm fresh bread piped hot steam lazily, filling the room with a mouth watering yeasty smell.

I looked down the table and saw Helga making small talk with other village members. Every few moments she’d glance over at us with curiosity.

Clarissa reached out for a casserole dish of green beans. My hand shot out and grabbed her wrist.

“Let me try that first, my Grace,” I said. I scooped a small helping of the green beans into my mouth. I let it sit on my tongue, absorbing the flavors and smells.

Helga had always been a swamp crone, the kind of mystic who knew the special healing properties of herbs. Knowledge about poisons went hand in hand with that. I didn’t want to take any chances.

I didn’t taste anything strange. I didn’t smell the subtle aromas of fungus or the astringency of hemlock. I scooped some onto Clarissa’s plate, ignoring the look she gave me.

After we finished the feast, everyone stood and walked outside into the village square.

“What’s going to happen now?” Clarissa said. “Is it time for the Challenge?”

“Not yet,” Sven said, popping the end of a baguette into his mouth. “First, we have your first run with the Pack.”

“I’m scared,” she said, her eyes tearing up.

“Good, you should be scared,” I said. “It would be foolish not to be. The hardest thing is to let go, but that’s what you will have to do.”

“But I’m already in the Pack!” she pleaded. “We did the whole ceremony!”

“We are a people of two worlds. You’re right. We did the ceremony for the human side. But that still leaves the ceremony for the wolf side,” I said, my hand stroking her cheek softly. “You need to be strong.”

“What if I don’t want to do it? What if I don’t want all…” She waved her hands around the vast hall. “All this?”

“It’s a bit late for that, Clarissa,” I said. I felt my pulse quicken. Why would she have second thoughts now? Could there be a worse moment?

“A bit late? Do I not have a choice now? You think just because you fuck me and turn me into a Shifter, now I have to run on all fours and eat from a bowl on the floor?” Clarissa’s face was turning red.

“Please, Clarissa,” Sven said. “I know it’s scary. I know it must seem daunting. But we’re counting on you. We need you.”

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