Slade (17 page)

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Authors: Bianca D'Arc

BOOK: Slade
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She grasped the thick base of his shaft with her hands as her mouth worked over the top half of him, sliding, slipping, licking and sucking as she went. She even nibbled on him gently as one hand dipped to play with his balls.

Slade set up a rhythm, timing his thrusts with her forays to take Steve deeper into her mouth. The double stimulation was amazing and when Steve lowered his hands to pluck at her hanging nipples, she moaned with Steve in her mouth and clenched her pussy around Slade’s cock as he thrust deep into her from behind.

Both men groaned and she felt a deep satisfaction rise up from within her deepest feminine heart. This was what it meant to be the Earth Mother. This was the power of the eternal female to bring pleasure and healing to the male.

For this was a healing as well as an extremely naughty fucking. Steve was wounded in his soul by what had been done to his family. He—a warrior—had not been able to safeguard his own mother and Kate knew that had to cut deep.

In a way, this was her way of giving a little comfort, not to mention a lot of pleasure, to him. It wasn’t quite the normal way a priestess comforted those who relied on her for guidance, but she’d take it. Steve was a special case. As was Slade.

She felt her healing magic rise up in a form it had never taken before. It went from her, in subtle waves, to Steve’s broken heart. It would not heal it completely, but the magic would help him begin the process, if he was receptive.

At the moment, he was very receptive. Kate increased her pace, hollowing her cheeks as she sucked him deep. Slade picked up the pace behind her, sliding in and out in sharp thrusts that made her whimper with need. She was close to coming again and she wanted both of these special men to come with her.

She redoubled her efforts and within moments she felt Steve tense as his seed boiled up. Slade drew her away with a sharp tug as Steve came in long spurts over her breasts. Slade came too, spurting deep inside her yet again as she cried out and came, sobbing as her body quaked in the most exquisite ecstasy.

How long she stood there, supported by Slade’s trembling arms, sh
e didn’t know. It was Steve who toweled his come off her breasts with gentle motions and a half smile on his handsome face.

He leaned forward and kissed her on the mouth, his tongue tangling with hers for a short moment in what felt like thanks. He kissed her sweetly. It wasn’t quite like the way Slade kissed her. Slade was more primal. Steve’s kiss was one of tender gratefulness and fledgling happiness. Healing and Light.

What she had tried to give him with her magic. Apparently, on some small level, it had worked. She returned the kiss with a lighter heart.

“I guess we need another shower,” Slade observed when Steve let her go. There was no anger or jealousy in his voice. He seemed to understand.

He’d already withdrawn from her body, but he was still supporting her. He had probably noticed the way her knees had turned to rubber, but she was feeling better now. Slade let her go and turned her toward the shower, swatting her playfully on the behind as he pushed her toward the still-running water.

She didn’t need further urging. She definitely needed another wash—if she could get her legs to support her.

When she left the shower a few minutes later, Steve was gone and Slade had begun to dress in the other room. She joined him and he pulled her in for a deep, almost drugging kiss before spinning her away to allow her to dress.

“I’m sorry if that took you by surprise,” he said in a careful voice. She met his gaze in the mirror and saw the look of concern on his face. “Like Steve said, cats are friskier than other shifters. I hope that’s okay with you.” He walked over to her and turned her to face him, taking her loosely in his arms. “But I meant what I said, Kate. You’re mine. I would never ask anything of you that would hurt you in any way—physically, emotionally or magically.”

She smiled up at him and saw the relief enter his expression by slow degrees. She reached up and brushed his dark hair away from his face.

“I know that,” she whispered. “I trust you.”

That statement hung between them. It was so much more than a simple admission of trust. For trust was something that was sacred to her. To the shifter community as well, from all she’d seen.

For her it meant something deeper as well. Something she couldn’t come right out and say—not even to herself—at the moment.

“The same goes for me,” Slade replied. His voice was calm, but those magical blue eyes of his flared. She felt the truth of his words. Then his gaze turned devilish. “And you have to admit, that was really hot.”

She blushed. She could feel the heat rise in her cheeks. Damn her pale skin.

“It was pretty amazing,” she agreed, ducking her head to rest it on his shoulder.

“I don’t do stuff like that all the time.” He startled her with his words. “Just sometimes. On special occasions, if you will.” She looked up at him and found he was laughing.

“That’s good to hear because I’ve never done anything like that before
in my entire life. I’m not sure I’d be cut out to do that sort of thing as a steady diet. I’m more a one man woman, I think.”

“That’s okay by me,” he was quick to reassure her. “Consider this morning a one-off. We don’t have to invite anyone else to join our fun ever again if that’s the way you want it.”

“Well…” She was blushing again as she tried to be as honest as possible. “I’m not saying never. I’m just saying, not all the time.”

His grin was her reward as he hugged her close. “All right, kitten. Whatever you want. I’ll give you all you can handle… When the time is right.”

She could live with that.

They hustled through dressing and raided the kitchen for whatever could be eaten quickly, while on the go. They were expected by the Alpha and it wouldn’t do to keep him waiting too long. When they were ready to go a few minutes later, Slade remembered the magical chalice from the night before. He asked Kate where it was and what she wanted to do with it.

“I don’t want that evil thing in my house,” she admitted with a disgusted expression. Slade understood. The feel of the chalice’s slimy, blood magic was nauseating. “The Alpha’s
house is more secure anyway. I’m sure he has a place we can bury this until we figure out how to deal with it once and for all.”

She retrieved the bag that held the chalice while Slade found a plastic bag to put it in. H
e held the crinkly plastic shopping bag open while Kate dumped the bloodstained cloth that held the chalice inside. As camouflage went, the old plastic bag was both cheap and effective. Nobody watching them would know the evil they had trapped inside.

That settled, they set off for the Redstone’s home. They were very late, but Steve had gone on ahead to let the Alpha know they were on their way.

Chapter Ten

When they finally arrived at the Redstone homestead, Kate felt very conspicuous. Not only were they late, but each of the shapeshifters she passed seemed to sniff her a little longer than usual. The response after that initial sniff varied, but usually involved either a wide-eyed look or a wink, then a quick glance at Slade, who remained at her side throughout. A few nods would pass between the men and then they’d move on.

Something wa
s definitely being communicated, and Kate had a sinking feeling she knew what it was. Somehow, the
noses seemed to be able to tell they’d spent most of the night and a good chunk of the morning, fucking like bunnies. She’d taken a shower.
showers. But apparently the soap and water hadn’t done much to remove his scent from her skin. She wondered if they could smell Steve on her too and what they must think of

Blushing, she took a seat next to Slade. He didn’t seem in a mood to let her stray too far
from his side. While that might annoy her at any other time, she was still feeling rosy and warm from the night—and adventurous morning—they’d spent together. Her affection toward him was growing out of all proportion and her heart wanted to be right where she was. Next to him. Able to reach over and touch him or just lean a little to cause the not-too-innocent rubbing of his leg or arm against hers.

He seemed to feel the same. At least, he seemed to be doing his share of leaning and outright touching. He wasn’t grabby or annoying, but his subtle touches made her very aware of him.
So much so that she was having a little trouble focusing on what was going on.

veryone had gathered in the living room, including Steve, who spared her a little wink, but nothing more overt than that, thank goodness. When Grif walked in, she schooled herself to calm down and listen to him. Things in the Clan were too serious right now to screw around, even if she just wanted to bask for a bit longer in the amazing man she’d discovered only yesterday.

Had it really been only yesterday? The thought made her blush as Grif sat down and began speaking. She wouldn’t examine how easy she’d been for Slade. Thankfully there were more important matters to devote her energy to
at the moment. Still, if this all ended badly, she only had herself and her eagerness to jump into bed with the sexy newcomer to blame.

On that somewhat depressing note, she turned her full attention to the Clan Alpha.

“The prisoner finally woke up around seven this morning,” Grif began. “His name is Ethan Abrahamson. He admits he’s been running with the
for a while. Before that, he was an
Altor Custodis

Kate had heard the terms before. Both were ancient societies, but they had very different goals. The
were evil. Hundreds of years ago they had been led by a power hungry sorceress named Elspeth, known as the Destoyer of Worlds. She’d been banished—after a long and hard-fought battle—to the farthest realms. Among priestesses it was believed that Elspeth was of fey origin. That, along with her vast power, made her much more difficult to kill. Which was why she had been banished rather than ended for all time.

That was also why the
who had resurfaced in recent months, were intent on bringing her back to this mortal realm. All those who served the Light were working to keep that from happening. If Elspeth returned to this world, the damage would be incalculable. Death and destruction the likes of which hadn’t been seen since ancient times. Frankly, Kate wasn’t sure the modern world would survive.

Altor Custodis
, by contrast, had been organized to keep tabs on Others of all kinds. They were rumored to keep detailed family trees and histories of shifters of every kind and their agents kept tabs on vampires, noting where they were and what they were doing over the centuries they could exist. The
watched magic users too, Kate had heard, though she wasn’t very up to date on the organization. What little she knew about them had been gleaned from conversation with some of her teachers.

Both groups kept exceedingly low profiles and it was hard to know what was truth and what was fiction regarding them. Only in recent months had certain groups of Othe
rs had contact with either of the ancient societies. The
had been active in trying to kill Allie, the new mate of the
Lords. And it had been discovered that the
Altor Custodis
had been infiltrated by
moles who were using their extensive records to very bad ends. If the former mage who had participated in the murder of the matriarch was part of either organization this whole mess had just gotten even more complicated.

“He claims that
his partner talked him into going rogue,” Grif went on. “According to Abrahamson, the murder of my mother was an independent action that was neither encouraged nor sanctioned by the
. He claimed the organization didn’t even know about it, which I find hard to believe.” The cougar Alpha ran one hand through his sandy hair in agitation. “I confess, I find it hard to talk to the man. He seems like an empty shell now, and willing to spill his guts, but I just can’t gauge his level of honesty. Plus, I want to rip his throat out every time I realize what he did to my mother.”

Grim faces nodded all around. Kate thought she kn
ew how hard this was for Grif, especially. As an unmated male, acting as Alpha to a large group of shifters, he had shared that heavy responsibility with his mother. She had helped him lead their people and had been well loved by all. He’d lost his guiding light. His mother. His helper in the day-to-day running of such a large Clan and construction empire.

She knew he didn’t like the word, but Redstone Construction was really becoming an empire of sorts—both business-wise and in the shifter hierarchy. Very few other places in the world had so many shifters of different kinds come together under one man’s leadership. Few men were capable of inspiring such a thing. But Grif was that kind of leader. And his mother had helped—in particular
, with the females and mates of those who worked for Grif. She would be sorely missed. And if Grif ever found a mate, that woman would have big shoes to fill.

“I can’t blame you for that
,” Slade said in a calm voice, drawing all eyes to him. “With your permission, I’d like to talk to him. And if the priestess would consent…” Slade smiled at her and she felt the warmth of his expression. “There are certain magics that can be applied. We’ll know if he’s telling the truth.”

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