Slave to the Sheikh: (6 page)

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Authors: Nadia Aidan

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Multicultural, #Erotica, #Multicultural & Interracial

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“I tried to stop them.”             

Amir wanted to laugh in the face of his first cousin at the notion that
would be the one to somehow stop his aunt, who was a force of nature, when no one else could.  But it was Khalil’s last word that captured all of his attention.


Once again, he knew his cousin all too well, and that look was worth more than a million words. With a curse, he spun away from Khalil and stalked to the front doors, wrenching them open with all the fury and fear that now drummed through his veins.

Khalil matched his hurried strides, but Amir was no longer even aware of his cousin’s presence beside him.

She wouldn’t.

The gnawing dread in his gut told him that indeed she would. A hundred questions flickered through his consciousness.  How had she even known, being the foremost one? 

Whenever he spoke with his mother of Daniella, of course he spoke highly of her because of the work she was doing, but he’d purposely guarded his innermost feelings because he knew if the Sheikha had any inkling he was in love with a Westerner, she would not hesitate to interfere.


Just thinking her name made his heart stutter. 

She would never forgive him. 

He should have told her the truth, he’d actually considered doing so, but how did he reveal he was engaged to marry some woman his parents had chosen for him when he was a child? How did he tell the only woman he’d ever loved, that he wanted to spend forever with her and had no plans of marrying Sabeen, when she still denied her feelings for him? He was certain she returned his feelings, but what if he was wrong? He craved Daniella so strongly, he could actually feel her in his blood, warming the dark corners and spaces inside himself that he’d never known existed until her.  She made him feel things he’d never felt.  She made him vulnerable, she made him fear.  Even now as he drew closer to the sitting room where he knew he would find her, his hands trembled at the thought of losing her.  It was that desperate need for her that had held him back from pressing her about her feelings for him, because if he was wrong, his heart would always belong to Daniella, but his pride was something he would forever keep. 

Your pride will not keep you warm when she leaves you
, his inner voice mocked.  Anger welled inside of him, but all he could do was ball his fists because the target of his rage was himself.  He should have told her, then bared his heart and risked her fury.  He then could have used these past weeks to persuade her they were meant to be together, and persuade her he would have.

It seemed like a good idea
because the alternative was far worse. 

His mother wouldn’t hesitate in divulging all the details of his betrothal to see her wayward son married off to the woman she’d chosen. While Sabeen would gloat and delight in ensuring she was one step closer to becoming his wife; but it was Daniella who would suffer.

He swore he could feel the deep pain of betrayal and humiliation strumming through her, and he had not even entered the room or laid eyes upon her.  That was how deep their connection ran.

With a deep, strained breath, he pushed open the doors to the room, his gaze seeking and finding her immediately. 

The raw anguish in her eyes slammed into him so hard, several seconds actually passed before he could draw in air.

She knows.

Every instinct within him screamed at him to cross the room, drag her into his arms, and soothe the pain in her eyes, but her icy glare froze Amir where he stood.


“Is it true? Are you engaged?”

That last word, said with such despair, compelled him forward.  A kaleidoscope of emotions flickered across her face.  He ignored her protests and the fury in her eyes as he seized her arms, forcing her to meet his gaze.

“I can explain—“

“Just tell me the truth.  Are you engaged or not?”

“It’s more complicated than that. If you would just let me explain.”  She shrugged against his grip.  He could have easily held her to him, but he saw in her eyes that doing so would be a mistake, so he released her.  His expression pleaded with her, even as she shook her head.

“There is nothing for you to explain. It is obvious that you’re engaged to be married, so there is nothing left for you to say. We’re done here.”

She turned to his mother and Sabeen.  “
Motasharefatun bema'refatek. Masā' al-khayr,”
Daniella said with a curt nod

She was humiliated, he swore he even glimpsed a shimmer of tears in her beautiful golden brown eyes, and yet she’d politely excused herself as she addressed his guests in their native tongue.  Always gracious, always polite, it was that very nature, her elegant, almost regal poise and serene composure that had captivated him, taunting him to unlock the scorching passion, simmering just beneath the surface.  Yet at that moment he cursed that maddening way of hers, where she always seemed so unflappable, and then he just cursed period. Had he discovered she was engaged to another he’d have lost it completely, not so for Daniella, who appeared completely unfazed, as if their time together had been meaningless, as if he meant nothing to her.

What began as a single swear out of frustration, quickly turned into a heated string of profanity, in both English and Arabic, directed at no one but himself, but Daniella’s quiet ambivalence caused something to snap inside of him.

His mother and Sabeen both gasped, and Daniella flinched, but she did not stop or even turn around as she stormed out of the room, ignoring the mocking insults he continued to hurl at her retreating back, even after she disappeared from sight.

“Stop it. You’re making a fool of yourself.”

Somehow Khalil’s stern reprimand pierced the haze of fury that had taken hold of him.

What had he done? The things he’d just said to her. Amir called Daniella’s name as he moved to follow her until Khalil blocked his path. 


“So you can do what?  Go after her? You basically just accused her of possessing an emotional capacity that falls somewhere on the spectrum between that of a lifeless statue and an automated robot and those are just the words I can actually repeat in front of my aunt.” Khalil settled a hand upon his shoulder. Amir despised the pity in his cousin’s gaze, even as he knew it was warranted.  He’d fucked up, big time.  “She’s not going to leave, she loves her work too much, but I’m going to go keep an eye on her just in case you’ve so thoroughly pissed her off that she decides not even an historical find she’s spent half of her career researching is enough to keep her here.”

Khalil tried to bring levity to the situation with humor, but it was lost on Amir. Realizing this, Khalil sobered.

The cousins who were as close as brothers exchanged a final glance and a curt nod, but no words were spoken because none were necessary.  Amir didn’t realize he’d been holding his breath until Khalil disappeared from sight.  His cousin knew he loved her, and he would watch over her, make sure she didn’t leave before he had a chance to speak with her.  If Amir was lucky, Khalil would be able to plead his case. He would have laughed at such a notion, that anyone could make Daniella see reason when she was determined to remain stubborn, but Amir found nothing amusing about his current predicament.

Which reminded him….

He faced the two women who were equally responsible for the mess he was in now.  They had wisely remained silent this entire time, and when he leveled them with the full weight of his cold stare, they immediately understood that it would be best if they continued to do so. 

Amir almost wished they would speak, and give him the excuse he craved to unleash the full brunt of his anger.  Sabeen was a hellcat, a spoiled brat, and a pain in his ass but she was no dummy.  His mother, however, was a surprise.  She feared no one, especially not him, but then she’d never seen him this furious, probably because she’d never seen him in love. 

He struggled to temper his anger long enough to address them with some measure of civility.  And his fury was only somewhat placated when he glimpsed in their expressions the acceptance and understanding he’d longed for many times before.  After all these years of Sabeen throwing herself at him, she knew defeat when it was staring her in the face, as he now stared at her.  Their betrothal contract was indeed real, one their fathers had brokered when their children had been very young, but it had an
clause, one Amir detested, but an escape clause nonetheless for this very situation.

Sabeen was a wealthy, beautiful woman. Although spoiled beyond his level of tolerance, she was shrewd, calculating and ambitious; he had no doubt she would sink her claws into some poor, naïve fool or better still if there was such a thing as karma, Sabeen would unknowingly find herself wed to a true dominant who would take great pleasure in breaking her spoiled, selfish will and taming her.  Amir had never been interested, and he was hard pressed to think of anyone who was, nor did he even care, as long as she left him alone for good. 

Now his mother, he expected her to be defiant, but in the face of defeat she was anything but. 

“I am sorry I interfered.  I did not truly believe you loved this woman, but I can see now that I was wrong.” Amir was stunned speechless by his mother’s apology.  She was a hard woman, he’d never anticipated she would understand, let alone
she had been wrong.  “I only wish for you to be happy, and while I wish you could have found happiness with someone other than a Westerner—“

She stopped when he growled out her name in warning.

“Yes, well,” she cleared her throat.  “It doesn’t really matter where she is from now does it, as long as the two of you love each other and are happy.”

His mother’s admission tempered his anger, somewhat, but it wasn’t enough to make him forget that he and Daniella
happy, until she’d shown up with Sabeen in tow.  He also wasn’t quite ready to forgive either.  If he wasn’t able to make this right, and if Daniella refused to take him back because of her little stunt, he would have a very difficult time coming to terms with his mother’s interference. 

“I need you to leave,” he said finally.  He loved his mother, of course, so her crestfallen expression gnawed at him. Once she was safely ensconced in a plane headed back to his father, he would apologize, but at that moment he refused to be moved by any feelings of guilt.

“I need to set things right with Daniella, and I can’t do that with either of you here,” he explained.

Amir waited the five seconds it took to assure himself that they were both in fact leaving, when they each nodded. 

He wasted no time in stalking out of the room.  Every cell and fiber within him demanded he go after Daniella immediately, but there was one last matter he needed to attend to, in case the occupants he’d just left changed their minds.

Talib had been Amir’s caretaker for so long, he’s grown accustomed to the wizened man materializing out of the shadows, silently offering his assistance, despite that Amir had not actually sought him out, or called his name.

“Make sure that they do in fact leave,” Amir instructed, as he marched toward the entryway of his home.  He already knew Daniella had likely retreated to her villa, but he didn’t wager she would just sit there idling the time away waiting for him to confront her, so he didn’t expect her to be there long.  He hurried his pace, only to stop abruptly, at the unsettling thought that came to mind.  Amir wanted to believe they wouldn’t defy his orders, but it wouldn’t be the first time. 

He gave Talib a final glance, and though it was fleeting, Amir’s expression was direct, his message perfectly clear.

“And under no circumstances are they to return to this estate or to my home, until I say so.”










I knew he would come for me, just as I knew it was only a matter of time before he found me.  He thought he was so clever, sending Khalil as my watchdog.  I knew his cousin was there, cloaked in the shadows, making certain I didn’t flee.  Both of them were idiots, I decided.  Where the hell could I go, exactly? With one word, Amir could keep me here forever.  Tears still stung my eyes, but I wanted to cry in earnest now. Our relationship had evolved over the past weeks, and while I’d been certain I was no longer his sex slave, for it seemed we were equally enslaved by our desires for one another, I realized in that moment, I was definitely his prisoner.  If I wished to leave, and he refused, there would be nothing I could do to escape him.

“We need to talk.”

The deep baritone of Amir’s voice shattered the tranquil silence.  He found me standing at the edge of the pond which was nestled in the center of the garden behind my villa.  I’d known the very moment he’d entered the garden, the small prickling at the base of my neck, and the tiny goosebumps along my flesh, always betrayed his presence, no matter how quiet he tried to be.  I didn’t want to face him, but neither could I put off the inevitable forever.

“I think you said quite enough already, don’t you?” I faced him then, letting my gaze rake him with cool indifference.  My heart was breaking as I stared blankly at the man I’d believed myself to be in love with.  The things I’d done with him, I’d never done with any other man.  I wanted to feel shame for the liberties I’d allowed him, but I couldn’t conjure one ounce of humiliation.  I’d surrendered everything to Amir, because I’d loved him, still loved him, there was no shame in that.  At least I’d had the good sense to not completely lose my head by
him how deeply I loved him, because I don’t think I could have faced him if I’d been so foolish in revealing that secret.

“I’m sorry—”

“For what exactly?” I frowned. “For hurling angry insults at me because despite being completely humiliated by you, I still maintained my dignity by remaining cordial to your mother and fiancé? What did you expect me to do? To collapse in a heap, make a fool of myself, and curse your name?  You seemed to be doing quite a fine job of cursing people’s names, that I just didn’t see the point—”


“Don’t.”  He stood there, his eyes full of remorse and pain.  He had no right to say my name so emphatically that it reverberated to the depths of my soul.  Even now, as wounded as I felt, I wanted him.  With his hair disheveled, his collar unbuttoned, and the hint of stubble along his jaw, he was every bit the wild, desert prince who had claimed my body and then stolen my heart.  I wanted to hate him, but I couldn’t and that made me sadder than discovering he was set to marry another woman.

“I have a job to do,” I continued, “And I intended to finish the excavation as planned.  However, in light of what I’ve discovered today, our weekly meetings will be conducted via email only and I will be moving into a hotel until the project has been completed.”


Though not entirely surprised, I still stared at him because I was stunned by his arrogance.  I hadn’t expected him to just roll over and accept my demands, but out of compassion alone he

“This is not a negotiation.  It’s over between us, and I have no desire to see your lying, cheating face ever again.”  Just saying the words enraged me.  I couldn’t stand there any longer or else I would break down.  I spun away from him, intending to disappear deeper into the foliage of the garden oasis.  I didn’t get far.  I should have known he wouldn’t let me dismiss him so easily, but the combination of my anger and anguish clouded my reason.

When his hand clamped around my arm, I snapped.

I lashed out at him wildly, my fists striking whatever body part it could find.  I couldn’t see him because my tears blinded me.  I could still hear him though, calling my name and pleading with me to listen, but I refused.  The desperation in his voice made me that much angrier.  He should have been desperate to tell me the truth, where had his desperation been then?

I fought harder against him, but he only held me tighter.  The more I resisted him, the more he restrained me, until he’d trapped me against one of the native palm trees that flourished in the desert nation.

The rough bark dug into my back, as Amir pressed deeper into me.  A second, maybe two ticked by before I realized in my struggles my dress had worked its way up my legs as he’d fought to pin me against the tree.  My bare thighs now encircled his hips, and as if we were of one mind, it dawned on us at the exact moment the position we were now in.

His nostrils flared at the same time I felt his cock harden against my mound.  My thong and his trousers, nothing but a few inches of fabric separated our most intimate parts.  In the next instant, my panties were ripped from me and he’d pulled down his zipper.  Without even looking, I knew he now held the swollen length of his dick within the palm of his hand.

I was aroused, yes, but as large as he was, I wasn’t ready for him to enter me.  From the wildness in his eyes, I could tell he didn’t care.  I told myself I didn’t want this, I didn’t want him.  I even went so far as to protest.

“No.” I shook my head as I fought to push against his chest.  My resistance was futile.  He silenced any further protest, by crushing his lips to mine.  His kiss was brutal, his possession of my body even more so.  I screamed as he violently entered me, but with our mouths locked, he swallowed my cry, and all the others that followed.

This was worse than our first time in his office. Then, he’d been determined to force my submission so while he hadn’t exactly been gentle, he’d taken some care. But now he was actually angry with me, and his anger fueled every violent thrust inside my body, which made no sense because
was the one at fault, he’d been the one keeping his engagement a secret.  I struggled to make sense of the source of his fury, but it was impossible with him pounding in and out of my body mercilessly.

I wasn’t certain how pleasure began to mingle with the pain, but somehow it did, and every time he slammed his way inside my pussy, forcing himself deeper into my tight passage, I grew wetter, until his cock was drenched with my cream.

Despite the slickness of my arousal, it in no way diminished the pain of his cock pistoning roughly in and out of me.  When it became almost unbearable I finally wrenched my lips from his and begged him to stop.

“I can’t,” he groaned against the hollow of my throat, his fingers digging deeper into the flesh of my ass.  “This is what you do to me.  I need you. Do you understand?  You cannot leave me, because I
you.” I gasped as he slammed into me harder, deeper, the raw desperation in his voice, I could feel with every painful stroke inside my cunt.

I could have forced him to stop, but instead I let him roughly use my body because I sensed he needed this, that he needed to stake his claim upon me in the most primal of ways.  He took me like an animal, without regard for my pleasure, but my body didn’t seem to notice or even care. When he shoved his cock into my pussy one final time, spurting his hot seed deep within me, his climax triggered mine, and I screamed out his name, my cries of pleasure blending with his hoarse growl of completion, which was muffled against my throat. 

Our breathing was erratic as we clung to one another. Even after he softened, he still didn’t pull out of my body, actually it was the opposite.  He continued to rock against me, as if he could not get enough.

“I have no intention or desire to marry, Sabeen,” he said eventually, when our breathing finally returned to normal.

I was still stunned by what had just happened between us, so all I could do was nod.

“I am not truly engaged,” he continued.  “Our fathers entered into a betrothal contract when Sabeen and I were still children.  I do not love her, nor have I ever planned to marry her.  She’s always known that, as well as my mother.  For reasons beyond my comprehension, they did not believe I was serious when I said I had no intention of honoring that contract, but I am certain they understand how serious I am now. You have to believe me.”

His hands cupped my face, and his earnest expression pierced my resolve.  I wanted to tell him that he did not love me either, so what did it matter if I believed him or not? But the intensity with which he stared at me, told me that it mattered a great deal to him whether or not I believed him.  I knew I would regret my foolish acquiescence, but I wanted so much to believe he was telling the truth, so again, I nodded.

“I believe you.”

The relief in his eyes was potent, and had I had the strength, I would have smoothed my fingers across the frown lines now etched within his brow. 

“I know I should have told you, but I’d hoped that when I did my betrothal contract would already be void.  That it is not, is a small inconvenience at this point, because there is a way out of this contract, and I am working on it.  I just need time, and for you to trust me.  Can you do that?  I am sorry for the pain and humiliation I’ve caused you, but if you forgive me, I promise I will make this right.”

Despite that just moments ago, every muscle in my body seemed dead set against functioning, somehow I managed to trace my fingers across his cheek and smile. “I forgive you,” I whispered, “And I have faith that you will do as you’ve promised.”

I barely finished my statement, before his lips were pressed to mine, and he was making love to me again.  This time his anger was gone, but he still took me with a desperate intensity that had my entire body trembling when his cock exploded inside me again, sending another scorching climax rocketing through me. 

Knowing Amir as I did, I should have questioned why he still seemed so uncertain, why every time we made love after that, it was always with a fervor that radiated with urgent need, as if he knew he could lose me at any moment.  

I was a scientist, I should have questioned.  I was a woman, my instincts should have been alert, but I was in love, and I wanted so much to believe that everything would be okay, that I ignored the nagging doubts that there was still something Amir wasn’t telling me. 



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