Slave World (6 page)

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Authors: Johnny Stone

BOOK: Slave World
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“You better look behind me before you do something stupid, Carlos. I have a new co-pilot now.” As a whole, Carlos and his men did just that. By their wide-eyed and slack expressions, I knew they’d spotted several of the point defense turrets twitching ominously in their direction.
Damn, I hope they don’t call my bluff?
“One wrong move, and you and your men get chopped into broiled meat. You ever see what a 50 kilowatt-gatling laser can do to a man?”

…” he sputtered.
Goddamn he’s pissed!
“You think you can get away with this shit, huh? Do you have any idea who you’re fucking with!”

The loaders had stopped, the drivers nervously waiting to see the outcome of probably the stupidest thing I’d done in a

“I know exactly who I’m dealing with, and you’re playing games with me. You know damn well that you’re trying to dick me on this one. I had to put a lot of cash recently into the stealth upgrades that will get
cargo to the drop point, safe and sound. How many other pilots do you know that can pull the shit off that I do? Have I ever spaced a load on you, or been boarded? Have I ever been so much as an hour late? Besides, you know I hate hauling live cargo. You owe me at least 200,000 for this one.”

I let out a silent sigh of relief when Carlos gave a grumbling nod to the man holding the cred-stick. Moments later he handed it back to me along with the contact info for their crew on Regilain. The loaders started coming aboard with a wave of Carlos’ hand.

“You got some real fucking
pulling some shit with me like this, Margo.” I slotted the cred-stick verifying the amount was correct.

“Yeah, but you know I’m worth it. Pleasure doing business with you, Carlos.” My voice was strained, bubbling with concealed excitement. 200,000…Hot
Whoever was in those tubes had just made me rich.

“Me cago en la madre que te pario!”
I shit on the mother that gave birth to you.
“Vamonos!” Carlos and his entourage of muscle gave me heated glances as they departed in a collection of luxury aircars leaving the task of loading the cargo to a host of expendable hirelings.

Mark’s voice cut through the audio link of my visor after they were gone. “Captain, is it always like that?”

“Like what?”

“Dealing with the shady elements of the syndicated crime world, is it always that exciting? I thought they were going to kill you.”

“Yeah, well that’s excitement I’d rather not have, but to answer your question, no it’s not.”
I was just being greedy.

I stopped at the top of the cargo hatch, trying to ignore the bulky cryo-storage tubes that steadily came aboard, one after another. It wasn’t like slavery was an uncommon occurrence or something new to me, but it just wasn’t my thing. It didn’t matter if I approved of it or not, I hauled what made me the most cash, and on the Outer Rim worlds being a slave runner was my ticket to a better life.

I’d been on the ground now for thirty minutes, and was starting to get a little nervous. This was the worst part, the waiting. It was also my most vulnerable time. There was nothing saying that a patrol drone hadn’t detected my landing or that I wouldn’t be jumped on the way out because some nature enthusiast on a bird watching expedition called in a suspicion landing to the authorities. I had a nagging feeling that something bad was going to happen with this haul. I don’t know, maybe it is woman’s intuition, but I
scored high on the potential psychic battery at the academy. Whatever the reason, I’d learned to trust my instincts long ago; they’d kept me alive through eight years of the most cold-blooded, merciless war the Federation had seen in over two centuries.

I looked over my shoulder, checking on the status of the cargo. The service bot was almost finished hooking up the cryo-tubes to the ship’s power coupling in record time. It still wasn’t fast enough for me because I needed to get the hell out of here and soon, and I had no idea why.




Our lift off and subsequent escape went off flawlessly much to my surprise. We slipped past the Fed patrol drones just as easily as on the way in. Unlike my risky and idiotic strong-arm techniques with Carlos, purchasing that stealth upgrade may have been the
thing I’d done recently. Before that it had always been hit and miss with pirated identification codes and questionable luck.

We entered jump space three hours later, en route to Regilain. Our total flight time was a little over thirty hours even though we were traveling 10 parsecs, or nearly about 35 light years. Jump drive had been groundbreaking technology developed nearly 300 years ago. The jump, or gravity engine as it was sometimes called, harnessed the astronomically heavy gravitational field of cosmic strings that spanned the galaxies and open space. By ‘riding’ the immense power they contained, a ship could travel faster than light by literally folding portions of space into miniature wormholes between pre-set points in each star system. This breakthrough in technology had been the all-important missing piece of the puzzle that finally allowed mankind to rapidly explore and colonize the universe, whether it was welcome or not from those already residing within it.

With the ship on autopilot and Mark dubiously in control again, I slowly began to relax. The hard part was over now and the rest of the flight should be gravy from here on out. My stomach began to growl in protest reminding me that I hadn’t eaten in a while, but that could wait.
A woman has priorities after all.
I took my helmet off, glancing at John in the seat next to me. The whole episode with Carlos had really gotten my juices flowing. Trust me, the soggy warmth in my panties proved it.


“Yes, Margo.”

“Would you ah…wait five minutes and then come back to my cabin?” I stood, running my hand delicately across his plastisteel shoulder.
I just wished John could take charge instead of me initiating things all the time. I was so accustomed to being used for sex for so many years that I’d grown to accept it and strangely like it over time.

“Of course, Margo.”

A growing sense of wanton urgency propelled me from the cockpit, while my body started revving up again like a finely tuned engine made for a single purpose.

“Captain Margo?”

“Yeah?” I entered my cabin with a breeze of awakening air, letting out an all too common breath of annoyance again, whenever my resident pervert decided to harass me.

“I’ve noticed a distinctive change in your physiology over the last several hours: increased respiration and blood pressure, a spike in body temperature accompanied by increased vaginal secretion and…”

You can’t hide anything from a damn AI, can you?
“What do you want, Mark?” I kicked off my boots, letting them thunk against the duralloy bulkhead.

“Can I watch, please?”

“What? No, you can’t watch! This is…it’s private.” My flight suit came off, kicked to the corner in a rustling flurry of impending pleasure.

“Oh come on, I covered your ass back there. We’re partners now, right? I’ve been nice to you lately, haven’t I?” My bra-strap and panties came off in a flurry of impending excitement. I was right; they were soaked.

“If you mean by being nice, that you turned the water ice cold on me in the shower so you could laugh while I jumped around like an idiot, and
made fun of my mosquito bite nipples, then yes, you’ve been nice.”

“Look, I’m sorry, let me watch. I can help numbnuts out, really? I can tell him
what to do to get you off, I swear.”

“John doesn’t need any help with…Ugh! No, and that’s the last time I’m going to tell you!” I dimmed the lights to a romantic mood setting twilight, then lit the incense burner and started a loop of my favorite songs on the disk player.

“Goodbye, Mark, privacy on and I
want to be disturbed, got it?”

“You’re nothing but a damn tease, you know that?” My teeth clenched in fading anger.
That dickhead always has to get the last word in, doesn’t he?

I padded anxiously over to the manual environmental controls in my cabin, turning the temperature up to a steamy eighty-eight degrees, with seventy-five percent humidity. I love to sweat during sex; it turned me on even more – not to mention, help burn away unwanted pounds.

I dove through the air, landing on my bed, bouncing, giggling in exuberant giddiness. With panting breaths and a rosy cheek smile, I went to my knees. Nimble fingers moved over my slightly pudgy stomach and through the small tuft of damp hair between my thighs, testing the waters.
Oh yeah…
They slid effortlessly over the sensitive heat of my large, rumpled labia, enthusiastically slick with desire, again. Come to think of it, I’m not sure if there’s ever a time that I’m not horny. I pushed down, letting the excess skin run between my fingers like billowing silk, shivering as my palm ground against the engorged knot of my clit.
Looks like
it’s about time for another rejuvenation,
I thought glumly. Guess I should have known that by all the noise it made when John finger fucked me earlier.

My problem was I liked big cocks, I mean really
ones, and the coveted feeling of yielding surrender that stays with me for hours afterwards. Thing was, it took a toll on how should I say, the aesthetics of my genitalia like you wouldn’t believe.
I know John didn’t care, but it still bothered
when it got that flabby look to it. I’d heard my labia jokingly referred to as ‘meat curtains’ in the past by a certain insensitive jerk when they got to this point, and the insecurity of his comment had stayed with me ever since. The asshole sure didn’t seem to mind it at the time, though.

I pushed three fingers easily inside myself, then went for four up to the last knuckle.
I can still take a big one! It had been almost a week, after all.
I jumped excitedly from bed, opening a wall drawer to reveal the instruments of my desire.
So, where is it, oh yeah, here we go. Thank you, Sytha-Corp!

Bio-skin dildos had to be the greatest invention since sliced bread. They replicated an actual dick in every way once the neural link was established with the wearer. Of course in John’s case, that didn’t mean much other than his ability to cum when I told him to, but if the wearer was human…Damn! You could do anything with it just like a real one: make it move and jump, or swell up hard as a rock with simulated blood flow. It was even self-lubricating, based on the amount of resistance the microprocessor in the tip detected.

If I was starting to get dry, bam! The lube spread evenly along the shaft, secreted from the pores, in seconds. If it was my ass, bam! A flood of it covered the dildo, and in it went, slick as a whistle. Bio-skin even replicated body temperature, and felt like actual flesh. The best thing about it in my opinion though, was actually being able to experience what sex was like from a guy’s point of view, if a woman was so inclined. Gee, that’s a no-brainer, isn’t it? Chalk one up for feminine equality.

I took out the ten-incher, ‘Mr. Adonis’, gazing at it in leering reverence. Just gripping its incredibly thick 4-inch girth made my pussy clench in flighty trepidation. When John fucked me with this, I stayed happily fucked for hours afterwards. I gave the large set of balls a gentle squeeze to make sure I’d refilled them from the last time.
Yep, all primed and ready to go.
I could usually get five or six good loads out of the cum refill pack, unless I wanted it all at once. Sometimes that was exactly what I was in the mood for though, one big, massive river flooding my battered pussy like a stretched balloon.
Mmmm… god, I love cum.

I propped myself up in bed, eyeing the door impatiently. I still had a few minutes until John made his appearance to get warmed up. The problem was that John could do the actual act, but lacked the necessary programming and delicate articulation for all the good stuff, like intimate foreplay. He would do whatever I told him to of course, but it wasn’t the same. Realism, and the human instinct to be able to read my body, knowing what to do to make me feel good at just the right time, was sadly beyond his grasp. Oh well…

I spread my knees, guiding the dildo between, pressing the tiny manual power switch on the underside of the base. It instantly warmed in my hand, and I closed my eyes, poising it against the entrance of my pussy.

Momentary resistance…

A grimace of pleasurable pain…

The unmistakable warmth of lube soaking the cockhead and…

I gasped when the engorged head and several inches of thick cock, suddenly popped through my protesting vulva. “Good boy, come to mamma,” I chuckled, mewing contently. There was no feeling in the world like the first time of being entered, of being penetrated, of being used.

I paused, catching my breath, letting my body adjust to its sudden expansion, while reality faded around me. My cheeks glowed crimson, heart pounding. The slight movement of my hands worked the wonderful sensation further inside me, back and forth, driving steadily onward, driving deeper.

“Omigod yes,” I whined softly, as my insatiable desire swallowed even more of the shaft. With a slight moan I stopped, hitting bottom. Eight unbelievable inches were inside me now, and I sat up slightly, gazing reverently at the fleshy protrusion between my legs. I never got tired of looking at myself so completely fucked like this.

I flopped back in bed, holding it in place, while my other hand roamed over the slight bulge of my breasts, pinching my dark nipples, as if they needed further stimulation. Enthusiastic fingers finally sought my clit, teasing it for a few moments, before moving over the dampness of taut lips, and up the vein-shrouded pole, and back again to where it entered me. That’s when John walked in.

“Hey, what took you so long; I had to start without you?” I asked in a pouting, yet playful tone of disappointment.

“You did tell me to wait five minutes, Margo.”

“I know, just kidding is all. Here, take it out of me. This is the one I want you to use.” I braced myself, closing my eyes, biting my lip in anticipation.

“Oh shit…” I clutched the sheets, as my gripping inner muscles rapidly collapsed upon themselves. The dildo was replaced by a dull, hot emptiness that ended in the pit of my stomach. It was an old familiar feeling that I craved no different than the air I breathed.

“Hurry up, John,” I rasped, eyeing him like a staved wolf. Thankfully it didn’t take long for him to attach it, via the special magnetic points made for just such a purpose.

The sight of John hovering over me, desirably manly, if that were possible, with ‘his’ immense glistening cock staring me right in the face, set my mouth to watering.

“Wait.” I sat up, scooting over the edge of the bed. “Do you want me to give you head first?”

“Do you wish to give me oral sex first?”
Grrrr… That’s not what I asked you.

I let out a deep breath of frustration. “John, tell me to suck your dick.”

“Yes, Margo. I want you to suck my dick.” Still not good enough.

“No, John,
me to suck it.”

“Margo, you will suck my dick before we engage in sexual intercourse.”
Close enough,
I sighed in defeat.

I closed my eyes, cupping the cool metal of what would have been John’s ass, pulling him closer. At times I could almost forget the dildo wasn’t real; it even tasted like delicious cockflesh. Sytha-Corp had thought of everything. I shuddered when his dick touched my lips, hinted with the lingering fragrance of sweet innocence and excited naughtiness. That was the closest comparison I’d come up with to what my pussy smelled like after the juices started flowing.

The dildo was too large for me to give John a proper blowjob; I could barely get my mouth open wide enough to take more than the head and first couple of inches. He didn’t care; this part was for me, not him. Regardless, I stretched my mouth as wide as I could, lips tightly engulfing the fleshy, conical tip. I started to gag, swallowing thickly; my pussy damped at the wonderful sensation of helplessness.

With one hand I slowly worked the length of his broad shaft while the other trailed between my legs, teasing my clit with the tip of my short fingernail. My tongue ran down one side of his cock and back up the hard ridge beneath it, working the foreskin into a rumbled fold that I lavished like a desperate lover. Every so often I convulsed, jerking with uncontrollable jolts of electric pleasure that shot outward from between my thighs.

“Your cock tastes so good, John,” I moaned, rubbing it against my cheek, smearing it with the mixed scent I loved. “I’m your whore, John, say it.”

“You are my whore, Margo.”

“Tell me what a cock slut I am,” I panted, slipping into that wonderful place of female abasement that I’d found unexplained comfort in for so many years.

“You are a cock slut, Margo.” Oh god, how I loved to hear those words from a man, even if he was a droid.

“Cum in my mouth, John, please?” My voice came in hiccups, selfishly needy. Both my hands went to him now, jerking madly. “Just a little, three pulses, maximum pressure.” It was a little bit of a mood breaker having to give him such detailed instructions all the time, but you had to take the good with the bad, I suppose.

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