Slayer's Reign in Blood (33 1/3)

BOOK: Slayer's Reign in Blood (33 1/3)
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Reign in Blood

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Reign in Blood

D.X. Ferris


The Continuum International Publishing Group Inc

80 Maiden Lane, New York, NY 10038

The Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd

The Tower Building, 11 York Road, London SE1 7NX

Copyright © 2008 by D.X. Ferris

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the written permission of the publishers or their agents.

Cover art reprinted courtesy SonyBMG Music Entertainment Printed in Canada on 100% postconsumer waste recycled paper

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Ferris, D. X.

Reign in blood / D.X. Ferris.

p. cm. -- (33 1/3)

Includes bibliographical references.

eISBN 978-1-4411-8349-1

1. Slayer (Musical group) 2. Rock musicians--United States. 3. Slayer (Musical group) Reign in blood. I. Title. II. Series.

ML421.S612F47 2008



Table of Contents


Reign in Blood
, featuring original commentary from…


The Argument:
Fuckin’ Slayer

Talkin’ Thrash

“Metalstorm: Face the Slayer”

Slayer Guitarist Jeff Hanneman

Drummer Dave Lombardo

Singer-Bassist Tom Araya

Guitarist Kerry King

DJ-RR: The Producer, Rick Rubin. And the Label, Def Jam.

Engineer Andy Wallace

Recruiting New Blood




Bad Day at Black Rock

Def Metal: Slayer in the House



Reign in Blood
: The Songs and Their Impact

Reing in Blood
, in Summary

The Legacy

Notes, Asides, and Works Cited

1986, Slayer in the studio with
producer Rick Rubin, at Hit City West, Los Angeles. Top left: Rubin. Bottom, L to R: Jeff Hanneman, Dave Lombardo, Tom Araya, Kerry King. Photo © Glen E. Friedman (

2004, Slayer, covered in (fake) blood, after performing
Reign in Blood
in its entirety, as captured for the
Still Reigning
DVD. Photo by Kevin Estrada.


In memory of Professor Emeritus Ronald Forsythe, Nora Ferris, Lorna Ferris, Dave Moran, Vera Lehane, Dr. Bernard De Filippo, Vincent Roskovensky, and Sumner J. Ferris—sorry there’s no index, dad; it wasn’t my call.

Singular instruction and consultation: Alan Natali.

Thanks for planting seeds and opening doors: James G. Lakely, Bill Bennett, Greg Christiansen, Aaron Burgess, Jason Bracelin, Jason Pettigrew, Mike Shea, Pete Kotz, and Dan LeRoy.

Real music people if I’ve ever met any: Stigma, Michael Gallucci, and Sluggo.

Many kind people helped with this book; none of them had to. Thanks to everyone in the following pages, twice, at least. Slayer. Rick Rubin. Andy Wallace. Heidi Ellen Robinson-Fitzgerald. Julie Arkenstone. Eleanor Logan. The Three Kings of Metal Collectors: Spahr Schmitt, Jamie Walters, and Tony Alberts. Niklas
Slayer Collector (
). Paul at Bill
Peters. Matt Wardlaw. Jeff Lamm. Chris Bade. Maria Ferrero. Gabrielle Allen. Gabriella Page-Fort. Mike Palone. Jerry Graham. George Vallee. Betsey Cichoracki. Carl Schultz. Loana dP. Valencia. Tresa Sanders. Charles Elliot. Tom Wojcik. David Giffels. Dave Brenner. Mark Price. Dan Muro. Borders #63 (the general public doesn’t deserve you). Bill Adler. Danny Marianinho. Kevin Berve at Reel Efx, and Anthony “T.J.” Scaglione—sorry your chapters didn’t fit; they were good ones. Stacy Gueraseva. Whoever put together the
Slayer Ultra Bootleg Pack
. Brandon Marshall (
). Blood Metal Donor. Bonnie Angotti. Paul Hooper. Greg Van Krol. John Comprix. Killick. Kurt Brecht. Judy Gish at Caltrans. Patty Falk at Bowling Green State University Music Library & Sound Recordings Archives. Calvin College’s Hekman Library. The Akron Public Library (Fairlawn and Downtown). Also: Apeneck Sweeney. Chuck Cage, Audra Heaslip, and Sean O’Hara. Claudia, Mandy, Eric, and Alex. Nate. TM. Randy & Jennifer McFeely. Ed Rohrer. Matt Gorey. Donnie Iris. Everybody I forgot.
: Diamond Dave Herth, Kevin DuBrow, Bob Muldowney, and Mikey Offender. Metal people are good people. And extra thanks to Dr. David Barker, for making Slayer part of this series.

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