Authors: Susan Crandall
Tags: #Sleepwalking, #Contemporary, #General, #Romance, #Suspense, #Fiction, #Psychiatrists
From the desk of Amanda Scott
Dear Reader,
What sort of conflict between the heads of two powerful Scottish clans might have persuaded Robert Maxwell of Trailinghail to abduct Lady Mairi Dunwythie of Annandale, the heiress daughter of a baron who defied certain demands made by Maxwell that he believed were unwarranted? Next, having abducted the lady, what does Robert do when Lord Dunwythie still refuses to submit? And why on earth does Mairi, abducted and imprisoned by Robert, not only fall in love with him but later--long after she is safe and a powerful baroness in her own right--decide that she wants to marry him?
These are just a few of the challenging questions that faced me when I accepted an invitation to consider writing the "true" fourteenth-century story of Mairi Dunwythie and Robert Maxwell--now titled SEDUCED BY A ROGUE.
The invitation also came in the form of a question--a much simpler one: Would I be interested in the story of a woman who had nearly begun a clan war?
Since authors are always looking for new material, I promptly answered yes.
A friend had found an unpublished manuscript, dated April 16, 1544, and written in broad Scotch by "Lady Maxwell." Broad Scotch is a language I do not know.
Fortunately, my friend does.
Lady Maxwell related details of how two fourteenth-century Dunwythie sisters met and married their husbands. ("Dunwythie" is the fourteenth-century spelling for Dinwiddie, Dunwoodie, and similar Scottish surnames.) SEDUCED BY A ROGUE is the story of the elder sister, Mairi.
Relying on details passed down in Maxwell anecdotes over a period of two hundred years, Lady Maxwell portrayed that clan favorably and Mairi's father as a scoundrel. The trouble, her ladyship wrote, was all Lord Dunwythie's fault.
So the challenge for me was to figure out the Dunwythies' side of things and what lay at the center of the conflict. That proved to be a fascinating puzzle.
Her ladyship provided few specifics, but the dispute clearly concerned land. The Maxwells thought they owned or controlled that land. Dunwythie disagreed.
The Maxwell who had claimed ownership (or threatened to
ownership) was just a Maxwell, not a lord or a knight. However, Dunwythie was
Dunwythie of Dunwythie, and that Annandale estate stayed in Dunwythie hands for nearly two hundred years longer. In the fourteenth century, landowners were knights, barons, or earls--or they were royal. So, clearly, Dunwythie owned the land.
Next, I discovered that the Maxwells were then the hereditary sheriffs of Dumfries. Sheriffs ("shire-reeves") were enormously powerful in both Scotland and England, because they administered whole counties (shires), collected taxes, and held their own courts of law. The fact that Annandale lies within Dumfries-shire was a key to what most likely happened between the Dunwythies and the Maxwells.
The result is the trilogy that began with TAMED BY A LAIRD (January 2009) and continues now with SEDUCED BY A ROGUE. It will end with TEMPTED BY A WARRIOR (January 2010).
I hope you enjoy all of them. In the meantime,
Suas Alba!