Sleigh Ride Together with You (15 page)

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Authors: JoAnn Durgin

Tags: #christian Fiction

BOOK: Sleigh Ride Together with You
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“Is that a fact?” Jake rose to his imposing height as Alex slid out from beneath the sink. If he wasn't mistaken, Alex detected curiosity in the other man's tone. After grabbing a dishtowel from the counter, he wiped his hands. “On the level, Jake. I work with the network in Manhattan. I'm on a temporary assignment in Des Moines. I came to Iowa to evaluate Nicole's potential to move to a bigger television market. When this opportunity came up to accompany Nicole to Starlight and interview Dante, I volunteered.” He turned on the water and ducked his head beneath the sink to check for any further leakage.

Jake chuckled. “Something tells me there's more than a professional interest involved in terms of your presence here with Nicole in Starlight.”

Alex straightened and met Jake's gaze. “To put it mildly, I've fallen hard for her, but I'm not sure how she'll react. The intelligent part of me knows I shouldn't make a move until after my assignment's over and I've turned in my report to the network. But another part of me wonders—if I wait until I go back to New York—whether I'll lose my chance with her. Long distance relationships are difficult any way you look at it, and I'm praying the Almighty will help out with the details.”

Jake rubbed the back of his neck. “If you ask in faith, I'm sure He will. A word of advice?”

“Sure. Anything.”

“If Nicole shuts you out or closes down at times, don't take it personally,” Jake said. “I think she's done it for so long, she doesn't even realize it. Julia helped me put it all in perspective. It's been my prayer that Nicole will meet a godly man who'll always be there for her. Not to put you on the spot, and I understand you haven't known her long—but after what you just told me—do you believe you could be that man for her, Alex?”

Nothing like being direct.

Alex admired Jake. Nicole had been important in his life once, and he obviously still cared about her. He thanked the Lord Jake wasn't the right man for her.

“My prayer is that I am that man for her,” Alex said. “I'm trying to be patient and wait on God's timing, but patience isn't exactly my long suit. Now that I've found Nicole, the thought of going back to New York and not seeing her every day is difficult.”

He shook his head and blew out a long breath, raking the fingers of one hand through his hair. “I've only known her since Tuesday. I'd say I'm in big trouble.”

Jake smiled. “Yeah, I'd say you are, but it's the best kind of trouble, buddy. I knew my wife all of five minutes when I recognized she was the one for me. People who say it can't happen that fast haven't experienced it. You seem like a solid guy, and I can tell you care about Nicole. Trust the Lord to work out the logistics, but whatever you do, don't hurt her in the process.”

First Colin, now Jake.

“You have my word. That's the last thing I'd ever want to do.”

Jake brought a big hand down on his shoulder, resting it there. “Then it's my honor to pray right along with you.”

Humbled, Alex nodded. “Thanks, Jake.”








Saturday Evening – Starlight Mistletoe Dance


Nicole caught Alex's eye as she carefully descended the staircase. He'd been talking with Jake and Dylan, but when he spied her, he excused himself and made his way through the maze of guests to stand at the base of the stairs. Concentrating on putting one foot in front of the other in her high heels, Nicole didn't wish to spoil her entrance by stumbling. She'd worried about wearing her heels again, but after avoiding them most of the week and soaking her ankle every night, it was healed and no longer ached.

Alex waited, his gaze trained on her alone. In his dark suit, crisp white dress shirt, and bright red silk tie, he was beyond gorgeous. The admiration in his eyes was undeniable. As she paused on the bottom step, his mesmerizing eyes lit from within. His warm smile made her feel more beautiful and desirable than ever before in her life. Everyone else in the room faded for a few blissful moments. What a romantic fool she was, but she didn't care.

“Miss Reardon, you are”—Alex moved one hand over his heart—“breathtakingly beautiful.”

Overcome with an unexpected shyness, Nicole lowered her gaze and stepped onto the floor beside him. “Thank you. You look extremely handsome yourself, Mr. Kingsfield.”

Hearing the call for dinner to be served, she accepted Alex's proffered arm as they followed the others into the huge dining room. The Moretti mansion was the biggest home she'd ever seen. Dante and Amanda's daughter, Ana, and their other future children would love it, but hopefully they wouldn't give their parents a heart attack by playing hide and seek.

Nicole and Alex laughed their way through dinner at a table with Dante and Amanda, Jake and Julia, Ben and Caroline, and Mayor Kennedy and his wife, Marge. Then they made their way into the great room. A string quartet played while the jazz musicians who'd played popular holiday tunes during dinner enjoyed a short break.

“Will the most incredible woman at the Starlight Mistletoe Dance grace me with the honor of this dance?” Turning to her, Alex bowed low and kissed her hand.

Trembling with awareness, Nicole allowed him to lead her. The lighting was dim, the dance floor illuminated by twinkling lights that matched those in the Christmas trees surrounding them. Her midnight blue silk and chiffon dress swirled below her knees with her every movement, and its tiny sequins reflected the lights. Amanda had declared the dress “a delectable confection.” She'd gone on to say, “If Alex Kingsfield isn't madly in love with you after tonight, then he's a blind, foolish man.”

As Alex pulled her close, Nicole smiled at the sight of Julia in Jake's arms. Dante kissed Amanda's cheek as they slowly swayed to the music. Dylan danced nearby with Hannah, her pregnant belly a beautiful testimony of another daughter arriving soon.

Caroline and Ben beamed as they sat in folding chairs to one side of the room. Angie and Harry Goodwin laughed quietly in one another's arms, barely moving on the dance floor. Henrietta Watkins and Martha of Martha's Bakery—did she even have a last name?—whispered together in one corner. Some things never changed.

Marv, the dishwasher from Barney's Diner, stole sweet kisses from his wife, Laverne, the town librarian. Nicole's eyes misted when she saw bulky Karl Hines dancing with his petite wife, Sandy. From all accounts, love had softened the formerly bitter widower, and he'd proudly stepped into the role as stepfather to Sandy's kids, Sammie and Travis.

When she'd helped pass out cookies earlier in the evening, Nicole had marveled at how much the kids had grown in the few short years she'd been away. Tyler Sinclair, Dylan and Hannah's oldest son, was growing into a handsome, well-mannered young man, obviously close with his younger brother, Andrew. Their little sister, Sophie, was the life of the party, a beautiful child with a sunny disposition.

Such wonderful people. How she loved this town. How she'd miss them all when she left Starlight again. Maybe she was deluding herself, and it was simply the charm of the Christmas season.

No, it was much more than that. That was the power, if she could call it that, of Starlight—the caring people, the love in the air. So real it was almost tangible. It was exactly as she'd told Alex. God was here. God was everywhere, but especially in this precious town. In record time, as if it had a life of its own, little Starlight had settled in her heart again.

The dance was a slow one, and Nicole gloried in being held in Alex's arms. Somehow, he'd also managed to make his way into her every thought, her prayers and—she couldn't ignore it any longer—her heart.

“So, what do you think of my Starlight?” Nicole said as he twirled her once more in a slow circle.

“It has its definite charms. Especially sharing it with you.”

She inhaled a quick breath at the way his green eyes deepened. Why did everything that came from Alex's lips tonight sound like a caress, an intimate overture for the symphony of her heart? This night was incredibly romantic, and she needed to treasure the memories for the cold winter months ahead.

Pulling her closer, Alex tightened his hold on her lower back. Nicole closed her eyes and savored the moment. Leaning her head on his firm chest, she felt and heard the strong, steady beating of his heart. When he covered her hand with his, she released a sigh of pure contentment.

“Thank you, Alex.” Even though she'd whispered, she knew he'd heard. “For at least this one night, you've made me feel like the most beautiful, special, cherished woman in the world.”

“That's because you are.” He kissed her cheek. “Not just tonight, but every single day I've been blessed to know you. I have an idea. No rush, but whenever you're ready to leave.”

“Tell me.” She swayed with him, never wanting the dance to end but intrigued by his suggestion.

“Have you seen the pond behind the house? It's a private skating rink. Amanda told me they have a supply of skates in a closet off the kitchen, and she gave us permission to raid it. Want to change and go for a quick spin around the pond? If you're not too tired.” He kissed her cheek, his lips warming her skin.

“I'm not the best skater. I'm actually pretty bad. Just so you know, what I said about the Ice Capades when we first met was no idle threat.”

She felt the quiet rumble of laughter in his chest. “I won't let you fall, sweetheart. Promise.”

Nicole pulled back and gave him a smile, knowing Alex would be true to his word. “You called me sweetheart.”

“I guess I did. Do you mind?”

“Not at all.”

As they thanked their hosts a short time later and excused themselves to go upstairs and change in their respective guest bedrooms, Nicole sensed Jake's gaze on her. He gave her a small salute.

With a return smile, Nicole saluted him right back.




“Look at those stars, Alex.” Nicole raised her chin, inhaling deeply of the fresh, crisp night air. “Have you ever seen anything more beautiful?”

Mirroring her, Alex lifted his face to the sky. “Not to burst your Starlight bubble, but the stars are pretty much the same everywhere on the planet.”

Nicole leveled her gaze on him. Kneeling on one knee, Alex laced her ice skates. “You're missing the point, city boy. The stars here are somehow more pure. Honest. Clear.” She blinked hard. “Never mind. I guess I shouldn't expect you to understand.”

“I understand you don't have to actually be in Starlight to carry that wistfulness in your heart.” He offered his hand. “Like you've said before, it's just geography, right?”

“I suppose.” She allowed Alex to pull her to her feet. As she teetered beside him, she was thankful he took it slow as they carefully made their way across the frozen ground. Tall spotlights highlighted the outline of the pond. “As you can probably tell, it's been a long time since I've even been on skates.” She darted a glance at his handsome profile. “How about you?”

“Two weeks. There's a rink in New York, and I'm on a league.”

She sighed. “I suppose that shouldn't really surprise me. So, you still play hockey on a regular basis, huh?”

“Afraid so. Hate to burst that bubble of yours, too, if you'd harbored any illusions I'd given it up.”

“I really wish you hadn't told me that, Alex.”

“And why would that be?” Surprising her, he took her by the hand and pulled her around to face him.

“Hockey can be dangerous, and you have the battle scars to prove it. Try that on for starters.”

Placing his hands around her waist, Alex inched her closer. “Admit it, Nicole. You care about me as much as I care about you.”

“Define care.” His nearness was making her heady. She breathed him in, all solid male. Confident. Tall. Gorgeous and strong. Intelligent. Compassionate. He also seemed to understand her and accept her in spite of her crazy family, her insecurities, and vulnerabilities. And, from all appearances, he cared for her in spite of them. When her gaze settled on his lips, Nicole physically ached for his kiss. Never in her life had she yearned for a man, but yearn she did, and it was maddening yet exhilarating all at once.

“Time to stop being so pragmatic.” Easing his hold on her, Alex removed both his gloves. He stuffed them in his jacket and cradled her face between his hands. His touch warmed her everywhere, his smile filled the gaping holes in her heart. As he traced the curve of her cheek with his fingertips, she could scarcely breathe. “Nicole Reardon, you are, without a doubt, the most beautiful woman I've ever known. In every imaginable way.” His gaze fell to her lips, leaving no doubt as to the desire he felt for her.

Something inside her quickened.

“Let me define care for you and make my intentions perfectly clear.” He moved one hand to the middle of her back, the pressure firm yet gentle. After brushing his lips over her temple, Alex palmed her cheek. “I may not be the first man you've ever kissed, but as God is my witness, I hope to be the last.”

“I want you to be the last, Alex.” Her response came from the deepest part of her. Nicole caught the flicker of pleased surprise in his eyes.

Alex lowered his head, hesitating just above her lips. “May I have the honor of this kiss?” His voice was low, slightly husky.

“Yes,” she breathed as his lips grazed hers. Soft and gentle with the utmost tenderness. She sighed against his warm, inviting mouth, her heart rioting. His scent—rugged man, the outdoors, and light, musky cologne—intermingled and intoxicated her.

“I'm so glad you said yes,” he whispered. “You don't know how tempting it was with all that mistletoe inside the house tonight. But I wanted to wait and do this in private.” Peppering her cheeks with butterfly kisses before settling on her mouth again, Alex caressed her lips with such exquisite care that she melted in his arms. He didn't push her, didn't pressure her into anything more than she was willing to give. In his arms, Nicole felt an unbelievable peace. She was more at home than ever before. She didn't understand it, didn't want to analyze or pick it apart. For once, she just wanted to revel in the moment and simply feel.

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