Slider (17 page)

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Authors: Stacy Borel

Tags: #Fiction

BOOK: Slider
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“So, are we having dessert first or are we heading out to the field?” Wrigley asked, stretching his arms above his head.

“I vote field,” Paul said.

“I second that,” Camden replied. “What do you want to do. babe?”

Keegan put her hand on his. “I’m fine either way.”

Paul rubbed his hands together. “Looks like it’s game time.”

We all got up from the table and made our way to the garage.

The guys packed everything up, and Keegan went back into the house to get Macie and Dodger. Turner led me to one of the golf carts and sat down next to me.

“You going to play on my team?”

I raised my brow. “I don’t know. Are you any good?”

“You’ve seen me play before, Annabelle.”

“I wasn’t paying that close attention.”

He rubbed his chest with his fist. “Ouch! My ego has been struck.”

I playfully shoved him. “No, it hasn’t, hush.”

“And here I thought you were staring at me the whole time.”

I leaned in close to him. His eyes watched me like a hawk. “I’ll let you in on a little secret, though.” I spoke even quieter, “I did watch you during dinner.” I winked and faced forward, hoping we would leave soon.

Keegan stepped outside looking frustrated and ready to hit something. “Macie isn’t coming. She said she isn’t feeling well and is going home.”

Donna started to get off the golf cart. “Does she need someone to take her home?”

“Dodger is telling her he’d take her, but you know her. She’s fighting him tooth and nail and is refusing to be near him.”

Speaking of, Dodger came out of the house, slamming the door behind him. He ignored all he looks we were throwing his way, grabbed a bat bag, and walked out of the garage without a word.

“Well, alright,” Turner said. “Looks like trouble in Love Land.”

“Stop it,” I scolded.

“I’m sure if Macie needs something she will let someone know.” Paul redirected the family’s attention. “Let’s head over.”

Nothing more needed to be said. The patriarch of the family spoke and that was the end of it. We all took off in our carts and drove down the road to the empty baseball field the family owned and was very familiar with. I’d only been out here one time, but that one time was all it took. I felt comfortable, like this was something I’d done regularly with them. I couldn’t pinpoint why this family was so welcoming and warm. They all had that way about them that invited you in, made you feel at ease. I doubt they ever met a stranger, and a stranger never felt out of place with them. It must be their gift.

Unloading everything, Dodger was standing in front of a fence, throwing a baseball as hard as he could. It bounced back and he’d catch it with his bare hands. Clearly, he was letting off some steam. He didn’t even turn to look at us when we rolled up.

“Teams,” Wrigley said rubbing his hands together. “Me, Mom, Camden, and Annabelle.”

“What? No way, she’s on my team asshole,.” Turner retorted.

“Dad, Turner, Keegan, and Dodger.” He nodded, proud of himself and ignoring his brother.

“No, teams need to be broken up differently. We will take Annabelle, y’all can have Dodger.”

“Don’t be crazy, big brother. You know I gave you the better team.”

“Hey,” Camden piped in. “Need I remind you who was picked up by the number one college in the nation?”

“Dude, you say that every time we come out here. We know . . . it’s old news,” Wrigley grumbled.

I got the distinct impression it was a sore spot for him. Wonder if it was some friendly brotherly competition.

“We good with the teams?” Paul said, stepping between the brothers.

Both boys nodded.

It was determined that I was with Turner, which I was somewhat disappointed about. I wanted to test my abilities at kicking his ass, but couldn’t very well do that when we were both trying to score a run. We played the game, having five innings. There was so much laugher and banter. Best part, I managed to stay on two feet this time. Couldn’t say as much for Paul. He felt it was necessary to slide into third base, effectively taking out his youngest, and giving poor Donna a heart attack in the process. She yelled at him while checking out his ripped pants, saying he wasn’t twenty years old anymore and couldn’t play rough or someone was going to get hurt. You know, typical mom stuff.

Donna ended up sitting out after Paul’s little spill. It frazzled her. When I stood off to the side waiting for my turn to bat, she came over to me.

“So sad about the baby.”

I glanced down at her. Oh God, did we have to talk about this again?

“Yes, it is.”

“Are you okay?”

I tilted my head to the side. “Yes. Why?”

She gave me a gentle smile. “Because, honey, I read people. No, not like that psychic crap you see on TV. But I can sense when someone is holding back and not letting their feelings through. Kind of like Macie and Dodger. I know those two, and I know how much she loves him. She has her issues she is sorting through and they will eventually come together. And when we were sitting at dinner, I saw your hands twisting together and your eyes got glassy.” She paused and let me take in what she was saying. “That baby means something to you.”

I gulped. “Sure I care about him. He’s an innocent child.”

I wasn’t fooling her. “It’s more than that. I’m not sure what your connection is with him, but I will tell you this, keep going to him. Visit him, hold him, feed him, let him feel loved. Love is what heals. We don’t know what God has in store for that little man, but you’re a kind and sweet person to go to him and care for him like you have. That tells me something about your heart and what kind of woman you are. I have no doubt your momma is looking down on you and is proud of you.”

Okay and cue the tears. Who the hell is Donna Brooks and where in the world did she come from? This wasn’t anything I wanted to hear right now. I was not a religious person and I had no clue if my parents were in heaven seeing and watching everything I did in life. I didn’t think they were anywhere. When they died, they died. I didn’t know if there was a God, so I couldn’t believe in the saying, “he had a plan for them.” Taking away a young girl’s family was not a plan. It was awful, and painful. Cruel. It ripped my soul out and shredded it. My parents were in the ground forty minutes from this baseball field and that’s what I actually believed.

I didn’t want to be rude to a woman who’s been nothing but kind to me, so I mustered a smile.

“Thank you.”

She patted my shoulder. “You’re welcome. Now, if my youngest boy could find a good girl, like you three, I’d be a happy momma.”

I was perplexed. “What?”

She waved her hand in the air. “That Wrigley is a thorn in my heel. I love him more than pie, but that boy is so lax about life, I don’t know if he will ever settle down. I knew my other three would, but him . . . well, I’ll fall off my rocker the day he brings home a girl and says she’s a keeper.” She chortled like she just told the best joke.

I was still caught up in the previous conversation when she threw another glass of water in my face. She spoke like Turner was settling down. No. No way, was it with me. I was only just beginning to relax with him and let him in. Could we at least have our first kiss before we started talking forever or settling down?

“Oh, your turn, honey!” Donna called my attention back to the game.

Right. Who the hell could hit a ball after all that mess?

I did okay ,for the most part, the rest of the game, but I knew Donna watched me. I realized just how much she watched
This was how she knew things. She was an observant little thing.

Game time was over and time to wrap everything up after playing two more innings. It was dark outside, but a couple lights kept the field fairly lit. Mosquitos were getting a tad ridiculous and Keegan said they needed to go home to check on the dog. I was ready to go home to my cat and glass of wine. I felt dead on my feet.

“Hey, you,” Turner said to me.


“Walk with me.” He took my hand and held me back.

The family cleared the field and drove back to the house.

“Did you have a good time?” he asked.

Besides discussing a couple subjects that I would have rather had my wisdom teeth removed again than talk about, I can’t say I didn’t.

“Yes. Your mom is quite the cook.”

“She is. She holds the records for the best Blackberry Pie and shrimp creole in three counties.”

I laughed. “Oh God, don’t talk about food. After playing the game, I’m ready for another full meal.”

He poked my side. “You could stand to gain a bit.”

I stopped walking. “Uh, no, sir. I’ve been eating anything I can get my hands on because of my crazy schedule at the hospital. Tonight is the first time I’ve had a homemade meal in over a month. Take out is all I have time for. And I certainly haven’t been hitting the gym.”

He gave my hand a tug, pulling me into him. The hardness of his chest made me breathe heavier. My other hand came up on its own accord and rested right over his heart. It was beating normally. Clearly, I didn’t affect him like he was affecting me. If someone took my blood pressure right now it would be sky high and they’d cart me off to the hospital.

“You’re kidding me, right?” he genuinely asked.

“Kidding you about what?”

“Your weight.”

I tried to laugh it off. “No. I mean, I’m mostly teasing, but it wouldn’t hurt for me to hit a gym every now and then so I can keep up with all the calories and chocolate cake . . . or pie, I’ve been eating.”

He wanted to smile at that one, I know he did, but he remained serious.

“You’re beautiful in every way, Annabelle. Sure your looks drew me in, but I’ve gotten to know you, and that heart of yours is huge. Gym or no gym, weight gain or no weight gain, you’re still the same person to me.”

I blinked rapidly. “You don’t really even know me.”

He leaned his head forward so his bright blue eyes were in a direct path with mine. “Oh, yes, I do. You may not share some parts of your life with me yet, but you will. In time, you will. And no matter what, it
doesn’t change how loving and beautiful you are in the parts that you have shown me.”

I was pulled back into that place that he was so good at putting me. A place where only Turner and I existed and I couldn’t even feel if my own feet were touching the ground. I was floating, and all I thought about was if I wished hard enough for him to kiss me, he just might do it.

“Those are some pretty strong words, Dr. Brooks,” I squeaked out.

He nodded. “Yes, they are.”

I had no clue how close we were to the house, how far we had walked, if the crickets were still chirping or if they were waiting for the same thing I was waiting for. But it was happening. Turner released my hand and placed both of his on either side of my face. One of his thumbs brushed my cheek so tenderly that I barely felt it whisper across my skin. Nope, definitely no gravity on planet earth right now. As he came toward me, I did the only thing I could do. I closed my eyes and gave in to the power of him, and I let him lead the way.

His lips were a soft brush over mine at first. Like stepping your foot into open water and seeing if it was going to be warm or cold. Warmth was all I felt. My heart fluttered, then came crashing to a halt when he came back and applied more pressure this time, allowing me to really feel the sensation of his mouth pushing against mine. Tentatively, I opened, barely enough to suggest I wanted more. He took my suggestion and ran away with it. Turner Brooks wrapped one arm around my lower back, pulling me flush to him, and his other threaded into my hair. His tongue danced along the outside of my lips before plunging into my mouth demanding more. I sighed and melted into him. This kiss was unlike those crazy, inexperienced first kisses. There was no learning if one person liked it fast or slow, soft or hard, more tongue or lips. Turner was all of it. He was moving his mouth in a demanding manner, before he’d slow his pace and I’d follow suit. Never in my life had I been kissed like this. I didn’t want it to end either. Not having any clue how long we stood like this, Turner kept the lead, but eventually ended the kiss with a tender peck, then sweetly kissed the tip of my nose.

My eyes were still closed when he said my name.



“How are you feeling?”

How was I feeling? Did I even
any feeling? I wiggled my toes and dropped my arms from his chest. I had no clue I had gripped his shirt so tightly that the material was now wrinkled. Yeah, I had some feeling.

I bit my lip and shyly looked down. “I’m good.”

He tipped my chin up with his index finger. “You sure?”

I wanted to bust out laughing. He knew what he had just done to me. I, Annabelle, had become unglued and allowed a man to make me feel something more than just a crush.

“Definitely sure.”

He smirked. “Good. Let’s walk.”

We were still standing where he’d stopped me on the side of the road with no regard to neighbors seeing our public display of affection. Turner took my hand again, and started in the direction of the house. He made small talk about his family and how crazy they could be, while nothing wiped the perma-grin off my face. Was this what happiness felt like? Those ooey gooey girl feelings that the women in the hospital who fawned all over him gushed about? I didn’t want to be one of them, but I felt it creeping in. I wanted to go home and tell Chaz all about the kiss like a teenage girl, while my fat cat looked on with disinterest. Indifference toward Turner was all but gone, and my need for more had replaced it. I walked beside him, wondering when he would ask me out again, and where it would be. I wanted to know if he would kiss me again, and if it would be just like this one. Things like relationships, dating, and love were not my forté. I didn’t technically know how to take on any of it because I lacked experience. But I could see myself liking him more and more at this pace. He did all the right things, and he said all the right things. But history has shown me for over seven years that those things didn’t necessarily add up to what was good for me. I didn’t let people in for reasons I chose to keep to myself. I was going to have to seriously ask myself if it was time to let those walls down and see if life was going to play nice again. I couldn’t afford to lose another person that I cared about without it destroying me. Pain was a feeling I was well acquainted with, but it was an emotion that given the chance to strike me down again, I knew I wouldn’t survive it.

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