Sliding (The Stone Series) (9 page)

BOOK: Sliding (The Stone Series)
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I tell him about Brook and I
meeting freshman year and about how Eric is sort of coaching Bobby and I on
sex. He tells me I can talk to him too and he said he won’t tell the other
guys. I ask him about Wendy and he says he really likes her and that she always
says nice things about Brook being a really good cheerleader. We laugh over the
whole cheerleader thing.

“They know it’s not a real sport, right?”
Danny asks me, I shrug my shoulders and start to feel better.


Danny said the cheerleaders were
planning on hanging out in one of the other girl’s rooms. I don’t like that
Brook’s not in her room but instead hanging with these older girls, God only
knows what shit they are going to fill her head with. But I want to try to get
to further than I have with her tomorrow night so I decide to leave a message
that will make her putty in my hands instead of questioning her on what she’s
been doing. Danny and I come up with an idea and we practice what I’m going to
say. I call Brook and leave her a message.


Danny says it was perfect and tells
me, “Yeah man, that’s the way you got to be. You need to be confident in
yourself. Now when you see her tomorrow morning just grab her and kiss her in
front of everyone like she’s never been kissed before and she’ll give you what
you want. Trust me, public displays of affection work with chicks every time.”


In the morning when I see Brook she
has her hair in bunches on either side of her head, and she looks so hot I
spring wood at the first sight of her. When she looks at me I wave her over, I
want to look cool so I don’t want to go to her; I need her to come to me. When
she gets to me I wrap my arms around her and kiss her full on the mouth. I
tongue her and she kisses me right back. Danny must know what he’s talking
about because this sure seems to be working.


The game is fucking pathetic and
I’m just sitting on the bench like I knew I would be. I can hear my father now
saying what a waste of his time it was to come and watch me not play.
We are losing when the first quarter ends
with a score of twenty nothing and I’m still on the fucking sidelines. During
halftime the coaches tell me I’m going in. They say I can’t do any worse than
the girls they’ve had on the field for the first half. I find the nearest
garbage can and puke into it. Danny comes up behind me turns me around and
grabs my jersey.


“Get it together man, this is your
chance, don’t blow it. You can do it.” Then he slaps me on the ass and we run
out of the tunnel and onto the field.


When the third quarter starts I
throw my helmet on my head and hit the field. During the third quarter I make
two touchdowns so now we are only down by five going into the last quarter. The
coaches leave me in for the rest of the game. When there are only seconds left
in the game Danny blocks for me when I get the ball and I run down the field
making a sixty yard touchdown to win the game as the clock runs out. The crowd
goes wild and runs onto the field. The team is jumping on me and lifting me up
onto their shoulders when I spot Brook. I kiss her with my parents only a few
feet away and I don’t care. I am going to listen to Danny and be confident in
myself, if I want to kiss my girlfriend after I win the biggest game of my life
then I’ll kiss her! Brook and I head over to my parents. I rush her away from
them, not wanting my father to bitch to me about not playing in the first half
or any mistakes he feels I made.


There’s a team party that night and
I’m with all the guys jumping and chest bumping when I spot Brook come in. Her
ass looks so good in her tight jeans and she’s wearing a tight red t-shirt that
makes her tits look amazing. We dance and I tell her she looks hot. I can’t
help it; I slap her ass in those tight jeans. I can’t wait to get her alone in
the room later and slap that ass some more.


I try to be romantic when we get to
the room and I kiss her softly on the lips. As I kiss her I try to get her down
onto the bed and when I finally do I climb on next to her somehow all the while
still kissing her. I try to be funny and joke with her; I need her to feel as
relaxed as possible so she’ll let me get farther with her tonight. I start
tickling her and I make her shirt slides up a little revealing some of her red
bra. When I see the red lace I almost blow the whole thing because I can’t take
my eyes off of it. I’m waiting for a slap or for her to pull her shirt down but
instead she grabs the back of my neck and kisses me hard making me moan and
press myself into her leg.




I startle awake to find Tate sitting in a chair that he must have pulled
in from the living area so he could sit and watch me sleep. He has a shit
eating grin on his face when he asks me, “Good nap then?”


“How long have you been sitting there watching me, Tate Taylor?”


“Long enough, what or better yet who were you dreaming about, baby?”


So apparently Tate knows I just had a wet dream like the teenage old boy
he once was.


“Okay, Tate listen you know full well what you did to me in that ballroom
with your finger running down my arm and the whispering in my ear and then all
this music and remembering our past.”


Tate is laughing his head off by this point.


“Hey, it’s been six fucking months since I had an orgasm thanks to you;
so cut me some slack” I spit out at him.


“Please just tell me it was about me. Now, before I flip.”


“Oh, God I think I’m a pedophile. It was about the teenage you…and me, the
first time we were in a hotel room together, you remember?” Then in unison we both
laugh, “At States”.


Chapter 3: The Rekindling


At dinner Tate and I are joined by his business partner and our lifelong
friend, Bobby and his wife Kate. Tate and Bobby are still best friends and they
have been working together since they started their own company right out of
college. After all these years I’m still not sure I like Bobby’s wife, Kate. Bobby
kisses me hello and tells me that I look amazing. He has always been one for


“Tate has been a real pain in the ass these last six months without
having you around to “handle” him, thank God you’re here, he’s your problem now,


I kiss Kate hello and we all take our seats and the evening passes with
easy conversation and catching up. As we’re finishing up there is a phone call
for Tate that he excuses himself to take it. I excuse myself as well and head
to the ladies room. When I come out of the bathroom Bobby and Tate are in a
deep discussion about something but when they spot me their facial expressions
change into smiles and Tate comes and wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me
close and kissing my hair. Bobby looks over to where Kate is chatting with some
other women and signals to her. They say good night and Tate says, “Time to
slide, baby” then leads me in the opposite direction. We go through the sliding
glass doors at the back of the hotel and step out onto the beach.


“Where are we going?” I ask as Tate kicks off his shoes and I follow his
lead and do the same.


“To your surprise I told you about, come on” he beckons with a hint of
playfulness to his voice that I’ve missed more than I realized.


I Follow Tate down the beach and as we walk along together carrying our
shoes in one hand Tate reaches out with his free hand and laces his fingers
into mine.


“Tate, I never got the chance to tell you how amazing that was today in
the ballroom. I mean everything was just like the first night we were together
at that dance, the night that started it all for us. Then the words to that
song, I felt like they were truly coming from you. I hope you meant them. I
hope you meant that we can try to get back to the start and work things out. I
agree it shouldn’t be this hard but it is not going to be easy either. I just,
I don’t know…this is the first time in six months that I felt like you were up
for the fight to keep us together. When you left like that I just saw it as you
giving up on me, on us and it broke me, Tate, it ripped me apart every day.”


I am crying now and Tate takes me into his arms and kisses the top of my


“Shhh, I told you not tonight. We’ll talk tomorrow I promise, just please
give me tonight to try to make this right, to make you see how I really feel,
okay? Please” Tate pleads.


I nod and squeeze his hand, then bump his shoulder with mine.


We come to this secluded area of beach where I notice a large kind of hut
with fire torches and fairy lights. Tate leads me to the hut and inside there
are two massage tables, one for each of us side by side touching each other.
There is also a king sized bed just beyond the tables and on each side of the
room there are bamboo screens. As we step inside two women dressed all in white
step in behind us and zip the front panel of the hut closed. They instruct us
to each go behind a screen and remove our clothes, telling us there are robes
waiting behind the screens. We do as we are told and meet back each on a table.
We slide under the covers and remove our robes so we’re lying naked with a sheet
over us.


Tate smirks and quietly asks me, “Is this all right? The girls? There is
no way I can relax with some dude rubbing me or worse…you.”


“Yes, it’s fine” I respond.


“I asked for a hot stone massage for you, I know it’s your favorite but
if you want something different they can do anything you like” Tate informs me.


“No, I’m good with the hot stones, it is my favorite. This is amazing
Tate, really you can be so romantic when you want to be” I say.


As my gaze is drawn upwards I notice that instead of a ceiling of material
I am treated to a ceiling of stars as the hut is open to the California night
sky. The masseuse begins to spread oil on my body and I hear the first cords of
“I Won’t Give Up” by Jason Mraz begin to play. Tate reaches out and finds my
hand. I feel the hot rocks as they are slid under my back one at a time. Tate
squeezes my hand again on the last words of the song and I hear him sigh. I’m
not sure if it’s caused by his masseuse or the words from the song he chose to
play for me. There is no doubt that Tate has made yet another playlist to speak
his words for him.

I drift off for a bit while
the front of my legs, arms and chest are being massaged and when the masseuse
starts on my face and head I rouse a little and hear Nelly Furtado’s “Try”
playing. I wonder if Tate really means that he’s ready to try, ready to try to
give me the one thing that has been missing in our lives. I glance over at him
to find him looking at me with tears in his eyes and I know it’s true; when I
hear “You’ll be Blessed” by Elton John.


I climb off the table not caring in the least that I am naked in front of
two strange women; I lay on top of my husband and plant kisses all over his
face. He wraps his arms around me, and kisses me gently on the lips.


“We need to talk about a lot of things first Brook…starting tomorrow. I
think we need counseling but I want to try. I’m going to need a little time to
process all of this but I promise we’ll make this work… you and I. I love you,
Brooklynn Taylor” Tate chokes out through tears that are forming and
threatening to fall from his eyes.


The Masseuses aren’t sure if they should stay or leave at this point and
they keep alternating between looking at Tate and looking at the ground, they
are very careful to avert their eyes from my naked body that is still lying
atop my husband’s. I decide to climb back onto my table to finish my massage. I
lay on my stomach and I hold Tate’s hand while my back, neck, head and feet are
rubbed with hot rocks and oil. They are smooth as silk and the more I think
about it this experience is actually very erotic. I’m being rubbed by another
woman in front of Tate while yet another woman rubs him. All of a sudden I
decide I don’t really like the idea of him getting any kind of pleasure from
another woman rubbing him. When I turn to look at him he’s staring at me. He
smiles, knowing exactly what I’m thinking about and he mouths, “Only you baby…
forever.” It’s enough to get me through to the end of our massages and I have
to admit I am a bit aroused.


The masseuses finish up and discreetly leave the hut. Tate comes down off
his table, he’s naked and his erection is a sight for sore eyes. He picks me up
off of my table allowing me only a fast view of his glorious erection and he
carries me over to the bed where he pulls back the covers with one hand then he
gently lays me down. Tate joins me on the bed and for the first time in six
months I feel his lips on mine. They feel warm and soft, plush and smooth. He
kisses my upper lip then my lower one. He slowly runs his tongue along my
bottom lip then repeats the process on my upper lip. He is taking his sweet
time and the ache in my body is so overwhelming I don’t know how much more I
can endure. He takes mercy on me and covers my mouth with his, devouring me. Finally
his tongue is in search of mine and I can taste the sweet California wine Tate
had with dinner tonight as our tongues tangle. He is being so gentle that it’s
maddening. I want him to just fuck me already, right here, right now, fast and


“Tate, please I can’t take it. I want you to…” I gasp.


“Oh, do you really, I couldn’t tell” he says with a smirk on his face as
he slides his pointer finger inside me. Once, twice, three times, four, five
times he slides his finger in and out. On the sixth time he inserts his finger
but instead of removing it he keeps it in place and locks eyes with me. He
bends up the tip of his finger and gently rubs it on the inner wall of my now
very wet vagina. He flicks his finger over and over again until he knows I am
at the edge. Then in one motion he pulls his finger out of me. He runs his wet
finger down one of my vaginal lips and then the other. I let out a sound that
is not really words, not really a moan but something in between.


“I need to come” I beg as I lift up my hips to meet Tate’s skilled
fingers. Tate finally takes mercy on me and gets on his knees between my legs.
With the palm of his hands on my thighs he spreads them wide apart.


“Glad to see you are as flexible as you were at sixteen” he taunts me
while opening me up with his pointer and middle finger from one hand while he
uses his thumb from his other hand to stimulate my clitoris. He rubs it in a
circular motion while applying just the right amount of pressure to make me
come. My orgasm hits me harder than I think it ever has and just when I think
the throbbing between my legs is going to ease Tate pushes into me in one thrust.


After six months away from him it’s almost like being a virgin again and
it hurts a bit, stings ever so sweetly.


“Aww, Tate” I yell uncontrollably.


“Oh, baby. You. Are. So. Tight. And. So. Wet.” he says with each thrust. “God,
I missed your pussy” he says as I feel him thrust into me another time.


It doesn’t hurt as much anymore and by the time Tate picks up his pace it
feels better than good.


“This is going to end way too soon for both of us but I can’t help it
baby, it’s been too long and your pussy is just so… Ohhh…I’m going to come. Is
it safe?”


I nod yes as I pull on Tate’s hair knowing full well that will guarantee
his orgasm. He grows harder inside me and thrusts into me hard one last time with
a, “Awww” then I hear the “Tate” sound I am so familiar with, the sound that he
makes when he comes. He lets out his breath like he’s been holding it the whole
time then he collapses on top of me and kisses me on the forehead. He props
himself up on his muscular arms and kisses me on the lips.


“I don’t want to take it out. I want to stay inside you forever. I missed
you so much, Brooklynn. I’m glad you’re here and I promise tomorrow we’ll


As Tate’s erection dies he has no choice but to pull out so he rolls off
of me and pulls me onto him where I lay while he plays with my hair until I
fall asleep.


While I’m sleeping I pick up my dream from that afternoon close to where
I left off. It’s funny how the subconscious mind works.


Bobby and I take our wives out to
dinner later that night. Bobby’s wife Kate rubs me the wrong way. I don’t know
what he sees in her. I’ve always felt that he only married her so he could have
someone like I have Brook. I’m convinced that she only married him for his
money and it pisses me off. I know Brooklynn doesn’t like her much either.
Bobby claims it’s the blow jobs that sealed the deal for him. And I get it, I
love a good blow job but when your wife is blowing other guys call me crazy
it’s just not as good, you know?


Bobby kisses Brook hello. Bobby is
the only guy that can kiss Brook and not make me see red. I love him like a
brother and I know he has my back. Bobby would never betray me.


After dinner I lead my wife out to
the beach for the surprise I have for her. I hold her hand and she tries to talk
to me again about my drinking and leaving her in Connecticut. I pull her into
my arms and kiss the top of her head telling her we’ll talk tomorrow.


We come to the hut with fire
torches and fairy lights and I shuffle her inside. For a minute it’s like a
dream come true, me, my wife and two hot chicks in a hut on a beach. Then I
snap out of it and remember my goal. I watch as Brook slides under the covers
and removes her robe, just knowing that she’s lying there naked with nothing
but a sheet over her makes me start to get hard even after all of these years.


I watch Brook as the masseuse rubs her body
and I know my masseuse must notice my erection under this thin sheet. I can’t
help myself, it’s been six months since I’ve had sex with my wife and now
there’s this hot chick rubbing warm oil over my naked wife. I mean please, I’d
have to be dead to not have a hard on right now.


When I hear the music I know what
song is next on this playlist and I forget all about the warm oil, hot chicks
and my hard on. I look at Brook and all the emotions come to my surface, my
father’s death, the drinking, the drugs, the miscarriage and my leaving
Connecticut hit me in the face. I have never handled something so poorly in my
life and I am completely ashamed and sickened by my actions. I can only hope
that Brook will give me a chance to show her the kind of man I can be, the kind
of man she deserves me to be for her. It’s time for me to grow up and put my
past behind me. It’s time for me to at least try.


I cannot believe that Brook gets
off of me after laying on me naked and arousing me to full staff. She leaves me
with the Masseuses looking on. They aren’t sure if they should stay or leave at
this point. They know they shouldn’t make eye contact with the huge bulge under
my sheet but beyond that they are clearly at a loss for what to do. I have to
chuckle when I
see recognition slowly
dawn on her face, it slowly hits her that she has just left me on a table naked
under a sheet with a boner the size of a tree trunk with two young hot girls
watching me. I smile and mouth, “Only you baby… forever”.

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