Slip of Fate (Werelock Evolution Book 1) (3 page)

BOOK: Slip of Fate (Werelock Evolution Book 1)
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“Her name is Milena.”

“She’s human.” Alcaeus shook his head. “Why the fuck does she smell this good?”

“Don’t know.”

“Who hurt her?”


“I’ll kill him. Where is he?”

“I already had them break his arms. Let’s let Alex kill him.”

“But I want to kill him,” Alcaeus said with near childlike petulance.

“It’ll be better if Alex does it. ’Sides …”—Remy jerked his head in my direction—“this little one got upset with me for breaking his arms. She might not speak to you for days if you kill him.”

“Really?” Alcaeus’ brow rose with amusement. “You’re kidding?”

He and Remy both chuckled then over an unknown joke I wasn’t likely to comprehend.

My head was spinning.
None of what was happening or being said around me made sense. It was as if I’d stepped into an alternate universe rather than onto another continent.

“Fuck, I haven’t had a hard-on for a human female in over half a century, Remy,” Alcaeus imparted lewdly. “You gotta let me at this one.”

My eyes widened and I gripped Remy’s hand tighter. I realized I was holding onto it with both of my own now. He squeezed back reassuringly.

“No. She’s mine,” he told Alcaeus.

I fought to disentangle my fingers from Remy’s. He let me.

Alcaeus harrumphed, crossing his thick arms over his chest. “Remy, you have a harem of human girls already. Let me take this one.”


Briefly I wondered if I’d entered some altered state of shock. My brain felt foggy, and it suddenly occurred to me I’d stopped sensing any pain in my ribs—or elsewhere, for that matter.

“Oh, c’mon! You’ll only turn her into another one of your mindless pets.”

“I won’t,” Remy refuted. “Not her. She’s different … she smells too good.”

“She smells a fuck lot better than good,” Alcaeus rumbled, raking me over with his eyes. “I wanna lick every inch of her inside and out.”

My stomach flipped over, and I struggled for air. My night was becoming more bizarre and disturbing with each passing moment, terrifying on more levels than my fuzzy brain cells could keep up with.

Alcaeus’ leer morphed into a scowl as his eyes paused over my neck and then my knees. “You fucking missed half of her bruises, Remy. You didn’t even heal her properly.”

Remy cleared his throat. “Working on it. We were … interrupted. I only had time to tend to her face while she was briefly passed out.”

As ludicrous as Remy’s statement was, it occurred to me the moment he said it that my face did in fact feel much better since I’d awakened, and my eye that had been swollen partially shut before was functioning fine. What the hell?

Alcaeus’ frown deepened the longer he stared at me. “She has internal injuries, Remy.”

“Yes,” Remy confirmed, as if this were a fact. “Fractured ribs and a few other …
. Getting to those, too. I’ve been holding off the pain from her as much as possible in the interim.”

Either they were both crazy, or I definitely had a head injury.

Alcaeus appeared even more perturbed by Remy’s explanation. “Why the fucking delay?”

“I encountered …”—Remy hesitated, assessing me—“difficulty … penetrating her. When I tried to fully enter her mind, she pushed back. And when I exerted force, it seemed to become quite painful for her.”

“And? Since when are you such a pussy?”

“She’s suffered head trauma, Al. I didn’t want to push things and upset her.”

Alcaeus’ hazel eyes rolled. “Human craniums are too delicate and injured far too fucking easily. All the more reason to force your way in and fix it before greater damage is sustained.”

Or this was all a dream.
It had to be.

“Yes, I realize that, but she just looked so … tiny in my arms. So fragile.”

“And she’ll look tiny and dead soon if her brain is swelling and we don’t get in there and stop it.”

“Humans don’t heal as well when their systems are overloaded and flooded with stress. I needed to calm her down first.”

“She’ll heal regardless if we give her Alex’s salve,” Alcaeus concluded, waving a dismissive hand. “Ten cc’s via intravenous push ought to do it.”

“Alex wouldn’t approve of us wasting his salve on any human, much less Raul’s sister.”

“Don’t care what he approves of; I’m healing her. Now hand her over,” Alcaeus said, taking a step closer. “You clearly don’t know how to care for her.”

“And you’ll break her!”

Unwittingly, I emitted an odd, strangled sound in my throat. They were discussing me as if I were cattle—or some kind of
house pet
rather than a person. Perpetually describing me as “human” as if it were something foreign, something other than what they themselves were.

I needed to get away from them.
But my brain felt so cloudy—my body too heavy to move.

“Fuck no!” Alcaeus objected, appearing to be disproportionately insulted by Remy’s assertion. “I’ll be gentle with her. Promise.”

“How would you know how? You just admitted you haven’t fucked a human in half a century.”

“That’s fucking bullshit! I’d be
!” Alcaeus roared at a decibel that shook the room, belying the very point he hoped to make.

Something was seriously amiss with them both.
It was time to panic.

“She’s Raul’s sister,” Remy reminded Alcaeus stiffly. “Alex might want to kill her on sight.”

“We’ll talk him out of it. She smells too good to die.”

“But it’s Alex.”

“We’ll find a way.” Alcaeus tongue swept his full lower lip, his hungry eyes consuming me. “I need to have her. More than once. In every manner and position her little human body can handle.”

I realized I’d resumed clutching Remy’s hand in a death grip when I felt him give mine a reassuring squeeze and heard him murmur, “Easy, honey … you’re okay.”

My brain spun out and stalled, at a loss as to what or whom I should rationally be clinging to now for protection.

“She doesn’t talk much,” Alcaeus observed.

“Al, her heart rate just shifted into hyperdrive. Maybe you should go pile-drive some bitches in heat out in the gardens and come back when you’re more in control? ’Cause you’re scaring the fuck out of her right now.”

Alcaeus grinned, displaying an enviable set of white teeth. As attractive a smile as it may have been, if anything it made him appear more intimidating and predatory to me.

“Aw, look at that, she’s a blusher,” he said, regarding me much like one might a newborn puppy or some other cute novelty. It was altogether demeaning! Although not, it turned out, as degrading as his next comment proved to be.

“Fuck, I wanna see her blushing with my cock in her mouth.”

My jaw fell open in horror.

“Not the time, Al,” Remy cough-chided.
“Head injury.”

Alcaeus groaned and bit his lower lip, inhaling deeply through his nostrils and murmuring “fuuck” as he fondle-adjusted the bulge at the front of his slacks.

“Smell that?” He smirked triumphantly, his eyes darting to Remy and then back to me where they burned a painstakingly slow path down my body, finally settling at the apex of my thighs. “I might be scaring her,” he said, wagging his eyebrows, “but I also just made her cream her shorts.”

Eyes swimming with mischief and dark desire locked on mine as he goaded crassly, “Oh, I think she definitely wants me to fuck her throat.”

Frantically, I shook my head, even though it hurt my throbbing cranium to do so. My nails dug mercilessly into Remy’s hand.

“It’s okay, Milena,” Remy said tightly, patting the top of my hands with his free palm. “I won’t let him hurt you.”

“Hurt her?” Alcaeus huge body flopped down onto the other side of the daybed next to me, causing it to rock and creak.

I caught my breath and held it as Alcaeus turned his full attention to me. Crude and frightening as I found him to be, there was a fiercely raw sexuality and unbridled masculinity about him that was magnetic.

“Fuck no,” he swore, his eyes locking earnestly with mine as I tried to subtly huddle in closer to Remy’s side. “Though I do like to tease,” he said, reaching out to brush his warm knuckles over my cheekbone.

The gesture was tender, his touch surprisingly gentle. I took quick, panting breaths while he repeated the motion, again and again, his eyes reading mine as if to probe the very depths of my soul.

“I enjoy pushing limits and boundaries,” he expounded with a wink. “And yes,” he admitted, his smirk widening into another devilish grin, “perhaps I do indulge in bestowing a little necessary pain now and again.” I swallowed audibly and heard Remy chuckle against my ear. “To those who enjoy it,” Alcaeus clarified.

“But I’ve no desire whatsoever to do you true harm, little girl,” he avowed, shaking his head as his pointer finger ghosted over the inside of my slightly parted, flushed lips. “Those aren’t the kind of screams I’d prefer pulling from this sweet mouth.”

I was speechless. Breathless. My eyes darted back and forth as both of them gazed heatedly down at me.

“She likes me. Admit it.”

“Please,” Remy dismissed, “I was making her wet before you even got here. I warmed her up for you.”

“Maybe”—Alcaeus shrugged—“but I just blew the fucking lid off all of the sexual possibilities her innocent young human mind had ever contemplated before.”

“You give humans too little credit.”

“Says the one who only keeps them as pets.”

“It wouldn’t be the same with her.”

“Whatever. You don’t know any different when it comes to them.”

“Says the one who hasn’t banged one in half a century?”

“Just leave me alone with her right now,” Alcaeus challenged, “and I’ll have her so hot and eager for me she’ll be begging me to fuck her in any and every hole I want to within ten minutes.”

“Oh, fuck off!”

compulsion. No enthrallment.”

Remy insisted.

“Ten minutes,” Alcaeus taunted.

“I’d have her begging in five!” Remy exploded in retort.

A conspiratorial look passed between them over my heated face as my heart raced out of control. It was so brief I almost didn’t catch it. But instinct belatedly told me I should not have let my guard down with either of them for even a second as Remy’s mouth descended to my earlobe, sending my stomach into somersaults.

“But first, we’re going to heal you,” Alcaeus informed me in an authoritative tone that allowed no refusal.


My experience with the opposite sex was limited to kissing and minor groping. Nothing I’d done with the handful of high school boys I’d fooled around with could’ve prepared me for the overwhelming sensations Remy and Alcaeus stirred in me as their dual seduction catapulted my senses into a state of overload.

Remy’s tongue laved my neck as his fingers traced slow circles across my midsection beneath my tank top. Alcaeus shifted his body lower and commenced kissing and licking at the scrapes and minor contusions surrounding and covering my knees, prompting an uncontrolled fluttering of nerves to ignite in my lower belly.

It should have disgusted me—the fact that a stranger was licking my wounds; but the way Alcaeus did it with such besotted enthusiasm was inexplicably arousing, and I soon found myself emitting peculiar mewling noises and panting for air in a rather unsophisticated, embarrassing fashion.

Tingles spread through me wherever they both touched me. My brain all but shut down. Perversely, the fact that I still had to pee seemed to intensify the delicious throbbing sensation awakening in my sex as I contracted my Kegel muscles.

Remy’s mouth diligently lapped, kissed, and sucked its way over every inch of skin covering my neck and jawline, while his palm and fingers warmed and caressed my stomach in a proprietary manner my malfunctioning brain found foolishly soothing.

Alcaeus’ hands trailed up and down the length of my bare legs as his mouth tended to my now-trembling knees. His short growth of facial hair tickled my skin as he swirled his long, somewhat rough-textured tongue over me in a manner that made me want to scrape my knees every day.

Groaning and muttering expletives, Alcaeus went on and on about how “
good” I smelled, before proceeding to whisper things in Portuguese that I suspected could only be scandalously licentious in content.

I could scarcely rationalize this entire night much less fathom an explanation for their fixation with smelling me or their bizarre determination to literally lick my wounds. And as depraved the notion of two men touching me at once was to my Catholic schoolgirl sensibilities, strangely, I felt no sense of immediate threat or panic. Instead, I was overcome by an irrational, innate drive to relax and trust them.

Perhaps it was the measured, practiced way they were handling me that was reassuring. There was none of the aggressive, impatient underlying energy I’d sensed during the few encounters I’d had with boys my own age.

I should’ve been alarmed at the sensation of four large, male hands roaming my body, two mouths intimately exploring me. Yet their touch remained deliberate and restrained. They made no attempt to fondle my breasts, and never once did caressing fingertips venture too close to the pressing ache unfurling between my thighs.

Remy and Alcaeus both seemed completely in control of themselves. And somehow their firmly held self-control spawned the inverse reaction in me, prompting me to cast my self-restraint and better judgment aside.

My fingers wound their way into Remy’s hair, clutching and pulling at the roots in an artless, mindless attempt to draw his mouth, which was blazing a path along my jawline, to my lips. Like Alcaeus, Remy had also begun crooning to me in another language. I decided it was French.

When Remy at last acceded to my silent, tugging pleas and lifted his face to mine, I tilted my head, wantonly angling for his lips.

I closed my eyes and felt the heat of Remy’s lips. Sweet breath laced with the scent of brandy teased my mouth, just as Alcaeus latched onto a particularly sensitive expanse of skin on my inner thigh above my right knee.
Oh. My God.

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