SNAKE (a Stepbrother Romance) (11 page)

BOOK: SNAKE (a Stepbrother Romance)
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ith trembling
fingers I disconnected the call and stared intently at the screen of my cell phone, like it had all the answers.

As if my life wasn’t complicated enough, I’d just been offered a job promotion - something I’d been hoping for for years, but which couldn’t have come at a worse time when I was already so full of conflicting thoughts; life was pulling me one way, my heart pulling me the other.

It seemed unbelievable, yet it was true. I only had to go in to sign the papers and the position would be mine.

Should I be happy about this?
I be happy about the opportunity?

There was a huge pay raise if I accepted the job, along with the relocation package. But taking the job would mean accepting the downside; it was two states away from where I was currently working.

Three months ago, this wouldn’t have been a problem; hell, even one month ago I would’ve dropped everything, but now, I felt my heart constricting at the thought of leaving this place. My family was here, my cousin and best friend Suzanne was here, and even though I didn’t want to, I tried fighting against it, my mind went to Dev immediately.

If I left this town, I’d be leaving him behind… leaving my heart behind too.

But realistically, it would be the perfect fresh start, a clean slate, a way to get out of the mess I’d made.

Maybe it was cowardly to run, to try to outpace my problems instead of facing them head on. Yet I knew what Dev’s reaction would be if I told him; if I let him into my heart even more than I already had, he’d make me stay.

Was I strong enough to do that? To let him go?

It meant leaving everything that could have been in the dust, never giving him a second thought. I’d also be far enough away that he couldn’t visit me frequently if he decided to pursue me.

Maybe that was exactly what I needed, though.

In my hand, the phone started to vibrate again and I looked at the screen with an ache in my heart. My stepbrother’s name was plastered over the screen.

I stared at the number for a long time before disconnecting the call.

I had to be strong.

A second call from him came in and I jabbed an angry finger at the decline button.

I needed to figure it all out by myself. I needed peace.

If I talked to Devan, he’d influence my decision one way or another. And I didn’t want to meddle in his life any more - I’d already done my fair share of home wrecking.

My phone started to vibrate once again in my hand and I let out a growl, ready to answer the call and tell him to leave me alone, but when I looked down it took me a moment to register the number flashing at me was not Devan’s.

Instead, it was my cousin Suzanne, and in that moment, I felt so relieved. I hadn’t confided in her in a long while – I hadn’t dared for fear that I might let something slip – but I knew if I didn’t let some of my anxious worries out, the weight of my troubles would slip tight around my neck and choke me if I didn’t tell her at least a part of what had been happening.

Maybe she would understand, I hoped.

I answered the call, swiping right with determined fingers, and took a deep breath.

“Hello, Suzanne,” I said, my voice a little shaky, which I tried to hide with a small laugh at the end of the sentence.

“Hey, my long lost cousin,” Suzanne greeted me with her perpetual excitement, and my smile became real as we started chatting.

We talked about this and that, her letting me know about all the wonderful no-strings attached sex she was having, and I realised that I had truly missed my crazy cousin. She was always my confidante and I could count on her in times of crisis or to make me laugh; she was always lifting my spirits when she wasn’t even trying. So even though I knew I couldn’t tell her everything just yet, I decided to tell her a bit of what was going on.

“So, what’s happening with you?” Suzanne asked me, and I grabbed the opportunity to share a tiny glimmer of what life had been like with the Hallers.

“The deal with Monique and Devan kind of fell through,” I admitted brokenly, and I could hear Suzanne’s surprise through her sudden silence.

“I’m sorry, honey,” she said after a long pause. “What happened? Everything okay? Are you okay?”

“It’s just...”
It’s just I slept with my stepbrother and wrecked his marriage
, I thought sadly. But the words that came out of my mouth told a different story. God, I wished I could tell her.

Suzanne remained quiet as I figured out a way to proceed with the conversation.

“They’re fighting a lot, and I wasn’t comfortable… It’s probably not for me to say, but I think it was their last attempt to save their marriage. And I couldn’t in good conscience help them bring a baby into an already broken house,” I said, bringing the partial truth to light. Suzanne made sympathetic noises down the line.

“I saw a bit of that at the brunch,” she said. “I guess it’s for the best. Are you still staying at their apartment?”

“I’ve no idea,” I realised out loud, as the full extent of my plight became reality. I obviously couldn’t stay in their apartment, rent free, after everything that had happened. Hadn’t Monique screamed for me to get out anyway? It’d all been a blur.

“Well, you could always crash at my place for a bit if you wanted. It’s tiny but it might be handy since I do live close to your office,” Suzanne offered. She was trying to make me feel better, I could tell.

“Seriously, what would I do without you? I think I might take you up on that for a few days. But–”

“But what? I won’t take no for an answer. And you know I always get my way!”

“Well, I do have some good news,” I said, pausing, keeping her in suspense. “Since you asked, I kind of just got a promotion at work,” I admitted in a small voice. Suzanne’s shriek down the line brought a smile on my lips, and she happily interrogated me about the new position and bump in pay.

“There’s one problem, though,” I said as I finished explaining. “The job’s two states away. I’d have to relocate… leave you behind…”

There was a long silence on the other end of the line, during which I chewed on my bottom lip nervously. “You still there?” I asked, hoping she would reply with the final push of encouragement I needed to make my decision.

“Yes,” Suzanne says immediately. “Listen, it’s a big decision, and I don’t mean to pressure you in any way…”

“But you’re going to, anyway?” I teased her and she laughed on the other side of the phone.

“Well, that’s what I’m here for, isn’t it?” she asked cheekily. “I wanted to say, you’ve been hoping for this promotion for a long time, and you damn well deserve it. And in the end, what’s tying you to this city?”

My stepbrother
, I thought sadly, but I kept my mouth firmly shut.

“You can’t let this one pass you by. Who knows when another one will come around,” she encouraged. And for a moment, I believed she’d read my mind and was talking about Devan… that he was the one, and there was no one else like him.

I shook my head, scrambling away the thought and focused back in on Suzanne’s words.

“I know you wanna stay close to me, since I’m so awesome and amazing.”

“Don’t forget humble,” I reminded her and giggled.

“Obviously.” Suzanne laughed. “But in all seriousness, why not take it? It’s the perfect opportunity to get away from this mess. ‘Cause I’m sure Monique’s no fun to be around right now.”

“Tell me about it. Maybe you’re right,” I admitted hesitantly, after which Suzanne changed the topic. I was grateful to her, but the rest of our conversation was pretty one-sided on her part as I was deep in thought, contemplating my life ahead.

Finally, we said our goodbyes and I took a long moment to think about my options. Though in the end, did I really have any?

I’d made a big mess of everything, and I needed to get away. It would be best for everyone involved.

I re-dialled my workplace’s number and waited until the receptionist put me through to my boss.

“Mr. Meyers?” I asked, clearing my throat to make myself sound more confident. “I’ve made my decision.”

few hours later
, and once again I was looking at all my possessions laid out in suitcases on the bed in my apartment.

A bittersweet feeling overwhelmed me, and I knew I would break down if I didn’t kill it at its source. Taking a deep breath, I straightened my back with a determined look on my face and advanced upon the suitcases, picking them up as if they were my weapons and I was off to war.

There was no time for hesitation, or looking back.

My boss was thrilled to hear I was taking the job, but he also informed me I’d be expected to leave as soon as possible.

I asked how soon, and he laughed. “As soon as you can pack up,” was the answer. They needed people at the new office
right now
– his words, not mine.

After that, it hadn’t taken me long to gather my things, and once they were ready, the apartment stripped bare, and my passport safely tucked away in my handbag, I was ready to start my journey and begin a whole new life, a life without any complications, no Mark, no Monique and certainly no Devan.

But somehow, I couldn’t bring myself to leave just yet.

A persistent part of me begged to stay a few moments longer, to have one last look upon Devan’s face. But I’d remembered the promise I’d made to myself…
just one night
. That was all I was going to get. That was all I was going to allow myself to have.

I hadn’t even seen Dev since the morning, not after eavesdropping on his fight with Monique in the kitchen. It hurt badly, but I knew I needed to keep it that way if I wanted to stay sane.

Finding courage, from god knows where, I ignored the incessant calls from Devan, deleted the following text without reading it, and turned my phone off.

I took one last look around the apartment, then carried my suitcases down to the awaiting taxi that would take me to the airport.

Dev was nowhere to be seen; his truck was gone, and I felt a pain deep inside my belly as I put all my stuff into the back of the taxi, with the driver’s help. It might’ve been nice if I’d had a proper send-off with my family, but there was no time for that.

Can’t have everything
, I thought bitterly as I climbed into the backseat and shut the car door.

But I had to admit, everything was moving so fast.
Maybe I could’ve waited a couple of days and said some proper goodbyes instead of sneaking off without saying a word?
I thought.

The driver steered the taxi off the driveway and I half expected and hoped Devan would jump out of the bushes and beg me not to go. Chase the car down the street if he had to…

But nothing like that happened. My life was no fairy-tale with a happy ever after. I didn’t get the prince. I didn’t
the prince after what I’d done.

I took one last look at the property, the place I’d called home for such a short, tumultuous time, and said my goodbyes in my mind, my heart hurting badly as I bit back the tears.

It had to end sometime
, I reminded myself, but it didn’t make the pain go away.

If anything, it made it sting a little bit more.


t the flower shop
, I was looking at flowers with confusion and hesitation. I’d bought plenty of bouquets for Monique in the past, but these would be for Mila. And the decision seemed more important than ever. As if the very state of our future depending on my selection.

Red roses seemed cliché and not quite right after everything that had happened, so I looked at some pink peonies instead. I was about to ask the shop attendant for help when my phone chirped in my pocket.

Pulling it out, I hoped it was Mila returning my call, and sighed as I inspected the number to see it was only my foreman. I answered right away, the flowers momentarily forgotten.

“Mickey? What is it… please don’t tell me bad news. Not today.”

“Hey, man. Sorry to disturb you on your day off. But we have a situation of the lot at Sunrise Boulevard,” Mickey said, cutting straight to the point.

I heaved a sigh, and rubbed my weary eyes. “What kind of situation?” I asked warily.

“Pipe burst,” he admitted.

“Which one?


“Oh fuck,” I groaned, and as much as I wanted to see Mila, I knew I had to sort this out before I went back home. “Fine, I’ll be there in a bit. Leaving now.”

I disconnected the call and smiled apologetically at the shop attendant who’d only just come over to help me. “Sorry, got to go,” I apologised. “Maybe you can help me another day.”

t took
me almost three seconds once I arrived at the job site to realise what kind of a shit-storm we were up against; I was going to be stuck there for the better part of the day, if not the evening as well.

The hours dragged by, my hands covered in grime, sweat pouring off me, and the light started to fade.

We’d all managed to pull together and worked hard to fix the cracked pipe that had spilled gallons of putrid waste all over the site. It would most likely set back the construction a day or two and would eat into the contingency fund – but that’s what it’s there for, right? But by the end of it I was dying for a beer and ready to go home and finally lay my eyes upon Mila.

Initially I planned to go back to the flower shop to get that bouquet, but even if the shop had been open I was in no state to go shopping. My shirt stuck to my body with sweat, and I was coated up to the elbows in fuck knows what and streaks of mud lined my face. Dirty particles engrained themselves into every uncovered pore of my skin.

I stopped for gas, grabbed a bottle of water, and in the bathroom of the station, I tried to wash off the remaining smears on my face. I looked half-decent, and thankfully, I kept a change of clothes in the back of my truck, so I could change into those, too.

Just as I was making my way back to the car, I noticed a truck with my company’s logo in the parking lot opposite. Curiosity got the better of me and I walked over to the bar next to the gas station.

A few of my rowdier employees were in there, enjoying a well-deserved drink after work. I watched them drink and laugh longingly. It’d been such a while since I’d let loose with the boys, but I knew Mila was waiting back home.

Before I could move away, one of the guys spotted me and gave me an excited wave. I knew it was too late to get away, as two of my employees rushed outside of the bar to greet me enthusiastically.

I was on good terms with my employees, but not overly friendly. I tried to keep it professional at all times, but I enjoyed seeing their genuine pleasure at seeing me in the same place.

“Hey, boss,” Dustin cried out from the entrance to the bar. “Care to join us for a drink? You deserve one after the day we’ve had!”

I chuckled and shook my head, but truth be told I was definitely tempted. Not that I didn’t want to see Mila - I did, more than anything. But I knew there were other things to face back home, mainly Monique, who would definitely be waiting to sink her claws back into me and hurl more insults.

“Come on, Devan,” Brett, one of my closer co-workers called out. “Come and have a cold one. We won’t tell the wife.”

Brett appeared to be joking, but it didn’t stop my hands from forming fists. Finally, I decided any excuse was good enough to keep me from going home and smashing more expensive crystal.

“Why the hell not?” I mumbled, and my co-workers cheered as I approached them with an apprehensive smile on my face.

out of the bar, the sun having long ago set, and waved a goodbye to my new best friends. My mind was hazy and stuck on one thing - Mila. I needed to see her as soon as possible, tell her how I really felt.

And even in my inebriated state, I knew it was the right thing to do. I wanted to be happy for a change. And Mila made me happy.
So why shouldn’t I have some fucking happiness?

I called myself a taxi and waited on the curb until it arrived, smiling like a fool as I thought of her and how she’d react when I told her how much she meant to me.

The taxi driver robbed me blind for the fare, and dropped me off down the street. Without thinking about anything else, I went straight up to Mila’s apartment, and knocked on the door with a heavy fist.

But still, no answer.

Either she was avoiding me or she was out. But it was late; she hardly ever partied… I knocked again, thinking maybe she was asleep, but still no response. My mind whirled with worry, and had I been sober I might’ve made a more rational decision… But since I was tipsy, I figured breaking into the apartment was the best way to go. Not one of my brightest moments.

I had to make sure she was okay.

I stumbled into the apartment after slamming my shoulder hard against the pathetic frame. The door fell off its hinges and hung at an angle. Walking inside, I called my stepsister’s name over and over again, but she didn’t respond.

Blinking away the fuzziness of my pickled brain, it took me a few moments to register that the place seemed strangely empty. I looked around the apartment, feeling more than a little confused, and I soon figured out what was so different.

The knowledge hit me like a cold slap to the face.

The apartment looked just like it always had.

Before Mila moved in, that is.

Every trace of my stepsister was wiped clean - I couldn’t even detect a whiff of her carefree, flowery scent that used to permeate this place, one that I’d come to desire.

With a low growl, I called her name once again and barged into her bedroom, hoping to find it was all a big misunderstanding.

My eyes skimmed the room. The bedroom was empty just like the rest of the apartment, the bed neatly made and the room devoid of any personal items.

It made me so fucking angry, my need to destroy something strong and primal. I cursed out loud and inspected the whole place, ending up in the unfinished bathroom.

Not a trace of Mila. Not there, not anywhere.

My heart cracked as I grabbed the wrench I’d forgotten in the bathroom a while ago and threw it against the newly installed sink. The porcelain broke and dropped down in a jagged chunk, but the destruction only made me angrier instead of making me feel better.

Roaring with the combination of both frustration and pain, I trashed the bathroom, taking out all my anger, letting it loose uncontrollably.

I ripped the sink from the wall and destroyed the ceramic panelling I had started working on. I was enraged, ready to level the whole place to the ground as I destroyed all my efforts methodically.

Finally, I ended up in front of the ruined sink, finding a strange object on the floor.

Panting, I picked up the small item and stared at it intently in my palm. A little gold bobby pin, one Mila used to wear in her hair. There was a jewel on one end.

I remembered she used to leave them everywhere, and it drove me crazy when I stepped on them or found them in random places in the bathroom back in the house.

But right then, the anger started to dissipate, soon replaced by deep sadness as I realised I could trash the place all I wanted, but it wouldn’t bring her back.

She’d chosen to do this.
Chosen to leave… me?

I could have destroyed the garage and the house, and Mila would still be gone.

Gripping the bobby pin in my hand, I finally walked outside, sucking in gasps of cold air as I tilted my head up at the night sky. Streetlights had flickered on hours ago, illuminating our property, and I was bathed in an artificial yellow glow.

As I turned to go back to the main house, hope filled my chest as I spotted another figure in the driveway, trotting away from the house.
My eyes narrowed at the retreating silhouette and I gripped the bobby pin until it pricked the skin on my palm.

Focusing, I made out the shape of Monique in her too-high heels pulling a suitcase behind her. And there was a man with her, too - none other than her boss, the man she had been cheating on me with.

My heart sank as my mind processed the image in front of me. I could have fooled myself for a while longer, but seeing them together right there, on my own property, made it seem more real than ever.

My marriage was over, and my other half was walking out on me with all of her earthly possessions and the man she had chosen over me.

This is what you wanted,
I reasoned.

I have no idea what came over me in that moment. Frustration at Mila not waiting for me? Not returning my calls? But my mouth became set in a determined line and I began to walk after Monique.

“Taking the walk of shame?” I asked her bitterly and she spun around, her mouth opened in a surprised o-shape.

“Dev, I was just getting my things,” she said, trying to remain calm. Too bad I was raging, my blood boiling and ready to attack my ex or her slime of a boyfriend, who was fidgeting nervously a few steps away.

“What have you said to Mila? Why isn’t she here?”

Monique paused for a second and frowned at my question. “Devan, I haven’t a clue. I haven’t seen her.”

“I know you did something, Monique. Can’t stand it when anyone else is happy. You’re a cheating bitch,” I told her calmly, and my soon-to-be-ex-wife’s eyes widened in shock. I wasn’t a man who cussed often, but somehow, I couldn’t stop.

“You disgust me,” I snarled, focusing my eyes on her boss. “And you, taking advantage of her behind my back, you sick fuck. She’s a married woman… You should be ashamed of yourself, you prick.”

But as the words travelled out of my mouth, I wasn’t sure who I was aiming them at. My soon to be ex-wife and her lover, or myself? Mila was my stepsister… had I taken advantage of her? Was I disgusted at myself? At my own behaviour?

“Devan, would you calm down?” Monique asked, her panicked eyes searching our surroundings to see if any of the neighbours had caught on to the commotion. “There are people around, and it’s late.”

“Whatever, tramp. You soul sucking vampire,” I growled low in my throat, and Monique’s boss sprang forward to defend her. But as soon as I turned towards him, menacing and a head taller, he shrunk back into the corner where he belonged.

“Go play your twisted little games, Monique,” I shouted at my wife. “Get the fuck out of my life.”

I saw actual hurt register in her eyes, and it almost made me regret all the terrible things I’d said to her. But before I could react, she came striding up to me, giving me a cold-hearted look.

“I’m leaving now, Devan,” she said, ice in her voice. But then her mouth twisted into a twisted but triumphant smile. “Oh and guess what? I’m pregnant.”

With that admission, my whole world came crashing at my feet. My mouth gaped open as Monique stared me down, so many questions rushing through my head.

“It’s not yours. Thank god,” she condemned me. “You’re not even capable,” she said as her eyes dipped to my cock.

She smirked, her eyes full of malice, our marriage trampled at our feet.

I sighed, hardly angry anymore. It would take more than her words to shake my confidence as a man. She was only lashing out, in part because I’d lashed out first.

We’d both done this… both been a part of the destruction.

“Go,” I muttered, finally done with her.

Monique blinked and her smile faltered, perhaps coming to the same realisation that there was no point trying to hurt each other anymore… it was over; nothing more to fight for.

I stood still for a long while and watched as Monique and Alan got quietly in the car. He revved the engine, and as I was about to turn away, letting go of the hate and hurt she’d caused me over the years, he made the mistake of lowering his car window and giving me a look like I was scum.

“Take care of yourself, Devan,” Alan said, offering me a hundred dollar bill through the window. “You might need this for your attorney.”

A fucking. Hundred-dollar. Bill.

I stared at him incredulously as Monique quickly told him to stop, but he seemed oblivious.

And like a sleeping giant, the anger inside me awoke and took over. I couldn’t have stopped myself even if I had wanted to.

I ran forward, pulling the reclaimed wrench from the bathroom from my belt. I snarled as I went after Alan’s luxury car, attacking it with the sheer force of my body. I smashed, I kicked, and I shouted. The car bonnet bent under my weight while I hammered the blunt edge of the wrench down, pot marking the metal sheet beneath.

Hands grabbed me around my waist; someone was trying to pull me off the bonnet of the car but they weren’t strong enough. All I saw was red.

Snarling, I turned around to see the terrified face of my wife’s lover in front of my face.

Alan was short, out of shape and frightened. His money obviously couldn’t buy bravery.

And here I was, a trained killer, out of control.

I knew without a doubt I could take the man out in a split second, snap his neck before anyone could stop me. And with a menacing growl, I stepped towards him and grabbed him in a tight grip as he shrieked like a little girl.

I pressed hard on his neck, cutting off the man’s air supply. I just held on, like I’d been trained to, as he squirmed beneath me, clawing at my arms, dragging his finger nails down and into my flesh, ripping at ink stained upon my skin. I meant to kill, but before anything could happen, more hands, stronger this time, pulled me off Alan and the shouting resumed.

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