SOAR (The Indigo Lounge Series Book 4) (9 page)

BOOK: SOAR (The Indigo Lounge Series Book 4)
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you not hear what I just said? There’s no chance in hell of that happening.
Ever,” Leia snapped, but her pupils dilated before she stalked to the window.
After a handful of seconds, she turned. “Besides, didn’t you tell me last night
I’d never feel your cock inside me again?”

smiled grimly. “Yeah, I was
hoping you’d forget
that part. My cock certainly chewed me out for laying down that insane

told you I don’t do angry sex. I especially don’t do angry sex with exes. So if
you don’t want to part friends, I…I hope at least you don’t hate me forever.”
Bruised eyes connected with his and held.

She really fucking meant it.

sagged back onto the edge of his desk, his thoughts roiling.

really want me to leave you alone?” His voice didn’t sound normal. And his
hands were growing numb from gripping his desk.

bit her lip and remained silent for so long, Noah’s heart soared.

I do,” she said.

words dropped like acid onto his skin. He swallowed and nodded. “Do two things
for me before you leave, would you?”


all of, promise me you won’t pay the fifty million until you hear from me. And
don’t worry, I’ll only contact you by phone if that’s what you want.”

I promise,” she said softly, puzzlement in her eyes.


the second thing?”

want you to turn around and lift up your skirt.”

Noah…” she bit her lip, eyeing him warily at her slip.

while the sound of his name on her lips sent a bolt of longing through him, it
didn’t stop him from demanding what he needed. “Those are my terms. Do it, and
you’ll be free to go.

shook her head in bewilderment.

stared back at her.

her bag on the floor, she slowly turned around, faced the door and grabbed the
hem of her skirt. The moment her lace-topped stockings ended and her naked
flesh was exposed, he stopped breathing.

garter belt was the same dark leather as the belt he’d branded her with last
night. “Is that one of your creations?” he croaked.

shook her head. “N…no.”

going,” he instructed hoarsely.

skirt crept all the way up, and he bolted upright. “Tell me you haven’t been
walking around attending meetings with no fucking panties on?”

look she sent him held a mixture of defiance and embarrassment. “I couldn’t.
The welts were too painful even with a thong.”

gaze dropped to her ass. He let out a groan. Long red welts covered her from
lower back to the top of her thighs. He’d been excruciatingly careful not to
break her gorgeous skin, but some of the streaks were raw enough to make him
uncomfortable. Fuck, he hadn’t been careful enough. Regret coated his mouth. He
was about to apologize when he caught the look in her eyes.

filthy, hunger.

you love being fucking sore, don’t you?”

stared back unapologetically. “You woke something inside of me. I don’t see the
point in denying what this does to me.”

released his grip on the edge of his desk, reached blindly behind him until his
fingers closed over what he wanted. He fumbled with his phone until he found
the right app. At the sound of the camera clicking, she spun around, shock
widening her eyes.

God, you took a photo of me?”

of your ass, yes.” He turned the camera and showed it to her.

stumbled toward him. “Noah, please delete it.”

doesn’t show your face. No one would know it was—” His insides froze.
“Tell me you don’t think I’d ever violate your privacy like that asshole did.”

eyes squeezed shut for a second and shook her head. “The way you feel about me
right now, I don’t know what you’ll do next. That’s my honest answer.”

forced himself to keep breathing until he had himself under control. “Come

made space between his legs, and she stopped a few inches from him. Having her
this close, her skirt around her waist and her sweet pussy within touching
distance, was fucking torture. But he resisted the urge to slide his fingers
between her thighs.

his position, he adjusted the pressure on his cock and angled his phone toward
her. “For the last six months, I’ve been working with a couple of grad students
from MIT with a view to King’s Ransom backing them. Without going into technical
and confidential detail, they’ve developed hack-proof software that can be used
to store sensitive data.”

software is hack-proof.”

is if it’s developed by two of the world’s best hackers. It’s triple-password
protected and encrypted. No one will see this picture but me. But let me ask
you this - if you had a compromising picture of me, would I be able to trust
you with it?”

bit her lip. “Yes.”

nodded, then gave up trying to resist touching her. He slid his thumb over her
lips and nearly groaned when she parted them. “Do you want me to delete it?”

if you’re sure…no.”

stared at her, saw the unadulterated need in her face and quickly made up his
mind. Jesus, if she wanted him even half as much as he wanted her, surely they
could find a way? He slid one hand into her hair and the other gently over her
ass. “Does it hurt when I touch you?”

little but…Noah—”

, just let me soothe you for a minute.” For reasons he
hadn’t yet been able to fathom, she wanted him but was denying herself the
chance to be with him. He wasn’t ashamed to use sex to sway her. What they had
was too powerful, too potent, to let it go.

mewling sounds purred from her throat as he petted her. Her eyelids drooped and
she stepped closer.

leaned forward to kiss her…and cursed when a loud noise buzzed from his desk.

her go, he stabbed the intercom.

I told you I didn’t want to be disturbed.”

know, Mr. King, and I’m sorry, but your private line has been flashing for a
while and I answered it. It’s…it’s the specialist, confirming that he’s able to
see you and Miss Maitland first thing tomorrow for the DNA test? Shall I tell
him it’s okay?”

clenching, he looked up and saw the pale horror on Leia’s face. He half
expected her to clamp her hands over her ears to block out the conversation.

hope he’d been harboring about how she felt about him died a painful death.

away from her, he spoke into the intercom. “Yes, confirm it.”

hung up and faced Leia. Her skirt was back in place, her handbag on her
shoulder. “Do you hate kids? Is that it?” he asked.


trying hard to understand what’s going on in your head. You say you can’t be
with me, but less than a minute ago you were purring in my arms, a millimeter
away from being fucked. So it can’t be the sex. And I know it’s not Ashley
because you know damn well how I feel about her. So the game changer has to be
the kid.”

mouth worked for several seconds. “No, I don’t hate kids.”

what the fuck is it?”

glanced past him to that damn window again. Collected herself and gave a shrug
so fake, he wanted to shake it off her.

twenty-three years old. Is it so wrong to believe that I don’t want to be
saddled with a kid by proxy just yet?”

called himself ten kinds of fool for allowing the words to rip into him. When
the hell was he going to learn his lesson? Give up on her and move on?

fucking now was good.

Goodbye, Leia.”

his fists, he shoved them into his pockets and strode to the window. She barely
made a sound, but he knew the moment she left.

breaths chased through his chest as he collapsed into his chair. Almost against
his will, he reached for the T-shirt and brought the cotton to his nose. He
caught the faint scent of her perfume and crushed the material into his face.

an angry curse, he yanked open his desk drawer but still he couldn’t let go.
Not until her words crashed into his head one more time…

don’t want to be saddled with a kid by proxy…

his status to
three dozen
kinds of fool, he tossed the
T-shirt in the drawer and kicked it shut.




up until he walked through the doors of The Sphere in South Beach, three nights
later, Noah contemplated cancelling on the guys. He would have, if he didn’t
hate the thought of being alone even more.

detested not being able to get Leia’s words out of his head. The worst thing
was - he didn’t believe her. But the more he tried to unravel what she wasn’t
saying, the crazier he got running circles around himself. His world had
descended into hell minutes after she’d walked out, starting with the realization
that all she seemed to be doing since they’d landed in Miami was walk away from

seriously grey mood had turned pitch black this afternoon when Sam Ferranti had
called to deliver the good news. Ashley could be charged and prospectively sent
to jail for a long time.

for the minor issue of her carrying Noah’s first born and therefore remaining

head off for interrupting him
mid-thought. He’d calmed down enough to apologize and send her home early. Then
he’d toyed with calling it a day. But the idea of locking himself away in the
minimalistic, soulless suite upstairs had made his head throb. So he’d called
Hartford and arranged to meet him at the condos he’d shortlisted.

three were top of the line, with enough space, privacy and security to suit his
needs. But unable to settle on the one he wanted, he’d dismissed a puzzled
Hartford, returned to his office and indulged in a stiff whiskey.

Gabe’s reminder had popped up on his phone with an intuitive addendum that he
wasn’t allowed to cancel, he’d growled and knocked back another stiff drink.
Then endured a trip at the back of a cab with nothing but his thoughts to
occupy him.


into the bar, he immediately spotted Mike waving him over.

had discovered The Sphere a couple of years ago by accident, when he’d stumbled
into the place after a disastrous night with a blind date who’d turned out to
be a call girl. He’d literally jumped out of a moving limo to avoid the hooker,
and called Mike. Mike had ribbed him mercilessly, then taken pity on him and
rescued him from a back booth in The Sphere hours later.

booth had become their personal drinking oasis ever since, reserved for their
exclusive use come rain or shine.

sprawled into the nearest seat, nodding thanks when their waitress set a
chilled beer in front of him.

twirled his JD on rocks and eyed him. “You look like shit rolled up in crap, my

raised his bottle to him. “Thanks. You look fresh as a fucking daisy.”

cracked a haggard-faced smile and sipped his drink. Damon took a bite of the
huge club sandwich in front of him, his glance swinging between them.

know you ladies like to play hard to get, but would you just fucking spit out
what the hell is going on with you two already? It’s getting to the point where
I think I’ll need a code breaker just to have a conversation with you.”

shrugged. “Sure, princess. Just so you don’t hurt your pretty little head, I’ll
break it down for you. My sex life is going to hell in a shit basket. I haven’t
fucked my girlfriend in three long, excruciating weeks, and I’m pathetic enough
to admit I don’t want to fuck anyone else but her. Has she got me wrapped
around her pinky like some spineless fool? Fuck yes. Do I like it? Fuck no, I
detest it enough to contemplate hopping back on a plane to Bora Bora and
strangling the bitch. I’ve given myself more hand jobs than a milkmaid in
Texas, and I’m terrified one more jerking off will literally
dick off. So tonight, I intend to get triple shit-faced so I can forget I have
a dick, or a girlfriend. Is that succinct enough for you?”

had started choking halfway through Gabe’s diatribe and held out his hand in a
sign when Mike went to thump him on the back a tenth time.

downed his drink and held up his hand for another round. “Your turn,” he said
to Noah.

tried to find the right words to break the news. But two whiskeys and a quickly
downed beer, not to mention the brainpower he’d wasted trying to decipher
Leia’s words, had worn him down. He drained the dregs of his beer and slammed
the bottle on the table.

Maitland is pregnant. She claims the baby is mine.”


made a dogged effort to chew and swallow the food in his mouth without choking
again. Mike stared at him as if he wasn’t sure whether to perform an exorcism
or hunt down a Hazmat suit.

for Gabriel…he just looked intensely disappointed. “All this time, you were
claiming not to know why she was trying to reach you…” he shook his head. “And
you were fucking her?” he condemned in a flat tone.

the hell?” Noah frowned.

a minute—”

both ignored Damon. “What did you just say to me?” Noah demanded from Gabe.

pointed an accusing finger at him. “You claimed you had no idea why she was in
Miami. If you were stupid enough to fuck that psycho bitch, I’d have thought
you’d be man enough to admit it.”

need to stop right now, before my fist says hello to that pretty boy jaw that
Playboy photographer’s been wanting to memorialize for over a decade.”

table lapsed into silence as their drinks were delivered. It didn’t stop his
best friends from glaring their anger and confusion at him though. Seeing as
they’d spent the better part of two years worrying that Ashley had fucked him
up for all eternity, he couldn’t blame them.

raked a hand through his hair and grabbed his second beer the moment it was placed
before him. The waitress looked around the table, rolled her eyes and muttered,
“I’m not even
and walked away.

gulped down half his beer before he glared at Gabe. “If you’d have let me
finish, I would’ve told you the
psycho bitch
didn’t conceive my child by
conventional means, asshole.”

glass froze halfway to his mouth and his eyebrows hit his hairline.

frowned. “Fuck, I’m beyond confused.”

just kept shaking his head.

relayed the story of the sperm and egg harvesting two years ago. “I never hid
the fact that I wanted a kid eventually. When she got ill, and the doctors
thought it might affect her ability to have kids, we thought what the hell,
might as well freeze mine too…just in case.”

she used your soldiers to knock herself up without telling you?”
Damon’s face clenched in anger.
“Jesus. Fuck.”

win the whole fucking world, my friend,” Mike muttered, his face frozen in
shell-shock mode.

mouth compressed into a white line, but his chest rose and fell in silent rage
as his eyes met Noah’s. Seeing the clear apology in his friend’s gaze, Noah
nodded his acceptance.

clinked glasses and sucked down more booze.

far along is she?” Gabe asked, his tone calm but ice cold.

claims two months. DNA tests happened yesterday. I get the results tomorrow.”

nodded. “Lawyers involved? She can’t get away with this.”

on the case. He has a list as long as my arm to charge her with. But…” Noah
stopped talking as a wave of helpless rage washed over him.

glass hit the table. He shook his head as a few more pennies fell into place. “
if the kid’s yours, then you can’t really touch her, can you? At least not
while she’s pregnant. Shit!”

I can sue the pants off the clinic and everyone else involved in this, but I
can’t send Ashley to jail unless I want my first child to be born in prison.
Fucking ironic, isn’t it?”

What. The. Fuck?” Damon’s ex had tried to trap him into early fatherhood a while
back so he was taking the news badly. “What is wrong with these gold-digging

don’t have eternity, buddy, so ask a simpler question,” Mike suggested.

is she now?” Gabe asked.

living in my condo. I moved out. No, I’m not going to explain. Next question.”

rolled his shoulders and made a visible effort to get off the volatile subject
of Ashley’s pregnancy. “How did the Indigo Lounge trip go?”

jaw tightened. He remained quiet for so long another deathly silence descended
on the table. The waitress, Katie, if he remembered her name correctly, walked
past and kissed her teeth in irritation.

was it that bad?” Mike asked. “Because Sonja came across a clip on YouTube the
other day. She swears it was you playing the guitar and some hot chick groupie-
on you like she wanted to have your babies.” He paled
immediately and then howled, probably from a kick under the table from one of
the guys. “Sorry, unfortunate choice of words. But seriously, I’d hate to think
I spent 250k to send you on a shitty trip…”

knew they would blame themselves if he didn’t answer. “No, your girlfriend was
right. That was me…us in Vienna. As for the trip, it was that good.” The
residue of beer turned bitter in his mouth. “Until it wasn’t.”

raised an eyebrow. “
? We need details, man.”

gave them the lowdown without going into details as to why he had to cut the
trip short. Again his friends stared at him, dumbfounded, then at each other.

her name?” Damon asked eventually.

swallowed. “Leia Michaels.”

eyes narrowed. “That name rings a bell. Why?” His fingers drummed on the table.

was in the news a while back. About five years ago,” Noah volunteered. It was
no use keeping that a secret. They were resourceful enough to acquire the info
in minutes.

blinked rapidly, then his mouth dropped open. “Holy shit. The murder/suicide?”

knife twisted in Noah’s gut. “Yeah.”

you cut your trip short because she needed to come back to Miami, and you came
back with her?” Gabe asked, eyeing him in that incisive way that said his
friend was reading between the lines.



shrugged. “But nothing. We met. We…got together. She…we went our separate

shook his head. “Nah, from what I saw on that clip, she was seriously into you.
And you looked like…” he stopped and cleared his throat.

what?” Noah growled.

shrugged. “You looked like you’d died and fucking gone to heaven.”

memory of Leia in the parking lot last night flashed through his mind. He
gritted his teeth. “What’s your point? Friday night, she went to sleep clinging
to me like I was the last raft in her fucking tsunami. Saturday morning, she
changed her mind. Fuck if I’m going to lose any more sleep over that shit.”

aren’t that complicated—”

the guy who’s mainlining Jack D because he doesn’t know
he’s being

the fuck up, Mike,” Gabe growled. “All I’m saying is there has to be a reason
for her doing a one-eighty on you.” He stopped and cursed. “Ashley? The baby?”

eroded his gut. “Yeah, she says doesn’t want to be saddled with a kid.”

do you believe she means that?”

the hell does it matter?”

nothing. But women - at least the ones who don’t set out to fuck with your head
- use excuses to stop themselves from getting hurt. Your girl might mean what
she says about not wanting to be saddled. Or there may be another reason why.
I’ve spent four ball-strangling days learning to read between the fucking lines
when it comes to women. No reason why you shouldn’t endure that torture for the
sake of getting that someone-just-killed-my-puppy
off your face.”

raised his beer in a mocking salute. “Crazy good pep talk, buddy. Thanks.”

slapped him on the shoulder, and turned to rile Damon about his cowardice
during the phone call to Noah the week before when he’d failed to mention
Ashley was in Miami. Damon hunched his shoulders and cursed under his breath.
The table erupted in laughter.

was about to raise his beer and drain it when the ten-ton

on you like she wanted to have your babies…

Oh, fuck.” His head swam at the depths of his own stupidity.

friends exchanged looks. Mike rubbed his jaw. “You okay there, buddy?”

BOOK: SOAR (The Indigo Lounge Series Book 4)
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