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Authors: K. Lyn

Tags: #erotic fiction

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K. Lyn~

Beau to Beau Books

Copyright 2013-04-25: K.


All rights reserved


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This book is for ADULT AUDIENCES
It contains substantial sexually
explicit scenes and graphic language which may be considered offensive by some

This is a work of fiction.
Names, characters, places and incidents are
solely the product of the author’s imagination and/or are used fictitiously,
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Published in the
United States of America



Young women
everywhere dream of being chosen for the exchange program, and Cheri is no
A trip to foreign lands is
her ticket to freedom, wealth, and regality if she plays her cards right.
Broke and in search of fun, meaning sex, her
ultimate goal is finding a wealthy husband, but Cheri isn’t looking for just
any kind of wealth.
What Cheri is after
is royal wealth and the status that goes with it.
Her guide for the program is handsome and
exudes sensuality, but Cheri learns a little too late that this is no ordinary
This is an exchange of
questionable intentions.



It was a young woman’s dream to be chosen for the exchange
program, and Cheri had done everything to enhance her chances of being part of
the select group that would travel first to
and from there, who knew?
She had
excelled in modern and classical languages and breezed through the examination
and that, along with her brief affair with the head of the International
Studies Program, had all but assured her of one of the coveted spots.
At the final interview she had shed a fake
tear or two when she told the committee how it had taken her six years to earn
her degree and that if chosen for the program she would be an ambassador for
the world.
The women on the committee
had seen themselves in Cheri when she spoke so eloquently about world peace and
harmony, and the men on the committee had stared at her breasts which she had
expertly pulled halfway out of her bra.
Cheri had easily made the cut after that.
If they only knew the truth about her!
Cheri was broke and in search of fun, meaning
and her ultimate goal was finding a wealthy
She didn’t mean professional
husband wealthy.
What Cheri was after
was royal wealth and the status that went with it.

As the leaves turned from summer green to early autumnal
yellow and orange, Cheri and four other young women boarded a private jet from
the East Coast of the
United States
to their first destination in
After the plane landed, they hopped onto a
train to begin their adventure in
and after that the rumor was that it was on to
At the
train station, their driver was waiting for them in a shiny new
Jaguar, a gift from his
father for earning his doctorate.
ran her hands along the smooth interior and breathed in deeply.
She would give absolutely anything to have
one of these.

It was early evening when they arrived at the resort.
The German with the Jag owned many resorts
and Cheri only wished she could pronounce his name.
When he had introduced himself, it had
sounded like Javisch, so she shortened it to Jav.
In her sweetest voice she asked if it was
okay to call him Jav, and he said he didn’t mind.
When they walked inside the cabin, Jav’s
partner was preparing a delicious dinner.
Cheri and her entourage, as Cheri thought of the other four women who
were younger than she, were uncertain if Jav was gay.
Partner could mean roommate, but whatever the
man was to Jav, he had prepared a scrumptious meal for them after which they
would dare to venture into the nearby woods behind the resort cabin for a brisk
winter stroll.
Inside the resort the
women were greeted by an immense coziness.
Warmly lit fireplaces invited them into every room.
The cabin was no ordinary cabin.
It resembled a fairytale storybook cottage
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
could live happily and comfortably together.
Cheri felt like Goldilocks, with Jav and the other men masquerading as
four bears rather than three.

They sat down to a deliciously cooked meal topped off with
a rich dessert, specially crafted by the expert culinary hands of Jav’s
The wooden floors were strewn
with an assortment of authentic fur rugs, which a couple of the women took
offense to, welcoming
Cheri and her entourage
with a generous dose of German hospitality.
In a corner of the living room sleeping peacefully was a friendly
Great Dane.
As soon as
he heard the new voices, he awoke and stretched,
rushed over to give them welcome licks and kisses.
The girls fawned over the big sweet dog that
loved being the center of attention.

After dinner, the five women and their respective men took
a walk into the woods.
Cheri had not
been prepared for the heavy snow so early in the year, but she had never been
and knew nothing of the country’s weather.
The grounds were covered with a thick blanket of glimmering white,
reminding Cheri of her childhood vacations on the mountain tops of the Colorado
Although it was cold, she was
mesmerized by the beauty and quietness of the winter landscape as they went
deeper into the woods.
While Jav and his
fellow countrymen chatted with the girls, Cheri decided to break out on her own
a bit and explore the beauty of the serene landscape.
Growing up in
where the land was flat, she had never
been inside a forest, much less a German forest and she was curious to
experience everything within the white winter wonderland.
She stopped to watch a nibbling and
scratching squirrel a few yards from her as it buried its tiny head in the snow
and emerged with a pine nut in each paw.
When it sensed or saw that it was being watched, the animal scrambled in
the direction of a tall tree, turning to see if Cheri would follow.
She did, stepping very cautiously and
They were playing a game, Cheri
and the squirrel, each of them stopping every few seconds to catch a glimpse of
the other.

Before she knew it, Cheri had lost her friends but she wasn’t
one to scare easily.
She followed the
interesting little animal and before it disappeared up a tree, she noticed a
fire burning in a clearing, but she did not notice anyone at the campsite.
As cold as she was, she couldn’t resist
moving closer to the fire, drawing warmth to her body.
She closed her eyes for a brief moment and
when she opened them four rugged looking men in ragged clothes were coming out
of the shadows toward her.
They looked
dangerous and Cheri started to run when one of the men shouted at her.
Cheri continued running.
She didn’t want these thugs to know that she
spoke their language, so she fought the urge to speak as she desperately tried
to figure out an escape route.

It was then that she heard a gunshot in the distance.
She feared that she had been shot and she
looked down, certain that she would see blood gushing from some part of her
But the robbers stared at each
They were as afraid as
Another shot fired and this time
the sound was closer.
From the corner of
her eyes she saw a
Great Dane
rushing out of the woods toward the
clearing, launching at one of the thugs when several figures came running
toward the campfire.
The men scattered,
disappearing as quickly as they had appeared, into the darkness as the Great
Dane chased them and gnarled at their heels.

Cheri sat stunned, watching the scenario unfold in front of
Jav and his buddies rushed toward
Embarrassment soon overtook fear,
and Cheri stared at Jav.
Jav immediately
took off his fur jacket and wrapped it around Cheri.
He held her tightly against his chest as
tears streamed down her face.
He had
come to carry her back to
the cabin
Jav and his friends had brought a hand gun
into the woods, knowing that it was a dangerous place at night with salacious
gypsy vagabonds lurking about as they waited to rob naïve and innocent
Cheri owed Jav a huge favor which
she would gladly repay.

When they returned to the cabin, Cheri’s entourage had gone
off with some of the German gentlemen, and she and Jav were left alone.
washed and
cleaned her in a hot bath before wrapping his cozy red and black checked
flannel bathrobe around her shivering body.
He tucked her into his king sized bed, his warmth radiating from his
naked body.
Cheri felt safe and loved
with this man she barely knew.
in Jav’s
hairy chest, a peaceful
loving sensation fell across her tired eyes before sensual and sexual thoughts
began drifting through her mind.
evening had been terrifying and she felt lucky to be alive.
The masculinity of the gentle man with whom
she shared a bed aroused her and she held tightly to her lover as she drank in
his intoxicating scent.

Cheri’s steady exhalations against Jav’s
chest were causing his manhood to awaken.
He lowered his face to hers and gently kissed her lips and desiring
mouth and she surrendered to his touch.
Moving slowly down her left nipple, Jav, her blonde angel,
licked and ate at the hard brown point until it resembled a ripe cheery on top
of a delicious cake.
He lowered himself
between her legs and lapped and ate before plunging his tongue deep inside of
Cheri gave herself willingly to
this amazing lover.
She reached for his
hardness and slowly masturbated him, each reaching climax at the same time as
the other.
Jav never demanded
intercourse that night.
Their lovemaking
was innocent and yet amazingly fulfilling.

Cheri and Jav did not leave the comfort of the bed until
late afternoon the following day.
didn’t want to get out of bed and venture into the cold in search of
nourishment but they knew the others would return soon, so they reluctantly
left the comfort of the king and showered together under a blanket of warm
tingling water in the resort’s spacious bathroom.
The closeness of their nakedness was too
irresistible not to make love again and they continued where they had left off
in the bed, though Jav’s reluctance to take her completely confused Cheri.
“It is not time,
Cheri,” he whispered.

By the time the others returned, Jav and Cheri were
Jav’s friends had brought a limousine to take them to an
German restaurant.
No one asked about
Cheri’s night, nor did she ask of theirs, the women giving knowing looks to
each other.
Cheri realized that there
were some things about which they were not to speak even among themselves.
The exchange program had been established to
open their minds to other cultures, but Cheri’s mind was bewildered by what was
going on around her.
Each woman was
paired with a specific man, as if they had been assigned or drawn by some sort
of lottery.
After dinner, Jav
announced that the following day they would be attending the chocolate
festival, an annual event that drew visitors from around the world.
How could anyone possibly resist that?

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