Sold (Keeping her in the Dark) (35 page)

BOOK: Sold (Keeping her in the Dark)
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you wanted with me!” He took a step toward me. I could tell he was


getting angry now.
“No! That isn’t the truth and you know it!”


“I do? How do I know it?” He stepped close to me.


“Because I could have raped you as many times as I wanted,


and I never did! I didn’t want you that bad!” he yelled. I stepped


away from him.


“So what was this, Liam? Was this whole thing just a big joke


to you? Did you just keep me to see if you could break me down,


make me fall in love with you? Because it worked, I do! You win!” I


turned away from him and started to cry. He walked to me and


grabbed my arms turning me to face him.


“This wasn’t a game to me, Norah, Dammit! You know it


wasn’t! I fell for you too! I didn’t know how to make this


arrangement work, I was just as lost as you were. This was all new to


me. I’ve only been with experienced Submissive’s. I didn’t know how


to train a slave, certainly not a virgin who had no idea what this


lifestyle was about.”
“But we figured it out. We did. We’re happy, and we trust


each other. And now you know you are free. I have been trying to


show you that you had your freedom for a long time. I let you out of


your room, let you go out alone, and gave you a driver, a phone, I


even lined up a job for you, Norah! How can you say I kept this from


you? I tried to show you.”


“Yes, you did everything except tell me!” I snatched my arms


away from him. “Don’t you think after being kidnapped, told I was a


slave, being sold at an auction, being held in solitude for so long and


constantly being reminded of how I belong to you that I would need


more than a cell phone to know I could leave if I wanted to?” I


walked a little closer to him. “I haven’t been able to make a decision


for myself or even think for myself, Liam. How would I just know?”


“That isn’t true! I never forced you to do anything you didn’t


want, except be alone! I think I have made it very clear that as far as


our relationship goes, if you don’t want to do it, we won’t do it!”
“I want respect, but I’m not going to force you into a lifestyle


you don’t want. You have made those decisions for yourself. The


decision for us to even have sex was yours, not mine!” He ran his


hands over his face.


“So you’re saying you didn’t want it?” I asked.


“No of course not. Yes, I wanted it. I wanted it the night I


bought you. But if you didn’t agree to it, or bring it up yourself, we


would still just be roommates.” He let out a deep breath like he was


getting tired of talking.


“I don’t know what to think, Liam. I don’t know how I feel, or


what… think…or….” I started to breath heavily. He came to me


and wrapped his arms around me.


“Shhhhh. It’s okay. We will figure this out. Let’s go to bed, it


will be clear in the morning,” he leaned in a kissed my neck. I pulled


“No. I need to think now. I need to be alone.” I walked to my


purse on the desk and picked it up.


“Where do you think you’re going?” he asked.


“Well if I’m free to do what I want, I’m going for a drive, or a


ride or something. But if I’m not, then I’ll go lock myself in my room.”


I looked at him with cold eyes. “Which is it? I’m either free or not?”


He swallowed hard and looked at the floor. “When will you


be back?”


“I don’t know. Like an hour maybe,” I huffed. He pulled his


cell out of his pocket. He called John and told him I needed a ride.


The front door opened and John stood there waiting for me. I looked


back at Liam. He handed me some money folded up. “Go get some


coffee or something,” he lowered his eyes from me. It was weird to


see him submitting to me.
“Thank you,” I started walking fast, and kept going even


though I felt him walking behind me. If I didn’t get away from him


now I knew I would end up in his bed, making love to him. I needed


to think, to clear my head, and I couldn’t do that with him near me. I


got in the car and told him to drive, I didn’t care where, just to drive.


He drove for 30 minutes and I never said a word. I didn’t like


to use the private screen to separate me from John, so I could see


him looking at me in the rearview mirror. He never said anything he


just kept driving. I couldn’t think. I couldn’t clear my head. I just kept


replaying the night’s events over and over in my head. I heard the


sound of a phone vibrating and looked up at him. He pulled in a


parking lot and stopped the car.


“Yes, sir?” he answered. I knew it was Liam on the other end.


I couldn’t hear his side of the conversation, but I was sure he was


trying to find out where we were, and what I was doing.


“No sir she hasn’t said anything,” he looked at me. I rolled my


eyes. I didn’t want to John to be in the middle of this.
I took off my heels and opened the door. John’s eyes locked


of mine and he turned in the car to face me.


“Ah no sir, she hasn’t said when she would like to return.” He


covered the phone with his hand. “Miss Chandler, don’t do this!” I


felt bad for him, I did. I knew he would get in trouble for letting me


get away from him, but I didn’t care. I got out slammed the door and


took off running. I looked around and realized we were in a park. I


darted in the trees and ran through the playground and over a small


hill. I looked behind me and saw a flash light moving in the darkness.


I could hear him yelling my name, but I didn’t go back. Instead I saw


a road up ahead and ran to it. I hopped the small fence and started


walking. I reached in my purse and called information for a cab


company. I saw a small strip of stores up on the left and walked to


them. I gave the cab company the address of one of the stores and


sat down to wait. My phone started ringing, or “screaming”


whichever. It was Liam, so I didn’t answer. He left a message and


then called right back.
I didn’t answer again, and he left another message. When


the phone rang the fourth time, I turned it off. The cab arrived and I


got in, telling him to take me to the closest diner or coffee shop.


I sat in the booth, stirring a spoon in my coffee, occasionally


looking out the window. I couldn’t believe how much my life had


changed in the last few hours. I looked at a clock on the wall and saw


it was 2:17am. I knew Liam was going out of his mind; I had been


gone over two hours, but I didn’t care. Everything was so clear just a


few hours ago. I was in love with a beautiful man who wanted to give


me the world, he was patient, kind, understanding, he did have a


bad temper, but no one was perfect. I thought finding out just how


much he liked to beat women before he fucked them was bad. Now


finding out that he kept this from me, this life changing event, he


kept it from me, so he wouldn’t go to jail or was it because he really


did fall for me too? I wasn’t sure anymore. I wasn’t even sure of my


feelings for him. I knew with absolute certainty in the beginning that


his treatment of me was just a ruse to manipulate me.
I could see through his tactics of being mean or inflicting


pain, just so he could comfort me. I thought I kept a wall up so I


wouldn’t fall for it, but somewhere along the line, my wall started


crumbling. How did this happen? Was he that good with his words


and actions that I truly believed him? I even believed myself. When


he was so scared of me running from him, the slightest thought of


being without him made me sad. Even now sitting here trying to


think, all I wanted was his arms around me. I wanted him to tell me I


was okay, and everything was going to be fine. We were supposed to


leave for Nevada in three days. What would happen now? I couldn’t


introduce him to my family not knowing how I felt about him


anymore. Did I really not know how I felt anymore? Maybe none of


my feelings since I had been with him have been real? Maybe they


were just reflections of what he wanted me to feel? There was one


thing for sure, I couldn’t stay with him. I had to figure this out, and


the only way to know if I really loved him was to let him go.
Well it wouldn’t be me letting him go, it would be more like


me desperately trying to get him to release me from his grasp.


I watched the sun come up on a bench outside of the coffee


shop. The thought crossed my mind to go to a hotel room, but I


didn’t have enough money to pay for it. I remembered Liam telling


me he owned two hotels in London and thought about going to one


of those. I knew if I gave them my name, they would call him and he


would agree to let me stay. But I was sure he would also show up,


and I would be back at square one. I was absolutely sure that his


powers of persuasion would not only convince me to stay with him,


but we would be in bed in a matter of minutes. I was simply too tired


to think clearly anymore. I started walking again and just kept


walking. Then I saw it, my car, well John’s car…Liam’s car that John


drove me around in. I turned and walked away, I couldn’t let him find


“Norah!” I heard his voice yell for me. I started running and


was quickly grabbed from behind. It was John, not Liam. “Stop,


please!” he panted. I stopped fighting him and pushed him away.


“I can’t go back right now, please don’t make me!” I yelled.


He lowered his head and tried to catch his breath.


“I’m going to get fired for this,” he said.


“No you won’t, I won’t let him fire you.” He nodded toward


the car.


“Come on, I won’t take you home, just hang out in the car. I


won’t even call him to let him know I found you.”


“Really? You promise?”


“Yes, I promise. Your safety is my job, Miss Chandler. But I


can’t do that job unless I know where you are…..please you have to


trust me.” We walked to the car and I got in the back. I laid down


and curled up on the seat. I closed my eyes. I felt his hand nudge my


foot and I leaned up to look at him.
He handed me his jacket and I gladly accepted it. He got in


the front of the car and turned on the radio. I never heard him


talking on his phone, and hoped he was keeping his promise, but I


fell asleep so fast it didn’t matter.


Chapter seventeen




John woke me just around 1pm. He said he knew I was tired,


but Mr. Hastings was going to lose it if I didn’t come home soon. He


dropped me off just before the house so I could walk home without


him getting caught for aiding and abiding. I turned the key and


pushed the door open. As I shut the door behind me, I heard Liam’s


voice talking with someone about me. I slowly walked in the study


and stood there. He turned and looked at me.


“Never mind, she’s here,” he gasped. He dropped his phone


on the desk and ran his hands through his hair. His eyes were tired


but angry. I figured now was not a good time to exude any of my


smart comments, so I waited for him to speak. He didn’t say


anything, but picked up his phone again and pushed some buttons.


My phone started ringing in my purse, so I looked down.
“Oh, I see it does work. Since I called you over twenty times


last night, and you never answered I assumed it was broken.” He put


his phone down on the desk again, then walked around to the front.


“Do you have any idea what you have put me through?” He crossed


his arms over his chest.


“I needed some time to think. I’m sorry I made you worry.”


My voice was quiet and shaky.


“Worried? You think I have been worried?” He stood up and


stepped closer to me. “I have been going out of my mind, Norah. I’ve


had my entire security team out all night and all today looking for


you. I didn’t sleep….I just paced the floor feeling helpless, not


knowing if you were coming back, if you left me, if one of my psycho


friends kidnapped you. You could have been laying in a ditch, hurt or


dead, and I wouldn’t know because you wouldn’t return my calls.”


His voice stayed quiet and even toned. I looked down and fidgeted


with my hands.
“Well I would have called, but the ditch I was laying in didn’t


have a phone,” I smiled trying to lighten the mood.


“No, but the Prada purse I bought you does a have a phone in
BOOK: Sold (Keeping her in the Dark)
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