Someone Like You (4 page)

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Authors: Vanessa Devereaux

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Fantasy

BOOK: Someone Like You
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Jake glanced
over at her headstone.

“Oh, Katie,
I’m so sorry, but Gen Thompson’s attractive, and I hadn’t realized that such a
pretty woman would need to use a matchmaking service.”

straightened up the flowers he’d placed in the urn three days ago. He should
have brought new ones, but visiting had been a spur of the moment decision.

Jake sat down
next to her grave.

“I’m so
lonely, and I miss you more than you’ll ever know, but I can’t stand the
thought of going through the rest of my life by myself. I’m scared, Katie.
Scared to be with a woman again, and scared to love and be loved in case my
heart’s broken into tiny pieces.”

A breeze
picked up, and the wind kissed his skin. He lifted his face upward, all of a
sudden feeling more at ease.

When he’d
left Gen at the café he’d planned to call her mid-week and make some excuse
about why he couldn’t make the Saturday night date.
business out of town.
Even something bizarre like
signing up with the Army again.
But now he realized he was being stupid.
He was a guy. All men were experts on keeping the physical and emotional
aspects of a relationship separate.

Males had no
problem about having sex and then getting up and leaving.



Chapter Four


Gen picked up
her cell phone and dialed her mother’s number.



“Gen, how are
you doing?”

“Great. I
landed another new client the other day.”

wonderful. And let me know if you ever need any help, even if it’s just someone
to do the accounting. I don’t want my brain turning to mush in my retirement.”

“I don’t
think that would ever happen. But there is one favor you can do me.”

“And what’s

“Would you be
able to take Nicky to see a movie on Saturday night?”

How about Spiderman?”

“He’s already
seen that with two of his buddies.”

“Well, maybe
we can try Batman. That’s still playing isn’t it?”

Gen was
always amazed how her mother kept up with all the new releases that would
appeal to teenagers. Not even Gen could tell what they liked or hated.

“So what are
you up to on Saturday?”

swallowed, not that her mother was a prude, or that they didn’t have the sort
of relationship where they couldn’t discuss sex, but Gen wanted to keep the
sleeping with Jake bit her little secret, at least for now.

“I had a coupon
for a free membership to a new matchmaking service, and I thought
what have I got to lose?”

“Well good
for you. About time you tried to find someone permanent in your life.”

If she only knew.

“So how long
do you think this date will last? Should I take Nicky for a hamburger after the

Gen was lost
for an answer. How long would she and Jake need? She went cold from head to
foot, suddenly realizing what she was getting herself into.

you still there?”

“Yes, and
yes, I bet he’ll love a hamburger. I can drop him off about 6:30 p.m. if that’s
okay with you?”

I’ll look at show times and plan our evening around that.”

“Thanks, I
appreciate it.”

“And you’ll
tell me all about your date, I hope.”

Another cold
chill washed over her. She was going to be doing lots of lying in the next week
or so.


Jake sneaked
into the drugstore hoping he wouldn’t run into any one he knew. He pulled the
baseball cap down lower over his eyes, glancing quickly at the signs above each
aisle. They’d switched things around since he’d been away. He’d been a frequent
customer in this place when Katie had been ill, so he’d known not only each
aisle like the back of his hand, but the content of each shelf by heart. The
Ensure he bought her when she didn’t feel like eating was in aisle four, third
shelf from the top. The lozenges for her throat when the chemotherapy gave her
mouth ulcers, aisle five, middle shelf. And the chairs where you waited for
prescriptions to be filled, well, they were still in their same spot. It had
seemed like he’d sat on one of those on a daily basis during the last month of
her life.

sideways, without lifting his head up, he spotted the family planning section.
Why it was called that he’d never been able to figure out. You purchased
contraceptives because you weren’t planning to have a family.

He walked
down the aisle until he came to the condom section. He hadn’t bought them
well it was longer than he’d originally thought.
These days there were more brands and varieties than he’d ever seen.

condoms, ones with raised bumps on them to give the lady extra stimulation.

A terrible
thought hit him. What if she thought he was lousy in bed? What if he didn’t
give her an orgasm? Maybe he should go with the raised bumps rubbers just in
case. He reached for a box of them, but then let his hand hover in front of the
shelf. Maybe she’d think he was into weird sexual aids if she saw him with a
strange looking condom adorning his dick.

Perhaps he
was over thinking this.

Jake quickly
stepped aside when another guy walked along the aisle. Without giving it a
second thought, the man took a box off the shelf and was gone. Jake wished
things were that simple for him.

Just stick with the tried and tested plain ones,
and you’ll just have to make sure you do your job properly.

He lifted
down a box of the brand and type he’d used in his younger days and headed
toward the checkout. Jake kept his eyes down as he placed the box on the
counter and reached into his back pocket for his wallet.

“Well, Jake,
it’s so good to see you. I heard you were

recognized the voice. It was Bob, the pharmacist and owner of the drugstore.
He’d come to know Jake pretty well during Katie’s illness and often advised him
on ways to make Katie feel more comfortable and things she could take to
counteract the side effects of the medications. A great and kind-hearted guy
who at any other time Jake would love to stand and chat with, but not right

cashier’s gone on break, but I’ll be right with you to ring up your purchase.”

Jake knew
perspiration was breaking out on his forehead. He seriously thought about
leaving, running, and never coming back, but the box would be sitting on the
counter. He’d know what Jake was buying anyway. Fleeing was pointless at this

Bob swung
open the door that led out from the dispensing section and walked behind the

“So how long
have you been home?” he asked.

“About six
weeks. I stopped off in
to attend a wedding and then came home.”

“It’s wonderful
to see you. And you look very fit and healthy.”

“Is that you,

Oh, shit, no, not more people who know me.

It was the
lady from the dry cleaner heading his way pushing a cart-load of items,
obviously ready to check out.

“Yep, it’s

“Good to see
you home. Hope it’s permanent this time.”

“Yes, I think
it will be.”

“Will this be
all for you?” asked Bob.

If Jake ever
wanted to run and hide it was right this very second.

“Yes, that
should do it for me.”

we’re having a sale on condoms right now. Buy one get one free if you want to
go back and get another box of these babies.”

Jake opened
his mouth but nothing came out. He looked at Bob, looked at the lady from the
dry cleaner, and both were looking at him, waiting to see what rolled off his
tongue, he was sure of it.

“No, one box
is ample. Actually these are for a buddy from the Army, he’s coming to visit,
and I said I’d get him some.”

For fuck’s sake, I’m digging myself in deeper

Bob and the
lady glanced at one another, and Jake knew what they were probably thinking.
That he had now a male lover. However, he wasn’t going to say another word
because he’d more than likely make it sound even more sordid than it did.

“Just the one
box,” said Jake, pulling out a ten dollar bill from his wallet.

“Okay, but if
you change your mind, the sale’s good till next Sunday.”

remember that.”

“You want a
bag for these?”

I could.”

“Well, don’t
be a stranger too long,” said Bob, handing Jake the now concealed box.

“I won’t.
Nice seeing you both again.”

“And you too,

He headed out
the store sensing they were watching him, probably about to gossip about his
male lover as soon as he was out of earshot.

Jake headed
down to the end of the strip mall. He had every right to have sex and buy condoms,
but he knew people in general were nosey creatures. Right now they
if he
had a new woman in his life.

Oh to hell with it, I can’t keep worrying.

He stopped
when he arrived at the pet store, knowing he always found being around animals comforting
and calming. Two things he needed right now.

There in the window were three dogs in the
grooming section, standing on tables being brushed and clipped. He smiled. He
missed the dogs he got to work with while he was in the Army. In a way, they’d
given him companionship and helped him deal with the loss of his wife.

about the store made him want to go inside. Jake stepped into the foyer where
he saw lots of photos pinned to the notice board.
Dogs, cats,
and a few bunnies all looking for good homes.
Maybe once he got settled
back in some more and got work lined up he’d think about adopting a dog. He
looked into the store and saw a help-wanted sign by the cash register

Dog trainer needed.

Katie had
often referred to him as the real Dog Whisperer and not that guy on TV. It
probably wouldn’t pay much, but it would get him back on his feet while he
decided what he really wanted to do with the rest of his life. He walked over
to the sign, tore off an application form, and headed back to his car.


Gen glanced
at the calendar. It was already Friday, and where had the week gone? She’d been
unable to concentrate for most of it. She’d planted a cherry tree where a
hydrangea should have gone, almost sprayed weed killer onto a client’s herb
garden, and worn her slippers to yesterday’s job.

One thing was
setting her on edge, and that was the prospect of having sex with Jake. She
really wanted to because she found him very attractive, but she wondered if he
felt the same way about her. What if she didn’t excite him? What if the whole
thing turned into the most embarrassing situation of her entire life?

She tapped
her pen on the desk. Maybe she should give him a call just to double check that
he really wanted to do this. Gen pulled out her appointment book where she’d
jotted down his cell phone number.


“Hi, Jake,
it’s Gen. Just checking that we’re still okay for tomorrow night.”

“Yes, you’re
not getting cold feet are you? I mean if you are I’ll understand, really I

“No, no, just
wanted to check with you. So how’s your week been?”

I have a job interview on Monday.”

Anything exciting?”

trainer for Pet Warehouse.
They offer classes twice a week and Saturday
afternoons. I know it’s not a full time job, but it’s a start.”

“I think it
sounds like fun.”

I just hope they don’t think I’m over qualified.”

“I don’t
think you can be for training dogs.”

“Maybe you’re
right. Gen, actually I’m glad you called because there’s something I wanted to
get out in the open before we have sex.”

Her heart
skipped a beat, wondering what he was about to tell her.

“I hope you
won’t take this the wrong way, but I’d prefer it if we didn’t kiss because it
seems too intimate. I don’t want to tarnish my wife’s memory.”

No kiss.

It was
actually something she was really looking forward to. She longed to have a
man’s lips on hers, but beggars couldn’t be choosers.

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