Somewhere in His Arms (82 page)

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Authors: Katia Nikolayevna

BOOK: Somewhere in His Arms
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     One Saturday, she and Alec took the train up to Whitby to look at the house. It was a miserable December afternoon, with the roads washed out due to the rain. They decided to stay overnight at a seaside hotel and drive up in the morning. It was the first time in weeks that they’d had anything resembl
ing any form of privacy and took full advantage. But the bed wouldn’t cooperate and squeaked something awful when they began kissing.

“Damn bed,” he muttered against her throat and tried again. The bed creaked dangerously and Alec had had enough. He rose and took Lucy with him. Then he yanked the mattress to the floor. “Onto the bed wife,” he commanded, tearing off his T-shirt in his haste and Lucy couldn’t help but giggle.

    “You’re so bossy,” she said
laughing and stretched out on the mattress. She held out her arms and he fell down into them and gathered her close. Lucy sighed happily as his mouth found her breast. “I’ve missed you, husband.”

     “Lucy love,’
he rasped, and massaged the nipple with his silky tongue. Alec groaned as she arched against him, her soft cries of pleasure making his cock ache for her sweet pussy. He covered her mouth with his and quickly removed her nightgown and underwear. Lucy gasped, spreading her thighs eagerly as he lowered his hips. Her eyes slid shut as the tip of his scalding cock teased the engorged lips and caressed her clit before pressing hotly into her.

     “Ooh,” she breathed
, and shuddered as he stretched her painfully full as he always did. Her eyes widened at the familiar pinching discomfort and sighed in relief when it evolved into a pleasurable ache. Alec moved swiftly within her, his pulsating flesh stroking the inner walls and inflaming her desire. Lucy arched her hips, whimpering against his mouth at the sweet torture. He would slow his thrusts and she cried out, greedy for him. “Don’t stop!” she panted, clutching him close and pressing her palms against his flexing ass. Lucy bit down on her lip, drawing blood, and felt the first delightful twinges of an imminent orgasm.

     “My wife,” he groaned against her throat, pushing into her frantically. “I’m coming
, sweetness. Wait for me.”

     “I-I can’t!” she gasped
, and cried out as a painful orgasm shattered her body. Lucy had never felt anything like it and had to force herself to breathe. She was barely conscious of Alec’s own release and he collapsed upon her, groaning his pleasure. They lay quiet in each other’s arms, kissing and touching, soothing and caressing. “Alec,” she said after a while, “you all right?”


     She smiled, hugged him tighter, and closed her eyes.


              They drove up to the house early the next morning and Lucy couldn’t contain her excitement. Alec warned her not to count her chickens before they hatched. “I haven’t been up here since January, so I don’t know if the roof has held up. We might be in for a nasty surprise.”

, stop!” she chided softly. “I thought Mr. Newton told you the house was fine.”

     “You think I trust that tosser?”

     She giggled at her husband’s ill humor and huddled deeper into her coat. “How old is it anyway?
     “Old enough to know better,” he grunted, struggling with the transmission. “We should have brought the truck. The tires can’t handle this mud.”

     “I’ll get out and help you push if we get stuck.”

     “You might have to if this rain doesn’t let up,” he sighed, steering the car past the gate and finally stopping in a cobbled driveway. He shut off the engine and Lucy wiped off the condensation to see a magnificent old manor. It looked like something out of
Jane Eyre.
She could hardly wait to get inside. “Wait here,” he instructed and got out, stomping his way through puddles of mud.

     Alec entered the house to find Mr. Newton had been here recently and placed a good number of buckets around to catch rain that was slowly seeping through the ceiling.
It figures,
he thought in disgust. He made his way to the kitchen and lit the ancient stove and put on a pot of tea. At least
worked. He ran back out to retrieve his wife. Good thing he’d told her to wear wellies. “Careful,” he warned, and helped her through the doorway. “It’s a mess.”

     She slipped off her hood and shook off the
rain. They stood in an old brick kitchen and Lucy went over to the stove to warm her hands. “It’s dark. Are there any lamps?”

     “Candles, I think,” he said, ransacking a few cupboards in his quest for fire and came up with a few candles instead. Alec lit one, poured the wax onto a plate, and firmly affixed the candle to its makeshift holder. “These will have to do.”

     They sat down at an old table and drank tea from chipped cups. “It’s so quiet,” she whispered. “Are there any neighbors nearby?”

     “Around here?” he scoffed. “The last tenant left two years ago. There’s no one for miles.”

     “Why didn’t you sell?”

     “I don’t know.” He shrugged and finished his tea. “I suppose I kept hoping I’d meet a pretty girl and she’d want to shack up with me.”

     “She does!”

     “Is that so?” Alec laughed and stood up. “Come love, I’ll show you around.”

     Alec gave her the grand tour of his house, which in Lucy’s estimation, had to be at least three hundred years old. But that was a rough estimate. There was a sitting room, a wine cellar, and several bedrooms upstairs. Alec was reluctant to go up because of wood rot. “It’s not safe. The whole thing needs to be replaced.”

     So they contented themselves with the downstairs only, and Lucy wished she had more time to inspect every piece of
furniture she discovered lurking under sheets. But her husband was insistent that they leave before the storm got worse. “We’ll come back when it’s warmer, love. I’m afraid the roof won’t last much longer. I just wanted you to see the place.”

    “Thank you,” she said, and kissed him on the cheek. “It was very thoughtful of you.”

    “I thought so.” He ushered her out to the car and locked up. Mr. Newton had some explaining to do. The house was in much better shape the last time he saw it. But he hid his disappointment and drove them back to the hotel just in time. The road flooded shortly thereafter and was rendered a safety hazard. They wouldn’t make it back to the house until spring. Until then, Alec and Lucy had to be content with their small attic.


              Shortly before Christmas, Lucy received a strange package in the mail. Pat and Maggie had gone out shopping, and Gavin decided to go sightseeing. They had the house all to themselves. Alec was taking a nap and she carried the box upstairs. There was no return address and she hadn’t ordered anything, so she was intrigued. Maybe Alec had finally ordered that electric blanket she’d been pestering him to buy. No one ever told anyone how damn wet and cold London was in the middle of winter!

    Alec was awake when she entered and sat on the bed. “What’s that?” he said, sitting up. “Order something?”

     “Not me,” she replied, and began prying at the tape with a pair of scissors. “There’s no return address.”

     “And you’re opening it?” he said in disbelief. “It might be a bomb or something.”

     He took the box from her. “It’s not a bomb!’

    “How can you be sure?” Alec shook the box. It was heavy and something seemed to be rattling around in there. “I’ll open it.”

     Lucy watched in some consternation as her husband struggled with the box. When he finally opened it, he glanced up at her in surprise. “I thought you said you didn’t want a new laptop.”

    “I don’t.” She frowned and peered inside. To Alec’s surprise, Lucy began to laugh. Really laugh. She was laughing so hard she nearly fell off the bed.

     Alec looked at the laptop and then at his wife. “Are you all right, love?”

    “I’m just fine,” Lucy sighed at last, wiping her eyes. She took the box from him and lifted out the laptop. She removed the packaging and opened it. The thing wouldn’t power on and she was confused. “It’s broken.”

     “How can you tell?” he muttered, disturbed at the fact that his wife had gone and bought a used laptop. And a broken one at that! “Tell them you want a refund.”

     “Wait a minute,” she fished out a card from the box and finally understood. “This used to be dad’s laptop.” Lucy handed him the card that Rudy had sent. Somehow he’d finally gotten Viv to hand it over. She wondered how he’d gone about that. “He left it to me, but Viv hid it away and wouldn’t let me have it.”

     “So why did Rudy send a broken laptop to you?”

     “Read the card.”

     He did and burst out laughing himself. Old Walt had gotten one over his young wife. Anticipating that she would squander his fortune, he’d had the entire motherboard replaced with one made out of pure gold and semi-precious stones. He’d meant for Rudy to put it in a safe place until Lucy came of age, but Viv had kept it from her out of spite. The laptop held Lucy’s inheritance and Vivian never knew. “How much do you think it’s worth?”

    “I don’t know. Maybe enough to fix our house.”

“Our house?”
he repeated in wonder. “I won’t hear of it. We’ll put it in the bank. It’s yours to do with as you please.”

“And if I want to give it to my husband?”

    Alec shook his head. “No!”

    “Stop being stubborn.”

    “I’m not being stubborn. I refuse to take your money and waste it on that scourge on humanity!”

    Lucy set the laptop aside and straddled her husband. “You’re adorable when you’re being obstinate.”

    “I don’t care what… you say,” he said, his eyes growing round as she began to unbutton her blouse. She
smiled down at him as she removed it and unhooked her bra. Lucy bent down and began kissing his face and throat, her lips spreading sweet warmth throughout his body. “Um…” he closed his eyes and slid his hands up her thighs, relishing the feel of her silken skin.

“Help me,” she breathed and he complied, groaning as he helped her tug off her skirt and panties. Alec groaned and quickly divested himself of his clothing. He lay beneath her, shivering in sweet anticipation.

“What—“he began, only to be shushed by the soft press of her lips, and the delicious pricking of her nipples against his chest. He reached up and caught the swollen mounds, squeezing gently. She cried out softly and threw her head back, relishing the feel of his hands as they roamed possessively over her body. Lucy bit down on her lip as he slid his hands lower and thumbed her clit. She gasped and bent down, thrusting her tongue into his mouth, and ground herself sensuously against his cock. Alec groaned and grasped her hips.

She knew it was going to hurt, so she braced herself. He was gentle as he lowered her slowly onto his cock. Lucy sucked in her breath, delightful shivers dancing along her spine as he spread her wide, inch by glorious inch. He packed her full and for a moment, she felt close to bursting. But it soon passed and she stared down at her husband in awe. She couldn’t believe how good it felt. His cock was throbbing unbearably inside her; an excruciating heat and she wiggled her hips a little, moaning at the new sensations. “Alec,” Lucy breathed in wonder. “It doesn’t hurt.”

Alec groaned. “You’re sure…love?” He could barely breathe, she felt so good. He wondered why they hadn’t done it this way before. “Better…hurry…love,” he gasped, trying not to move and grasping her hips. “I…don’t…think…I can…last much …longer.”

“Okay,” she murmured and wasn’t sure what to do at first. But leave it to instinct to find a way. It urged her to move forward and back. Alec groaned, arching his hips and soon she was sliding up and down on his cock, stroking her clit against the base of his penis as she did so, and whimpering as the sinful sensations began its steady climb up her body. Lucy ground her hips slowly into his belly, reaching up to lift her hair off her neck, and moaning his name as his hands claimed every inch of her. She opened her eyes to stare down at her husband. He writhed beneath her in bliss, his head thrashing back and forth on the pillow, and when the torment became too much, he sat up, gripping her tightly to him as he took over.

“Alec!” she whimpered, kissing him hungrily, was unaware of what she was saying in the midst of her carnal delight. “Fuck me!”

His eyes widened at the erotic plea and Alec growled. “Yes, ma’am,” he muttered against her throat. He crushed her to him and thrust his hips up hard and fast, ravaging her pussy with his cock as he surged upwards into her. She gasped in shock and clung to him, biting into his shoulder to stifle the screams. He growled and moved her quickly onto her back where he finished fucking his wife. Alec hadn’t meant to take her this way, but she’d gone and begged him for it. He couldn’t help himself and rode her savagely, burying his face into her neck, and moaned at the feel of her thighs wrapping around his waist and the way her nails raked down his back. She was whimpering beneath him and he knew it was from the intense pleasure coursing through their bodies. He could feel her pussy tightening around his cock, and he increased his pace, lunging in and out of her wet flesh.

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