Somewhere in Sevenoakes (8 page)

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Authors: Sorell Oates

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College, #Contemporary Fiction, #Inspirational, #Teen & Young Adult

BOOK: Somewhere in Sevenoakes
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”No sofa bed. It's my bed and a dollop of great restraint on your part.”


”An offer I can't refuse, but I can't promise the great restraint.”


”No restraint, no bed!” she said firmly.


He fluttered his long lashes. Maddy hadn't realised how pretty his eyes were. His expression was that of a chastised puppy.


”I'm not irresistible,” she giggled.


”You are. Can I give you a cuddle in bed?” he pleaded


Maddy extricated herself from underneath James on the sofa.


”Are you coming or not?”


He leapt up and wrapped his arms around her, squeezing her tight.


”You are unlike any woman I've ever known Maddison.”


In the bathroom, Maddy was a state. Assessing her pyjamas, she feared they were on the childish and immature side. She'd thought it amusing to wear Spongebob Squarepants shorts and vest but didn't know what James would make of it. Her slips and lingerie were overtly sexual. Maddy hadn't worn them in years and her discomfort would show. Plus, if she opted for something more sexy she might come across as a tease. Standing in front of her mirror, with limited options she decided to risk it with Spongebob Squarepants.


”Cute,” drawled James as she entered the room.


She scowled a face at him. He was already laying in bed as if he belonged there every night. Maddy couldn't help but think he looked perfectly in place there. It was a sight she'd be happy to become accustomed to. As she crawled under the covers, James' muscular arms reached for her to hug her to his warm body. Ever the gentleman, he held her tight against his semi-naked body. She knew if he'd tried it on with her there and then, she wouldn't have been able to refuse, but James kept his word. While wrapped in his arms she heard his breathing become heavy as he slept.





James’ body-clock had his eyes opening at the usual time of 5.30am. At his own apartment he'd have hit his treadmill for a half hour jog before showering to go to work. That particular morning, not only did he have a plausible excuse for missing his warm up jog, but he was cuddled up next to an adorable woman. In her sleep Maddy was angelic; almost childlike. His mind was focused on affectionate thoughts of Maddy but his body was betraying him. She was warm and tender against his body. His dick was responding by hardening in his tight-legged Calvin Klein boxers. Although he was comfortable curled around her frame, he didn't want the embarrassment of her waking and knowing exactly what his body was hoping for. He cursed his gender, wondering how best to make space between himself and Maddy.


Maddy kept her eyes firmly shut, content and safe in James' arms. She felt him stiffen against her and was sure she was dripping with desire for him. Doing her best to stay still, she attempted to keep her breath regular so James wouldn't notice her increased heartbeat. The hardness of him was difficult to defy. All she wanted to do was reach behind and clamp her hand around the base of his cock, massaging it till it was primed to slide into her. She'd done incredibly well by maintaining her chastity the previous night; it would be foolish to undo all her hard work at this early hour.


Her alarm sounded at 6am, giving her the opportunity to feign waking up. Her body stretched back on James. His hard-on was prominent. She tittered inwardly when he rolled away from her as she attempted to rub herself innocently against it.


”Did you sleep well?” she asked, half turning to look him in the eyes.


”It was torture, if you want the truth,” he replied, leaning down and kissing her mouth.


She rolled away from him. His eyes widened, stung by the rejection.


”Morning breath,” she uttered through gritted teeth.


She tried to clamber out of bed, but James dragged her by the waist back down to the mattress. Pinning her down, he straddled her hips, insisting on kissing her properly. She struggled then relented to his whims.


”I can't believe you want to kiss me with my gross morning breath.”


”I don't ever want to stop kissing. Now scoot to the bathroom and rinse with mouthwash.”


She hit him on the head with a pillow.


”I'm joking,” he called after her.


Maddy was definitely adorable when she was cross.


”What time train do we need to get?” he shouted.


”You should know the answer to that,” she said sternly.


”I study your lovely luscious long legs on the train, not my watch.”


Her head poked round from the bathroom door.


”You seriously don't know what time train I get?”


He watched her disconcerted expression with dancing eyes. James relented and put her out of her misery.




A grin spread across her face.


”I was almost going to cancel that third date then.”


”I was joking, I was joking,” he protested.


”A joke's when two people laugh. We'll see who's laughing when I serve you pig's heart and pumpkin for dinner tonight.”


”I'm more interested in what's on the menu for dessert.”


He got out of bed. Maddy inhaled at the sight of him. His body was sculpted like an Adonis. James' full height was balanced by his frame, broad shoulders and narrow waist. Muscular thighs and calves, complimented by his honed upper body suggested a man who was sporty and active. She was unable to stop her eyes from lowering to see the size of his package. He filled the pouch of his underwear in the most pleasing of manners.


Maddy howled and slammed the door shut as James lunged for the door-knob. He laughed when he heard her lock it.


”You're safe until tonight Maddison.”


As Maddy showered, she half-wished she'd left the door unlocked. Sharing a shower with James would have had her skipping into work. She consoled herself with the fact that she had tonight to get dirty with James and Friday morning to clean up with him. Stepping out, she wrapped a towel under her arms and one around her hair. Sheepishly she sneaked out of the bathroom.


”Are you deliberately teasing me?” said James, his eyes looking her up and down approvingly.


”Go take a shower. Your colleagues will already brand you a dirty stop-out when you turn up to work in yesterday's clothes.”


”A dirty stop-out? That's a new one on me.”


James picked up his shirt.


”It is a bit crumpled. Don't think I'll make a great impression at my meetings today.'


”I can iron it for you. Spray it with some air freshener,” suggested Maddy.


He kissed her on the nose.


”I've a spare suit at work for situations like these.”


”Oh, does this kind of thing happen a lot to you?” she asked slyly.


”Not the sex-free sleepovers.”


He watched her eyes darken and heart-shaped mouth purse in disapproval.


”Or any kind of sleepover,” said James not wanting to risk her full wrath. ”I'm a messy eater though. It's better I have a spare suit to save me the embarrassment of attending a meeting with half my lunch all over me.”


”I can't really imagine you being anything other than impeccably groomed.”


”Oh my, you've got a lot to learn about me.”


Maddy hurled a fresh towel at him, watching his tight, toned backside head towards the shower. She dressed hurriedly. Tonight was important to her. Things were going well with James. An evening alone together in private was a positive step. In fact it was a massive step. She'd promised herself that after Rick she wouldn't ever rush headlong into a relationship again, yet here she was four days on falling deeper and deeper with every second she spent with James.


From the corner of her eye, she saw him return from the bathroom dressed in yesterday's suit. Although bedraggled, she doubted any woman would turn him down. Somehow he could make a crumpled suit look highly fashionable.


”I was thinking about tonight.”


Her head spun around like a disturbed meerkat. She hoped he wasn't going to be the type to blow hot and cold with her. She could forgive him for being perturbed by work the previous morning, but two consecutive days of mood swings would give her serious cause for concern.


”I don't really want to go to work three days in a row, dressed in the same smelly suit. I figured I might go home early tonight. I can pick my car up from the station car-park, freshen up, then drive over tonight for dinner. Is that convenient for you?”


”You suddenly sound very formal James.”


”I prefer to think of it as well-mannered.”


”It sounds fine.”


”So what time do I get to eat you?”


”Eat with me,” she corrected.


”We'll see,” he said dangerously.


”Call it 8pm if you can make it.”


”Cool. I'll be here punctual and with a bottle of Dom Perignon.”


”Oh god, the champagne will end up being the best part of the meal.”


”I bet you cook as well as you...account.”


”Shut up and walk me to the station.”


Maddy knew she had a spring in her step when she pranced into the office. Consistently early, she knew she had an hour before the majority of the office began work at 9.30am. Her phone rang at 9am and she was surprised to hear Geoff's voice on the line. Her boss in a small office only ten steps from her desk. Normally he'd call out if he wanted a chat.


”Maddy, can I see you for a minute?”


His voice sounded unusual to Maddy's sharp ears.


”Of course.”


She hung up and knocked on the door. Geoff gave her a mock assessment as she entered.

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