Somewhere in the Middle (20 page)

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Authors: Linda Palmer

Tags: #Mythology, #Romance, #Teen romance, #Young Adult

BOOK: Somewhere in the Middle
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Teo slowed and pulled over, jolting the SUV as the tires dropped off
the pavement and crunched to a halt on a graveled shoulder. A quick
glance out the window revealed we were parked next to a huge field in the
middle of nowhere. I saw no lights of any kind except the full moon and
the stars, which looked massive and close enough to touch.

No one would hear if we screamed.

No one would call 9-1-1.

No one was going to save us.

Isas jumped out of the vehicle and opened my door. I slipped off the
seat and into the chilly night, dragging Eli after me and then blocking
Isas's access to him with my body. By then the other black SUV had parked
behind ours. Guided only by moonlight glistening on wet grass, Teo
started into the field, motioning for everyone to follow him, five of us
in all. Weeds, tall and tangled, slapped at my legs, making it hard for
us to walk. But when I slowed to help my brother, I got a shove from
behind that almost sent us sprawling.

I snapped at Jun. "Rude much?"

"I could always carry you." He held out his arms and made a clucking
sound with his tongue that might've brought a puppy running.

But I was no one's pet and starting to get a little pissed, which
actually energized me. "Touch me and die." I heard Teo's chuckle from up
ahead. Clearly showing some sass was the way to go, but I had to be
careful. I didn't want Eli to get hurt because of something stupid I

About fifty yards from the road, Teo signaled that we should stop. By
then, the winter cold had taken its toll. My teeth chattered and goose
bumps skittered up my arms. I knew Eli had to be as miserable as I

"Call Roone," Teo said. "I'm not sure how much longer Os can keep the
wormhole open."

"Excuse me?"

"Call Roone."

"He doesn't have his cell."

"I didn't say to phone him. Speak his name."

As if. I opened my mouth to tell Teo just where he could go.

Eli, misunderstanding my intention, tugged on the hem of my hoodie.
"Don't call him."

"I won't."

The sound of an approaching vehicle distracted all of us. I glanced
toward the road. Help? No such luck. Three more guys in leather piled out
of the SUV that had pulled up and parked behind ours, which meant there
were now seven huge men, a little kid, and one desperate girl. I did not
like those odds. It didn't help that everyone including Teo held gun-like
weapons that I'd never seen before but felt sure could vaporize us on the

"They're called
and are way more efficient than any weapon
on this pitiful planet." Teo pinched my face between his fingers to make
me look at him. "Now call your boyfriend. We're in a hurry."

Pulling his hand from my face, I watched two of the additional guys
position themselves near the road. The other headed our way. "If you're
thinking I can just say his name out loud and he'll come running, you're
dead wrong. That only works when there's shared blood."

"I'm positive a love connection will be just as strong."

I shook my head. "I'm not doing it."

He went very still. "I'd love to make you."

I glared at him. "Try it."

Teo gave me a leering look. "Actually, I'm loath to bruise that
beautiful body." He glanced past me. "Nohai, you'll have to do it."

Before I could turn to see who he'd spoken to, my right wrist was
caught in an iron grasp and yanked it behind me. Excruciating pressure
shot through my shoulder. I went right my knees, screaming in agony. My
precious baby brother charged, shield up, and his plastic hammer circling
like a lasso over his head. A single side-armed swipe sent his tiny body

"Don't hurt him!"

"Then say Roone's name."

"It...won'" Every word came out a tortured gasp.

"Isas." Teo tipped his head in Eli's direction. With a pleased smile,
Isas stepped toward my brother.

"Roone." It was barely more than a whisper.

Teo instantly halted his men with a move of his hand. Crying hard, I
twisted free and went straight to Eli. He threw his arms around my

"You brought this on yourself, you know." Teo's voice was cold.

I didn't acknowledge him. "Are you okay, buddy?"

"I dropped my stuff."

Stuff...? Oh, Thor. "It doesn't matter." Paying no intention to my
burning shoulder, I picked him up as I had before so that he straddled my
hip. He wiped my tears with his hand.

When I had control of my emotions, I turned to Teo. "I hate you."

He stopped his restless pacing. "I'm just doing what has to be done.
It's nothing personal. In fact, I actually like you. So much that I'm
rethinking your demise." His gaze swept me, lingering where it shouldn't.
"We could have some fun, you and I."

His smirk made me shiver.

"As for your brother, he can be one of my warriors someday."

Eli shook his head. "I'm a good guy."

Teo laughed under his breath, clearly taking that as a compliment.

"Assuming Roone shows up, how are you going to cross the
? On foot?"

He raised his left arm so he could pull up the sleeve of his jacket. I
saw a watch on his wrist, or was it? Teo touched the tiny instrument and
then caught my eye, nodding toward the field. I glanced to my right just
as something shimmered into view--something that must've been there all
along. Shaped similar to a car, but larger and entirely illuminated from
within, it floated above the ground. The weeds growing under it whipped
as if caught in a stiff wind. "Everly, Eli...this is a
more commonly known as a 'flyer.' They're common on Början. I prefer
a smaller model for personal use."

Eli gasped. I didn't blame him. Of all the craziness that had happened
since I encountered Teo and crew, this was the craziest. "Wake up,
Everly. Wake up."

Teo thought that was hilarious. "I like that you're more than just
brains and beauty. I'm always looking for a laugh."

Suddenly sick at my stomach, I closed my eyes and hugged Eli a little
tighter. Would thinking about something else help me get through

I deliberately focused on my family--my rock. Had my parents missed us
yet? Though I'd once known what time they got off today, at the moment I
couldn't remember. I was that rattled by the reality of cosmic bridges,
alien soldiers, and UFOs.

Roone, if you can hear me, please don't come. I'll find a way out
of this. I know I can do it.

The ground beneath us trembled slightly--just enough to make me lurch.
Thunder rumbled in the distance. Teo frowned and scanned the heavens,
which still looked clear. "Jun?"

The warrior in question stepped closer, his eyes on the sky, too. Isas
joined them, and then the others. They began to talk among themselves. I
started backing away, my heart racing. Could I run far and fast enough to
escape? I had to try. Spinning toward the road, I charged into the night.
Eli suddenly weighed a ton and my feet tangled in the grass as before. I
stumbled, nearly dropping him, but somehow staggered upright.


I glanced back to see two shadows splitting off and pursuing us. They
caught up in seconds. Jun grabbed my hood to stop me. Isas tried to take
Eli. Screaming, I pivoted and kicked at both of them, but it was no use.
They easily herded us back to Teo. A low hum in the distance made
everyone turn toward the road. Though my eardrum barely registered the
noise, I could tell it was getting louder. A car? Didn't sound like one.
A motorcycle?

"Roone." Eli's soft whisper made my blood run cold.

Please God, no.

I squinted, trying to see into the night. A single headlight appeared,
confirming my worst fear. Roone had somehow heard me, and of course he'd
come. Heart sinking, I watched him pass the parked SUVs and pull over in
front of ours.

A jubilant grin on his face, Teo watched my guy dismount the bike.
When I moved to go to him, he stopped me. "No."

So Eli and I watched helplessly as Roone walked across the field, his
hands stuffed into the pockets of his open leather jacket. My gaze swept
his body, cherishing details of his appearance--dark shirt, form-fitting
jeans, biker boots. With his messy hair lifting slightly in the winter
breeze, he looked like a modern-day god to me. My personal superhero.

Oh, how I wished he weren't.

Roone walked past the two guards without a glance, though they fell
into step behind him. He didn't stop until he got to Eli and me. Ignoring
Teo, who stood right there, he kissed me on the lips and then hugged us
both. "I'm sorry you two got sucked into this."

I started crying again, burying my face in his shirt instead of
answering. Eli did the talking. "They made her do it."

"I know. I'm not mad, okay?" Roone stepped in front of us to face down

"Where are the other Thorsens?" Teo asked, clearly pleased that things
were going so well.

"Underground. They don't even know I left."

"And where, exactly, is that?"

"A safe room beneath my house."

"I don't believe you."

Roone just shrugged. "Why am I here?"

"I think you know, but just so we're clear, Father needs you back in
Början. Come with me peacefully, and I'll let these two go."

"You want me to maintain the portals, I guess." Roone coolly eyed

"How else will we widen the empire?"

"Fine then. Let them go."

Teo made a big show of thinking about it and then shook his head.
"Actually...I have a new plan. Only the kid goes. Everly comes with

Roone shook his head. "Not happening."

Eli echoed that answer, but in a physical way. He wrapped his arms
around my neck, squeezing so hard I strangled.

Teo's smile widened. "I don't think you understand your position,

"My position is simple. Let them both go and we'll talk."

"Talk?" Teo snorted. "Nohai, hurt her."

The Mongolian instantly lunged, shouldering Roone aside to get to me.
I tried to put Eli down, but he wouldn't let go. Nohai grabbed my biceps
in an iron grip that made my cry out in pain. Roone knocked him sideways
with a hard shove. In a heartbeat, we were surrounded by Teo's men, who
were more than eager to fight from the look of them.

"Get the picture?" Teo smirked, obviously pleased.

"Oh I get it, all right," Roone said. "But you clearly don't. There's
, Liu. It opened just long enough to spit out your men
last night and then closed again. You're stuck here."

Did Teo's smile slip a notch? "That's bullshit."

"Is it?"

is there all right. I can feel it. Now make it open
or she's dead."

Instead of answering, Roone stepped in front of us again, backing up
and making us do the same.

Teo's smile completely vanished. His eyes gleamed with hate before he
turned to his men. "Kill the bitch and the brat. I want

Six guys charged. Roone pushed me back so hard that I lost my balance
and fell, landing on my butt with Eli on top of me. Stunned for a second,
I watched the Mongolians surround Roone. He went after the one who got to
him first, landing a punch that made the guy's head pop back. Chaos
erupted. The fight quickly turned vicious, distracting Teo's jeering men.
I untangled myself from Eli.

"Don't move," I said to him, jumping up just in time to be seized by a
lone warrior in black who'd obeyed his leader's orders. Though he had a
weapon, he didn't use it. Instead, he closed his hands around my neck,
lifting me right off my feet. I fought back--scratching, kneeing,
kicking. But it was no use. He clearly relished the kill, and wasn't
going to be cheated. My head swam. I saw stars that weren't there. The
dark grew darker...

And then I was free and once again flat on my back. Gasping for
breath, I struggled to sit, only then realizing why I'd been

My brave Eli.

Hanging off the arm of the man who'd been choking the life from me. I
saw my brother had clamped his teeth on my attacker's hand. With a roar
of rage, the guy tried to shake him off.

I lunged to my feet again, getting to Eli just as he fell. Scooping
him up, I retreated, my desperate gaze already seeking out Roone, who was
now a bloody mess. But he wasn't alone. Every man had apparently joined
the fight at some point and all were the worse for it. Teo, alone,
remained untouched. Looking on,
in hand, he clearly fumed.

Suddenly the ground under our feet began to quake.

Whooping victoriously, Teo strode to us and grabbed me by my hair,
twisting hard. I cried out and almost dropped Eli. Roone spun to look at
us, his face streaked with blood and already swelled on one side, his
chest heaving. Teo put the tip of his
to my jugular. It began
to hum as if he were firing it up. "I'll do it, Thorsen. You know I

Roone's shoulder's sagged in defeat.

"Knew you were lying about the
, asshole." Teo stared down
his soldiers. "Get your sorry butts together. We're going home." His
words brought his wounded men to life. They limped to the flyer. When the
first one reached it, Teo touched the control on his wrist again. A ramp
lowered from the bottom of the craft.

That guy boarded, followed by the others until only one of them
remained on the ground--Teo. He yanked hard on my hair, drawing my head
close. He gave me a hard kiss, sweeping his tongue across my lips before
I could twist away. "Let go of your brother or he dies."

Never doubting it, I tried, but Eli wrapped himself around me like a
monkey on a tree and started wailing. Teo cursed and touched the
to Eli's forehead.

"No!" I screamed. "No!"


Teo turned at the sound of Roone's voice, dragging us with him. When I
stumbled over his feet, he lifted me up by my hair. I tried to tear his
fingers free. Roone started toward me, stopping when Teo pointed the
at him.

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