Songbird (A Sinclair Story #1) (8 page)

BOOK: Songbird (A Sinclair Story #1)
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grinned. “You’ll have to get used to living with the rich and famous.”

Melodee screwed her nose up. “Your life is not mine
and I won’t be getting used to it.”

“Come on.” Nathan took Jewel off his brother. “Let’s
go shopping.”


feet dragged, she couldn’t force herself past the entrance. Jewel babbled as
she stared around. Before them were the bright lights and fancy displays of a
three level department store. Charles had dropped the three of them off. He
said he’d be back in an hour.

“What’s wrong?” Nathan reached out and took her hand
again. He was always touching her, messing with her senses and throwing her off
her game.

“I figured we would stop at a Walmart or something
similar. This is too much.” Melodee had no problem buying expensive or quality,
but she generally ordered online. She planned on getting the best she could for
Jewel, but since she wanted to use her money, and all she had on her was the
change from the two hundred she’d taken to the grocer, she couldn’t shop here.

“Jewel deserves the best,” Nathan said, reiterating
her thoughts. “So you’d better get in here and help me choose, because I have
no idea what a baby needs.”

“I don’t have that much cash on me,” Melodee protested

Nathan leaned down from his considerable height and
kissed her on the cheek. “If you think I’m letting you pay for anything, you’re
in for a shock. I have plenty of money and Jewel is our responsibility

Melodee almost stomped her foot, but unfortunately she
was practical enough to know that he had a point.

“Fine,” she bit out, “but I’m paying you back.”

“I will never take your money,” Nathan said. “Right
now, it makes me happy to be able to share my wealth with you and Jewel.”

Melodee pulled her hand free and started to move into
the store. She hated money, it was the main source of the world’s evils, and no
matter what anyone said, nothing came without hidden strings and agendas.
Sooner or later Nathan Sinclair would show her that he was no different than
everyone else.


hours later, Charles dropped them off in front of a dark gray building. It was
one of those fancy apartments with the concierge to open the door and a
security guard to check each person who entered. They only had a couple of
bags; everything else was going to be delivered this afternoon. Nathan had
refused to leave the store until they had enough baby gear to outfit an entire
nursery. Melodee did not even want to think of how much money she’d need to pay
him back, at minimum a few thousand dollars.

“I’ll pick up the boys and be back with the
groceries,” Charles called from the window he had opened. “You all just wait
here for the delivery.”

Somehow, Nathan had gotten a same-day delivery in the
middle of a snowstorm. His family had a lot of power and pull in Syracuse. Actually,
judging from everyone’s reaction, they had a lot of power in all of America.
Entering the lift, Nathan pressed the penthouse button. Of course he would live
in the penthouse. The smooth, noiseless box powered up.

“So what do your brothers do?” Melodee wanted to
understand this family she had found herself thrust into. She’d never had a
real family and she had no idea where she fit in, how to act.

“Matty is a barrister – he’s most like Dad and will
eventually head into politics,” Nathan said, as he held open the lift for them
to exit.

The hallway they stepped into was opulent, with gold
and ornate edgings, plush carpets and silence that could only come from
soundproofing. There seemed to be just the one door on this level, so Nathan
had the entire floor.

“Charlie’s in law school, two years to go, and Luke is
just a freshman at Syracuse, but he’s actually leaning toward med school.”

Melodee found it odd that the affable Charles had
chosen something like law school. And Luke was only a freshman.

“For some reason I thought Luke was a junior at least,”
she said.

Nathan’s features froze, his eyes dulled as he

"Luke got really sick a few years ago, in his
first year of college. He was hospitalized for a long time. Bacterial

He had to rub his chest a few times, that damn dull
ache was back. He got it every time he thought about how close they came to
losing their youngest brother.

“Holy shit,” Melodee gasped.

“The doctor said if he hadn’t been so healthy to start
with he’d have died. No questions. We got lucky that time.” Nathan focused on
Melodee, a grin creasing his handsome features.

“Are you the only athlete?” She asked as he buzzed his
front door open.

“We all played. Growing up we dominated the court, but
I’m the only one with serious contentions for going professional.”

Nathan took the bags off her as they stepped into his
home. It was huge, and very open-plan. A sunken lounge bordered a massive
state-of-the-art kitchen. The colors were light and modern, much nicer than the
monochromatic she’d expected.

“Mother insisted on decorating, and when she sets her
mind to something it’s not worth arguing with her.” He dropped the bags onto
the table. “Luckily, the end result was better than I expected from the ice

Melodee observed him for a moment. “You don’t get
along with your parents?”

He laughed in a harsh bark. “They’re both selfish
assholes, more interested in keeping up appearances and making money than their
kids. Actually, to be fair, Dad’s not all bad, he’s just always been busy.
Politicians travel all the time, but Mother was born into the life of privilege
and cares for no one but herself.”

Melodee settled Jewel down onto the soft flat surface
of his couch, tucking a blanket around her. The poor thing was exhausted,
having been up all day. Melodee hoped she’d be able to have a decent nap.

“So how is it that you and Charles are as far from
selfish assholes as possible?” She couldn’t sate her curiosity, which was
unusual. Usually she had no problem minding her business. But he was so unlike
the arrogant ass she’d expected. Her experience with the Sinclairs so far
showed depth of character and a caring attitude. Where had they learned that?

“Our grandparents did most of the raising, giving us
much needed stability and love.” His eyes softened. “I believe they infused a
strength in the four of us that we could never have gotten from our parents. We
made a pact when we were young, after we lost our Gran and Gramps, that the
Sinclair brothers would stick together.”

With those words, the front door opened and in marched
three of the hottest men Melodee had ever seen – behind Nathan of course, who
was beyond her wildest dreams of a perfect specimen. Charles was first; a smile
crossed his face when he saw her, swooping in for a kiss on the cheek. He
dropped the big bags of groceries at her feet.

“Hello, gorgeous.” He looked around. “Where’s my
little girl?”

Melodee shushed him, pointing to where Jewel was sound
asleep. She looked adorable with mussed black curls and her head tilted to the
side, mouth slightly open. Charles pouted a little when he realized that Jewel
was not going to be playing with him anytime soon.

The shortest of the four, but still around six feet
tall, stepped forward. He was dark in all ways where Nathan was light, his hair
a spill of midnight across his bronze features. “Charlie filled me in, and what
the hell were you thinking, Nathan?”

Melodee figured this was Matthew. He screamed eldest,
and had the biting tones of a lawyer.

“Mind your own business, Matty, we are just
temporarily caring for Jewel until her family can be found.”

“Dad’s going to shit a brick.” Luke, the youngest,
with blond hair like Nathan, but darker blue eyes, laughed as he spoke. “Wait
until the press gets a hold of this.”

“I don’t give a flying dick,” Nathan said. “I gave up
caring about that asshole many years ago.”

Charles interrupted their argument. “How about you all
pull your heads out of your asses and say hello to Melodee. She has the ability
to kick any of you in the balls before you can even blink, so maybe don’t
ignore her.”

Luke laughed then, thinking Charles was kidding. His
laughter died off when he noticed their unamused expressions. “Are you serious?
She’s tiny and way too hot to be a fighter.”

Melodee closed her eyes, it would not be appropriate
to prove him wrong. There was a time and place.

stepped closer to her. “All of you stop talking, you’re going to wake Jewel,
and Melodee has enough to deal with right now. You’re only here to help me set
up the nursery. Other than that, keep your opinions to yourselves.”

stepped up to her then, hand extended. “I’m Luke: rich, single and awesome in

flicked her eyes over to Charles. “I’m starting to get the idea that that line
works a lot for you Sinclairs.”

shook his head. “The next person to hit on Melodee is going to lose their arms.
I’ll be ripping them off and beating them to death with them.”

suppressed her smile; that was her favorite threat. Although he probably had
the muscled build to pull it off.

eldest Sinclair with his serious features distracted her by stepping forward.
“I’m Matthew. And I don’t know what your agenda is, Melodee...” His voice was
cold. “But I will be keeping an eye on you to make sure you don’t take advantage
of Nate, so watch your back.”

froze, she did not like it when people got into her face and demanded or
threatened. But before she could move, Nathan growled, the vibrations of his
anger spilling over into the room.

threaten her again, Matty, or we are going to have a problem.”

did not back down. “You’re letting her beauty fool you. Don’t forget Mother.
Lovely on the outside doesn’t equal it on the inside.”

saw it then: scars littered Matthew’s soul; as the eldest he probably copped
the worst treatment from the parents. This calmed her righteous anger, she knew
all about scars from parents.

is nothing about Melodee that isn’t beautiful.” Nathan held her eyes as he said

heart fluttered at these words. For the first time in her life she realized she
cared about someone. Somehow, in less than forty-eight hours, Nathan had worked
his way under her armor and nothing could have scared the shit out of her more.
Because she already knew that nothing could destroy a person faster than love.


Chapter 6


Melodee had been quiet since
the confrontation with Matthew. Nathan knew he'd scared her with his
declaration, but he didn’t regret a word he’d said. She was a good soul, and
that was rare enough in his world that he was afraid he was going to lock her up
and never let her go. He could sense she wanted to run, that the tension
between them scared her. Which meant he was more determined than ever to keep
her here, shamelessly using Jewel to his advantage. The gorgeous little baby
was Melodee’s Achilles heel, and he was taking every advantage he had. On the
court he was the one who could read the other teams’ plays before they even
happened. Strategy was his thing and he wasn’t letting go of his game

had taken most of the afternoon, but with his brothers’ help they had set up
the nursery. After a while even Matthew had fallen under both Jewel and
Melodee’s spell. Though if he knew his older brother, he’d have a full
background check on Melodee by next week.

you tomorrow at the game,” Charles called to him as he followed the others out
the front door.

walked out of the nursery.

she asleep?” Nathan asked.

nodded. “Yes, she’s definitely a fan of proper baby bottles and a pacifier.
Thank you for her nursery, it’s perfect.”

didn’t like to see the fatigue on Melodee’s face; it had been a big two days
for her, starting with a massive car accident. She still had bruises littering
her body, and on top of that she’d been up with Jewel a lot last night. He
wondered if she would let him do the baby duties tonight.

shifted the mattress from that first spare room into Jewel’s room,” she said.
“I don’t want her to wake up alone and be scared in a new place.”

nodded, stepping out from behind the kitchen, moving into Melodee’s personal
space. He couldn’t help himself, he was drawn to her, and right now it was all
he could do to stop himself pulling her into his arms and drowning in her

you have a basketball game tomorrow?” Melodee hadn’t missed Charles’ comment
from before.

we have two games left before Christmas break.” He grinned at her. “Looks like
you’ll get to see your first game.”

raised her eyebrows. “What makes you think I’ll be there? I have to look after

Melodee could stop him, Nathan reached out and captured her arms, his large
hands wrapping around her biceps as he pulled her closer. She could have freed
herself, but right now she was struggling just with the breathing part.

and Jewel will be there, front and center. It would be expected of my

attempted to moisten her dry lips. “I'm not your girlfriend.”

laughed, releasing her from the intensity of his body. “Right now you are, and
everyone will be watching. Do it for Jewel,” he added.

eyes narrowed, and before he could process her movements she’d pressed right up
to him. Her voice was low and breathy. “I know what you’re doing, Nathan
Sinclair,” she snarled at him, “and if you don’t stop I’m going to kick your

laughed then, she was so damn tiny, but he had seen her skills firsthand. “Is
it messed up that you’re actually turning me on with those threats?”

stilled before him and he caught the flaring of her eyes. He wasn’t the only
one feeling it. Time to push his luck.

steps and she was in his arms.

seconds and his lips were on hers.

breaths and she owned him.


Melodee couldn’t figure out
what happened. One minute they were arguing – she was threatening him, which
was what she did best – and then he was kissing her. Nathan was everywhere, and
at the same time he was gentle, just his lips on hers. She couldn't stop the
moan as their tongues clashed, an intimate dance between both mouths. If this
was how he kissed, her knees almost buckled at the thought of his mouth on
other parts of her body. Her nipples hardened then, as if they’d had the same
thought. She knew, somewhere in the back of her frenzied mind, that she should
be pulling away. Nathan was not from her world, and he had ‘heartbreaker’
written all over him. But instead she pushed further into him, seeking more,
demanding more.

height difference forced her to stand on tiptoes and crane her neck, but Nathan
gripped her thighs and hauled her into his arms. She could feel his arousal
pressed to the most intimate part of her, and right now she could think of
nothing but having him inside her.

Dee, if you don’t tell me to stop right now, I won’t,” he groaned, his hands
tightening on her legs as he pulled her closer to him.

didn’t think she had the ability to speak, let alone push him away. Her body
wanted this more than it wanted anything else right now.

cries rang through the room, startling Melodee. She wrenched her mouth from
Nathan's, but he didn’t put her down straight away. He rested his forehead
against hers, his breathing hard and jagged. “Well, fuck,” he said.

hate that word,” Melodee whispered to him.

eyes captured hers, and this close the blue and green was faceted with a
million shining pigments. “You better go see Jewel.”

stumbled down, her normally graceful walk nowhere to be seen. Jewel’s second
cry had her snapping out of her dazed arousal. She turned from Nathan and moved
toward the nursery.

and Melodee…”

spun her head around to meet his fiery stare, his expression intense. “You’ll
be at the game.”

her gaze free, she turned away from him. She was in no position to argue right


Later that night Melodee couldn’t
sleep. Damn Nathan. She’d always been able to shut her mind off, through
murder, mayhem and torture. But one freaking kiss had her too hot and bothered
to sleep. Jewel, on the other hand, was sleeping soundly, her breathing even
and smooth. Nathan had insisted on buying a breathing sensor mat; its flashing
light was blinking away. But it definitely gave Melodee peace of mind and she
should be able to sleep. She rolled over onto her stomach again; the shirt and
shorts she was wearing felt like they were strangling her, although she was
grateful to have some of her own stuff. Charles had picked up her backpack from
her place. Everything was inside, since she’d never had a chance to unpack at
her apartment. And now she also had her cash, and Nathan could stop paying for


wasn’t startled by his low, deep voice. She had heard him approach the open
door. He perched in the doorway and was shirtless, his body even more muscled
than she had expected. Her eyes greedily devoured him. His tattoo was nothing
short of spectacular, an intricate mix of tribal and picture art that blended
shades of black, gray and purple. It was definitely from a top tattoo artist
and she wanted to run her hands over it so badly. Trace every line and mark on
his body.

distract herself she sat up. “When is the funeral?” she asked.

week. Coach called earlier. We’ll be wearing bands for Doug in the game
tonight.” He shifted to stand straighter. “Going to be tough playing without my

Melodee couldn’t take the tension any longer. She threw the blankets off and
got to her feet. Standing on the mattress brought her close to Nathan’s height.

are you doing?”

moved forward until he was at the edge of her bed. “What are you talking

shook her head. “You know exactly what I’m talking about. Why are you being so
nice? Why do you want Jewel and I here?”

forced herself to calm and lower her voice, so as not to wake Jewel. “I’m not
your charity case, Nathan. I don’t need you.”

remained passive, watching her, waiting for the tirade to end. “Have you ever
thought that I need you?”

words had tears springing to her eyes again. She fought them off. What could
she possibly offer someone like Nathan?

what are we doing then? What is this? What are we? You said you weren’t the
right man for me.”

had to know, for some reason she wanted it defined. She couldn’t bring herself
to rely on someone after so many years of being alone. Generally, she wrapped
her independence around herself, shutting out the world, but she’d gone soft
now. She wanted to know everything.

eyes darkened to a cobalt blue. “I said I wasn’t a good enough man for you, and
that’s still true, but I’ve decided to be a selfish ass. There’s something
between us, Dee, I’m not stupid enough to deny it any longer. I want you.” He
ran a hand through his hair, it fell back down in attractive disarray. “I’ve
never wanted anyone this way.”

just like that Melodee was content to leave things the way they were; to push
would only force something unnatural, and she didn’t want that. But, she had to
warn him not to expect anything from her.

fine with moving forward and just dealing with Jewel, making sure she’s safe
and cared for. But I’m not sure there’s a long term future for us, Nate. Our
worlds are just too far apart.”

laughed. “Don’t be one of those people. Our families, our pasts, it doesn’t
mean shit. If we want to be together, nothing should stop us.”

oversimplifying something that’s complicated. You’re in college, an almost pro
basketball player. I don’t have a career. I’m a cage fighter and a nomad who
moves with the circuit. I’ve never settled and I’ve never had a home. I was
raised by monsters, I’m damaged and I don’t know if I even could exist in a
normal home.”

was in her face now, the hard planes of his bare chest pushing against her
breasts. Her body reacted, those disloyal nipples straining against her thin

building is not a home, a family makes a home,” he whispered to her. “And your
capacity to love tells me that you aren’t as damaged as you would like to

she protested. Or begged.

need you to admit, that what we could have, is worth pursuing,” he murmured. “And
while it’s damn hard to fight against my attraction to you when you stand
before me like this, I promise you, until you say the words, there will be no
sex … no touching … no kissing.” His lips brushed the edge of her jaw as he
spoke. Melodee’s knees buckled and he caught her, his fingertips brushing along
the side of her breasts. “But I’m going to pursue you, Melodee Lee, so prepare

collapsed onto the bed as he left the room. Her heart was rapidly beating and
she could feel her pulse racing. She had to stop herself from leaving the room
and begging Nathan to take her right now, consequences be damned. Instead, she
pulled herself up, checked on Jewel and had another shower in her attached
bathroom. But for once the running water didn’t leave her feeling renewed. Just


A black-haired girl, with
pouty lips and fake bouncy breasts, brushed up close to Nathan as they walked
across campus. “Can’t wait to see you tonight, Nate.” He gave a non-committal
smile and pushed past her. His gym bag bounced over one shoulder, and Jewel’s
diaper bag over the other.

Slam Dunk, knock ‘em dead tonight,” a man shouted and waved from across the
central quad area.

couldn’t get over the way the student body of Syracuse treated Nathan. He was
their god. Women threw themselves at him, men wanted to be his friend. And more
than one curious glance was thrown toward the female and baby at his side. He
didn’t seem to give a shit about any of it. Which helped to quell her inbred
assassin instincts, which were urging her to break that chick’s arm as a
warning. That’s where Melodee knew she’d be dangerous. She would never tolerate
cheating, and when she loved someone, if they hurt her through their own
stupidity or weakness she would probably kill them. She had to smile at these
thoughts. Would Nathan still want her if he knew how crazy she was deep down?

reached out and took her hand. Her heart fluttered even though she knew he was
keeping up the fake-girlfriend-appearances. At this point the curious female
glances changed to glares. And mutters.

stepped out from behind a building, a backpack slung over one arm “Lucky you’re
a cage fighter, Dee. Looks like things are about to get scratchy and
hair-pully.” He reached out and gave her a one arm hug, and a kiss for Jewel as
they walked. “You’ll have to watch the women, they get a little crazy over
young Nate.”

pulled her closer to him. “Ignore Charlie.”

the hell is she?”

whiny voice reached Melodee’s hearing. She turned her head to see two
bottle-blondes following them.

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