Soul Harvest: The World Takes Sides (23 page)

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Authors: Tim Lahaye,Jerry B. Jenkins

Tags: #Adventure, #Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Adult, #Thriller, #Contemporary, #Spiritual, #Religion

BOOK: Soul Harvest: The World Takes Sides
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Tsion’s main message for the day was based on Revelation 8 and 9. Those chapters supported his contention that the earthquake, the foretold wrath of the Lamb, ushered in the second twenty-one months of the Tribulation.

There are seven years, or eighty-four months, in all. So, my dear friends, you can see that we are now one quarter of the way through. Unfortunately, as bad as things have been, they get progressively worse as we race headlong toward the end, the glorious appearing of Christ.

What is next? In Revelation 8:5 an angel takes a censer, fills it with fire from the altar of God, and throws it to the earth. That results in noise, thunder, lightning, and an earthquake.

That same chapter goes on to say that seven angels with seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound. That is where we are now. Sometime over the next twenty-one months, the first angel will sound, and hail and fire will follow, mingled with blood, thrown down to the earth. This will burn a third of the trees and all the green grass.

Later a second angel will sound the second trumpet, and the Bible says a great mountain burning with fire will be thrown into the sea. This will turn a third of the water to blood, kill a third of the living creatures in the sea, and sink a third of the ships.

The third angel’s trumpet sound will result in a great star falling from heaven, burning like a torch. It will somehow fall over a wide area and land in a third of the rivers and springs. This star is even named in Scripture. The book of Revelation calls it Wormwood. Where it falls, the water becomes bitter and people die from drinking it.

How can a thinking person see all that has happened and not fear what is to come? If there are still unbelievers after the third Trumpet Judgment, the fourth should convince everyone. Anyone who resists the warnings of God at that time will likely have already decided to serve the enemy. The fourth Trumpet Judgment is a striking of the sun, the moon, and the stars so that a third of the sun, a third of the moon, and a third of the stars are darkened. We will never again see sunshine as bright as we have before. The brightest summer day with the sun high in the sky will be only two-thirds as bright as it ever was.

How will this be explained away?

In the middle of this, the writer of the Revelation says he looked and heard an angel “flying through the midst of heaven.” It was saying with a loud voice, “Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth, because of the remaining blasts of the trumpet of the three angels who are about to sound!”

In my next lesson, I will cover those last three Trumpet Judgments of the second twenty-one months of the Tribulation. But, my beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, victory is also coming. Let me remind you with a few choice passages of Scripture that the outcome has already been determined. We win! But we must share the truth and expose the darkness and bring as many as possible to Christ in these last days.

I want to show you why I believe there is a great soul harvest coming. But first, consider these statements and promises: In the Old Testament book of Joel 2:28-32, God is speaking. He says, “And it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions. And also on My menservants and on my maidservants I will pour out My Spirit in those days.

“And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth: blood and fire and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord.

“And it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. For in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there shall be deliverance, as the Lord has said, among the remnant whom the Lord calls.”

Is that not a wonderful and most blessed promise? Revelation 7 indicates that the trumpet judgments I just mentioned will not come until the servants of God have been sealed on their foreheads. There will no longer be any question who the true believers are. Those first four angels, to whom it was granted to carry out the first four Trumpet Judgments, were instructed, “Do not harm the earth, the sea, or the trees till we have sealed the servants of our God on their foreheads.” Thus it is clear that this sealing comes first. Just within the last several hours, it has become clear to me and to other brothers and sisters in Christ that the seal on the forehead of the true believer is already visible, but apparently only to other believers. This was a thrilling discovery, and I look forward to hearing from many of you who detect it on each other.

The word servants, from the Greek word doulos, is the same word the apostles Paul and James used when they referred to themselves as the bond slaves of Jesus Christ. The chief function of a servant of Christ is to communicate the gospel of the grace of God. We will be inspired by the fact that we can understand the book of Revelation, which was given by God, according to the first verse of the first chapter “to show His servants things which must shortly take place.” The third verse says, “Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it, for the time is near.”

Although we will go through great persecution, we can comfort ourselves that during the Tribulation we look forward to astounding events outlined in Revelation, the last book in God’s revealed plan for man.

Now indulge me for one more verse from Revelation 7, and I will conclude with why I anticipate this great harvest of souls.

Revelation 7:9 quotes John the revelator, “After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could number [emphasis mine], of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, with palm branches in their hands. ...”

These are the tribulation saints. Now follow me carefully. In a later verse, Revelation 9: 16, the writer numbers the army of horsemen in a battle at two hundred million. If such a vast army can be numbered, what might the Scriptures mean when they refer to the tribulation saints, those who come to Christ during this period, as “a great multitude which no one could number” [emphasis mine]?

Do you see why I believe we are justified in trusting God for more than a billion souls during this period? Let us pray for that great harvest. All who name Christ as their Redeemer can have a part in this, the greatest task ever assigned to mankind. I look forward to interacting with you again soon.

With love, in the matchless name of the Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior, Tsion Ben-Judah.

Rayford could barely keep his eyes open, but he was thrilled with Tsion’s boundless enthusiasm and insightful teaching. He returned to the bulletin board and blinked. The number at the top of the screen was in the tens of thousands and rising. Rayford wanted to add to the avalanche, but he was exhausted.

Nicolae Carpathia had addressed the globe on radio and television. No doubt the response would be monumental. But would it rival the reaction to this converted rabbi, communicating from exile to a new, growing family?

Buck reminded himself that, for the moment, he was not just a doctor, but also an egomaniac. He strode to room 335 without so much as a nod to the two Global Community guards. As he pushed open the door, they stepped into his path.

“Excuse me!” he said with disgust. “Miss Ashton’s alarm rang, so unless you want to be responsible for the death of my patient, you will let me pass.”

The guards looked at each other, appearing uncertain. The woman reached for Buck’s ID tag. He pushed her hand away and entered the room, locking the door.

He hesitated before turning around, prepared to respond if they began banging.

They didn’t.

Draperies hid both patients. Buck pulled back the first to reveal his wife. He held his breath as his eyes traveled over the sheet from feet to neck. It felt as if his heart was literally breaking. Poor sweet Chloe had no idea what she was getting into when she agreed to marry him. He bit his lip hard. There was no time to emote. He was grateful she seemed to be sleeping peacefully. Her right arm was in a cast from wrist to shoulder. Her left arm lay motionless at her side, an IV needle in the back of her hand.

Buck set the clipboard on the bed and slipped his hand under hers. The baby-soft skin he cherished made him long to gather her in his arms, to soothe her, to take her pain. He bent and brushed her fingers with his lips, his tears falling between them. He jumped when he felt a weak grip and looked at her. She stared at him. “I’m here!” he whispered desperately. He moved to where he could caress her cheek. “Chloe, sweetheart, it’s Buck.”

He leaned close. Her gaze followed him. He forced himself not to look at her shattered right side. She was his sweet, innocent wife on one side and a monster on the other. He took her hand again.

“Can you hear me? Chloe, squeeze my hand again.”

No response.

Buck hurried to the other side and pulled back the drape to peek through to the other bed. A. Ashton was in her late fifties and appeared to be in a coma. Buck returned, grabbed his clipboard, and studied Chloe’s face. Her look still followed him. Could she hear? Was she conscious?

He unlocked the door and stepped quickly into the hall. “She’s out of danger for the moment,” he said, “but we’ve got a problem. Who told you Miss Ashton was in bed?”

“Excuse me, doctor,” the woman guard said, “but we have nothing to do with the patients. Our responsibility is the door.”

“So, you’re not responsible for this screwup?”

“Absolutely not,” the woman said.

Buck pulled the adhesive strips from the door and reversed them. “Ma’am, can you handle this post yourself while this young man finds me a marker?”

“Certainly, sir. Craig, get him a marker.”


Buck slipped back into Chloe’s room, desperate to let her know he was there and she was safe.

He could hardly bear to look at her black and purple face with the eye so swollen. He gently took her hand and leaned close. “Chloe, I’m here, and I won’t let anything happen to you. But I need your help. Squeeze my hand. Blink. Let me know you’re with me.”

No response. Buck lay his cheek on her pillow, his lips inches from her ear.

“Oh, God,” he prayed, “why couldn’t you have let this happen to me? Why her?

Help me get her out of here, God, please!”

Her hand felt like a feather, and she seemed fragile as a newborn. What a contrast to the strong woman he had loved and come to know. She was not only fearless, but she was also smart. How he wished she was up to being his ally in this.

Chloe’s breathing accelerated, and Buck opened his eyes as a tear slid past her ear. He looked her in the face. She blinked furiously, and he wondered if she was trying to communicate. “I’m here,” he said over and over. “Chloe, it’s Buck.”

The GC guard had been gone too long. Buck prayed he was out there waiting with the marker but too intimidated to knock. Otherwise, who knew whom he might bring with him and what might squash any chance Buck had to protect Chloe.

He spoke quickly. “Sweetheart, I don’t know if you can hear me, but try to concentrate. I’m switching your name with the woman’s in the other bed. Her name is Ashton. And I’m pretending to be your doctor. OK? Can you grasp that?”

Buck waited, hoping. Finally, a flicker.

“I got you those,” she whispered.

“What? Chloe, what? It’s me, Buck. You got me what?”

She licked her lips and swallowed. “I got you those, and you broke them.”

He concluded she was delirious. This was gibberish. He shook his head and smiled at her. “Stick with me, kid, and we’ll pull something off.”

“Doctor Buck,” she rasped, attempting a lopsided smile.

“Yes! Chloe! You know me.”

She squinted and blinked slowly now as if staying awake was an effort. “You should take better care of gifts.”

“I don’t know what you’re saying, sweetness, and I’m not sure you do either. But whatever I did, I’m sorry.”

For the first time, she turned to face him. “You broke your glasses, Doctor Buck.”

Buck reflexively touched the frames on his head. “Yes! Chloe, listen to me. I’m trying to protect you. I switched the names on the door. You’re—”

“Ashton,” she managed.

“Yes! And your first initial is A. What’s a good A name?”

“Annie,” she said. “I’m Annie Ashton.”

“Perfect. And who am I?”

She pressed her lips together and started to form a B, then changed. “My doctor,” she said.

Buck turned to go see if Craig, the guard, had brought the marker. “Doctor,”

Chloe called out. “Wristbands.”

She was thinking! How could he forget that someone could easily check their hospital ID bracelets?

He yanked hers apart, careful not to dislodge the IV. He slipped behind A.

Ashton’s curtain. She still appeared sound asleep. He carefully removed her bracelet, noticing she did not appear even to be breathing. He put his ear close to her nose but heard and felt nothing. He could find no pulse. He switched the wristbands.

Buck knew this only bought him time. It wouldn’t be long before someone discovered that this postmenopausal dead woman was not a pregnant twenty-two-year-old. But for the time being, she was Mother Doe.

When Buck emerged, the guards were talking to an older doctor. Craig, black marker in hand, was saying, “... we weren’t sure what to do.”

The doctor, tall, bespectacled, and gray, carried three charts. He scowled at Buck.

Buck sneaked a peek at the name sewn on his breast pocket. “Dr. Lloyd!” he exulted, thrusting out his hand.

The doctor reluctantly shook it, “Do I—?”

“Why, I haven’t seen you since that, uh, that—”

“The symposium?”

“Right! The one at, um—”


“Yeah, you were brilliant.”

The doctor looked flustered, as if trying to remember Buck, yet the praise had not been lost on him. “Well, j_”

“And one of your kids was up to something. What was it?”

“Oh, I may have mentioned my son, who just got his internship.”

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