[Southern Arcana 1] Crux (28 page)

Read [Southern Arcana 1] Crux Online

Authors: Moira Rogers

Tags: #paranormal romance, #urban fantasy

BOOK: [Southern Arcana 1] Crux
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Mackenzie listened to the silence for a few tense seconds before dropping the receiver back in its cradle. She pulled her legs up on the bed and stared at Marcus’s back. “You heard him. Jackson said they’ll give Eddie a chance.”

“Yes.” Marcus glanced back over his shoulder and smiled weakly. “Thanks for asking after him.”

“You can talk to Nick when she gets here,” Mackenzie offered, struggling against the instinctive need to bridge the space between them, to comfort him. “She can help you. With her dad, I mean. She’s really nice.”

His expression didn’t change. “Yes, I’m sure she is.” There was no hint of sarcasm in his words. “But I have no claim on her assistance.”

She couldn’t take it anymore. His pain found an answering echo inside her, and she slipped off the bed and crossed the short distance to his. Energy prickled along her skin as she reached out and curled her fingers around his. “The way I figure, our fucked-up family history makes you the closest thing I’m ever going to have to a brother. So I’ll make claims for both of us, if you can help me deal with this whole turning-into-a-giant-cat thing.”

He squeezed her hand. “Thank you.”




“You’re welcome.” She dropped to the edge of the bed and bumped him with her elbow. “Scoot over. I’m too jittery to sleep, and I’m pretty sure it’s my right and duty as a bratty little sister to make you suffer with me.” Marcus laughed as he complied. “Good luck explaining this to your boyfriend.”

Mackenzie stretched out next to him. “After all the leaps of faith I’ve made for him over the past week, I think he owes me one.” Her fingers tightened around Marcus’s hand.

“Besides. I got the impression there aren’t a whole lot of us left. I still don’t understand it, Marcus. I mean, my instincts aren’t telling me to have your babies, but there’s this whole other…person. Creature. Something inside me, and she trusts you.”

“There aren’t many of us left,” he confirmed. “Perhaps no more than twenty in the country, now.”

She closed her eyes and asked the last question she wanted to hear the answer to. “You don’t want this plan, do you? I mean, do you think it’s your duty to have magical kids with me?”

She thought he might not answer. Finally, he sighed and pulled her closer with an arm around her shoulders. “No, I never really wanted it. I mean, you’re lovely, and I want to have children someday. I’m just not certain I want them to have the responsibility of saving the cougars.” He gave her a www.samhainpublishing.com 307

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wry look. “It hasn’t worked out so well for us, after all, has it?”

“It’s a lot to put on a kid,” she agreed quietly. “It was a lot to put on
. Too much. Maybe I’m lacking perspective because I’m so new to this, but… Well, it would be sad if the cougars disappeared, but is it somehow going to be better if the ones who are left half-kill themselves trying to stop it?”

“I don’t have any answers.” He lifted one shoulder in a tiny shrug. “If Charles could start over at this point, I think he would. But he’d have to find new parents, cast the necessary spells during pregnancy, and then wait for those children to grow up like us. He just doesn’t have time.” She shivered. “I think you should go to New York. Go check on Eddie. Talk to the Conclave, tell them what you know. And…let us deal with the rest of it.”
Let us kill the only
man who’s ever been a father to you.
It was the only way they’d be safe. She had no sympathy in her for Charles and his insanity, not after what he’d done to her parents, to Marcus’s parents, to

“If they’d allow me to speak, I’d like to.”

“We’ll find a way. When it’s all over, maybe you could help me learn how to deal with this stuff. How to understand what I’m feeling.”




“I can try.” He smiled again, and there was less pain in the expression. “It’s not like I have a lot of other things on my plate right now.”

“Sure you do. You get to decide what you want to do with your life. All those things you didn’t get to think about when you were responsible for the legacy of an entire race.”

“Funny,” he murmured, his eyes drifting shut. “This way seems a lot scarier.”

She stroked his cheek lightly and brushed a strand of dark hair away from his forehead, protective tenderness rising in her. “Yeah, I’m familiar with that feeling. But my friends are good people, Marcus. They’ll understand.” At least, she hoped they would. “They’ll help us both. We may be weirdly orphaned, big shapeshifting cats, but we’re not alone.” He opened his eyes again, but didn’t look at her. “You’re not, anyway.”

Mackenzie considered saying something sympathetic. She considered trying to reassure him.

Instead she frowned and dug her elbow into his side.

“Hey, I said you had me, and I meant it. If I can forgive you for chasing me through five cities and pretty much destroying my life, you can man up and forgive yourself. So stop whining and get ready to get your ass to New York so you can get your…friend back.”
Or whatever the hell Eddie is to you.

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He grunted. “Okay.” After a second, he rubbed his side.

“That hurt.”

She choked on a laugh. “I guess I’m super strong now.

It’s your fault for not teaching me how to avoid hurting people with it.”

“We can work on that too.”

“Mmm.” She closed her eyes to keep from checking the clock again. “Later. Go back to sleep, Marcus. I’m sure we’re not going to have a lot of time to sleep once they get here.” 310


Chapter Twenty-Two

She must have dozed off. She remembered staring at the wall and fighting the urge to check the clock a dozen times, but at some point she fell asleep, because she jerked awake when she heard the quiet knock at the door.

Marcus woke a second later, but she’d already tumbled off the bed, her attention focused on the door, on the familiar scent outside it and the soft sound of Nick’s voice as she mumbled something.


She ignored Marcus’s warning and bolted to the door, her hands shaking as she tore at the chain lock. “It’s them, I can hear them, I can smell them—”
Oh God, and that might be the
most disturbing thing

But it didn’t matter. She clawed at the lock and yanked open the door. Jackson stood there, looking bone-weary but relieved to see her. She ignored everyone else and flung herself at him, winding her arms around him as she nuzzled her face against his neck.

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“Kenzie.” His arms locked around her, and he lifted her off her feet. “Are you okay?” He spoke quietly but urgently.

“Are you really okay?”

“I am now.” She whispered the words against his jaw and dragged her head back so she could stare at him. “Are you?”

“Yeah. Yeah, I think so.” He looked past her and his face hardened. “Marcus Foster, I guess.”

“That’s him,” Nick confirmed. “We met several years ago.”

Marcus straightened his shirt and took a deep breath. “I remember. Hello.”

“Jackson.” She tightened her fingers in his hair and forced his gaze back to her. “Don’t. He had no idea what was going on. When he found out, he risked his life to get me out.” Nick stepped past them both and favored Marcus with a small smile and an outstretched hand. “Call me Nick. Want to go downstairs for a drink with me and Alec?” Marcus cleared his throat. “Mackenzie?” She turned her head and met his eyes, recognizing the nervousness and indecision, and underneath the slightest bit of protective concern. “Nick will take care of you.” Her cheeks heated, but it didn’t stop her. “Did you guys get a room?

Jackson and I need to talk, I think.”

Nick coughed. “We will be on an entirely different floor.

Trust me on that.”




Oh, yeah. She was blushing now. A different heat curled through her, spurred on by the proximity of Jackson’s body and sheer, giddy relief at having him safe in her arms. “Okay.

Yeah, you can go with them, Marcus. I’ll be okay.”
I’ll be
wonderful. I’ll be

Marcus nodded and grabbed his shoes. “I’ll be at the bar or—or wherever.” He hurried to follow Nick and slammed the door behind him.

Mackenzie drew in a breath and turned back to meet Jackson’s eyes again. “I think they think I’m going to—”

“Yeah.” He rubbed his forehead and sighed. “We need to talk about what’s happened, I guess.”

“God, Jackson.” She stepped forward and curled her arms around him, soothed instinctively by the warmth of his body and the steady beat of his heart. Holding him felt different now, probably because of the senses she couldn’t control yet.

The jumble of scents was hard to sort through, but the sharp, metallic smell of blood was unmistakable, and it made her tense. “Promise me you’re okay, first.”

“What? Oh. It’s not my blood.” His fingers wove into her hair, and his eyes darkened. “I can’t talk about it right now. If I start thinking about it…”

“Shh.” She kissed the pulse beating too fast in his neck.

“We’re here. We’re safe. We can talk later. We
a later now—”

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His mouth cut off the rest of her words, and he lifted her again. When he lowered her this time, she felt the softness of the bed against her back. His lips stayed on hers, coaxing and caressing. His tongue traced the corner of her mouth and dove inside to stroke over her teeth and tongue.

He kissed her with an expertise that set her heart to racing and shot heat through her. There was nothing slow or tentative about his kiss, nothing of the shy, cautious gentleman who’d taken such pains not to cross any lines before. His tongue teased at hers until she moaned in pleasure, and he responded by easing one thigh between hers and rocking against her.

Finally, he raised his head. “I’ve been wanting to do that for days.”

Mackenzie panted for breath as she slid her hands into his hair. “Only days?”

Jackson kissed the inside of her wrist and chuckled.

“Since the last time I saw you. I’m pretty sure I had already told you how much I wanted to kiss you before that.”

“The last time you saw me, I was half naked and getting the hell kissed out of me.” She rocked her hips, rubbing against his thigh with a soft moan. “God damn it, Jackson, if you tell me you’re not going to violate me in about ten different ways, I’m going to use my newly discovered superstrength to kick your
.” 314



“You were
naked,” he corrected. His hand eased under her shirt, and a crooked smile curved his lips. “I remember it pretty damn clearly.”

She shivered as his fingers traced a slow path up her side, but when he inched the shirt higher she remembered why she wasn’t wearing a bra—and why she was in sweats and an oversized shirt. “Shit. The clothes. They’re warded or something. So Talbot couldn’t find us. Will they still work if I take them off?”

He arched an eyebrow. “Hell if I know, baby. We can keep the shirt, though, just to be safe.” Mackenzie hissed her frustration, yanked at his shirt and froze when the sound of tearing fabric filled the room. Heat flooded her cheeks and she squeezed her eyes shut. “I didn’t mean to do that.”

His shoulders shook, and it took her a minute to realize he was laughing. “Do I need to worry about particularly cherished body parts, Kenzie?” Affection and desire colored his voice, made it husky and low.

“Maybe,” she retorted, tugging on his shirt more gently this time. She worked her hands under it and slid them across the warm skin of his back, thrilled by the play of strong muscles under skin. “Turns out you’re going to be the first man I have sex with now that I’ve got all my super powers.

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Maybe you should restrain me so I don’t injure you by mistake.”

He leaned up and tugged the shirt over his head. “Left my handcuffs at home. I’ll just have to take my chances.” When he moved again, he stretched out on the bed beside her and toyed with the waistband of her sweats.

Mackenzie turned over and gave in to the temptation to press her mouth to his bare chest. Her fingers found his waist and she curled her hand around it as she kissed her way to his collarbone and down. “Foreplay,” she whispered before circling her tongue teasingly around his nipple. “I want a lot of it.”

Jackson hissed in a breath and tangled his fingers in her hair. “I thought I did an okay job last time.”

did an okay job.” She scored his nipple with her teeth before swiping her tongue over it again. “Actually you did a pretty damn amazing job. But I didn’t get much of a chance.”

He moaned softly and held her mouth to his skin. “If it’s that important to you, I promise to let you make it up to me now.”

She kissed her way across his chest and paid the same attention to his other nipple, unbelievably turned on by the way she could hear his heart pounding in his chest. He wanted 316



her with the same fervor that she wanted him. About that, at least, there could be no doubt.

So she took her time. She teased across his chest with her tongue and nipped at his skin, enjoying every low moan and the way his fingers tightened in her hair when she found a particularly sensitive spot. She worked her way back to his shoulders and she slid over him, straddling his hips and rocking. “You feel so damn good.”

His hands framed her hips and drew her down against him, harder and slower. “I am
hating that shirt right now,” he rasped.

She sucked in a breath and fought the urge to tear the shirt off. “Maybe it’ll be fine on the bed next to us. Or under us.” She curled her fingers around his hand and coaxed it under the shirt. “Or we can just be creative.”

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