Read Southern Comfort: Compass Brothers, Book 2 Online

Authors: Mari Carr and Jayne Rylon

Southern Comfort: Compass Brothers, Book 2 (18 page)

BOOK: Southern Comfort: Compass Brothers, Book 2
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They were silent for several minutes as Seth soaked up her warmth, let her strength renew his spirit. He wasn’t alone anymore. That realization made everything so much easier to bear.

Finally she loosened her hold, leaning back to look at him. With gentle hands, she wiped away the wetness on his face. “I love you.” She followed her words with a soft kiss.

She started to pull away, but he followed her lips, not wanting to let her go. He gripped her face, holding her close as he let himself fall into her kisses. He needed to escape. Needed something pure and good and wonderful to wash away the heavy feelings weighing him down.

“Make me forget, Jody. For a little while, take me away from here. I need you.”

She placed her hand against his cheek, nodding once. She leaned forward to place her lips on his—the light touch soothing, comforting.

Then her fingers reached for the buttons on his shirt. He deepened the kiss, pushing his tongue into her mouth. He wanted her, more than he’d ever wanted anyone.

She sensed what he needed as her fingers moved faster along the buttons. By the time she reached the last two, she gave up and pulled the shirt apart roughly, the material tearing.

He rose, lifting her off his lap, but not leaving the sanctuary of her lips. He kicked off his shoes and, together, they hastily worked to free him of his pants. Backing her up slowly, he trapped her legs against his mattress as he stripped off her bra and panties. They were both panting by the time he pushed her onto the bed.

Her legs opened to welcome him, and he didn’t waste a second as he accepted all that her body offered. He pushed into her wet heat in one thrust, both of them groaning with relief and arousal. For the first time since returning to Wyoming, he knew he was truly home. With Jody by his side, he could handle whatever life threw his way. She gave him strength and hope.

He pounded into her body, each thrust a promise that he’d always care for her, always be there, always love her.

They came together, a rush of power and joy flowing through him. It wasn’t until he pulled out that another realization crashed down on him.

He looked at her face and saw she’d recognized the same thing. She smiled, showing him she wasn’t mad.

“Maybe it’s a good thing we’re planning a quick wedding. Given the fact, I can’t seem to remember the damn condom,” he said.

He rolled to her side and caressed her cheek as they lay facing each other on the bed.

She put her arm around his waist, her hand drifting up to touch his tattoo. “I hope we did make a baby,” she admitted. “I want a family, just like yours. Lots of kids.”

He chuckled. “Not exactly like mine. I want a little girl. One who looks just like you.”

She kissed him softly. “You might regret that wish one day.”

He shook his head. “Never. I want her to have your chestnut hair, your bright blue eyes…”

“My impertinent ways and love of four-letter words?” she added, teasingly.

He laughed, rolling over to tuck her beneath his body. His cock was hard and ready for her again. “Especially those two things.”

“I love you, cowboy.”

He kissed her as he pressed into her body once more. “I love you too, darlin’. Now how about we try again to make that sassy little girl?”

About the Authors

Jayne Rylon and Mari Carr met at a writing conference in June 2009 and instantly became arch-enemies. Two authors couldn't be more opposite. Mari, when free of her librarian-by-day alter ego, enjoys a drink or two or…more. Jayne, allergic to alcohol, lost huge sections her financial-analyst mind to an epic explosion resulting from Mari gloating about her hatred of math. To top it off, they both had works in progress with similar titles and their heroes shared a name. One of them would have to go.

The battle between them for dominance was a bloody, but short one, when they realized they’d be better off combining their forces for good (or smut). With the ink dry on the peace treaty, they emerged as good friends, who have a remarkable amount in common despite their differences, and their writing partnership has flourished. Except for the time Mari attempted to poison Jayne with a bottle of Patron. Accident or retaliation? You decide.

Jayne and Mari can be found troublemaking on their yahoo loop at:

You can follow their book-loving insanity on Twitter or Facebook or send them a personal note at [email protected] or [email protected].

Look for these titles by Jayne Rylon

Now Available:


Ménage and More

Nice and Naughty

Three’s Company


Dream Machine


Men in Blue

Night is Darkest

Razor’s Edge



Kate’s Crew

Morgan’s Surprise

Kayla’s Gift


Compass Brothers (with Mari Carr)

Northern Exposure


Coming Soon:


Eastern Ambition

Western Ties



Kayla’s Gift

Devon’s Pair

Look for these titles by Mari Carr

Now Available:


Because of You


Black & White

Erotic Research

Tequila Truth

Learning Curves

Rough Cut

Happy Hour

Power Play


Compass Brothers (with Jayne Rylon)

Northern Exposure


Coming Soon:


Black & White

Slam Dunk


Compass Brothers (with Jayne Rylon)

Eastern Ambition

Western Ties

All roads lead home when that’s where you’ve left your heart.


Northern Exposure

© 2011 Jayne Rylon and Mari Carr


Compass Brothers, Book 1

Silas Compton always had his eye on Lucy, the veterinarian’s daughter. He was even content to wait for the girl of his dreams to grow up before getting anywhere near her with his family’s double-edged legacy.

Waiting around led to fooling around with his best friend—and an impulsive eruption of desire that Lucy’s innocent eyes weren’t meant to see. Figuring Compton Pass wasn’t big enough for either the three of them or the pain he’d caused, Silas let loose his tightly reined wanderlust and headed for Alaska.

Ten years later, when an oil rig accident sends him home, he braces himself for the reopening of old wounds. Instead he finds himself in the care—and welcoming arms—of Lucy and Colby, whose marriage has plenty of room for the man they both still love. And forgive with all their hearts.

As things start to unravel at Compass Ranch, Silas must dig deep for the strength to assume his rightful place in the Compton family…and lay the foundation for a future with his lovers. If he can forgive himself.


Enjoy the following excerpt for
Northern Exposure:

“Colby! JD!”

Lucy didn’t give a damn if she spooked every animal on the ranch. The screen door to the main house slammed behind her. She screamed for her husband again as she tore along the porch and crossed the yard, past the freshly painted barn.

Ranch hands stared at the unusual display, several jogging after her to offer assistance. None of them would do.

In the distance, she caught a glimpse of the two men she sought astride gorgeous mounts. When she waved her arms but kept running, they spurred the horses to a gallop. It was silly. She couldn’t reach them faster than they could ride back. Still, she didn’t bother to stop herself from ducking between the rails of the fence to intercept them a millisecond sooner.

Thank God they hadn’t left for the outer pastures yet.

On any other day she might have taken an instant to admire the two powerful men racing side by side—the owner of Compass Ranch and his foreman—as they barreled down on her. Right now, she needed the arms of her husband as she delivered terrible news.

The stuff of a parent’s nightmares.

Colby started dismounting before his horse had come to a complete stop. He dropped beside her, cupping her shoulders in his broad hands to peer at her tear-stained face.

“What’s the matter, Luce?” His sun-kissed cheeks appeared pale, an impressive feat. “What is it?”

He shook her a bit when the truth strangled her.

JD pried Colby’s fingers from her arm then snuggled her into a paternal embrace. In the six years since her dad had suffered a massive heart attack and died while treating a foal in the middle of the night, JD had taken over as her honorary father. After raising four sons and countless ranchers, he got a mite protective over his little girl.

He smoothed her hair, shooting a glare at Colby after inspecting the red marks lingering on the skin bared by her tank top.

“Shit! Sorry.” Her husband whipped his hat from his head and slapped it on his thigh. “You’re killing me, baby. What’s wrong?”

Lucy gulped, reaching for his hand. He cradled it this time, begging her with those sky blue eyes not to say their worst fear aloud. She couldn’t give him what he hoped for.

“It’s bad.” She smothered another sob. “It’s Si.”

“Oh, Jesus.”

“Is he…” Even tough-as-nails JD Compton couldn’t finish the thought.

“He’s alive, but seriously injured. There was some kind of explosion. He’s been in the hospital for three weeks.” Regret knotted her guts, making it almost impossible to continue. She drew one ragged breath, then another and another. “Twenty-three days. Suffering. Alone. With no one by his side when the doctors weren’t sure he’d pull through.”

Relief chased terror across the faces hovering over her. She could relate. Her heart hadn’t stopped stuttering since she’d taken the call from a concerned nurse who had the good sense to ignore Silas’s idiotic request not to notify his family.

From one caregiver to another, Lucy could understand. Sometimes the patient couldn’t determine the best course of treatment. She owed the woman big time.

“The fool broke his femur, three ribs, sustained countless lacerations, contusions and burns. Plus, he had one hell of a concussion. Internal bleeding and the damage to his lungs caused the most concern, though. He’s had seven surgeries and they say he’ll probably always walk with a limp.”

Anger had replaced the initial horror swamping her as the woman in the Anchorage hospital relayed the extensive list of Silas’s injuries. How dare he keep his family ignorant when he needed them? She’d had enough of his arrogance. What gave him the right to steal other people’s choices?

The girl she’d been might have been bowed beneath his heavy-handed ruling.

The woman she’d grown into certainly would not.

“The oil company is recognizing him as a hero. They say he saved hundreds of lives when their safety equipment failed.” She glanced between JD and Colby.

She’d shared the brief phone conversation she’d had with Silas’s roommate a couple months ago. She hadn’t been able to stand the silence when he’d stopped emailing his brothers for two weeks, cutting off her information pipeline. The guys had tried to reach out to Silas when she pestered them. None of the three had gotten a response.

So she’d broken down and dialed, expecting to hang up on Silas’s terse greeting like usual. Instead, the unfamiliar man on the other end of the line had startled her into making a betraying gasp. She’d begged him not to tell Silas she’d called. After he’d agreed, she couldn’t help prying, just a little.

Silas had picked up extra shifts. No biggie there. She’d wondered if he had finally moved on when the sweet man on the other end of the line appreciated her genuine concern and expressed curiosity about Silas’s history. Lucy had given him enough to help him understand the situation. It had hurt, but she’d hoped Silas could find some measure of happiness. In fact, she hadn’t worried when he dropped off the grid this time because she assumed his obvious lover had kept him too busy for correspondence.

The poor man. “Red Covington died in the blast.”

JD made the sign of the cross.

Colby swept her into his arms, surrounding her with his gentle warmth and reliable shelter. God, how she loved this man. So much, she accepted that she could lose him when Silas came home.


After a decade of exile, Prince Silas would return to his kingdom. Colby might still be under his spell. Denying her own infatuation would be pointless, though she wasn’t the one in danger of being captured.

The passionate exchange she’d interrupted between Colby and Silas had fueled her best dreams and worst night terrors for ten long years. Never far from her mind, she remembered it often. How it had boiled her blood and frozen her heart.

The two men she craved wanted each other.

Not her.

Despite her naïve attempts at seduction, both men had kept her at arm’s length. Colby had held her hand, kissed her sweetly and melted her heart but neither had shown her the raw lust she’d discovered they were capable of. At least not then. After Silas left, Colby had gradually warmed. She had no complaints about their love life but neither had he shown her that abandonment to raw obsession again.

Only one person had inspired that in him.

“They’re sending Silas home. I arranged the flight with the hospital. Judy agreed to take over three of my homecare patients to clear time in my daily schedule. They’re releasing him into my care.” She cupped Colby’s jaw with her trembling fingers. Could he read her understanding? His enduring desire for the other man didn’t make her prize him less. No, even more, because he’d remained faithful to her all this time when she couldn’t give him everything he needed, no matter how badly she wished she could. “Our care.”

“Silas is coming home?” Colby sounded like she felt. Dazed. Excited. Terrified.

“Silas is coming home.” JD whooped then hugged them both, a solid arm around each of them. “Things are gonna work out. The way they always should have been. You’ll see.”


Colby watched his wife jog to the house. She’d left Silas’s mom, Victoria, inside. The woman had probably already rung half the state to arrange all they’d need to bring her eldest son home.

BOOK: Southern Comfort: Compass Brothers, Book 2
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