Spearwood Academy Volume Two (The Spearwood Academy Book 2) (10 page)

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kneels down in front of me and takes my hands in his. His amber eyes look into
mine. “I know there is the old Avalon in there somewhere, I want her to come
out now and take control of her mind once more.”

A heat rush takes over my body and
my head pounds with the rhythm of my own heartbeat. I close my eyes and my body
falls back into the couch.

“Avalon, are you okay?” Someone
calls, as my consciousness begins to wake up.

“I think you broke her, Dante,”
says Horace.

“She’s fine, she’s just gaining her
control back. It will take her a second to rise to the surface,” says Dante.

I open my eyes and grab at my head.
I’ve had too many headaches today for my liking. The guys stand over me.
“What’s your full name?” asks Amr.

“Avalon Clementine. Thank you, I’m
not gone. Roseman has just suppressed me and my memories. I can still see and
hear what is going on, but I didn’t have control over my body. The thing he
replaced me with did. It was horrible. You should hear her thoughts. All she
cares about is her appearance and the fucking love triangle Roseman has her
believing. How much time do I have?”

“I don’t know how long my Voice
ability will last on you, could be ten minutes, or could be half an hour,
depending on how strong the new embedded personality is.

My skin starts to burn. The moon
still has a pull on me. “We should get outside. I don’t know what he did to
change my dragon form and stop the transformation while she’s in control, but
with me it doesn’t feel like it is working.”

Mirren picks me up, cradling me in
his arms.  I put an arm around his neck, while he carries me down the
spiral stairs and out the door.  I jump out of his arms and onto the
ground. The wings have already pushed through the skin on my back and rip the
dress in two. It falls off me and my talons tear at my skin, trying to get as
much of it out of the way as possible. Not having this happen for the past day
was nothing less than a miracle, but I guess miracles can’t last for

My body triples in size as my
golden scales move to cover my three spiked tail and hind legs. I hold in the
roar like scream that wants to erupt from me, I know that things could be
listening and I don’t want my pain to give away our location so soon.  The
transformation comes to an end. “You’re scales are back to normal,” says

Well, at least you will always
be able to tell who is in charge of my body.’
I broadcast to them as I take
a moment to sit and regain composure of myself.

“You transforming changes my plans
a tad,” says Dante. He moves to stand near me and places a hand on my shoulder.
“With you in this form, we could ride on your back and you could fly us down
the mountain. We will still have the Guardians to contend with, but now we have
more of an advantage over them. How many of you can do a full transformation?”

Both Maverick and Paden raise their
arms. “So can I, that makes four dragons total then. The rest of you, transform
what you can, and use all the strong magic maneuvers that you know.”

I lie down as flat as I can get, so
that they can climb up on my back. With all eight of them on my back, they are
heavier than I thought they would be, but nothing that I can’t handle.

“Yes,” says Dante.

‘Hold on tight then. I don’t
know how much of a dive the mountain will have in order to descend, but I have
no doubt it will be mind
all dig their feet further under my scales. I flap my wings and begin to rise
into the cool night air. I rotate in a circle, trying to find which direction
the closest edge is. I soon see it to the North.

I start flying, all the while my
body tense, both out of fear of having one of them fall while I descend down
the side, and also half expecting something to hit me and take me down. I
wouldn’t put it past Roseman to launch in net in the sky after me.


The edge comes up faster than I
thought it would and I stop and hover over it, I can’t even see the ground
through the thick clouds that circle the top of the mountain. ‘
Please hold
on like your lives depend on it. I have to fly fast in order to make sure you
don’t suffocate without the barrier providing sufficient oxygen for you.’

“Don’t worry about us, we will be
fine,” says Paden. Something about his reassuring voice comforts me, it must be
from her trying to push back through and take control again. I can feel her

I take a deep breath in and let out
a stream of smoke from my nostrils.  I move my body into position and
start the steep descent to the ground.

Guardians of the Mountain

t first it starts out slow, like we haven’t moved at
all, I pull my wings in closer to the sides of my body, the momentum picks up
and we rush down the side of the mountain like a free falling avalanche. The
clouds soon behind us, the ground doesn’t seem as far away as it had. Within a
couple hundred feet of the ground I put my wings back out. They act like a
parachute billowing upward and lifting me back up into the air another hundred
feet, before allowing me to descend again. I flap them gently as I make my
landing. A cloud of dirt rises into the air as I land on the edge of one of the
farmers’ fields.

you guys okay?’

climb down off my back. “We’re still in one piece, if that’s what you’re
asking. What a rush,” says Mirren.

don’t have time to make conversation, as a siren’s cry fills the silent of the
night around us. It comes from the base of the mountain, several tall rods
stand at where the field touches the rock. They make a deafening sound.

earth begins to shake and I have to dig my talons into the dirt in order to keep
myself upright. The guys fall into my side. The rods that make the noise begin
to take new shapes and pull themselves out of the ground. They take the form of
massive monsters that remind me of the pictures I saw of the Greek
titans as a child. Each one seems to be the personified version of one of
the five elements, neither looking male or female. Long, slender, and alien

all take a single step toward us. The ground shakes again, and chasms appear
where their feet land. “Everyone, get ready!” Dante begins to shift into his
dragon form. I have never seen another person do a full transformation like
mine. Unlike mine, his skin stays in place and his bones crack and shift, but
he makes no sounds to indicate that it hurts him. His scales, a bright silver,
a mirror, and his talons like cuts of polished onyx. Paden and Maverick follow
his lead. Paden also turns into a metal dragon, but his scales look like they
were formed out of still cooling molten silver; his talons taking on the look
of jagged sheets of metal.

in his dark brown dragon form, has chocolate colored diamonds for his talons.
All of their eyes remain the startling colors they have as humans.

Bullock, and Amr transform their arms. Triton and Mirren grow their wings and
change their arms. I move to face the terrifying beings. Whatever these things
throw at us, we are ready to take it on.

being made of molten lava takes the first strike, by raising its arms above its
head and forming a ball of fire. The ball hurls at us and we all dive in
opposite directions in order to stay out of its way. The fire lands on the
field behind us, instantly the area becomes engulfed in flames. Triton billows a
long stream of frost flame from his mouth. I join him by creating my own, mine
is bigger than his and soon, the lower half of the lava creature freezes, it
can’t move.

and Paden gang up on the earth element both of them spurting liquid metal from
their throats. In a matter of seconds the metal covers the being made of rocks
and dirt. I move my frost flame from the fire being to the earth, covering it
also. In seconds the metal starts to harden leaving the entire being frozen in
its metal state.

An orange
ball of flames falls toward me, I only miss it by a second, hurdling myself in
to the air.  Another fire starts consuming the field. The intense heat of
the fire fills the air and the sound loud and monstrous.  The farmers of
the land stand and watch, their eyes fixated not on the fire, but the massive
beings in front of them.

shoot another frost flame at the fire being, this time making sure to cover its
head and its legs. Maverick and Amr join us, both hurling slabs of mud at it.
 Triton helps me with the freezing, letting out a roar as he pushes
himself to the brink, together we cover the being in solid ice. The glowing
heart at its center starts to dim. Maverick and I move together and swing our
tails at both sides of it, shattering it to pieces.

gigantic hand made of clouds and air hurls at me, engulfing my head in its
grasp. I try to fly away, but it has a secure hold on me. I thrash and roll my
body, but nothing frees me. Tremendous amounts of air rush into and at me, I
can’t breathe. I stop flapping my wings and my body goes limp. My hold over the
other girl lessens. Suddenly, the hand lets me go, dropping me to the ground. I
fight to take a breath and keep my control over her, I can’t let the guys down
now. I look at the scales of my feet, they were turning to grey, but
now revert back to gold.

look up, Mirren has a colossal flame shooting out of his mouth and at the air
being. It dwindles down before my eyes. He saved me.  I stand and take a
deep breath in and let it out, my own flame comes forth, hitting the thing at
its center. It gets smaller and smaller until it poofs out of existence.

water and metal being still stand. Both trying to fight Dante, Paden, Bullock
and Horace. They fight well, but it doesn’t even look like a dent has been made
in either of the beings.

things have to be weak against something. I try a frost flame on the water
being, it takes it into its body.

are weak against lightening, if we can work together, we can combined our magic
and create lightening!” yells Bullock to Horace over the roar of the fire
behind us.

gives a nod. He reaches for Bullock’s hand. Together they do an intricate dance
with their bodies and arms. Heavy clouds form above, blocking out the moon.
Lightening begins to roll across the sky. As it gets closer to the two beings,
I get an idea.

lower my head and take a run at the metal being, ramming my horns into its
body. It stumbles back, leaving more chasms in its wake. It falls into the
water being, just as the first bolt of lightning strikes the metal being. It
carries the current through to the water and the two begin to shake. Over and
over the lightning strikes and the beings shake more. The metal being explodes
and shrapnel flies through the air, but just narrowly misses me. The water
being explodes also, sending a pouring of rain over the land, putting out the

did it. Together we took down those things. The guys shift into their normal
selves. “We need to find some place to create the void, it won’t be long before
the reinforcements come,” says Dante.

back on my back, I can get the distance we need faster.’

move onto my back again. I begin to fly low and fast. Getting as much distance
between where we fought and us as I can.

cross over a lake, my talons skimming the surface. As I reach the other side
Bullock yells, “Stop.” I stop and let them down. He runs to a tall rock
standing alone. It does look like a door way. Placing his hand to it, a void of
darkness appears, just like the thing I saw on the jet weeks ago. 

York, New York

ullock reaches back for a hand. Dante takes his and
then reaches back for someone, they continue this until they reach Amr and he
places his hand on my leg. They begin to walk into the darkness, I follow. My heart
pounds in my chest. I can’t help but remember Triton’s warning of how people
have become lost in voids. I close my eyes as I enter the dense black. A rush
of musky air forces me to open my eyes. We are no longer outside. With my night
vision, I can see that we are in a crumbling, unused, underground subway.

dragon form has to duck in order to not hit the ceiling. “We made it,” says
Bullock, with a sigh.

was easy,” says Mirren.

easy,” says Dante, with a groan. I look to him as he falls over.

others rush to him, he holds his side. Dark blood pours from a deep gash, a
piece of thick metal sticks out from it.

says Horace,

control lessens with every second he gets weaker. Something inside me, tells me
that I can help him before she takes over again.
‘Take one of my scales and
put it over his wound.’
I don’t even know why I have said that.


it will heal him. I’m slipping with him, you need to do it before the scales
change color.’

Amr feels
for one of my larger scales in the dark and grips on. He pulls with all his
might. Ripping it from my flesh. I let out a roar, the pain from losing it too
great. My last hold on my mind gives way and I fall to the side, as my body
turns back to human. I hope they will be able to bring me back again, I don’t
want to live in her mind.

be continued…


Note: I am currently running a contest, which will have 3 winners. The winners
will receive all Volumes of Spearwood Boys (A Spin off Series of Spearwood
Academy) free. The debut volume will come out August 28
. They will
be full volumes and not episodes. Please see the WordPress link below (next
page) for more information on how to enter. You really need to know the boys
feelings for Avalon, or vice versa (hint) to get it right. I look forward to
your entries. Contest ends 8/28/2014.


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