Specky Magee (9 page)

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Authors: Felice Arena

Tags: #Fiction

BOOK: Specky Magee
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‘Specky, are you there?’

Christina could hear Specky gasp. She could tell he was shocked by her generous invitation.

‘Yeah, I’m here,’ he replied, still panting heavily from his terrifying run.

‘Well, what do you think? We can pick you up after school. You can have dinner at my place, then we’ll go with Dad to the TV studios. Okay?’

Specky paused before giving an answer. A million questions ran through his head. What was he doing? How could he do this to his mum and dad? But what if Blade was his father? Would he go to watch Specky play footy? That would be the best. Maybe they could just be friends? But would that be right?
Would Specky live with him? But he didn’t really want to leave Mum, Dad and Alice. Maybe he could arrange visits to Blade’s home? Maybe Specky could have two dads? Maybe this was his only chance? Specky wondered what Blade was like in real life. Would he be like Specky? What did he have to lose?’

Specky let out a big sigh.

‘Yes, I’ll come,’ he said hastily. They then made plans about where to meet.

‘Bye, Specky. And don’t worry, it’s going to be so much fun.’

‘Yeah, okay, bye,’ said Specky, hanging up the phone, not convinced that he had made the right decision.

Later that evening, in bed, he tossed and turned, thinking about the big day that awaited him. He finally got to sleep around 3.00 a.m. At breakfast he realised he would have to explain to his mother that he wouldn’t be around after school.

‘Mum, Robbo asked me over to his house after school today. I’m invited for dinner. We’re going to work on our homework together. Will that be okay?’

‘Sure. But let Robbo’s parents know I want you back at a reasonable hour.’

Specky caught Alice glaring at him suspiciously from across the table, and he started to feel a little uneasy about lying to his mother.

‘Sure. See ya, Mum,’ he said as he rushed out of the house.

Once at school, Specky found it difficult not to say anything to his friends about his big night. But he held his tongue. He was nervous enough, and letting his friends know would make him even more edgy. So he was glad that there were other things to distract him—like Robbo’s and Danny’s black eyes!

‘You mean those guys stopped chasing me and then went after you? No wonder I got away from them so easily,’ said Specky. He took a closer look at the shiners that his friends had been given by the bullies. They appeared somewhat proud of their bruises.

‘Yeah, they couldn’t believe you got the ball. It was like, the best mark I’ve ever seen. I mean, just the best. They should sing “Up there Specky” instead of “Up there Cazaly”!’ said Danny.

‘Thanks, Speck. So where is it?’ asked Robbo as he handed Specky’s school bag back to him.

‘Oh, man. Robbo, I totally forgot it. Sorry. Just come over and pick it up whenever you want—but not today. Actually, can you cover
for me after school? I told my mum I’m having dinner at your place tonight.’

‘Why did you say that?’

‘I bet it’s got something to do with Blade Furlington, hasn’t it?’ suggested Danny.

‘Um, look, I can’t say. Can you do it for me, Robbo?’

Robbo reluctantly nodded, slightly disappointed that his best mate was hiding something from him.

For the rest of the day, Specky tried to concentrate on his schoolwork, but he found it extremely difficult. Instead of focusing on Maths, Geography, English, even kick-to-kick with his classmates during recess, all he could think about was the show. Eventually the final bell of the day sounded and Specky made his way to the front of the school to wait for Christina as planned.

‘Come on, Speck. What are you doing?’

Specky turned to see that Danny and Robbo were waving him to join them.

‘Speck, have you forgotten? We have footy training.’

Specky winced. For the first time ever, he had totally forgotten. Footy had always come first—but not today.

‘I’m not coming,’ he announced.

Danny and Robbo almost fell over backwards in disbelief. ‘What do you mean, you’re not coming? You always come.’

Specky just stared at his mates, and forced himself not to say a word.

‘Well, whatever you’re doing, Speck, it must be important for you to miss training, so good luck,’ said Robbo.

‘Good luck? That’s it? Specky is missing training for the first time ever and you don’t want to know why?’ said Danny, pushing Robbo aside. ‘Well,
do. Specky, tell us, what are you up to?’

‘I can’t say, okay? I’ll tell you later. Can you tell the Coach I was feeling sick or something?’ Specky looked the other way. He forced himself not to give in to Danny’s persistence.

‘Come on. Let’s go,’ said Robbo, tugging at Danny’s jumper. ‘He’ll tell us when he wants to. See ya, Speck.’

Danny groaned and complained, but headed off with Robbo to training.

Specky glanced back at his friends. He wanted so much to chase after them. He was beginning to have doubts.

‘Maybe I shouldn’t go,’ he muttered.

Just then, a shiny brand-new black BMW pulled up directly beside him. It was Christina and her dad.

‘Dad, this is Specky,’ said Christina. She grinned at Specky as he hopped into the back seat.

‘Pleasure to meet you, Specky. Christina told me that you’re just as mad for footy as she is and that I had to let you both come to the show tonight. I understand that you two have become very good friends…’

Specky glanced over to Christina, who continued to look back from the front passenger seat smiling at him.

‘But I have to say,’ added Christina’s father, ‘when I found out that my daughter met you online, well—it’s simply something I don’t condone. And she should have known better. What do your parents think about this?’

‘Um, well, um,’ Specky gulped, unprepared for the question. ‘Um, they’re fine with it,’ he lied nervously.

‘Hmm? Well, she knows I’m not happy with her at the moment. Don’t you?’

‘Dad!’ groaned Christina, embarrassed.

When Mr Perry drove into the driveway of their home in Carlton, Christina couldn’t wait
to rush Specky inside. She hurriedly introduced him to her mother, then dragged him into her bedroom to show him her collection of footy memorabilia.

‘Wow!’ gasped Specky. ‘It’s like an AFL shrine in here.’ Specky stared in awe at the personally autographed photos of past and present AFL champions hanging from the walls.

‘Yeah, that’s the good thing about having a dad involved in sports television,’ said Christina proudly. ‘So, how are you feeling about tonight?’ she asked.

‘Um, really nervous. No one knows I’m here. I should be at footy training.’

‘Well, like I said, don’t worry, we’ll have fun.’

Specky sighed, still staring up at the famous photographs.

‘Come on! I know what we can do.’

Christina took Specky’s arm and led him to the backyard. She grabbed her football on the way out.

‘Okay, show me your stuff,’ she said, hand-balling the footy to Specky.

Specky grinned as Christina ran back a few metres. ‘My stuff?’

‘Yeah, let’s kick the ball around. Girls can play too, you know.’

Specky blushed. Although he had never played footy with a girl, he felt at ease once he kicked a short floating punt to Christina. They then continued to kick the ball to each other for the next half an hour or so.

‘You’re not bad,’ teased Christina.

‘Well, you’re pretty good yourself,’ said Specky, impressed.

The two paused for a second and smiled.

‘Well, we’d better go in. It’ll be time to go soon.’

They made their way inside and sat down to have an early dinner. Christina’s mother had put on a lavish meal, but unfortunately Specky couldn’t eat much. His stomach was full of butterflies, especially after Christina’s father said in passing, ‘Well, we’re expecting big ratings again tonight, especially having Blade as guest. Last week we had over 400,000 viewers. The camera always pans over the studio audience. If you’re lucky you might get your face on TV tonight, Specky!’

Specky let out a nervous chuckle, and before he knew it, he, Christina and her father were on their way to the TV studios. As they drove
through the gates and into the parking lot, Specky chewed nervously at his fingernails. This was it. He was finally going to get a real life look at his real father.


Once inside the TV studio, Christina’s father darted off to join the camera crew and prepare for the broadcast. As for Christina and Specky, they were greeted by the segment producer of the show.

‘Hi, Christina. Nice to see you again.’

‘Hi, Jen,’ replied Christina.

‘So, this must be Specky Magee. Hi, Specky,’ said the friendly lady, who leaned forward to shake Specky’s hand.

Specky responded with a shy ‘Hi’. He had to pinch himself. He still couldn’t actually believe he was here.

‘Okay, well, follow me, guys. I’m going to take you to where you’ll be sitting during the show.’

Christina winked at Specky as they followed Jen down one of the many long corridors that led into the large warehouse-like studio.

‘We’re expecting a great show tonight!’ she added. ‘Now, Christina, your dad mentioned something about you and Specky hoping to meet Blade Furlington after the show. Well, as I told him, I can’t promise anything. Blade’s a busy man and he may have to rush out after his appearance, but leave it to me, I’ll see what I can do.’

‘Thanks,’ said Christina. She then turned to Specky—he was doing his best to contain his excitement.

‘Well, here it is,’ said Jen as she led Specky and Christina into the main studio of the building.

Specky’s entire face lit up. Lights hung from the tall ceilings and large cameras stood motionless around the set like sleeping robots from some sci-fi film. ‘Oh man, I can’t believe I’m on the set of
Sensational Stuff!
,’ he whispered.

Jen left Specky and Christina to take their seats. All they had to do now was wait. Within minutes, an excited crowd of people flowed into the studio. They were the studio audience for the
night. Many had waited weeks, even months, to get tickets to the popular football show.

Specky took in a deep breath. Christina gently nudged him.

‘Not long before you’ll be only metres away from him. Are you okay?’

Specky nodded nervously, unaware that he was biting his bottom lip. His heart was racing and his palms felt wet and clammy.

There was a real buzz of anticipation from the studio crowd as the beginning of the show drew nearer. Most of them were proudly wearing their club colours, ready to cheer and scream when the host of the show, Teddy McMahon, mentioned their team.

Finally, the moment had come. Kevin Jam, the show’s comedian, walked onto the set and the audience started applauding.

‘He’s come in to warm up the crowd—get them all excited,’ whispered Christina into Specky’s ear.

excited? They look pretty pumped up to me,’ replied Specky, as he watched Kevin tell a few jokes and introduce the guest footballers. ‘Awesome! It’s the captain of Collingwood, Hawthorn’s star full-forward and Melbourne’s ruckman…’ Specky gasped as he watched the
players seat themselves behind a specially made desk positioned at the front of the stage.

‘Okay, everyone!’ shouted the floor manager. ‘It’s showtime! Three, two, one…’

Suddenly the show’s theme music echoed throughout the studio, as opening credits and images aired across tens of thousands of television screens nationwide. The studio audience, including Specky and Christina, applauded as Teddy McMahon made his entrance.

‘Good evening and welcome to
Sensational Stuff!
,’ he announced enthusiastically. ‘What a show we have for you tonight. And as usual, we’ve seen some sensational stuff all this week in footy.’

There was another cheer from the audience. ‘We’re going to tackle the big issue of a certain club president who was caught wearing pyjamas featuring another team’s colours this week, and we’ll also look at the difficulties experienced by female players who want to enter the AFL, and much, much more. But for now, let me introduce our guest players…’ Again, more cheers.

‘And finally, a man who is never out of the news. Put your hands together for my co-host and number one sidekick, Mr Johnny Parker.’

Specky applauded along with everyone else. He was trying really hard to enjoy the show, but he was still so nervous. For the next few minutes everything seemed like one big daze. Specky kept asking himself what he was doing there. He watched on blankly as Teddy and Johnny performed their usual showbiz banter. Then, taking Specky by complete surprise, Teddy introduced their special guest—Blade Furlington!

Specky froze in his seat. He had seen Blade on TV so many times before, but this time everything would be totally different. Instead of watching a celebrity at work, tonight he was watching his very own father!

Blade received a rousing reception from the studio audience when he walked onto the stage. He took a seat next to Johnny Parker, and the interview began.

‘So, Blade,’ began Johnny, with a cheeky smirk, ‘usually
the one hogging the headlines, but this week you’ve outdone me, mate. We understand that you became an instant father this week.’

There was a ripple of laughter from everyone in the audience—except for Specky. He took in
a deep breath, sensing Blade’s stare would turn on him soon.

‘Well, Johnny, as you know, if I listened to all of the crazy claims people make to earn a few dollars, I’d be the father of one hundred kids by now!’

Again the audience laughed.

‘Well, the woman who came out and made this statement is supposedly pretty convincing. She says that there’s a 12-year-old boy out there who is
son. What have you got to say about that, Blade?’

‘I know, Johnny, it sounds convincing but there’s no way I have a son!’

Christina gently nudged Specky in response to Blade’s last comment. But Specky was so focused on Blade that he didn’t even notice her do it.

‘Well, mate, let’s see what some of the audience members have to say,’ said Johnny, suddenly getting up out of his chair and making his way over to the studio crowd. Like an American talkshow host, Johnny, now holding a hand-held microphone, approached a woman wearing a Demons scarf. She was sitting only a metre or so away from where Specky and Christina were seated. ‘So, madam, what’s your
opinion of all of this?’ Johnny shoved the mike close to her face.

‘Well, Johnny, he can have my kids any day! You’re absolutely gorgeous, Blade!’

The audience laughed while back on stage Blade blushed.

‘And you, sir?’ Johnny leant over to an elderly man kitted out in Richmond colours, seated next to the woman.

‘I think it’s a disgrace!’ he said in a more serious tone. He then turned his stare on Blade. ‘Young man, I think you should grow up and take responsibility now that you’re a father!’

‘But he’s not a father! It was just a claim!’ added Johnny.

‘Well, he should stop living the high life. Dads don’t do that!’ The old man had missed the point, and there were scattered giggles throughout the studio.

‘Sir, no disrespect intended, but let me say this again very slowly,’ said Johnny, now playing up to the crowd. ‘Blade Furlington is not a father!’

‘Yes he is!’ blurted Christina.

‘Excuse me?’ said Johnny.

Specky’s jaw dropped. He turned to Christina and gave her a look as if to say ‘What do you
think you’re doing?’ Christina sank back into her seat, regretting what she had just done. She hadn’t intended anyone to hear her. But it was too late. Johnny was now standing above her.

‘So what did you say, young lady?’ he asked. Johnny lowered his microphone right between Specky and Christina. Specky dropped his head, too embarrassed to look up. Johnny hadn’t recognised Christina as the daughter of the show’s director.

‘Um…’ Christina nervously began to say. ‘Yes, he is a father!’

‘And why do you say that?’ asked Johnny.

‘Because this is his son,’ said Christina, gesturing to Specky. Some of the audience gasped.

‘And who are you?’ said Johnny, turning towards Specky.

Specky slowly raised his head to Johnny. He couldn’t believe this was happening. He felt his heart was in his throat. ‘My name is Specky Magee,’ he said softly.

Danny and Robbo were both watching
Sensational Stuff!
at home with their families, and they almost had a fit when they saw their friend on TV.

‘Oh my God! It’s Specky! It’s Specky!’ screamed Danny, jumping up and down on the spot.

‘Dad, Dad! Look at this! It’s Specky on the telly!’ shouted Robbo, turning up the volume. ‘So that’s what he was hiding!’

Over at Specky’s house, Alice had just received a call from one of her school friends.

‘Alice, your brother is on TV!’

Alice rushed into the lounge room, called in her parents and switched on the TV.

‘So, Specky,’ continued Johnny, ‘what makes you think that Blade here could be your father?’

Specky let out a nervous cough and cleared his throat. ‘Um, well I was told by my parents…’

‘Your adoptive parents,’ Teddy interjected from behind the desk on stage.

‘Yeah, my parents told me that all they knew when they got me as a baby from the adoption agency is that my biological mother was killed in a car accident, just like the woman in the newspaper said. And I also found a photo of myself when I was a couple of years old, dressed up in Geelong gear!’

Johnny turned towards Blade. ‘Well, Blade, or should I say, Dad, what do you think of that?’

The audience sniggered as Blade let out a nervous laugh. It was obvious to everyone that he was caught totally off-guard and was taken aback. He paused for what seemed an eternity before speaking.

‘Johnny, Teddy, if I can just say a few words to young Specky?’

The two hosts gestured for Blade to continue. He then turned towards Specky. ‘Specky, I’m guessing you’re pretty good at footy with a name like that?’

Specky blushed and nodded.

‘And you come across as a well-mannered, intelligent kid. They are all attributes any father would be proud of. I’m also guessing that your adoptive parents love you very much, and they’ve done a good job raising you so far, right?’

Specky nodded again.

‘What are you trying to say, Blade?’ interrupted Johnny.

‘The point I’m trying to make is that I’m very flattered to think a great kid like Specky would even consider me as his father, but I’m sorry to say I’m not his dad. Just over an hour ago the woman who made the claim confessed to the police that she had made up the entire
story. I guess I should have mentioned that before Johnny approached the audience. So Specky, I’m very sorry. I’m not your father, and I do hope you’ll find him one day. But if I can offer some advice, I think you should be happy with your adoptive parents. It appears to me that they’ve done a fantastic job raising you. You seem like a good kid.’

The audience could tell that the high-profile, usually outspoken celebrity was being very sincere. They all applauded him.

As for Specky, he tried to smile and not look too upset.

Back at his home, Specky’s stunned mother switched off the TV and turned to her husband. ‘He was meant to be at Robbo’s.’ Her eyes were teary. ‘This has gone too far. We have to tell him the truth!’

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