Spice & Wolf I (32 page)

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Authors: Hasekura Isuna

BOOK: Spice & Wolf I
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Mountains of products of every sort were lined up, with everything from goods brought from afar to exports about to leave. The dock overflowed with the horses and the shouts of people—the chaotic scene was just another day at the prosperous Milone Company.

Lawrence scanned the surroundings for what he knew must be there.

The large loading area was filled with horses and carts. Lawrence ran around, even slipping on a clump of scattered hay, before catching a glimpse of his own familiar horse and wagon and approaching it.

The other people working in the loading area looked at him strangely, but Lawrence took no notice of them, fixated on just one thing.

In front of a wagon bed piled high with apples, a small figure held a beautiful piece of fur in her hand, combing it with a tortoiseshell comb.

She wore an obviously expensive robe and a hood pulled low over her head. After a time, she ceased her combing and sighed.

Not turning toward Lawrence, the figure in the seat of the wagon spoke. “I wouldn’t wish you to come to the northern forests simply to collect on a debt.”

Lawrence couldn’t help laughing at her sullen tone.

He approached the seat, and though Holo stubbornly refused to look at him, he extended his right hand.

Finally she glanced at him, and although she soon returned her gaze to the tail in her hands, she reached out to him.

Lawrence took her hand, and she finally relented to a smile,

“I’ll return home only after I’ve paid my debt.”

“But of course!”

Holo’s hand gripped Lawrence’s very, very tightly.


It seemed as though the travels of this strange pair would last a bit longer.

That is to say, the travels of the wolf and the spice.





Since I began entering writing contests with prize money involved, I’ve never been able to stop thinking about winning the grand prize.

Then, I think about using the prize money to buy stocks, increasing my investment, and pretty soon I’m daydreaming about ruling the world with my vast wealth.

Lately I’ve made enough money that I can order an extra-large bowl of soba from the soba stand without worrying about it.

My name is Hasekura Isuna.

Recently winning the silver medal of the 12th Dengeki Sho-setsu Prize is an honor roughly equivalent to winning the moon in the sky. I couldn’t believe it. I had three different dreams in which I got a phone call that they’d mixed me up with somebody else.

When I started editing the manuscript, I had two dreams that I’d missed the deadline.

I have no idea how many times I dreamed that I was wealthy enough to rule the world.

In fact, as I write this afterword, I’m wondering even now whether this is a dream or reality.

To the pre-readers, editors, and prize selection committee members that opened the door to this world of dreams, I give my most humble thanks.

Also to the people at the prize-acceptance party who raised their voices in support; and most especially to Mitsutaka Yuki-sensei, who gave me a silver wolf accessory in connection with the
Spice and Wolf
title, I want to say thank you so much. The little silver wolf is even now enshrined by my computer.

I must also thank Asakura Jyuu-sensei for the gorgeous illustrations. They captured my characters perfectly. I hope my thanks are as great as my surprise at seeing them.

To all the people, things, and events responsible for putting me in the position I’m in today: Thank you so much.

It is my intention to put forth every effort to ensure that I never wake from this fleeting dream.


—Hasekura Isuna

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