Squirm: virgin captive of the billionaire biker tentacle monster (The Squirm Files) (5 page)

BOOK: Squirm: virgin captive of the billionaire biker tentacle monster (The Squirm Files)
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Chapter 8


A sex tentacle, or copulating tentacle, is the one I mate with.” His tone sounded curious, as if what Bob had said had started a train of thought. “It’s like this one, except it’s purple.” He waved one before her eyes.

She couldn
’t tear her eyes away. Orange, it was a dark and pretty orange, but he’d said purple? Her lifelong goal was in sight. Almost. The suckers pulsated, mesmerizing her. She was still processing what had happened. Who’d have thought tentacle sex would be her first? Or so awe-inspiring. She shivered.

Dangerous Bob is correct. Maybe that’s why I still have this need to take you again? With the others, once I was done with them, it was easy to throw them to the portal.”

What?” She struggled up onto her elbow then turned to face him. At least he looked normal, apart from the couple of tentacles still curling out from behind his back. “Are you saying you might not have wanted me if you’d stuck your sex tentacle up my...my –”


She gasped.

He grinned and looked evil.
“You think that’s dirty, innocent girl? But to answer you, maybe.”

Where did you put that one then?” The idea of him having a special one was making her a little crazy with lust again. Why, she wasn’t sure. Though what the hell did he have in his pants? Was that where his copulating tentacle was?

I put it,” he tapped her chin, “in there.”

Virginia snapped her mouth shut and he smiled broadly.

If that hadn’t been drool running down her chin, she’d...she’d... “Fuck, that’s hot.”

We can do it again that way, soon. This means you’re still a virgin, except for your pretty little mouth.” He smiled then lowered his voice. “I’m going to put it in there again soon and make you suck me off.”

” This man was hotter than a bike’s exhaust in the Nevada desert.

Her inner voice stirred. She knew what it wanted her to do. For once, she agreed, so she sat up on her heels and took a deep breath.

“Cyndie. Where is she? Before I will allow you to do anything to me ever again, I want you to bring her back.”

You what?” His eyes narrowed. “I can do what I want to you. Forever and ever.”

That sounded fucking hot too.
Be good. Do not crack.
“Not necessarily. One day, I’d get free. But I’ll agree to be yours, if you bring the other women back.”

All the tentacles zipped away and he rose to his feet, strolled over to where his shirt lay, slowly put it on then buttoned it.

“I think I can get that agreement from you anyway.” He picked up a remote control from the console and pressed a button. A screen on the console came to life as he walked back to her and hauled her to her feet. “My Virginia, I have taken the liberty of bringing your entire apartment back here.”

On the screen a room showed and it was indeed packed with her belongings. Dresses hung in cupboards, shoes were set out below.

“Ohmigod. How’d you figure out my address? And how did you get it here so fast?” She grabbed at her hair with both hands and tugged. Was this real?

Money talks. So does a pack of violently inclined bikers.” Another screen flicked on. “I also have your pet canary.”
“Your car.”
“And your grandma is on standby.”

The last screen showed her grandmother beating Crank about the ears with her handbag.
She winced. Poor Crank.

It’s a
to the last one.” She spluttered. Her belly did flip flops. This was true love! “
You stalked me!”

Yes,” he said proudly. “I did. Will you have my babies?”

She stiffened. She must stand firm even though her lip quivered.
“Karl, I would love to have your little monster babies but you have to bring back the other women. My conscience would never forgive me if I didn’t insist on this. No matter how much you stalking me and tying me up and forcing me to have sex has made me love you.”

Her heart went pitter pat again at the very thought of how much trouble he
’d gone to.

His shoulders slumped.
“It’s impossible. I can’t do it.”


Dangerous Bob piped up, waving a bottle at them from behind the console where he’d apparently found a kitchen nook and a supply of wine. “Fuckitty. Rrrr. Grr.”
The reverse switch is right here under the toaster, sir.

It is?” Karl’s eyebrows climbed for the ceiling, but stopped short. “Oh good.
switch. Fine. Do it then.”

Dangerous Bob pulled something and the rug swirled madly then was blown into the air. The red eye beneath turned green and naked women began popping out and rolling across the floor. Last of all
Cyndie crawled out along with a few hopping rabbits. Dazed, she picked up a rabbit and stroked it.

Cyndie!” Virginia ran to her, avoiding the humming portal, and dragged her to safety. “Where have you been? What was it like in another dimension?”

The poor woman could barely speak.
“Hairdressers. Big stone things. Gargoyles. Letter boxes.
.” She nodded as if she’d delivered the ten commandments.

Karl squeezed Virginia
’s shoulder. “See! Done.”

She’s a bit weird.”

Jet lag.”

I guess. She always was a bit odd. There was that time she wouldn’t lend me her hairdryer.” She leaned her head back against his chest. “Thank you, Karl.”

Nothing is too much for you, my sweet captive.”

.” She smiled and let him hold her ever so tightly, like he was scared she might run out the door like all the other women were now doing. “I’m yours forever now. I’ve rescued Cyndie, even if she is lacking a few brain cells.”

His grip got even tighter and he squeezed her ass where his mark still stung.
“Yes, you have, and you are mine now, for all eternity.”


Who was that?
She felt her eyes widen. Dangerous Bob had spoken a real word.

He stepped closer. Over his arm lay a black cat suit and in the other hand was a pistol.

“What is it?” Karl tensed. “I see. Those are for you, Virginia. Before this story can end, you need to have worn the black latex cat suit and held the gun. It’s contractual. On the book cover. Though next time they’d better get my tentacle color right. Or else.”

His mouth quirked in a knowing smile and he stared past her, as if someone was there, watching them.

Ice cold crept over her skin and she shivered, then she checked. No one was there, of course.

But she could feel the draw of this, the rightness, and she went to Bob and took the clothes then slipped on the suit, even though when she zipped it up she almost burst an eyeball.

“Tight,” she wheezed.

Sexy.” Karl’s crotch was quite...bulgier.

Feeling coquettish, she turned and waggled her butt, posing with the gun out like a female secret-agent super spy.

“Wow. Come here so I can take it off you again with my tentacles. Or maybe I’ll just tear it open in the right places.” His tone was downright snarly, like he’d rip open the jugular of any man who so much as looked at her.

You beast.” This time it was her purring.

That’s me.” His smile dripped with raw and bloody ferocity and the promise of dangerous sex.

, those black irises. This cat suit had superpowers. If only she could breathe in it.

All three of them observed her, even
Cyndie who still stroked the rabbit. It was rumbling and its eyes glowed red.

She stared.
“You might want to put down the rabbit, Cyndie. I think it’s about to do something. Like explode?”

No.” She tossed her head. “It’s a good rabbit. Safe. Wait until you see it vibrate.”

Ahh. It’s one of those.” So that’s where those rabbits came from.

The rabbit rumbled louder.

Karl held out his hand to her. “Come to me, my virgin. Our story is done.”

“Wait!” A brilliant idea had sprung up.
“Group photo! Yes?”

They all shrugged then agreed. Even the rabbit nodded.

Dangerous Bob tossed her his phone and she set it on the console with a five second timer on, dashed over to them and posed fast, with the gun up. Then she ran back to the phone to check.

The one photo enlarged to fill the screen. There they all were looking, by turns, stunned, sexy, menacing, and weird.

She groaned. “Bob!” His fingers showed in a
, behind the rabbit’s head.

His chuckle and murmured, good-natured,
fuckerrrr rabbit
, made her grin back at him.

“Rabbit ears, Bob?”
Karl rolled his eyes. “Done now, Virginia?”

“Almost,” she said quietly, staring pointedly at his groin. “There is one last thing. I still haven’t seen
your...your ten inch tentacle schlong.”

You think you deserve to?” He arched one eyebrow then the other. Slowly he unzipped his fly.

Yes. Yes I do. Please? Please, Karl. I
to! I’ll even get down on my knees and beg if you want me too!”

He smirked.
“Oh we’ll try that too. Just you wait.” Then he unzipped himself all the way.

Virginia took a step closer to
see, unfortunately she also blocked the reader’s view of Karl’s lower regions. There was a loud thump and the floor trembled as if a small earthquake had struck.

Big enough for you, sweet lady?”

She gasped, choking a little.
“Oh my goodness, Karl. That’s not ten inches! That’s more like ten pounds! No wonder my mouth was so full!”

Fade...to black.

Except for the rabbit’s glowing red eyes, which then also fade. The purring ceases.

shrieks. “My rabbit’s died!”

Dangerous Bob growls a few choice fucks.
It’s just the batteries.

And so The Quest for
the Rabbit’s Batteries begins.


The End

Also by
Cari Silverwood


Preyfinders Series

Precious Sacrifice

(Published in the anthology, Kept. Also released as a solo book)



Pierced Hearts Series

(Dark erotic fiction)

Take me, Break me

Bind and Keep me

Make me Yours Evermore


The Badass Brats Series

The Dom with a Safeword

The Dom on the Naughty List

The Dom with the Perfect Brats

The Dom with the Clever Tongue


Cataclysm Blues Series

Cataclysm Blues

(A free erotic
scifi novella. Currently being turned into a trilogy)


The Steamwork Chronicles Series

Iron Dominance

Lust Plague

Steel Dominance



31 Flavors of Kink

Three Days of Dominance

Rough Surrender

(Being re-released by Momentum, an eBook branch of Pan Macmillan)


Table of Contents

About Squirm

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Connect with Cari Silverwood

Also by Cari Silverwood

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