Stained (19 page)

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Authors: Jessica McBrayer

Tags: #paranormal romance, #paranormal, #tattoo, #vampires, #witch, #paranormal mystery, #Irish magic

BOOK: Stained
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“Later,” Raven said. “Wards, my little witchling!” Raven said to Thorn in her mind.

“Yes, Raven. Thank you, I can’t believe I forgot. I need to ward your house Sé.”

Thorn went to her bag and took out her athame and walked the perimeter of the apartment. She spoke a spell of protection and a spell to keep out her enemies. Her violet energy trailed behind her setting the wards in place. Sé watched quietly. She called on the Goddess to strengthen her spells. She asked the Gods to keep watch on them. Then she thanked them and went back to Sé. He took her hand and they left the apartment and locked the door.

A quick trip to his storage unit produced some flattened boxes and packing tape. By the time they left the building, the taxi was waiting for them. They made the short trip over to Telegraph and Thorn’s shop and paid the driver, while Sé’s observation skills were on hyper alert.

The bottom and upper story windows were boarded up, giving her home and business the look of a sleeping derelict. The front door was boarded up. They went around to the back door and upstairs. The acrid smell of smoke assaulted their noses and filled their lungs when they entered the building. Thorn propped the back door open. Sé flipped his flashlight on. The power had been turned off because of the explosion and fire.

This was the first look Thorn had of the damage. She took a sharp intake of breath and her lungs spasmed and went into a gut-wrenching spell of coughing.

“Damn him to hell seven times. The bastard.” She gasped. Sé handed her the flashlight. She wandered through the rooms. The mattress was gone and so was the furniture that Caleb had destroyed. But Thorn could see the burned marks on the floor and their absence. She balled the fist of her free hand. The herbs had all been swept up and thrown away. She would have to get some new supplies before she could do anything. Maybe Gérard could help with that. She decided she was going to ask him for help. She’d swallow her pride and use every resource she could to stop Caleb.

Thorn went to her bookcase where most of the scorch marks were concentrated. She smiled grimly. He couldn’t get through her wards here. Sé walked up behind her and put an arm around her waist.

“Good job on the wards. You really pissed him off.”

“Yeah.” Thorn laughed. “Thank the Goddess. I don’t know what I would have done if I had lost these.”

“Let’s start packing. I don’t know how much life this flashlight has in it.”

“Okay, the wards will recognize me, so I’ll grab the books and hand them to you to put into the boxes.”

“Sounds good to me.” Sé set about taping the boxes up. When he was done, Thorn handed him books. His look of shock amused her when the ordinary cook book turned into an ancient grimoire. He adjusted and they soon had a rhythm going. In short order, the boxes were filled and taped up. Thorn then went to her closet and pulled out a couple of suitcases and filled them with clothes. She went in the bathroom and grabbed her toothbrush and other things.

When she was done, Sé picked up a couple of boxes. His muscles flexed under his form fitting t-shirt. Thorn appreciated the look, even now it lifted her spirits. She hauled her suitcases down to the front of the shop while Sé followed with the boxes. After depositing them, they made another trip upstairs for more boxes. Two more trips and they had everything. Thorn shut and locked the back door. Sé called a taxi service and asked for their van. While he was doing that, Thorn put new wards on the building to keep it from being broken into.

“Thanks for helping me,” Thorn said.

“Stop feeling like you have to thank me, I want to be here,” Sé said taking her chin in his hands. He kissed her gently. Thorn closed her eyes. The taxi pulled up and honked its horn, abruptly ending the romantic mood. Sé growled something about taxi drivers and knocked on the back of the van for the driver to open it. He loaded everything in carefully, something Thorn noted and appreciated, and then they sat in the backseat for another trip over to Sé’s. The driver was chatty, wanting to know what had happened to the building. Sé watched for any sign of someone following them. Thorn noticed but didn’t have the heart to tell him that Caleb would be watching from a place where Sé couldn’t see him.

When they got to Sé’s, they unloaded everything, moved it to the elevator and up to his apartment. When they got inside, Thorn breathed a sigh of relief.

“The wards held and Caleb still doesn’t know about you. I’d know if he’d intruded with his scrying. I know it’s too soon for him to know anything but I was worried all the same.”

Sé moved in behind her and rubbed her shoulders.

“Mmmm, that feels good. I need to unpack these books, call and check on Uncle, take a shower…”



“Why don’t I start a bath for you and I can unpack the books while you’re in the bath. I know you’ll have to rearrange them but at least they’ll be out of the boxes. I’ll clear out a couple of drawers and some closet space too. Come on, Leannán.”

“I could so get used to you,” Thorn said.

“That’s the idea.”

They walked into Sé’s massive bathroom. Thorn looked at the large, round, white, free-standing tub on a deep wine pedestal in the center of the room with pleasure. She thought it a modern version of her claw foot. He had a marble tiled shower in reds and creams that sat in the corner and a glass bowl sink, all very modern. A bit too modern for Thorn’s tastes but beautiful all the same. He left Thorn to undress then. She tied her hair up in a messy bun and took everything off. It had been a few hard days of running and the acrid smell of smoke clung heavily to her. She sank into the tub with relief, and languidly extended her long legs, sliding down until she was submersed to her neck. The tension of the last few days slowly eased. She was still tense but in a way that was healthy for the battle she knew was coming. She dozed gently as the warm water lapped across her body.

“Well, isn’t this pretty?”

Startled, Thorn looked up at the furious face of Special Agent Kate Simms.


If there be a perfect match, this work tonight will surely catch. The perfect one who is meant to be, shall find his way home to me. In perfect love and perfect trust, I send this out, but not from lust. This spell will guide us to unite, freewill remain with us tonight.

“Get the hell out of here, Kate!” Sé yelled, from outside of the door. At least he respected her privacy, Thorn thought. It was more than Kate was doing.

“What are you doing here?” Thorn said.

“I was going to ask you the same thing,” Special Agent Simms said. Her face glistened from the moist heat. Her face was mottled in anger. Her usually coiffed hair hung limp and disheveled.

“I’m taking a bath and if you don’t mind, I’d rather you get the fuck out so I can dress.”

Kate turned on her heels and marched out of the bathroom. Thorn considered this her best chance to make a graceful exit from the tub. She didn’t know how long the agent’s patience would last before she burst in again. She did a mental inventory of mild irritation spells like stinging spells and itching hexes while she slipped on her clean night-gown and robe. She could hear Sé and Kate yelling on the other side of the door but couldn’t hear what they were saying. When she opened the door, a blast of angry noise jarred her tired nerves.

“You have no jurisdiction, you have no right, and you have your head up your ass, Kate!” Sé yelled.

“Fuck you, Sé! I’m going to see her locked up,” Kate shouted back. She shook her shoulders out like a weight lifter relaxing his muscles. Straightened her suit and dropped her voice a few decibels. “She couldn’t wait to jump in bed with you. I can’t believe how gullible you are!” she said, condescension heavy in her voice.

“That’s it, I’m hexing her,” Thorn hissed softly, but Sé heard her. She took a step towards Kate. Sé jumped in the way and grabbed Thorn and walked her to the other side of the apartment.

“Not that I wouldn’t want to see that, but it would cause a whole lot of paper work, Leannán,” he whispered in her ear. Thorn shook with anger. His soft whisper and Gaelic word of endearment sent a shiver through her. She reached for balance and calmed down enough to reassess the situation.

“What are you two whispering about?” Kate asked. She walked towards them. Thorn thought maybe a little hex would go unnoticed but Sé saw the look in her eye and grabbed both of her hands in his and grinned at her.

“Kate, if you don’t leave now, I’ll call the PD and have them escort you out,” Sé said.

“You wouldn’t,” Kate gasped.

“Watch me, bitch. I’ve had enough of your shit. I want you out of my house. If you ever pick my lock again, I’ll get you for breaking and entering.”

“You’re harboring a fugitive. I’ve got you, Sé.”

“She’s not a fugitive anymore and you know it. I wasn’t with her when she was, so again, get the hell out, Kate.”

“Fine. But I’ll find a way to nail her ass. Just fuck up once, missy, and you’re mine.” Kate took her time about walking out of Sé’s apartment. At least Thorn knew how she got in. The FBI did have their little tricks of the trade, but she was pretty sure Kate was in deep trouble if Sé pressed charges.

The minute Kate was gone, Sé took Thorn in his arms.

“It seems like hours since I’ve done this,” he sighed. “I’m so sorry she showed up--well broke in. She’s insane.” He dropped a kiss on her neck and inhaled deeply. “God you smell great and I stink of smoke. Let me lock back up and take a quick shower.”

“Okay, only if you hurry,” Thorn purred.

“Ahh, now you’re making it difficult. You can put your things away while I take a shower. I left the drawers open since I was so rudely interrupted. I also made room in the closet.” He slowly let go of Thorn and went to the door, throwing the deadbolt and setting the alarm system. He took her hand and led her to his room. He had brought her bags in there already. Sé grabbed some clean clothes and headed for the shower after another quick kiss.

“You know, it’s my fault she got in. I forgot to reset the wards.”

“Thorn, you’ve had a terrible couple of days. No one could have predicted Kate.”

“Yes, but it could have been Caleb.”

“Shhh, go set your wards now. You’ll feel better after you get some sleep.”

Thorn felt like she had been on a roller coaster, so many ups and downs emotionally during the last few days. This was definitely the upswing. She quickly reset her wards and then went back to Sé’s room. Thinking of Sé, she sauntered around the room, putting her clothes away. The fight with Kate had her adrenaline going. Thorn heard the shower turn off. The threat Caleb represented to Sé weighed heavily on her mind – but her heart refused to hold her distance from him. Her heart was lacking in love magick. Her grandmother warned her that it would be dangerous if she didn’t build it. Maybe now was the time. But the first step was taking the risk, letting Sé into her life.

She sat on the edge of the bed and waited. Sé came in a few moments later, bare chested and wrapped in a towel. Even though she had seen his upper body when she had tattooed him, she reacted strongly. A soft covering of black hair trailed over the firm well-defined muscles of his flat stomach. His arms were developed without being out of proportion, a big man and beautiful. The Celtic knot he wore on one arm suited him. He turned the overhead light off when he entered the room. All the rough masculine edges seemed to soften when he sat down next to her. He took her hand and Thorn sighed as he kissed her fingers.

Then he moved his hand up her arm and gently tugged his fingers through her hair, pulling her closer. Thorn moved in to kiss him. A slow deep kiss, Sé slid his tongue across Thorn’s lips making her tingle and greedily open her mouth to his. A long forgotten heat rose in Thorn. Sé’s strong, rough hands roamed up her smooth, silk gown to her neck, caressing it and lower, to the hollow space between her breasts.

Thorn’s hands traced his contoured arms and the curves of his back, as Sé kissed his way down her neck, nibbling on her ear, whispering, “Leannán,” sending shivers through her. He nuzzled her shoulder, sliding the strap of her night gown down, kissing where it had been. He slid his hand down her body unerringly to the center of her growing tension. As he eased the ache, he circled her nipple with his tongue through the silk of her gown. Thorn felt the gnawing tingle build. She moaned loudly making Sé press his full length against her. That was enough to push Thorn over the edge. She let herself be washed with all the driving desires her pleasure released, and shuddered in Sé’s arms. The lights flickered and the curtains blew wildly. Love magick. Finally she understood. This was a power she had never anticipated. He licked her breast slowly causing little aftershocks to rock through her.

She rolled into Sé. He pulled her closer and soon they were lost in each other. The house was alive with energy. The air was charged with the magick they created.

“My Thorn, my sweet Thorn, what are we going to do now? Where do we go from here?”

“I don’t know.” She sighed. “I can’t do anything right now. I’m so tired.”

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