Star Trek: The Fall: The Poisoned Chalice

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Authors: James Swallow

Tags: #Fiction, #Science Fiction, #General, #Action & Adventure, #Media Tie-In

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Historian's Note

On August 27, 2385, the new Deep Space 9 was dedicated (
Star Trek: The Fall—Revelation and Dust
). The tragic event that occurred during the ceremony and the chaos that followed created ripples across the quadrants, including the election of a new castellan to the Cardassian Union. Starfleet vessels have been deployed to bolster the Federation's security and ensure the safety of its allies (
Star Trek: The Fall—The Crimson Shadow

The stunning announcement that a rogue ex–Starfleet officer, Doctor Julian Bashir, solved the Andorian reproduction crisis has stunned the Federation Council, and within the corridors of power there is a disquieting scramble for power (
Star Trek: The Fall—A Ceremony of Losses

This story takes place just after the arrest of Bashir, between September 20 and October 12, 2385.

But in these cases

We still have judgment here; that we but teach

Bloody instructions, which, being taught, return

To plague the inventor: this even-handed justice

Commends the ingredients of our poison'd chalice

To our own lips.


Act I, Scene VII


he blackness rippled with the faint onset of precursor radiation, and from a velocity-distorted glimmer, a vessel emerged, falling under the light of familiar stars.

Sleek and uncluttered, the Starfleet-clean lines of the
's ice-gray hull and warp engine outriggers caught the distant luminosity of Earth's sun as she turned inward, from the egress point past the orbit of Mars. Impulse grids flared with orange fire as
moved on to a speed course, cutting across the commercial civilian shipping lanes on a high-priority path in toward the third planet.

At another time, under other circumstances, the return of one of the fleet's most advanced explorer ships to home base would have been met with some measure of celebration; but not on this day. A long shadow had fallen over the United Federation of Planets, and every citizen of that great coalition seemed to be holding his or her breath, uncertain of what would come next.

*  *  *

Captain William Riker folded his arms across his chest, his expression grim and distant as he watched the motion of the stars on the bridge's main viewscreen. The circumstances of
's expedited return
to the Sol system troubled him greatly. Not for the first time, his ship's grand mission to explore the unknown territories of the Beta Quadrant's vast Gum Nebula had been interrupted by an urgent recall order from Starfleet Command. Before, it had been the herald to invasion by a massed Borg armada. And now, much to Riker's dismay, once again
was called away from her core purpose because of an act of brutal violence.

He turned the moment over in his mind, as he had done time and time again in the last few days, examining it from each angle, trying to make sense of it.

Nanietta Bacco is dead
. The president of the United Federation of Planets, the woman who had guided the Federation through some of its most challenging, most harrowing trials of recent times lay murdered at the hand of an assassin, shot while aboard the newly constructed Deep Space 9 space station at Bajor. The images of the assassination, captured as they happened by reporters present for the dedication ceremony, still burned hard in Riker's thoughts.
The Shot Heard Round the Galaxy,
they were calling it. One simple act, the mere pressure of a finger upon a trigger, and the troubles of the UFP had grown darker and more ominous overnight.

Riker never had the honor of meeting Bacco in person, although she had personally contacted the
in the wake of the Borg crisis in order to bestow a presidential unit citation upon the vessel; the ceremonial pennant for that award hung belowdecks on the wall of the main crew lounge. Will's admiration for the no-nonsense, hard-stock colonial woman had risen greatly when she had gruffly dispensed with “all the formal crap” and told him with clear-eyed honesty
that every serving crewman on his ship had an open invite to have a drink with her at the presidential office in Paris.

“Just don't all come at once,” Bacco had said and smiled. Riker regretted that he would never get that chance now.

“Earth Space Central signals we're clear for approach.” Seated to his left, Riker's first officer, Commander Christine Vale, glanced up from the panel beside her, reading off the message. “McKinley's ready for us, sir.”

Riker acknowledged the report with a terse nod, letting Vale relay orders to Lieutenants Aili Lavena and Sariel Rager at the conn and ops consoles. For the first time, he noticed that his second-in-command had dyed a streak of her hair white, something he recalled was a traditional color of mourning among the people of the Izar colonies.

The bridge was uncharacteristically silent. Along with Rager and Lavena at the forward stations and Vale at his right, Riker's second officer Commander Tuvok stood behind him at the tactical console, with ship's security chief Ranul Keru nearby. Tuvok's composed Vulcan manner was as stoic as ever, but Keru, along with
's Cardassian science officer Zurin Dakal and Karen McCreedy, one of the engineering team, seemed to have lost themselves in their work.

's captain kept a loose rein on officer discipline and his crew was professional enough to know that didn't imply any lack of restraint, only a relaxed informality. That openness was seemingly absent now. No one was in the mood to talk.

Riker tensed in his command chair. He resisted the urge to rise to his feet, as if the action of physical
movement would somehow shake off the bleak mood clouding him and his crew. The fact was, he had as many questions as his officers did, and it gnawed at Riker that he could not give his people something to hold on to.

Bacco's death and the storm of half-truths and unknowns that surrounded it were in danger of doing more damage to the morale of the Federation than the horror of the act itself. Even as
had been recalled to Earth, new reports were coming in, fractured and contradictory stories about an incident in the Andor system. All Riker knew for certain was that serving members of Starfleet had been detained—including people he considered friends—pending an investigation at the highest levels.

Some rumors said that the ongoing genetic problem regarding the Andorians and their complex reproductive processes had been solved, others said that it had passed a catastrophic tipping point and triggered anarchy.
's own Andorian crewmembers, who so recently had faced jeopardy from their own kind after the incident with the
Starship Therin,
now waited fearfully for news of their planet and the fate of their people. Andor's succession from the Federation was still an open wound for many; a decision motivated by Starfleet's unwillingness to pass on classified data that could have been used in finding a resolution to the fertility crisis.

What concerned Riker the most were the allegations of armed intervention by the Federation. The old adage was true: the only thing that traveled faster than warp speed was scuttlebutt—and there was talk about Starfleet firing on Starfleet. As Earth grew into definition on the viewscreen, the captain hoped that here, in
the nerve center of the United Federation of Planets, some kind of truth would make itself clear.

“Approaching McKinley Station,” said Rager, as the iron-red space platform rose over the curve of the planet. Illuminated from behind by the glow of a rising sun, the station's curved frame resembled a great metallic claw reaching out to snare the

Riker shook off the forbidding portent of the image and cleared his throat. “Maneuvering thrusters, Lieutenant. Bring us in.”

“Thrusters, aye.” Rager's careful focus led the ship into the dock and there was a slight bump as tractor beams took hold to guide
to a safe berth.

“We have you,
Titan,” said the dock controller's voice over the hailing channel.
“Welcome back to the barn. Wish it could be under better circumstances

concurs, McKinley, and thank you,” said Riker, nodding to himself. He turned from the screen and found Vale watching him intently.

“So here we are,” she began. “You think we'll get some answers now?”

Riker hesitated before speaking. The orders that had cut short their mission in the Gum Nebula had been curt, to say the least. The answers Vale wanted were as much to questions of those orders as they were about the presidential assassination and the Andor confrontation. Finally, he said what had been on his mind since the command had come in. “I wish I knew, Chris. All I'm certain of is that an expedited return to Starfleet Command does not bode well.”

A chime from one of the consoles sounded before Vale could respond. “Incoming signal,” reported Tuvok. The Vulcan glanced up from his tactical station over Riker's shoulder. “A priority one message
from the office of the commander of Starfleet. Admiral Leonard Akaar requires the immediate presence of Captain William T. Riker at Starfleet Command, San Francisco.”

“That was fast,” Vale said dryly.

The captain got to his feet and his executive officer followed suit. “You know Akaar,” said Riker. “Never a man to let the grass grow under his feet. The ship is yours, Commander. Let Lieutenant Radowski know I'm on my way down to transporter room three.”

He tugged his uniform tunic straight and walked toward the turbolift. Vale followed for a couple of steps, speaking in a voice that only Riker would hear. “Word of advice? Try not to look like you're marching to the gallows.”

Riker stopped on the threshold of the lift and shot her a look. “Tell my wife . . . I have a feeling I may very likely miss dinner.”

*  *  *

The high, curved ceiling of Starfleet Command's transporter station sketched itself in around Riker. As the humming chorus of rematerialization faded, he took his first breath of Earth air in years and stepped off the pad.

Gangly arms folded around a padd, a thin and dark-furred felineoid stood waiting for him off to one side; a mustard-yellow collar denoting assignment to operations was visible at his neck, along with the rank pips of a junior grade lieutenant. “Captain Riker, sir. I am Ssura, assigned to you by Admiral Akaar.” He extended a paw and blinked nervously. “If you would accompany me?”

“Lead on.” Riker studied Ssura's gait as he walked and noted the patches of white on the back of his head
that broke up the otherwise night-dark tone of his fur. The young officer was a Caitian, and like those of his species who served on
Ssura went barefoot and barely made a sound as he moved.

“If it is not an imposition, I will say I am honored to meet you,” Ssura said over his shoulder. “Your mission logs, the voyages of
. I studied them at the Academy. Inspiring.”

“It's the job we do, Mister Ssura. I just happened to be there on the right days.”

The Caitian cocked his head. “How can you determine which day is the right day?”

“You don't,” Riker replied. “That's the rub.” He frowned; he was in no mood to discuss the finer details of missions past. “Lieutenant, let's cut to the chase. Am I going to be wasting my time if I ask you exactly why I was summoned?”

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