Starbright (7 page)

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Authors: Alexandra Richland

Tags: #Fiction

BOOK: Starbright
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Beth was unaware of this information. “How sad. He lost both of his parents at such a young age.”

“I have a feeling his mother suffered from a long illness.” Olivia frowned. “He doesn’t like to talk about it.
What about Aidan’s dad?”

“He’s a physician in Chicago.” Given Aidan’s rocky relationship with his father, Beth felt it was best to stick to the basics only.

Olivia lifted her eyebrows. “A doctor, huh? That’s interesting. Acting is kind of the opposite end of the spectrum.”

Beth removed the butter from the icebox. “Well, Aidan isn’t one to conform to the norm or what’s expected of him.”

“You’re right about that.” Olivia grabbed the flour from the cupboard and set it on the counter. “While you finish up here, I’m going to read—unless you need me to help out.”

Beth smiled. Baking was not Olivia’s strong suit.

“No, it’s fine. Go ahead.”

Beth finished preparing the pie and placed it in the oven. While she waited for it to bake, she busied herself with the household chores she’d neglected during the week because of her long work hours.

When the oven timer sounded, indicating that the dessert was ready, the telephone rang. She removed the pie from the oven and placed it on the stovetop before racing into the living room, hoping it was Aidan calling.

Olivia made it to the telephone first. “Hello, Sutton and Weston residence.”

She fell silent as she listened to the caller. When a blush climbed into her cheeks and she giggled, Beth knew it was Nathan on the line.

“Six o’clock is perfect.” Olivia paused. “Oh, sweetie, I love you, too. Good-bye.” She hung up and faced Beth with a gleaming smile. “Nathan invited me to his Malibu home this evening for a romantic dinner and walk on the beach.”

“Gosh, Nathan has a home in Malibu, too?”

Olivia nodded. “I’ve never been there before. I can’t wait to see it!”

Beth smiled. “I’m sure it will be a splendid evening.”

“I have to find an outfit that’s fancy but beach appropriate.” Olivia tapped her forefinger to her chin and walked out of the room.

Beth was about to return to the kitchen when the telephone rang again. This time, she answered it. “Hello, Sutton and Weston residence.”

“Hey, little dove.”

“Aidan!” Beth twirled the telephone cord around her finger. “How did everything go?”

“Really good, actually. We finished it all today. The place is looking pretty bare since the new furniture I bought hasn’t been delivered yet, but at least the telephone is hooked up and I have all the stuff from my old apartment moved in.”

“I’ve missed you, but I’m glad you made great progress.”

“I’m just gonna get ready, and then I’ll swing by and pick you up. We can go someplace on the outskirts of town so no one will bother us. I’ll probably be there in an hour. Is that okay?”

“That sounds wonderful. I can’t wait.”

“Me, too, baby. See you soon.”

After they exchanged good-byes, Beth returned to the kitchen to remove her apron and tidy up. She informed Olivia about her plans, changed into a ribbon appliquéd cream taffeta cocktail dress, and attended to her hair and makeup with plenty of time to spare, which inspired her to surprise Aidan at his new house with the pie instead of him picking her up here. He lived close to her now so it wouldn’t take long to walk there and arrive before he left for her apartment. She was also curious to see what his new place looked like.

To prepare for her trip, Beth wrapped up the pie and transferred the contents of her day purse into a smaller purse more suitable for the evening.

“Liv!” she called on her way to the door.

“Yes?” Olivia replied from her bedroom.

“I’m walking to Aidan’s house. He was supposed to pick me up, but I want to surprise him.”

Olivia stepped into the living room wearing a knockout black-and-blue, chiffon cocktail dress and high heels.

Beth arched her eyebrows. “That’s beach attire?”

Olivia winked. “I’m hoping I won’t be wearing it for long.”

Beth giggled. “I suppose I shouldn’t wait up then if I get home before you.”

She wished Olivia good night and left the apartment with her purse on her shoulder and the apple pie in hand.

What greeted Beth outside was not the pleasant weather from earlier in the day. Clouds stretched across the sky like a dense cotton blanket, blocking the sun and casting the neighborhood in an eerie shadow. The wind had picked up, whipping her hair across her face and playing havoc with her dress. She gripped the pie tighter and marched on. The storm seemed to be concentrated in the distance, and she felt a growing hope she would make it before it became a threat.

Beth walked up her street en route to Mortimer Drive. She was so giddy with the anticipation of how Aidan would receive her, she failed to notice how dark it had become outside.

Lightning burst like flashbulbs from the photographers’ cameras when she posed on the red carpet. The eruption of thunder that followed sounded right overhead. Beth panicked as she looked upward, finally realizing the severity of her situation. The sky swirled in a mosaic of purple and gray, and the air had suddenly grown thick and humid. She felt a raindrop, followed by another. And another.

She slowed her pace and considered turning around, but she was already more than halfway to Aidan’s house. At least the pie was protected.

Lightning flashed and thunder cracked again, this time seemingly from all around her, putting extra zest in her step. By the time she reached Aidan’s street, she was walking through the center of a raging storm that soaked her hair and washed away her makeup.

Her plan to look nice for Aidan was foiled. Now they’d have to return to her apartment before they went out, in order for her to change, which meant her intention to meet him at his house and have them leave from there was futile.

Beth searched for the address on the nearest house, anxious for refuge from the storm. The numbers ascended on her journey up the block so she was walking in the right direction. They were odd, though, which meant she was on the wrong side of the street. Water splashed into her shoes and up her legs as she stepped into a puddle on her way across the road. It didn’t even faze her. She was drenched already.

Finally, she reached Sixty Mortimer Drive. Aidan’s house was a quaint bungalow with a large front window and a rustic cabin exterior. Neither his car nor his motorcycle sat in the driveway, but there was a garage on the property, so they could’ve been parked inside.

With a shudder, Beth stepped onto the covered front stoop and tapped the brass knocker against the door. Several moments passed without a response. She knocked again.

Still no answer.

Clutching the pie, she walked over to the front window to look inside, only to find the drapes drawn. She peered out at the storm. Should she wait it out before returning home? It didn’t look like it would stop any time soon, though…

As Beth turned to leave, she heard the lock disengage. The front door opened wide. Aidan stood in the entryway, his eyes dilating with the shock that electrified his handsome features. But it wasn’t his face that Beth focused on.

Because Aidan was shirtless.

And wet.

And wearing only a towel.

Now, Beth knew Aidan was in fine physical shape, but she was completely unprepared for her first view of him in the flesh. Suddenly, the idea of an Adonis on Earth, as described in Connie’s romance novel, didn’t seem farfetched at all.

Aidan’s smooth skin glistened with the droplets of water that beaded as they slipped between his bulging pectorals and down his rippled stomach. A faint dusting of light brown hair trailed from his bellybutton and disappeared below the thin white towel wound around his hips—very, very low on his hips.

Beth shivered from the cool breeze and rain, but parts of her burned. Her fingers twitched at the thought of exploring his body with her touch, bathing in the water that collected on his skin, drifting her hand down his sculpted chest to his abdomen…



Thunder exploded in competition with the sound of her frantic heartbeat and the rain pounding the steaming sidewalks and asphalt. Beth jolted from her trance, suddenly aware of her drenched appearance: how her hair plastered to her head and her dress clung to her like swimwear instead of respectable evening attire. Most embarrassingly, how she was ogling her beau in the same manner Betsy ogled Fabio in the book.

But she wasn’t the only one staring.

Aidan’s eyes traveled up her body, pausing noticeably on her breasts before coming to rest on her face. His throat constricted with a hard swallow, his smoldering gaze outshining the lightning that blasted across the sky like fireworks.

Beth worried she’d arrived at the wrong time, although she couldn’t say she regretted it. With Aidan standing half-naked before her, she didn’t need the sweet taste of apple pie. She already had her own slice of heaven.




One moment, Aidan was stepping out of the shower and toweling off. The next, he was opening the front door and coming face to face with Beth. A very, very wet Beth. The proper response of saying hello and inviting her inside washed from his mind like rainwater down a street gutter. He could only stare.

Beth’s chestnut hair fell straight alongside her large brown eyes and full red lips, over her shoulders to just above her breasts. Her nipples were taut beneath her cream-colored dress, which, given the circumstances, left little to the imagination. Aidan hardened under his towel. The flimsy material probably didn’t leave much to her imagination, either.

“I—I apologize for showing up unexpectedly,” she said through chattering teeth. She extended the covered item she held in her hands, regarding him sheepishly. “I, um, brought you an apple pie.”

Aidan’s eyes dropped to the pie and remained there until he overcame the initial shock of her arrival. Then he ushered her inside and closed the door.

“What are you doing here?” He wrapped his arms around her and was startled by how cold she felt. “You should’ve waited for me at your place. It’s raining!”

Beth gave him a small smile. “I know.”

As Aidan looked her over again, his most pressing concerns were that her lips had a blue hue to them and she wouldn’t stop shaking. He rubbed his hands along her back vigorously, trying to heat her up. It didn’t work. He pressed his warm mouth to hers but was met by stubbornly cold lips. The only solution was to get her dry.

Aidan brought her into the living room and sat her down on the couch.

“Stay here,” he said. “I’m going to grab a blanket.”

He rushed into his bedroom, rooted through the boxes he had yet to unpack, and found a pair of worn black jeans, a white T-shirt, black briefs, and a fleece blanket. He dressed in record time and returned to the living room.

“Here.” He threw the blanket over Beth’s shoulders and wrapped her up tightly. “This should help for now.”

“Thank you.” She met his gaze, shivering under the shroud. “I’m sorry for ruining our date.”

“You didn’t ruin our date.” Aidan crouched before her and rubbed his hands up and down her arms. “It was really thoughtful of you to walk over here with the pie, but we need to get you back to your apartment so you can change. You’re gonna catch a cold, or worse, if you stay like this.”

Beth hugged the blanket around her. “So we’re going back out in the rain?”

Aidan frowned. His idea wasn’t too bright, was it? “Never mind. We’ll stay here, and I’ll run a warm bath for you.”

Beth’s eyes widened. He figured she was going to dispute his plan.

Instead, she replied with a timid, “All right. Thank you.”

Aidan slipped her shoes off her feet. Water poured onto the floor. He tossed the pumps aside and wrapped his hands around her toes. They felt ice cold.

After a gentle kiss to her forehead and a steadfast vow to take care of her, he headed into the bathroom and filled the tub. Thankfully, he’d scrubbed the bathroom as soon as he moved in, so it was clean for her. He didn’t have proper bath items—the kind he knew women typically used—and made a mental note to pick some up soon. Not that he was being presumptuous. He just wanted her to have everything she needed should another situation like this arise.

Aidan returned to the living room and led Beth into the bathroom with a subtle touch to her shoulder. She draped the blanket over the counter and stood before him, her hands clasped in front of her. He worked a miracle and didn’t look below her face. This was not the proper time for what he desired to happen between them.

“Okay, I’ll leave you to…” The thought of her undressing redirected his mind along a less than honorable route. “And, uh, I’ll find you something of mine to wear.”

“Thank you.” Beth took her lower lip between her teeth. The way she looked at him suggested she had something more to say.

“Is there anything else you need?”

Beth released her lip. “Um… can you unzip me?”

The request traveled on an express ticket from Aidan’s ears down to his groin. He scrounged up a reply. “Uh, yeah. Sure.”

Beth turned around. Aidan released a deep breath and stepped softly against her, appreciating the enchanting curve of her back and behind. He gathered her hair and brought it forward over one shoulder. Unable to help himself, he closed his eyes and bent down to kiss her nape. She shivered. He groaned and backed away.

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