Stars of Mithra Box Set: Captive Star\Hidden Star\Secret Star (2 page)

BOOK: Stars of Mithra Box Set: Captive Star\Hidden Star\Secret Star
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“Look, it's only going to be harder on you this way. Why don't you just go quietly, before we bust up any more of your friend's apartment?”

“You're crushing me, you jerk,” she said between her teeth. “And this is my apartment. You try to rape me, and I'll twist your pride clean off
and hand it to you. There won't be enough left of you for the cops to scrape off their shoes.”

“I don't force women, sugar. Just because some accountant couldn't keep his hands off you doesn't mean I can't. And the cops aren't interested in me. They want you.”

She blew out a breath, tried to suck another in, but he was crushing her lungs. “I don't know what the hell you're talking about.”

He pulled the papers out of his pocket, shoved them in front of her face. “M. J. O'Leary, assault with a deadly, malicious wounding, and blah-blah. Ralph's real disappointed in you, sugar. He's a trusting man and didn't expect a nice woman like you to try to skip out on the ten-K bond.”

“This is a crock.” She could see her name and some downtown address on what appeared to be some kind of arrest warrant. “You've got the wrong person. I didn't post bail for anything. I haven't been arrested, and I live here. Idiot cops,” she muttered, and tried to buck him off again. “Call in to your sergeant, or whatever. Straighten this out. And when you do, I'm suing.”

“Nice try. And I suppose you've never heard of George MacDonald.”

“No, I haven't.”

“Then it was really rude of you to shoot him.” He eased up just enough to flip her face up, then caught both of her hands at the wrist. She'd lost her glasses, he noted, and her eyes were neither moss nor emerald, he decided—they were dark shady-river green. And, just now, full of fury. “Look, you want to have a hot affair with your accountant, sister, it's no skin off my nose. You want to shoot him, I don't particularly care. But you skip bond, and it ticks me off.”

She could breathe slightly easier now, but his hands were like steel bands at her wrists. “My accountant's name is Holly Bergman, and we haven't had a hot affair. I haven't shot anyone, and I haven't
bond because I haven't
bond. I want to see your ID, ace.”

He thought it took a lot of nerve to make demands in her current position. “My name's Dakota, Jack Dakota. I'm a skip tracer.”

Her eyes narrowed as they skimmed over his face. She thought he looked like something out of the gritty side of a western. A cold-eyed gunslinger, a tough-talking gambler. Or…

“A bounty hunter. Well, there's no bounty here, jerk.” It wasn't rape, and it wasn't a mugging. The fear that had iced her heart thawed into fresh temper. “You son of a bitch. You break in
here, tear up my things, ruin twenty bucks' worth of produce, and all because you can't follow the right trail? Your butt's in a sling, I promise you. When I'm done, you won't be able to trace your own name with a stencil. You won't—” She broke off when he stuck a photo in her face.

It was her face, and the photograph might have been taken yesterday.

“Got a twin, O'Leary? One who drives a '68 MG, license plate
, and is currently shacked up with some guy named Bailey James.”

“Bailey's a woman,” she murmured, staring at her own face while new worries raced in her head. Was this about Bailey, about what Bailey had sent her? What kind of trouble could her friend be in? “And this isn't her apartment, it's mine. I don't have a twin.” She looked up into his eyes again. “What's going on? Is Bailey all right? Where's Bailey?”

Under his clamped hands, her pulse had spiked. She was struggling again, with a fresh and vicious energy he knew was brought on by fear. And he was dead certain it wasn't fear for herself.

“I don't know anything about this Bailey except this address is listed under her name on the paperwork.”

But he was beginning to smell something, and
he didn't like it. He was no longer thinking M. J. O'Leary was dumb as a post. A woman with any brains wouldn't have left herself with so many avenues to be tracked if she was on the run.

Ralph, Jack mused, frowning down into M.J.'s face. Why were you so jumpy this morning?

“If you're being straight with me, we can confirm it quick enough. Maybe it was a clerical mix-up.” But he didn't think so. No indeed. And there was an itching at the base of his spine. “Listen,” he began, just as the door broke open and the giant roared in.

“You were supposed to bring her out,” the giant said, and waved an impressive .357 Magnum. “You're talking too much. He's waiting.”

Jack didn't have much time to decide how to play it. The big man was a stranger to him, but he recognized the type. It looked like all bulk and no brains, with the huge bullet head, small eyes and massive shoulders. The gun was big as a cannon and looked like a toy in the ham-size hands.

“Sorry.” He gave M.J.'s wrist a quick squeeze, hoping she'd understand it as a sign of reassurance and remain still and quiet. “I was having a little trouble here.”

“Just a woman. You were supposed to just bring the woman out.”

“Yeah, I was working on it.” Jack tried a friendly smile. “Ralph send you to back me up?”

“Come on, up. Up now. We're going.”

“Sure. No problem. You won't need the gun now. I've got her under control.” But the gun continued to point, its barrel as wide as Montana, at his head.

“Just her.” And the giant smiled, floppy lips peeling back over huge teeth. “We don't need you now.”

“Fine. I guess you want the paperwork.” For lack of anything better, Jack snagged a can of tomato sauce on his way up and winged it. It made a satisfactory crunching sound on the big man's nose. Ducking, Jack rushed forward like a battering ram. It felt a great deal like beating his head against a brick wall, but the force took them both tumbling backward and over a ladder-back chair.

The gun went off, putting a fist-size hole in the ceiling before it flew across the room.

She thought about running. She could have been out of the door and away before either of them untangled. But she thought about Bailey, about what she had weighing down her shoulder bag. About the mess she'd somehow stepped in. And was too mad to run.

She went for the gun and ended up falling backward as Jack flew into her. She cushioned his fall, and he was up fast, springing into the air and landing a double-footed kick in the big man's midsection.

Nice form, M.J. thought, and scrambled to her own feet. She snagged her shoulder bag, spun it over her head and cracked it hard over the sleek, bullet-shaped head.

He went down hard on the sofa, snapping the springs.

“You're wrecking my place!” she shouted, and smacked Jack in the side, simply because she could reach him.

“Sue me.”

He dodged a fist the size of a steamship and went in low. Pain sang through every bone as his opponent slammed him into a wall. Pictures fell, glass shattering on the floor. Through his blurred vision he saw the woman charge, a redheaded fireball that flew up and latched like a plague of wasps on the man's enormous back. She used her fists, pounding the sides of his face as he spun wildly and struggled to grab her.

“Hold him still!” Jack shouted. “Damn it, just hold him for a minute!”

Spotting an opening, he grabbed what was left
of a table leg and rushed in. He checked his first swing as the duo spun like a mad two-headed top. If he followed through, he might have cracked the back of M.J.'s head open like a melon.

“I said hold him still!”

“You want me to paint a bull's-eye on his face while I'm at it?” With a guttural snarl, she hooked her arms around the man's throat, clamped her thighs like a vise around his wide steel beam of a torso and screamed, “Hit him, for God's sake. Stop dancing around and hit him.”

Jack cocked back like a batter with two strikes already on his record and swung full out. The table leg splintered like a toothpick, blood gushed like water in a fountain. M.J. had just enough time to jump clear as the man toppled like a redwood.

She stayed on her hands and knees a minute, gasping for air. “What's going on? What the hell's going on?”

“No time to worry about it.” Self-preservation on his mind, Jack grabbed her hand, hauled her to her feet. “This type doesn't usually travel alone. Let's go.”

“Go?” She snagged the strap of her purse as he pulled her toward the door. “Where?”

“Away. He's going to be mean when he wakes
up, and if he's got a friend, we're not going to be so lucky next time.”

“Lucky, my butt.” But she was running with him, driven by a pure instinct that matched Jack's. “You son of a bitch. You come busting into my place, push me around, wreck my home, nearly get me shot.”

“I saved your butt.”

“I saved
” She shouted it at him, cursing viciously as they thudded down the stairs. “And when I get a minute to catch my breath, I'm going to take you apart, piece by piece.”

They rounded the landing and nearly ran over one of her neighbors. The woman, with helmet hair and bunny slippers, cowered, back against the wall, hands pressed to her deeply rouged cheeks.

“M.J., what in the world—? Were those gunshots?”

“Mrs. Weathers—”

“No time.” Jack all but jerked her off her feet as he headed down the next flight.

“Don't you shout at me, you jerk. I'm making you pay for every grape that got smashed, every lamp, every—”

“Yeah, yeah, I get the picture. Where's the back door?” When M.J. pointed down the corridor, he gave a nod and they both slid outside, then
around the corner of the building. Screened by some bushes in the front, Jack darted a gaze up and down the street. There was a windowless van less than half a block down, and a small, chicken-faced man in a bad suit dancing beside it. “Stay low,” Jack ordered, thankful he'd parked right out front as they ran down the walkway and he all but threw M.J. into the front seat of his car.

“My God, what the hell is this?” She shoved at the can she'd sat on, kicked at the wrappers littering the floor, then joined them when Jack put a hand behind her head and shoved.

“Low!” he repeated in a snarl, and gunned the engine. The faint ping told him the man with the chicken face was using the silenced automatic he'd pulled out.

Jack's car screamed away from the curb, and he two-wheeled it around the corner and shot down the street like a rocket. Tossed like eggs in a broken carton, M.J. rapped her head on the dash, cursed, and struggled to balance herself as Jack maneuvered the huge boat of a car down side streets.

“What the hell are you doing?”

“Saving your butt again, sugar.” His eyes flicked to the rearview as he took a hard, tire-squealing right turn. A couple of kids riding bikes
on the sidewalk lifted their fists and cheered the maneuver. In instant reaction, Jack flashed a grin.

“Slow this junk heap down.” M.J. had to crawl back onto the seat and clutch the chicken stick for balance. “And let me out before you run over some kid walking his dog.”

“I'm not going to run over anybody, and you're staying put.” He spared her a quick glance. “In case you didn't notice, the guy with the van was shooting at us. And as soon as I make sure we've lost him and find someplace quiet to hole up, you're going to tell me what the hell's going on.”

“I don't know what's going on.”

He shot her a look. “That's bull.”

Because he was sure it was, he took a chance. He swung to the curb again, reached under his seat and came up with spare cuffs. Before she could do more than blink, he had her locked by the wrist to the door handle. No way was she skipping out on him until he knew why he'd just been tossed around by a three-hundred-pound gorilla.

To block out her shouting, and her increasingly imaginative threats and curses, Jack turned up his stereo and drowned her out.

Chapter 2

t the very first opportunity, she was going to kill him. Brutally, M.J. decided. Mercilessly. Two hours before this, she'd been happy, free, wandering around the grocery store like any normal person on a Saturday, squeezing tomatoes. True, she'd been weighed down with curiosity about what she carried in the bottom of her purse, but she'd been sure Bailey had a good reason—and a logical explanation—for sending it to her.

Bailey James always had good reasons and logical explanations for everything. That was only one of the aspects about her that M.J. loved.

But now she was worried—worried that the package Bailey had shipped to her by courier the day before was not only at the bottom of her purse, but also at the bottom of her current situation.

She preferred blaming Jack Dakota.

He'd pushed his way into her apartment and attacked her. Okay, so maybe she'd attacked first, but it was a natural reaction when some jerk tried to muscle you. At least it was M.J.'s natural reaction. She was an ace student in the school of punch first, ask questions later.

It was humiliating that he'd been able to take her down. She had a lot of notches on her fifth-degree black belt, and she didn't like to lose a match.

But she'd pay him back for that later.

All she knew for certain was that he seemed to be at the root of it all. Because of him, her apartment was wrecked, her things tossed every which way. Now they'd gone, leaving the front door open, the lock broken. She didn't form close attachments to things, but that wasn't the point. They were
things, and thanks to him, she was going to have to waste time shopping for replacements.

Which was almost as bad as having some gun
wielding punk the size of Texas busting down her door, having to run for her life from her own home, and being shot at.

But all of that, all of it, paled next to one infuriating fact—she was handcuffed to the door handle of an Oldsmobile.

Jack Dakota had to die for that.

Who the hell was he? she asked herself. Bounty hunter, excellent hand-to-hand fighter, slob—she added as she pushed candy wrappers and paper cups around with her foot—and nerveless driver. Under different circumstances, she'd have been impressed by the way he handled the tank of a car, swinging it around curves, screaming around corners, whipping it through yellow lights and zipping onto the Washington Beltway like the leader in a Grand Prix event.

If he'd walked into her bar, she'd have looked twice, she admitted grudgingly. Running a pub in a major city meant more than being able to mix drinks and work the books. It meant being able to size people up quickly, tell the troublemakers from the lonely hearts. And know how to deal with both.

She'd have tagged him as a tough customer. It was in his face. A damn good face, all in all, hard and handsome. Yeah, she'd have looked twice,
M.J. thought, teeth gritted, as she looked out the window of the speeding car. Pretty boys didn't interest her much. She preferred a man who looked as though he'd lived, crossed a few lines and would cross a few more.

Jack Dakota fit that bill. She'd gotten a good close look into those eyes—granite gray—and knew that he wasn't one to let a few rules get in his way.

Just what would a man like him do if he knew she was carrying a king's ransom in her battered leather purse?

Damn it, Bailey. Damn it. M.J. fisted her free hand and tapped it restlessly on her knee. Why did you send me the diamond, and where are the other two?

She cursed herself, as well, for not going directly to Bailey's door after she came home from closing M.J.'s the night before. But she'd been tired, and she'd figured Bailey was sound asleep. And as her friend was the steadiest, most practical person M.J. knew, she'd simply decided to wait for what she was certain would be a very practical, sensible reason.

Stupid, she told herself now. Why had she assumed Bailey had sent the stone to her simply because she knew M.J. would be home in the
middle of the day and around to receive the package? Why had she assumed the rock was a fake, a copy, even though the note that accompanied it asked M.J. to keep it with her at all times?

Because Bailey just wasn't the kind of woman to ship off a blue diamond worth more than a million with no warnings or explanations. She was a gemologist, dedicated, brilliant, and patient as Job. How else could she continue to work for the creeps who masqueraded as her family?

M.J.'s mouth tightened as she thought of Bailey's stepbrothers. The Salvini twins had always treated Bailey as though she were an inconvenience, something they were stuck with because their father had left her a percentage of the business in his will. And, blindly loyal to family, Bailey had always found excuses for them.

Now M.J. wondered if they were part of the reason. Had they tried to pull something? She wouldn't put it past them, no indeed. But it was hard to believe Timothy and Thomas Salvini would be stupid enough to try something fancy with the Three Stars of Mithra.

That was what Bailey had called them, and she'd had a dreamy look in her eyes. Three priceless blue diamonds, in a golden triangle that had once been held in the open hands of a statue of
the god Mithra, and now property of the Smithsonian. Salvini, with Bailey's reputation behind it, was to assess, verify and appraise the stones.

What if the creeps had gotten it into their heads to keep them?

No, it was too wild, M.J. decided. Better to believe this whole mess was some sort of mix-up, a mistaken identity tangle.

Much better to concentrate on how she would repay Jack Dakota for ruining her afternoon off.

“You are a dead man.” She said it calmly, relishing the words.

“Yeah, well, everybody dies sooner or later.” He was heading south on 95, and he was grateful she'd stopped swearing at him long enough to let him think.

“It's going to be sooner in your case, Jack. Lots sooner.” The traffic was thick, thanks to the Fourth of July holiday weekend, but it was fast.

How humiliating would it be, she wondered, to stick her head out the window and scream for help? Mortifying, she supposed, but she might have tried it if she'd believed it would work. Better if they could just run into one of the inexplicable traffic snags that stopped cars dead for miles.

Where the hell were the road crews and the
rubberneckers who loved them when she needed them?

Seeing nothing but clear sailing for miles, she told herself to deal with Jack “The Idiot” Dakota herself. “If you want to live to see another sunrise, pull this excuse for a car over, uncuff me and let me go.”

“Go where?” He flicked his eyes from the road long enough to glance at her. “Back to your apartment?”

“That's my problem, not yours.”

“Not anymore, sister. I take it personal, real personal, when someone shoots at me. Since you seem to be the reason why, I'll be keeping you for a while.”

If they hadn't been doing seventy, she'd have punched him. Instead, she rattled her chain. “Take these damn things off me.”


A muscle twitched in her jaw. “You've stepped in it now, Dakota. We're in Virginia. Kidnapping, crossing state lines. That's federal.”

“You came with me,” he pointed out. “Now you're staying with me until I get this figured out.” The doors rattled ominously as he whipped around an eighteen-wheeler. “And you should be grateful.”

“Oh, I should be grateful. You broke into my apartment, knocked me around, busted up my things and have me cuffed to a door handle.”

“That's right. If I hadn't, you'd probably be lying in that apartment right now, with a bullet in your head.”

“They came after you, ace, not me.”

“I don't think so. My debts are paid, I'm not fooling around with anyone's wife, and I haven't pissed anyone off lately. Except for you. Nobody's got a reason to send muscle after me. You, on the other hand…” He skimmed his gaze over her face again. “Somebody wants you, sugar.”

“Thousands do,” she said, stretched out her long legs as she shifted toward him.

“I'll bet.” He didn't give in to the impulse to look at those legs—he just thought about them. “But other than the brainless idiots you'd kick in the heart, you've got someone real interested. Interested enough to set me up, and take me out with you. Ralph, you bastard.”

He shoved aside a copy of
The Grapes of Wrath
and a torn T-shirt and snagged his car phone. Steering one-handed, he punched in numbers then hooked the receiver under his chin.

“Ralph, you bastard,” he repeated when the phone was answered.

“D-D-Dakota? That you? You track d-d-down that skip?”

“When I figure my way clear of this, I'm coming for you.”

“What—what're you talking about? You find her? Look, it's a straight trace, Jack. I g-g-gave you a plum. Just a c-c-couple's hours' work for full f-f-fee.”

“You're stuttering more than usual, Ralph. That won't be a problem after I knock your teeth down your throat. Who wants the woman?”

“Look, I—I—I got problems here. I gotta close early. It's the holiday weekend. I got p-p-personal problems.”

“There's no place you can hide. Why the phony paperwork? Why'd you set me up?”

“I got p-p-problems. Big p-p-problems.”

“I'm your big problem right now.” He tapped the brakes, swung around a convertible and hit the fast lane. “If whoever's pushing your buttons is trying to trace this, I'm in my car, just tooling around.” He thought for a moment, then added, “And I've got the woman.”

“Jack, listen to me. L-l-listen. Tell me where you are, dump her and d-d-drive away. J-j-just drive. Stay out of it. I wouldn'ta tagged you for the job, 'cept I knew you could handle yourself.
Now I'm telling you, stash her somewhere, give me the l-l-location and drive away. Far away. You don't want this.”

“Who wants her, Ralph?”

“You don't n-n-need to know. You d-d-don't want to know. Just d-d-do it. I'll throw in five large. A b-b-bonus.”

“Five large?” Jack's brows lifted. When Ralph parted with an extra nickel, it was big. “Make it ten and tell me who wants her, and we may deal.”

It pleased him that M.J. protested that with a flurry of curses and threats. It added substance to the bluff.

“T-t-ten!” Ralph squeaked it, stuttered for a full ten seconds. “Okay, okay, ten grand, but no names, and b-b-believe me, Jack, I'm saving your life here. Just t-t-tell me where you're going to stash her.”

Smiling grimly, Jack made a pithy and anatomically impossible suggestion, then disconnected.

“Well, sugar, your hide's now worth ten thousand to me. We're going to find a nice, quiet spot so you can tell me why I shouldn't collect.”

He zipped off an exit, did a quick turnaround and headed back north.

Her mouth was dry. She wanted to believe it
was from shouting, but there was fear clawing at her throat. “Where are you going?”

“Just covering my tracks. They wouldn't get much of a trace on a cellular, but it doesn't hurt to be cautious.”

“You're taking me back?”

He didn't look at her, and didn't grin. Though the waver of nerves in her voice pleased him. If she was scared enough, she'd talk. “Ten thousand's a hefty incentive, sugar. Let's see if you can convince me you're worth more alive.”

He knew just what he was looking for. He trolled the secondary roads, skimming through the holiday traffic. He'd forgotten it was the Fourth of July weekend. Which was just as well, he thought, as it didn't look like there were going to be a lot of opportunities to kick back with that cold beer and watch any fireworks.

Unless they came from the woman beside him.

She was a firecracker, all right. She had to be afraid by now, but she was holding her own. He was grateful for that. There was nothing more irritating than a whiner. But scared or not, he was certain she'd try to take a chunk out of him at the first opportunity.

He didn't intend to give her one.

With any luck, once they were settled, he'd have the full story out of her within a couple hours.

Then maybe he'd help her out of her jam. For a fee, that is. It could be a small one because at this point he was ticked and figured he had a vested interest in dealing with whoever had set him on her.

Whoever it was, they'd gone to a great deal of trouble. But they hadn't picked their goons very well. He could figure the scam well enough. Once he captured his quarry and had her secured and in his car, the men in the van would have run them off the road. He'd have figured it to be the action of a competing bounty hunter, and though he wouldn't have given up his fee without a fight, he'd have been outnumbered and outgunned.

Skip tracers didn't go crying to the cops when a competitor snatched their bounty.

The goons might have let him off with a few bruises, maybe a minor concussion. But the way that mountain of a man had been waving his cannon in M.J.'s apartment, Jack thought it was far more likely that he'd have sported a brand-new hole in some vital part of his body.

Because the mountain had been an moron.

So at this point he was on the run with an angry
woman, a little over three hundred in cash and a quarter tank of gas.

He intended to know why.

He spotted what he was after north of Leesburg, Virginia. The tourists and holiday travelers, unless they were very down on their luck, would give a dilapidated dump like the Kountry Klub Motel a wide berth. But the low-slung building with the paint peeling on the green doors and the pitted parking lot met Jack's requirements perfectly.

He pulled to the farthest end of the lot, away from the huddle of rusted cars near the check-in, and cut the engine.

“Is this where you bring all your dates, Dakota?”

He smiled at her, a quick flash of teeth that was unexpectedly charming. “Only first class for you, sugar.”

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