Starstruck In Seattle (6 page)

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Authors: Juliet Madison

BOOK: Starstruck In Seattle
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A tingling sensation bubbled inside Anna's belly.

“Remember? I was singing that this morning?”

“Oh, I remember alright.” She turned to face him. “Because I woke up singing this song, too.”

“No way!” His eyes widened. “You're joking, right?”

She shook her head. “I swear on my caffeine-deficient soy hot chocolate.”

“In that case, I'm freaked out.”

“You and me both. I wonder what it means.” Anna didn't believe in coincidences, but her heart was confused at what this serendipitous event signified. What was it Lulu had written?

“You need to remain open and aware of ALL possibilities.”

possibilities. Was Charlie a possibility? They got along so well, but he only saw her as a friend, right?

“I think it means we need to keep dancing.” Charlie pulled her close and all his usual cheekiness faded. His chest rose and fell against hers, and they swayed together in their own kind of moondance. The soft skin of Charlie's cheek with just a hint of stubble rested against hers, and his breath whispered in her ear, “I'll miss you too.”

The tingles that had begun fizzing away inside at hearing the song intensified at Charlie's words, and she felt like telling him to stay. To forget about L.A. and stay put in Seattle. But that wouldn't be right. “You'll make it big in L.A., I know it. You're such a good actor, Charlie. That scene we did together in the corridor, the one that got cut. It was perfect.”

Charlie pulled back a little and looked straight into her eyes. “That's because I wasn't acting.”

She froze. Her eyes locked on his. Tried to look away but couldn't. The same certainty she'd felt in that dream when she'd pulled back from kissing her soulmate to find it was actually Charlie, surfaced in her heart.

He cradled her cheek in his hands and his lips approached hers, as
continued its sweet melody and the subtle breeze in the summer air tickled her skin.

This can't be right.

No. She couldn't let it happen.

Anna stepped away and took a shallow breath. “I'm sorry, I can't.”

He was her best friend.

And his name didn't begin with K.


Despite a long walk to the waterfront to clear her mind when she wasn't needed on set for a while, Anna's mind was only filled with more confusion. She'd kept her distance from Karl and Charlie these past couple of weeks, but with only a few days left of shooting she couldn't leave the show like this – unresolved emotions weighing her down and affecting those around her. She couldn't let personal matters interfere with her final days on set, and couldn't let what almost happened ruin her friendship with Charlie. She had to focus on work, let go, and let fate take its own course. How? Well that was another matter and would probably require another waterfront walk and a box of chocolates.

Anna breathed deeply and relaxed her shoulders, resisting the urge to hitch her handbag strap higher as the elevator delivered her to the third floor. The weekend would officially start in a few hours and she'd have a chance to ponder her next steps and look into potential roles to audition for. She'd tried calling her agent earlier to check on progress, but Jean would be in meetings till late. Oh well, the weekend would also be an opportunity to work through her thoughts and feelings before next week. Hopefully she could make sense of those recurring dreams she'd been having, too.

Through darkened vision, still adjusting to having been out in the rare sun for so long, Anna could see Karl flanked by curtains in one of the temporary set-ups being used as the emergency room, where his character's ex lay injured and clinging to life. This would lead to the couple reigniting their love once she recovered and would end the series on a happy note. Hmm. . .is that what it would take in real life for someone like Karl to commit to one woman? A life-threatening condition having him rush to her bedside in realization of his undying love? It should never have to come to that.

Anna tiptoed closer to the scene, glancing momentarily at Charlie who was having a deep conversation with the woman from the coffee stand. She was twirling her hair hypnotically, and damn her – it twirled perfectly! Hang on, was she
on Charlie? Although beautiful, she was clearly a good ten years older than him. Surely she wouldn't be his type? An unfamiliar twinge twisted inside and she shook her head. What did it matter? Charlie was leaving soon.

Anna's attention reverted to Karl, giving the performance of his life by his true love's bedside. The scene halted for a moment as someone squeezed eye drops into Karl's eyes, and the fake tears streamed down his face.

“Please wake up. Don't leave,” Dr. Harper whispered through quivering lips. “I need you. I want you back in my life – for good.” He stroked the hair tenderly around her face and clenched her limp hand. A camera zoomed in to the slight but definite movement of the actress's fingers. Dr. Harper looked at the hand wrapped in his and his eyes widened. He looked at his ex's face as her eyelids flickered, then slowly opened.

“Baby? Baby I'm here! It's going to be okay.” He stood and pressed the buzzer on the side of the bed, yelling, “She's awake, she's awake!”

“Cut!” Jake called. “Awesome work Karl. Let's take ten.” He took off his headset and expelled a big breath.

“There's no denying it, he didn't get cast in the lead role for nothing.” Anna woke from her trance and turned. Charlie had appeared by her side, holding a coffee. “You're not still holding out for him to change though, are you?”


“Because he's not going to. I know his type.”

Anna crossed her arms. “How do you know? He's still young, and it's hard for him being in the public eye. He might just need to time to work out what he wants.” At least, that's what she'd been trying to convince herself of.

“Anna, don't defend him.” Charlie raised his voice, which was more serious than she'd ever heard before. “He openly dates multiple women. Unless you're happy with that, you need to move on. You deserve someone who's going to shower you with undivided attention and love. Someone who respects and adores you.” His eyes stared unblinkingly into hers.

“That's all well and good, but every decent guy seems to be taken, gay, allergic to monogamy, or. . .or. . .moving away.” She turned her gaze to the floor.

Charlie sucked in a sharp breath. “If I was forced to choose one way or the other, I'd stay, Anna.” He lowered his voice to a whisper. “I'd choose you.”

He would?
Anna's heart somersaulted. She slowly raised her gaze to meet his, but by the time she did he'd turned away, tossing his empty cup into the trash and disappearing around the corner. Before she could process his words and the gymnastics tournament going on inside, a familiar spicy scent wafted nearby.

“Hey there, stranger.” Karl offered a small smile. “Do you have a minute?”

Considering she'd been waiting most of the day for a scene where she was needed, she said, “Do I look busy?” It came out a little more curtly than planned, and at Karl's stiffened expression she added, “Sorry, I've got a lot on my mind. I watched your scene just then, it was great.”

“Thanks, Anna,” he replied. “Listen. . . I've had a lot on my mind as well, what with the show ending and everything.” He clicked his fingers. “Oh, you heard I got that role in
Family Laws
, didn't you?”

She nodded.
Of course, he gets everything he wants.
“Congrats.” She forced a smile.

“Anyway, I was wondering if you could meet me tomorrow morning for coffee?”

What nerve!
“Karl, I don't think that's a good idea.”

“But I really need to talk to you. And here's not the right time or place,” he urged. “It's not a date, I just want to talk, that's all. Then if you never want to see me again that's fine. What do you say?”

She narrowed her eyes, trying to determine the nature of his motives, then sighed. “Alright. Just coffee.” Or in her case, hot chocolate.

He clapped his hands together. “Great! Ten a.m. at Mirus café. Do you know it? It has live music on Saturdays.”

“Um. . .the one up from Louis Vuitton, on University?”

He nodded. She'd never been there, it looked too expensive. Not that price stopped her from checking out Mr. Vuitton's handbag range occasionally.

“Ten a.m.,” she confirmed, and walked off toward the bathroom to try to compose her constantly un-composed self. She passed the coffee woman nibbling on her sparkly pink fingernails as though worried or confused.

Join the club, lady.


Anna pushed open the door of Mirus café the next morning, greeted by Karl's dashing grin at the far table.

“Hi.” He pulled out the chair for her and she sat, a steaming mug of froth tempting her on the table. “I took the liberty of ordering a soy hot chocolate. I know you like them.”

“Oh, thanks.” She scooped up the froth with a spoon and slid it into her mouth. She glanced around the cafe – it was small, but packed. There was another familiar face. Anna smiled toward the woman with sparkly eyes and long curly hair seated near the musician performing an acoustic number in the corner, tattoos covering most of his body like third-degree-burns. The woman smiled back, took a bite from her choc chip muffin, then rubbed her earlobe. That and the fingernail nibbling must be her version of the nervous-shoulder-strap-hitching. Maybe she was anxiously waiting a date? Maybe – no! Could she be waiting for. . .Charlie?

“So, have you lined up any work yet?” Karl asked, lifting his coffee mug to his lips.

“Not yet, I'm considering my options.” Anna returned her focus to Karl and sipped from her mug too. Wow, this was the best hot chocolate she'd tasted. She sensed a hint of cinnamon and a splash of vanilla, and it was deliciously smooth and creamy. Maybe she'd come here next time instead of Starbucks.

Karl leaned forward. “I'd like to ask you something.”

Anna's phone rang. “Oh, sorry. I'll turn it off.” She dug in her bag and retrieved the phone, but her finger hovered over the ‘decline' button when she saw it was Jean calling. Her agent never called on weekends, it could be important. But she might simply be returning her call from yesterday, rather than waiting till Monday. Still, it would be rude to answer. She pressed ‘decline' and turned the ringer volume to low. “Now, what did you want to ask me?”

“There're a few roles available on
Family Laws
if you're interested. I could put in a good word for you.”

Anna gulped down the hot chocolate she'd just sipped. A potential role on
Family Laws,
here in Seattle? Wow, this could be good. Though she'd have to work with Karl again, which had its pros and cons of course. “Really?”

“Yeah, they'll need some extras – secretaries, paralegals, for example.”

“Oh.” A bowling-ball heaviness weighted down Anna's stomach.


Not actresses.

She'd assumed he'd meant bigger roles.

“I'm reading the script. Great writing, awesome plot. You'll love it!”

It would be great to have work again so soon rather than risking her financial situation by holding out for something bigger, but for once she just wanted to have more than two lines to say; to utilize the acting skills she'd learned on
New Lives
and get to feel that
that Karl talked about. And maybe even be the one people stopped in the street for an autograph. Was that too much to ask? She was only young, but getting older in the eyes of the acting business, and if she wanted to aspire to new heights she'd have to start sooner rather than later.

“Thanks Karl, I'll mention it to my agent and see what other options she's found.”

“Okay, but I hope you'll carefully consider it. I'd miss not having you around on set.” He smiled, and for a moment Anna forgot about the make-up artist rubbing his arm, and his confession about dating other women. She was all consumed by his good looks, charm, and the memory of his kiss.

“There's something else I wanted to talk about,” he whispered. “I'm sorry I upset you. I really like you, Anna. And I want to try to make a go of things with you – and

Anna's heart lurched forwards. Was he really saying these words? These words she'd longed to hear?

“I know it's not something I'm experienced with, but I'm hoping you'll give me a chance. Life hasn't been as fun lately without you and I miss spending time together.” He took her hand and rubbed his thumb along her knuckles. She wanted to be strong and withdraw from his grasp, but she couldn't. His hypnotic touch glued her to the spot, his mesmerizing eyes pinned her down, and his sexy, whispering voice compelled her to succumb.

Anna glanced around the cafe, wondering if any reporters were here with their cameras at the ready behind their newspapers, hoping for a saleable scoop on Karl Drake's love life. She also wondered if the coffee woman had some sort of fungal ear infection with the frantic rubbing going on. Then she wondered what to do. She'd longed to be with Karl, but more than this she longed to be someone's leading lady, not someone's extra. Would he really be able to grant her that role?

What if he can't live up to his promise?

The words Charlie had spoken suddenly popped into her mind.

“If I was forced to choose one way or the other, I'd stay, Anna. I'd choose you.”

Would Karl stay, even if his job required him to move away? Would he stay for her, choose her?

More importantly, who would
stay for? Who would

Your soulmate will bring the best out in you.

True love will make you feel like the best version of yourself is shining bright.

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