Stavewood (Stavewood Saga Book 1) (29 page)

BOOK: Stavewood (Stavewood Saga Book 1)
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Chapter Fifty-Four



nside the shop she was like a child, pointing at the rings and commenting at each one. The jeweler, taken by her exceptional beauty and engaging enthusiasm, pulled out his sizing tools eagerly to measure her finger.

      He frowned and cleared his throat. Unable to break the news to the girl, he looked up at Elgerson.

      “I’m afraid I have a limited collection in the Miss’ size, sir.”

      Rebecca, having not laid eyes on a ring she liked, smiled to get his attention.

      “There is a ring here, I just know it, sir,” she stated confidently. “Could you show me what you do have?”

      “I do have a very petite ring, but only the one.” The clerk frowned earnestly.

      “I only came to purchase one,” Rebecca replied softly.

      The jeweler hurried to the back of the shop, disappointed that the one ring he had was not the new and lavish piece he was sure Timothy could easily afford for the petite bride. The ring was only an old estate piece he had just purchased on a recent trip overseas and he was sure it would not be to the girl’s liking.

      “We’ll wait and look at the ring, Rebecca, but I have no problem going on to St. Paul. We can marry there tomorrow just as well.” Timothy watched her eagerly awaiting the return of the salesman, and braced himself for her eventual disappointment.

      The jeweler took a moment to clean and polish the piece, and was astounded to discover that, once taken from its surroundings among costume pieces, the ring was quite unusual.

      “No,” she whispered calmly. “Trust me Timothy. If this is to be, the ring is here.”

      The big man stood behind her and adjusted his stiff dress collar, uncomfortable with her declaration.

      The clerk returned, somewhat flustered, and handed the tiny wooden box to Elgerson.

      Timothy opened the box slowly as Rebecca stood on her tiptoes and peered inside. She held her breath as the big man pulled the delicate ring from the box and placed it in her palm.

      The ring featured a warm gold setting, sweeping in two lacy swirls of tiny diamonds, enclosing a perfect oval emerald, the exact shade of the enchanting eyes of the beautiful bride-to-be.

      Timothy was astounded. Where he had expected to purchase a massive diamond to encumber Rebecca’s tiny hand, instead, miraculously, the only one that would fit her was perfect indeed.

      She gazed into his eyes and smiled, “This is my ring.”


      Rebecca browsed the shop, and soon found a man’s ring, quite heavy, and set with two emeralds of the same shade. It fit Timothy perfectly and looked quite elegant on his fine, broad hand.

      As they stepped out into the street, he turned her to him, overcome with questions and looked into her eyes.

      “How did you know that he had your ring? It’s perfect, Rebecca. I would have chosen it for you myself had I not thought you’d prefer something much larger.”

      “I don’t know, maybe it was what you said about Stavewood and the window cracking. It just seemed that it was meant to be.”

      He stared into her deep green eyes and agreed that it indeed was meant to be.


      “Timothy and Rebecca! What a stunning pair you make!”

      They looked up to see the elderly couple Rebecca had met at Timothy’s party, and were a bit flustered at having been caught in their public display of affection.

      “How wonderful to see you both!” Rebecca took the woman’s hand and smiled sweetly at the gentleman. “I must admit my shame. I met you both at the party and was so rude to have never gotten your names. Please forgive me!”

      The woman was strikingly attractive, and smartly dressed, her silvering hair upswept into a stylish hat. The gentleman was nearly as tall as Timothy, with a rugged and stately manner.

      The couple laughed, admitting that they had never been properly introduced, and the gentleman turned to Timothy, instructing him to do so now.

      “Rebecca Fagan, may I introduce Phillip and Isabel Elgerson, my parents.” Timothy bowed as Rebecca gasped loudly.

      “Oh, heavens! Please forgive me, I had no idea!” Rebecca was obviously flustered and thrilled.

      “Rebecca and I are to be married,” Timothy announced.

      “So we heard, so nice of you to have told us,” his mother scolded.

      “Today,” he continued.

      “Today?” The Elgersons looked at each other and smiled at the surprise.

      “We’ll be having a ceremony in the future, but today we are eloping. Is that what you called it, Rebecca?” Timothy turned to her and smiled broadly.

      “Oh, please come with us!” Rebecca pleaded, her intentions genuine.

      “Is it traditional, dear, to have the groom’s family present when one elopes, Isabel?” Timothy’s father turned to his wife.

      “Since when has Timothy, or you for that matter, ever done anything traditionally?”

      Rebecca laughed with delight, her wedding day becoming more perfect.

      “You have, of course, bought this dear girl a ring, Timothy?” Isabel asked.

      “The most astonishing ring, as a matter of fact!” Timothy boasted.

      “Then I believe we ought to wait to eat, Isabel, and attend our son’s wedding first!” Phillip announced, as Rebecca and Isabel whispered in appreciation over the emerald ring. He gathered Isabel’s hand, placing it in the crook of his arm.

      The woman pulled her husband aside and they slipped into a florist’s briefly, reappearing excitedly with a large bouquet of white flowers.


      In the private office of the magistrate, Rebecca repeated her vows in a sweet clear voice as Timothy smiled and looked into her eyes. She studied his firm, strong face and contemplated his resolute, muscular jaw line as he watched her solemnly. She hesitated, looking away once, for a moment, his want-ad appearing in her mind. She marveled at how many places she had been and all that she had been through to be where she was standing right now.

      Isabel Elgerson smiled at her with quiet understanding as Rebecca looked back to Timothy and continued, “I do.”

      Timothy Elgerson stated his vows, unwavering as he gazed into her clear emerald eyes, her beautiful face flawless with serious composure. He knew that every moment of his life he had looked for her loving gaze and he swallowed hard before responding in his deep resounding voice, “I do.”



Chapter Fifty-Five



elegant dining room was warm with candlelight and the hearty congratulations of friends and acquaintances, as a steady stream of patrons recognized the couples and stopped by their table to say hello.

      “Timothy, you really should consider the cottage!” Isabel exclaimed as she and Phillip treated their son and his new bride to a lavish dinner.

      “She just spent months redecorating the place, Tim. I have to say myself that it would make a rather nice place to honeymoon,” Phillip admitted.

      “I suppose I should let my wife decide.” Timothy smiled broadly to Rebecca. “I had hoped to be back at Stavewood tonight, but at this hour we may be staying in town as it is. What do you think, Rebecca?”

      “Oh, please do!” Isabel urged. “You’ll have all the privacy you please,” she smiled knowingly at her son. “It’s so cozy and since we have had no chance to get to know you we could spend some time together.”

      “Mother, it seems to me that, if you want us there so that you can get to know Rebecca better, there won’t be much privacy at all.” Timothy sipped his wine, raising an eyebrow towards his father.

      “That is so kind of you. I don’t know what to say.” Rebecca looked at the friendly faces surrounding the table. She felt warm and relaxed and sat studying her wedding ring thoughtfully. The wine was leaving her with a deep glowing feeling and she didn’t really want to make a decision in either direction.

      “You’ll have plenty of time at Stavewood once the snow flies,” Isabel continued her persuasion. “Bring her, Timothy. We would enjoy it so much!”

      Timothy looked concerned. “There are other things we have to consider, Mother. Rebecca ran into some problems on her journey and I have some men watching Stavewood, there is a situation I think you should be aware of.”

      Phillip removed his napkin from his lap and placed it on the table.

      “We heard some things, Tim,” he studied his son’s face seriously. “I can assure you that if you are in any way concerned, I can put a few of the men around the cottage during your visit. We’ll be right there at the main house ourselves should either of you need anything. You know our place is not nearly as isolated as Stavewood. It might be safer in fact.”

      “Rebecca,” Timothy turned to his bride, watching her eyes. “I think it might be a better idea than staying in town tonight. And, since Mother seems so determined, how would you feel about staying at the cottage for a night or two, then we’ll go home?”

      “It might be fun,” Rebecca smiled. She was unsure how disappointed Timothy might be over not returning to Stavewood. She knew she was a bit disappointed herself.

      “Then it’s decided!” Isabel exclaimed.


      Timothy gathered her beside him in the furs, as the carriage turned towards his childhood home, and Rebecca giggled.

      “What has you so amused, Mrs. Elgerson?” He watched her face, her cheeks flushed and rosy.

      “I’m not sure. The wine perhaps?” Rebecca giggled again.

      “Ah!” Timothy smiled. “Well then, my dear, I can hardly wait until we reach our destination.”

      “And why would that be?” Rebecca snuggled into his sturdy chest.

       “Because, Rebecca, if you are drunk it will be easier to have my way with you.” Timothy felt the excitement of his approaching honeymoon as his beautiful bride’s delicate hand slid provocatively along his thigh.

      “How far a ride is it?” she asked teasingly.

      “A fair ride, I expect. Why do you ask?” he examined her face suspiciously as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

      Rebecca kissed him passionately and Timothy displayed no resistance as she slipped her slender hand inside of his jacket, stroking his chest boldly through his shirt.

      She began unbuttoning him slowly as he reached to secure the curtains in the enclosed carriage.

      He found her kisses along his chest maddening, and, as she placed her hand unashamedly over the hard ridge against his thigh, Rebecca felt him stiffen from her touch. Having never approached a man so shamelessly, she hesitated for a moment, before moving her fingers slowly and firmly along him and it was clear he was not offended by her boldness.

      He turned her to face him as his excitement built and Rebecca’s desire for him matched his own.  He unfastened her bodice, fondling her warm breasts above her corset, his touch sending spasms of excitement through her.

      Rebecca, unbridled in her curiosity, slid her slender leg across his thigh, straddled his knees, and unbuttoned his trousers. As he pulled her towards him in his desire, she placed a gentle hand against his chest, holding him in check. She found that part of him that she wanted to know more intimately and grasped him firmly. He swallowed hard, watching her face, fighting to concentrate, the warmth of her hand consuming him with desire.

      Rebecca gasped softly in surprise as she felt his stiff firmness in her hand, more exciting than she ever imagined and explored the length of him with her fingertips.

      “Rebecca,” he groaned.

      “Do you mind?” she asked softly. “I just wondered.”

      He watched her face, fighting for control and swallowed hard.

      “What do you want to know?” His breathing was hoarse and labored.

      “What you feel like,” she panted softly.

      “And?” He closed his eyes and moaned deeply.

      “Very nice,” she whispered slowly and her grip tightened.

      He pulled her to him, kissing her fiercely. Her touch was unbearably seductive.

      He placed his fingertips on her hand, his self-control becoming impossible. His breathing halted. Rebecca slipped brazenly from her lacy bloomers and sat across his lap.

    He lifted her onto him and she arched her back in sudden ecstasy and moaned, her head tilting back and her lips parting in a soft moan of pleasure. Captured in her passion, she looked into his eyes, fierce with desire for him, and he surrendered in release to her unmistakable sensuality.

      “I ought to give you wine more often, Madam,” he sighed and gazed into her eyes, consumed with love for her.

      Suddenly, a bit embarrassed at her boldness, she blushed and buttoned her bodice carefully.

      “You’re blushing, Rebecca. Why?”

      “I was overcome, I suppose,” she whispered. “I just wondered what it would be like to touch you. I never have, and I was curious.”

      “Rebecca,” he lifted her chin with is finger gently, looking into her eyes. “You are my wife. I would hope you would do anything you’d like. Don’t be afraid, Rebecca. There is nothing you could ever do in our lovemaking that you should ever be embarrassed about. I certainly am not.” He smiled devilishly. “As far as I’m concerned, you are welcome to be curious like that any time you like.”

      The young bride blushed again, and Timothy chuckled.

      “I’m not sure exactly how far we are from my family home, but I guarantee that if we arrive in such a state you may have much more to blush about.”

      He set Rebecca on the seat beside him. He gathered himself, watching her beside him trying to dress, flustered and self-conscious, and Timothy shook his head.

      “I think in the future there might be a few more things you could be curious about.”

      She scowled at him, smiling, and smoothed her skirt carefully.

      He studied her flustered face, wondering what kind of a marriage she must have had to be so anxious about her natural curiosity.

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